Against this fierce current, Gao Hai moved forward bit by bit, but he caught a glimpse of something around him from the corner of his eyes.

That's... a fireman?

A figure in firefighting uniforms slowly walked towards the depths of the large slide.

The fierce current seemed to have no effect on the actions of those people, and the steep slope did not cause any trouble to their progress. The figures in the rolling torrent had reached deeper into the large slide and disappeared from Gao Hai's sight.

During the flood, did any firefighters and rescue teams enter the inside of the large slide?

According to the rescue team rules, the rescue teams that came back from the big slide are not trustworthy. In other words, all the rescue teams that crossed the big slide were not able to leave alive. What weird force caused them to stay?

Gao Hai really wanted to stop and question Susan behind him, ask this person who seemed to know some inside information, and wanted to know if she knew some important information.

But now is really not a good time. Compared with information, it is better to escape from this dangerous area as soon as possible, at least reach the [Plain] area first.


The water is still becoming more rapid.

And Gao Hai just moved forward step by step against the torrent, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters... little by little he began to approach the space above.

Just keep this rhythm...

Thinking like this, Gao Hai suddenly began to feel the rope in his hand shaking slightly.

The movement was very inconspicuous. With Gao Hai resisting the erosion of the water with all his strength, it was really difficult to notice this subtle change.

But after he noticed it, Gao Hai understood that he had to take action immediately.

"The rope is shaking, stop holding on to the rope!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Gao Hai suddenly let go of the hand holding the rope. While shouting loudly to remind Susan behind him, he took out the one he had pulled out before and used once when climbing up the cliff. He smashed the big iron nail down hard and penetrated the rock to stabilize his body and stay in place.

Whether Susan behind him had loosened the rope or not was not something Gao Hai had time to pay attention to now.

He just bent down, lowered his center of gravity as much as possible to stabilize his body, and turned his head sideways to look at the rope beside him.

It's shaking.

Shaking gently.

It gradually became more violent, shaking continuously.

In Gao Hai's eyes, the rope that just didn't move no matter how hard he grasped it, was now swaying gently.

It's like someone is grabbing the rope and climbing up the rope.

It's like there are many people pulling on the rope and crawling upward together as hard as they can.

Then, Gao Hai saw a hand.

A pale hand grasping the rope firmly, close at hand.

A swollen figure just grabbed the rope and moved upward slowly in silence.

After this figure, there were more bloated, rotten and smelly figures wearing tourist clothes, just like this one after another, pulling on the rope together, and moving slowly upward together.

Gao Hai looked forward and saw a bloated firefighter blocking the front of these tourists, leading them to move slowly.

Crunch - crunch -

The rope was shaking more and more.

More and more "people" are grabbing the rope.

Emerging from the water, appearing from nowhere, those long dead and rotting figures appeared at this moment and grabbed the rope at this moment.

The rope trembled as if screaming.

It was at this time that Gao Hai heard the roar from above.


In the rushing water, the rope broke silently.

Those who grasped the rope tightly and wanted to escape from this hell, those things that had been rotting for a long time, fell together into the depths of the cave, and were hit by the fierce current and fell into the muddy water.

However, these are just illusions.

Gao Hai, who stood motionless on the spot, was passed by those things several times, and even penetrated completely.

But he didn't feel anything, at most he just felt a little cold.

Perhaps only those who continue to hold on to the rope when these things appear can access them, otherwise these things are incorporeal?

Gao Hai, who was thinking like this, followed the disappearing figure and fell into the rope below.

He saw it.

The rope was cut.

With the excellent dynamic vision brought by the blessing, Gao Hai was very sure that someone had cut the rope.

While the survivors were trying their best to escape, someone cut the rope above, cutting off these people's path to survival.


Just a blink of an eye.

Gao Hai saw the rope appear again, as strong as ever, motionless in the torrent, with no feeling of being washed away by the current.

"Gao, Gaojun, what were those just now..."

Qianhua, who didn't expect to see such a scene, murmured in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, let's move on."

Gao Hai just took a deep breath, pulled out the iron nail, then grabbed the rope again, and continued the arduous climb.

Chapter 46: A record and a person from the past

[Interview record number 6073]

[Interviewee: Howard Smith]

[Recorded during the official blockade of the Red Nut Ash Cave]

[Interviewer: Hello, Mr. Smith. According to the information we have, before the Red Nut Ash Cave was completely blocked, you and your team were the last to enter and exit that place, and blew up the entrance to block it. Am I right? ]

[Smith: Since you know it was me, why are you asking? ]

[Interviewer: Please correct your attitude, Mr. Smith. We asked you to come here to cooperate with our investigation. I think you should be very clear about what measures we will take if you are unwilling to cooperate]

[Smith: Just like you left that hellhole alone until something happened and you couldn't cover it up? ]

[Interviewer: Do you need me to help you recall your life in prison for the past two days? ]

[Smith: ...]

[Interviewer: Very good, let's get back to the point. For a long time before, the Red Nut Ash Cave had, um... some small problems, and your people have always been responsible for solving these problems. What we want to know is, do you know how all this turned into that accident? Although it was indeed a once-in-a-century torrential rain, according to what we know, the Red Nut Ash Cave was actually flooded more than once in the rainstorm, but it was not flooded again because the entrance was blocked after the tourist park was built.]

[Smith: I don’t know the answer to this question]

[Interviewer: Sir, I hope you can take our questions seriously]

[Smith: Do I look like an expert in studying mysterious phenomena? How do I know why that damn place inexplicably put tourists under the big slide, why a wall was built to block people from passing, but the wall inexplicably collapsed. I was just a person who was pulled here to clean up the mess. If I knew what was going on, I wouldn’t be sitting here. But if you really want me to say it, I guess it’s because it’s “full”]

[Interviewer: Full? ]

[Smith: Yes, full. Do you know how many people are trapped under there? I went in three times. The third time, I entered the "vessels". I passed through that area and arrived at the large space. Then I saw countless pieces of clothes piled on the ground.]

[Interviewer: Clothes? You mean I only saw clothes and no people?]

[Smith: That's right. One piece after another of clothes, men's, women's, and children's clothes. There were clothes for everyone, just like those casual clothes for tourists who came to visit. The whole cave was piled up everywhere. I can be sure that no one has come in except me. I can see from the traces in the "vessels" that no one has climbed that cave for many years before me, but now it is full of clothes, and all the people wearing clothes are gone. I don't know where they went, but I always feel that they are not completely gone. They are actually still in the cave, but I can't see them.]

[Interviewer: So, you think that the cave is full of people and can't hold any more, so the accident happened? ]

[Smith: That is the only explanation I can think of. The rainstorm was not normal. All weather forecast systems missed it. And the area it covered was only the city, and only the place where the damn cave was. Do you believe this is a coincidence? I don’t think so anyway.]

[Interviewer: Very good. Then the next question is, which areas did you enter during the rescue operation? We need to understand your process.]

[Smith: The entrance, the stone forest road, the plain, and the big square, there are only four places. We only searched for survivors in these four places. We took out everyone who could still remember their names and identities. But in the end, we found that only the "explorers" and "tourists" could be saved. No, in fact, basically only the "explorers" could be saved. Although I don't quite understand why there are explorers in there, they are indeed trapped inside, and we can rescue them. In contrast, most of the tourists can't be taken out of the cave.]

[Interviewer: How do you know that those people are not saved?]

[Smith: You can find out this question by looking through the rules and action records we have summarized. Those people can't be taken out. Even if we take them to the entrance, we will only have one set of clothes in our hands after we go out. They have been left inside, and it is impossible for them to get out again. Even if they are rescued, they are just a phantom.]

[Interviewer: You didn't go into the big slide, why? You have clearly gone deep into it many times in previous rescue operations and got out safely. Why didn't you go in this time?]

[Smith: ...The flood has submerged the big cliff. Because the big slide is a slope, the water flow is very turbulent. It is too dangerous to go down. Moreover, the situation in the cave has obviously changed at that time. We must abide by the rules. Rash actions will only lead to unnecessary sacrifices.]

[Interviewer: In other words, you judged that the people under the big slide are not saved, right? ]

[Smith: Even if there were still people alive inside, they were actually hopeless. Except for the first two groups of people who left, the people behind could never climb up again]

[Interviewer: Why? ]

[Smith: I cut the safety rope of the big slide. It is impossible for someone without professional training to climb a 30-degree slope against the water flow]

[Interviewer: You cut the safety rope? Why? Is there any benefit for you to do so? ]

[Smith: Because I saw something else climbing up along the rope]

[Interviewer: Something else? ]

[Smith: ...]

[Interviewer: Mr. Smith? I hope you can describe what you know in a detailed and intuitive way]

[Smith: ... You won't understand if you don't see those things with your own eyes]

[Interviewer: Mr. Smith? ]

[Smith: I saw those who were still alive. They were holding the rope and climbing up desperately. They are the people who can still be saved. As long as they climb up, we can take them out and take them away from that hellhole. But those things are following them. They... also want to get out. They are following those people. There are still many people who have not been rescued in the plains and the big square. If those things come up, maybe others can't be rescued. I had to make a choice. I was the captain. I couldn't let my good boys do this. This could only be done by me, so I cut the rope and didn't give those things a chance to come up.]

[Interviewer: So what are those things?]

[Smith: That's all I have to say. I've had enough of this. That place has nothing to do with us who survived. What you want to find in it is your business, but believe me, you won't find anything in it except death and despair. Treating that place with arrogance and self-righteousness will not end well.]

[Interviewer: I don't think so, but at least you are willing to cooperate with us to complete a normal interview this time. Thank you.]

[Smith: Haha...]

[Interviewer: Finally, I have another question. In that rescue operation, in addition to the fire brigade rescue team, I remember that there were also some people with adventure experience who participated in the rescue operation. Do you know the situation of those people? ]

[Smith: You should ask the FBI about this question, not someone you have locked up in a cell for half a year]

[Interviewer: It's 5 months and 22 days, less than half a year, Mr. Smith]

[Smith: Haha...]

[End of recording]

In the dark bedroom, two of the four beds were occupied by researchers played by Wei Yi, who remained motionless at this moment, as if they had become corpses. No, they were originally corpses, and this should be considered as returning to their original state.

Shijo Shinki was still thinking about the interview transcript that she had just read through, which was brought out from the archives area.

Howard Smith.

This man seemed to be a firefighter, and he had been responsible for solving and covering up the problems in the Red Nut Ash Cave and rescuing those trapped in it for quite some time after the abnormality occurred. It seemed that in the disaster when the flood submerged the Red Nut Ash Cave, it was this man who organized the rescue and was caught by the official after everything subsided.

Combined with the information provided by Gao Hai, Zhen Fei has basically figured out what happened in this copy in the past and understood the basic timeline of all this.

However, there are still some details that have not been answered, and the situation of this research base itself is still full of mysteries. For example... What exactly is the [God] that this base is pursuing? In the world of ghost stories, do gods really exist? If so, will gods allow ghost stories to harm the world?

Many mysteries are turning around in my heart, but I can't find anyone to share the answers with. It's lights out now, Kaguya is lying on another bed, and she and Kaguya don't have a team voice like Gao Hai, so now Zhen Fei can only keep quiet and continue to lie on the bed.

Hai Jun still doesn't accept the communication. He should still be in a very dangerous situation. He said before that he was going to pass through the [blood vessel], which is probably one of the most dangerous areas of the Red Nut Gray Cave. Maybe he hasn't escaped until now.

Don't be in trouble...

Zhen Fei, who was very uneasy, prayed silently in her heart.

At the same time, Gao Hai was slowly falling down, and fell on...Fujiwara Chika's chest.

"Hey, hey, hey?"

Fujiwara Chika, who was also weak, widened her eyes and her face immediately turned red, but after hesitating for a while, she did not remind Gao Hai of the current situation, but let him lie on her chest like this.

Although Chika didn't say anything, Gao Hai quickly realized what he was doing, struggled to prop himself up and sat up again, and then fell next to Chika.

The place where the two were lying now was in the red nut ash cave during the flood where the rescue team was located, the only place that would not be flooded and no water dripped down.

It seems that because of the intersection of various regular areas, as long as you don't wear security uniforms to enter the booth, this place can be used as a temporary safe area, you can rest here, or temporarily take off the clothes related to your identity. But the premise is not to open the door, if you don't wear the right clothes when opening the door, there will probably be problems.

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