It was a voice coming from across the rock wall, extremely dull and coming towards me.

[Hold on!]

[Don't give up!]

[We will definitely save you!]

In the darkness, someone was behind me, in a place I couldn't see, shouting to me over and over again.

No, that's not right, it's not right at all...

That's not me.

The person in that picture, in that scene, is not me.

Who is it?

Who is there?

[Don't give up, Andres!]

[Hold on for a little longer, we will save you, hold on, please, hold on]

[We will definitely succeed this time, don't give up, let's try again, let's try again, okay?]

Where and when did that happen?


Is that person's name Andres?

What did he do, why did he see and feel such a scene, it was like, it was like...

"Gao Jun, are you okay!"

Fujiwara Chika's worried little face enlarged in front of Gao Hai.

Their cheeks were almost touching, and they were within a kissing distance if they took a step forward.

If it was normal, Fujiwara Chika would never do such a thing to a person of the opposite sex, especially one she had only known for a day. But at this moment, facing Gao Hai, a comrade who had experienced many life and death situations, the girl had completely ignored her shame and tightly grasped his shoulders, almost throwing Gao Hai to the ground on the spot.

"Don't do that, I'll think you're going to confess to me."

Gao Hai blinked, regained consciousness, and spoke with a slightly teasing tone.

He already knew what happened to him just now.

Core obsession.

The second copy of the core obsession.

While passing through the [blood vessels], he must have come into contact with the second core obsession in the red nut gray cave.

Although he didn't know why he couldn't remember the process of contact, that contact still had some kind of impact on him, causing him to be added with another identity on the basis of his original [acting] identity, an identity that could be directly identified by the weirdness without the need for clothes and language to act. That's why the firefighter would not let go of him, because in the eyes of that thing, he only had one identity.

That identity was... the original event that was the source of all the supernatural events during the Red Nut Gray Cave's operation, before the supernatural events began, the identity of the original trapped person.


That person's name was Andres.

At this moment, Gao Hai knew the name of the second core obsession before his death.

However, unlike the little girl Li Zhaodi in the first game, Andres' name did not seem to attract attention, and would not attract him to the core obsession. That weirdness seemed to have fallen asleep. Even though Gao Hai already knew so many things about it, and even knew what it was called, it still did not pay any attention to it, let alone cast any curse on Gao Hai.

In that case, this guy is quite kind?

Gao Hai did not expect that one day he would use the word "kind" to describe a core obsession, a terrifying weird thing equivalent to the big boss of a copy.

"I'm fine. It's time to act. Now is not the time to waste time. Are you sure?"

Takahashi took a deep breath, put his hand on Fujiwara Chika's shoulder, and asked her seriously.

"I promise to complete the mission!"

Fujiwara Chika's expression suddenly became serious, and she stood up and said to Gaohashi seriously.

Takahashi had told Chikashi all the key points. At this time, in the world of Zhenfei, the explorers who explored the cave were on their way back and would soon reach the entrance.

And then Fujiwara Chika had to put on the explorer's clothes after the explorers returned to the base and completed the inspection in the isolation area, replacing the original three members, and also carrying three security clothes to ensure that after Kaguya and Zhenfei came up, the three of them could complete the change of clothes as quickly as possible and then teleport to the security timeline.

The person who sent the clothes could not be Gaohashi or the rescue team, because he had already been watched, and the rescue team was his obsession, and would also be stared at by the woman in white skirt who blocked the door and the spring. Once they entered the base, the ending would most likely be GG.

The knocking outside the door has stopped.

When the people in the house ignored the knocking, the firefighter did not persist. In a sense, this seems to indicate that even if Gao Hai and others do not act as security guards, the weirdness of knocking on the door will still be restricted by the rules, that is, the rule that [the thing knocking on the door of the sentry box will give up after a period of time when the people in the house ignore it].

Fujiwara Chika took off the explorer's clothes and put on the explorer's clothes.

After several changes of clothes before, the girl is now more or less accustomed to changing clothes in front of Gao Hai. Although she is still shy, her body movements are no longer awkward.

By the way, when the girl changed clothes, Gao Hai temporarily canceled the call for the rescue team. Well, how should I put it, although I know that thing is no longer Lao Guo in essence, and it is not a person, and will not produce desire, but if the other party is present, Gao Hai always feels a little uncomfortable.

Well, does this mean that I don't want other men to see Fujiwara Chika changing clothes?

This statement... doesn't it mean that I have a strong desire to possess this girl?

Gao Hai fell into deep thought.

The girl standing opposite him had already changed her clothes and disappeared directly in front of Gao Hai.

After that, he had no way to see the other party's actions, and could only understand the general situation based on the information sent back by Zhenfei.


Gao Hai let out a long breath and sat down against the wall. He sent a message to Zhenfei through the link to let her know that Chika had gone to her, and then began to wait silently.

Will things go smoothly?

Gao Hai had to admit that he was a little nervous.

Although Chika was a very reliable teammate along the way, Gao Hai was really worried that the other party had to act alone for a while, and in the dangerous place where he died in the first round. He couldn't calm down.

One minute, two minutes...

Gao Hai sat there silently waiting, tapping the floor with his fingers, closing his eyes and breathing peacefully.

Five minutes, six minutes...

The frequency of the finger tapping increased slightly, and Gao Hai's brows also frowned.

Sixteen minutes, seventeen minutes...

Gao Hai opened his eyes and looked at the empty booth with only himself, and a little anxiety gradually emerged in his heart.

But in the end, at the 19th minute, he received a message from Zhen Fei.

{My aunt and I have reunited with Fujiwara, and we are now staying in a small room in the staff lounge. Next, we will change into security uniforms together. It is expected to be completed in two minutes. Haijun, how is your situation? }

Zhen Fei's voice is no different from usual, still as calm and straightforward.

{I know, I'm ready here. Let me know when you are about to put on your clothes. We will try to keep in sync and enter at the same time}

Gao Hai replied immediately, stood up, and summoned the rescue team again, asking them to quickly put on their security uniforms. He also began to put on the security clothes that had been prepared on the side.

Based on the experience of the first round and the words of Susan Lixer and the others, it can be confirmed that no matter where you put on the security uniform, you will be teleported to the location of the guardhouse, to the guardhouse in the timeline where the security guard was on duty at the big slide.

So next, it all depends on this moment.

{Basically dressed, only the zipper of the clothes has not been zipped up, Haijun, 3 seconds countdown}

The message from Zhenfei came again.

And Gao Hai had already prepared with the other party, and completed the last three seconds countdown at this moment.


Everything around changed in an instant.

The guardhouse became much newer in an instant. Zhenfei, Kaguya and Chika, the three girls stood beside Gao Hai, and the rescue team member stood in front of him, looking at the dilapidated corpse in the security uniform sitting on the bed in the guardhouse.

Although the security guard was already deformed and horrible as if his whole body was crushed, the organ [face] basically did not exist. But at this moment, when five security guards suddenly descended on the booth and crowded the small place, he still felt that this thing seemed to be a little confused for a while.

Chapter 50: Girls with love brains and when they wake up from dreams

"Haijun, why are there so many injuries on your body? Are you really okay?"

Mahi's eyes were fixed on Gao Hai, and she asked in a worried tone.

"So I'm really okay, okay, now is not the time to care about this kind of problem, hurry out and talk about it."

Gao Hai just waved his hand and said casually, and then continued to move forward.

Kaguya on the side just watched the interaction between Gao Hai and Mahi silently, then turned her head to look forward, and continued to move forward.

As for Fujiwara Chika, she followed Gao Hai's side, and she and Mahi sandwiched Gao Hai in the middle with one on the left and one on the right. Although she didn't say anything at this time, the girl's eyes kept sweeping back and forth between Gao Hai and Mahi, and seemed to be making judgments secretly.

It can be seen that the relationship between these two people is indeed very good.

The kind of care and concern from the heart can be seen at a glance. This girl named Shijo Maki really likes Gao Hai, and Gao Hai also responds to her very skillfully and naturally. It is obvious that he also likes her.

I just felt in love, and then I broke up.

Sure enough, it would be very uncomfortable.

Fujiwara Chika couldn't help but have such thoughts in her heart, and she sighed slightly.

What she didn't notice was that although Shijo Maki seemed to be talking and chatting with Gao Hai, her attention was actually always on her side, and she was always paying attention to Fujiwara Chika's every move. It can be said that she paid 100% attention.

Long pink hair.

Her cheeks are slightly fleshy, which is a very lethal type for men.

The expression on her face is a little bit innocent, and she follows like a little animal. No matter how you look at it, Haijun has no resistance to this guy.

And her butt is quite big, um, but her breasts are not much different from mine, just a little bigger than mine. From this point of view, at least there is not much difference in figure, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Mahi was thinking and thinking, unconsciously clenching her fists, and then slowly letting go.

At least now, Haijun didn't seem to have any thoughts about this girl, but that guy seemed to be completely fascinated by Haijun. I don't understand, this guy is so perverted, how can he get a girl from Shuchiin in such a short time. According to Kaguya, this Fujiwara Chika is the daughter of a politician, shouldn't she be more cautious in terms of feelings? How can she be fascinated by a man so casually?

Shijo Mahi completely forgot how she was easily taken care of by Gao Hai in Shirakawa Apartment. Of course, even if she recalled it, she would definitely not admit that she was taken care of, there is no doubt about that.

"To be honest, I still think we don't need to choose this method. My classmate Zhenfei and I have found a lot of useful clues. If we continue to investigate, we should be able to gain more. I think there is a chance to achieve a perfect clearance, take away the core obsession, or even break the obsession and destroy the copy."

Kaguya was not bound by these distracting thoughts, but frowned and looked at Gao Hai and asked.

After successfully conquering Shirakawa Apartment and successfully searching for a lot of intelligence information when she was in the research base, it was a bit of a pity for Kaguya to give up these things now.

"Yes, there is a chance, but how many times do you think we need to start over to find this opportunity? Don't forget that I am the one who paid the price after the mistake, and the situation of this copy is too complicated. It took us a lot of time and energy just to figure out the approximate timeline of the formation process of this copy, not to mention that there are two different core obsessions in this copy. You don't think you can successfully find a way to break it in one go?"

But Gao Hai just glanced at Kaguya and answered bluntly.

"If you want to obtain the core obsession, if you want to crack the dungeon to get the blessing, these can be achieved through those already completed dusk-level dungeons. But the difficulty of this dungeon is no longer something that can be passed by "trying hard". The number of times I can start over is limited after all. What should we do if we have to start over five or six times or even use up all the times for this dungeon? Even if this dungeon can be passed, what should we do for the next dungeon?"

Despite having the powerful existence of the black watch, Gao Hai never felt that he would have to be domineering and handsome from now on. He knew very well that this strange watch was giving him a chance to start over, while also pulling him step by step into the abyss of death. And most of the extraordinary powers given to him by the watch also require him to start over.

It is far from the time to confidently conquer this difficult dungeon that even old players dare not easily set foot in.

The correct approach should be to choose those fixed dusk-level dungeons with lower difficulty and less complexity, crack the core obsession in them, continuously obtain powerful blessings with basically no side effects, and absorb the obsession residues in them to increase the watch's recovery value, and absorb more firewood to form a virtuous cycle. In this way, you can accumulate step by step for a while, and when you have mastered the magic skills, it is the best time to challenge higher.

It is very irrational to choose the highest difficulty regardless of the consequences because there are more trial and error opportunities. In the final analysis, this watch is not the Fengling Yueying system, and it cannot directly turn Gao Hai into an emperor invincible in the world. Therefore, after Gao Hai confirmed the way to pass the level normally, he gave up the way to pass the level perfectly without any hesitation.

"... That's right, I'm sorry I didn't think it through."

Shinomiya Kaguya obviously thought of this, but it was a bit regretful to give up the clues before, so after Gao Hai talked about it, she quickly understood the current situation and bowed her head to apologize to Gao Hai very straightforwardly.

My vision is still not long-term enough, and I am still not calm and thoughtful when doing things.

Kaguya couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Look at Shijo Maki again. This kid used to be a very smart person, but now he is focusing on Gao Jun.

Fujiwara-san is also completely attracted to Gao Jun, but this kid is the type who yearns for love. Although he would say "it's too early for me to fall in love", he is actually very enthusiastic about the topic of love. Kaguya remembers that this kid even took the initiative to serve as a military advisor to a friend of Maki-san, helping her to get along with her boyfriend.

Now, these two guys are in love with the same man.

This kind of thing is really... No, maybe, now we should no longer use the normal people's concept of love to measure our current life.

As the few people walked step by step through the brightly lit and cold stone forest road, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly realized at this moment and understood a fact. That is, for ordinary people, the ordinary monogamous love relationship may no longer be suitable for the group of players.

After all, these people are a high-risk group who may only have one month left to live and may face death at the end of every month.

It is very reasonable to unite and face danger at all costs, and people like Gao Jun who have the power of [starting over again] are the ones who must be united. Therefore, even if she, Maki, and Fujiwara are with this guy, it is not impossible. Because only by establishing a close enough relationship can everyone be united when facing terrible things like ghost games, and can they better work together to face danger and benefit from Gao Hai's own power.

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