With a vigilant look on her face, Shijou Zhenfei put away the blood key and carefully stepped into this gloomy place.

Behind her, Chika Fujiwara, who was wearing soldier clothes, reopened the door after closing it, and then walked towards the isolation area.

At this moment, the invisible doll controlled by Zhen Fei had already run out with the help of the food-delivery movable board, and immediately followed Qianhua and started to act with the other party.

Concubine Shijo herself wanted to go find Kaguya and get her out of that cell to prevent her from staying in that sealed and strange place.

There is still much to do next.

After confirming the existence of the prototype of [Black Blood Bullet] in the research area, there are too many issues to consider.

The matter of the Red Nut Gray Hole is already a thing of the last century, but the [Black Blood Bullet] developed here became the equipment of American players when the Kaitan game appeared many years later. The reason for this is a very Questions worth pondering.

In addition, what is the [Lost One] that there is no clue about in the game prompts so far? Whether the other party can be found in the cell area is also an important reason why the true concubine must come to the cell area to investigate. The voice behind the wall that Kaguya heard could be heard clearly with the help of the doll. She must investigate this issue later.

As for Chika Fujiwara, she wanted to investigate another issue, or rather, another person.

A person named [Seqela].

There are two leaders in the cave research base, one is Professor Fournen as a researcher, and the other is General Shegela who is responsible for managing soldiers.

Many codes of this ghost place mention these two people side by side. According to some information, General Shegueira has even more authority than Fournen. In theory, General Shegueira is the one who truly controls this place. people of the place. However, after three weeks so far, no one in Kaguya's group had seen this general. He seemed to have disappeared, leaving no trace except his name, which was really suspicious.

Therefore, what Qianhua will do next is to try to enter General Shegueira's office as a soldier. It is also possible to use force if necessary.

And because the puppets are allowed to follow Qianhua, the real concubine can also know the situation on her side anytime and anywhere, and can use the blood key to initiate support at any time. You must know that there are many doors in the research base.

Besides the last person, Gao Hai is the only one who cannot enter the research base area, otherwise the group will be destroyed. He did not continue to stay in the hut that could be used as a safe house. In fact, Gao Hai had already torn off Welbo's message, then directly removed the switch lever and hid it in his backpack. inside.

The backpack is now on Zhen Fei's back, and Gao Hai took two homemade explosives from the backpack. Gao Hai has not yet given an explanation for the reason for taking these things.


As the feet advance, the turbid water is divided.

Amidst the continuous dripping sound, Gao Hai has arrived at the upper area of ​​the Red Nut Ash Cave, where he is in the [Plain].

He had already gone to the guard box just now and saw Shelby and Ed resting there. He also learned that Lixer had come back before and then left to investigate somewhere. He followed Susan at the guard box. After staying there for a while, he ran away from these things.

Gao Hai, who didn't stay here for a long time, quickly left. Then at the connection between [Stone Forest Road] and [Plain], he saw a trembling player walking towards this side with difficulty. A new middle-aged player I met before, his name is Wang Gui, his specialty is blasting, he used to be a mine bomber.

This specialty made Gao Hai decide to find the other party and guide him to the post to rest for a while. After confirming that the rescue team players had been basically wiped out after a day, he turned to the entry area of ​​the [gentle slope].

Gao Hai remembered clearly that the [gentle slope] was a dangerous area that firefighters could not enter, especially near the big crack.

According to the rules for rescuers, the reason for not entering the gentle slope is that "there are no rescuers on the "gentle slope"", which is really concerning.

Although doing so may bring considerable danger, it is worth a try!

"Then it's up to you, rescue team, to go in and find out."

So Gao Hai, who had made up his mind, used his badge to directly summon the rescue team members, and asked them to step on the turbid water and walk into the [gentle slope]. Gao Hai retreated a distance as if watching a play, and then simply found a big rock that was not completely submerged and sat down.

Chapter 69: The Hidden Man Behind the Scenes and the Moment of Return

a few minutes ago.

"Are you really sure you want to do this? If multiple parties act separately, I always feel that it is easy to cause problems."

Sitting on the small sofa in the power distribution room, Zhen Fei couldn't help but frown and question after listening to what Gao Hai said.

"In fact, the possibility of something going wrong is very high. After all, although we already have a certain understanding of the weird stories in this cave, we don't have many countermeasures at hand. Once we encounter trouble, we can't say for sure. Something is going to happen."

Gao Hai had no intention of hiding this and simply confirmed Zhen Fei's doubts.

"Why do you do this if you know it's easy to get into trouble?"

Mahira was even more confused.

"Because Gao Jun has a reason to do this, right? Multiple parties acting together can get the widest clues at the fastest speed, and at the same time should be able to help Gao Jun achieve other goals, right? Otherwise, Gao Jun would not choose such a risky behavior. Hmm... Is it to contain something?"

Qianhua, who was sitting on the other side, spoke seriously at this time, her eyes sparkling, and she seemed to be a little excited.

"Well, it's true. To be precise... I suspect that we are guided by something, and some power is guiding our actions in the dark and restricting the information we have obtained. Although there is no concrete evidence yet, after thinking about our experiences this day, I think it is necessary to launch a multi-party action to try to break this possible inducer in this way."

Gao Hai nodded lightly, and his expression looked extremely serious.

If he didn't know the existence of the research base and the situation of Mahira and Kaguya, as an ordinary player who wanted to survive, Gao Hai thought that he would consider turning off the power switch when he found this distribution room.

Then, Kaguya was put in a cell. The thing that lived next to her and called himself Howard mentioned many things in his monologue. He kept emphasizing that someone had stolen something extremely important from a woman, and that the thing was thrown into a certain gap. This immediately made Gao Hai think of the big crack and the pale female ghost, and he couldn't help but start to think about what the stolen thing would be.

But it was not right. He was killed by that weirdness once, so Gao Hai later realized that this idea was wrong.

The obsession of the white-skirted weirdness had nothing to do with [something was stolen]. It was just pure anger, like crazy, and wanted to kill all living people, especially all living people in the research base. As a person who tasted it personally, Gao Hai could confirm that the white-skirted female ghost definitely did not want [to let the people in the research base return a certain item]. It just wanted to kill, kill everyone, and kill everything. It was as if the reason was completely shattered and only pure tyranny was left.

To analyze such an obsession, the direction of analysis can only be to [hand over the enemy that it hates the most] to make it rest in peace, but this kind of thing cannot be known without being personally toothpaste. Therefore, Gao Hai, who thought of this later, can be 100% sure that the content of the information that Kaguya heard is problematic.

If these two things are viewed separately, it is actually nothing big.

But when they happened one after another, especially when Zhenfei Qianhua was chased by the weird, and after saving the scene by himself, he returned to the distribution room and found that Lixer wanted to turn off the switch, he couldn't help but start to connect these things.

I entered the distribution room, but I didn't choose to turn off the switch, so the person who led all this realized that I might know the existence of the research base through some method, and there were players I knew in the research base, and there might be some communication between the two parties.

In theory, the false information that Kaguya heard could only be known by her, and it was impossible to pass it on to others. But if we can communicate with each other, this misleading false information can be spread to everyone, giving us the wrong perception that [there is some important item under the big crack on the gentle slope, which may put the core obsession to rest]. After all, we have learned a lot about Howard before, so we naturally will not doubt the justice and kindness of Howard and believe the information he gives.

Next is the forced escape of Zhenfei and Qianhua. The identity of a researcher is the identity with the highest degree of freedom in the entire research base, and it is also the identity that is most controlled by Professor Fornen. After escaping from the research area, Gao Hai must consider the difficulty of playing the role of a researcher. If an identity plays a role that is in danger of life at any time, then it is naturally necessary to consider it carefully. If you choose the identity of a soldier, the task of patrolling and standing guard has greatly limited the mobile area, and places such as analysis workshops and research areas cannot be visited at all, which can be said to further reduce the area they can investigate and explore.

Is there someone behind the scenes guiding all this?

If so, then the most suspicious person so far, needless to say, is naturally Professor Fornen, who is slightly different from the normal weirdness.

Gao Hai thought about whether he should just drag this guy out, use the power of the obsession to throw this doctor into the big crack, and see if he is the enemy of the female ghost.

But Gao Hai quickly denied this idea.

If the other party is really the guide behind the scenes, and has a way to know the situation in the red nut gray cave in different timelines, then after I arrived at the distribution room, this thing should find a way to stop me. But the result is that not only did I not encounter resistance, but that Lixer almost really pulled the switch down.

Perhaps, even if the research base fell and was really invaded by the white-skirted female ghost, the other party would not be affected at all?

If that is the case, then now, all the places that can be tested must be tested.


In the sound of running water, the rescue team member that Lao Guo turned into has sunk into the water and swam towards the depths of the big crack.

It is extremely difficult for normal people to move forward in this environment, especially when the target is a rock crack that goes vertically downward and becomes increasingly narrow. But to the inhuman rescue team members, this was nothing. Gao Hai could even feel that this thing squeezed into the narrow gap that it was impossible for normal people to squeeze in, and it was still swimming deeper step by step. move.

found it.

Through the perspective of the rescue team, Gao Hai found the mummy of a completely weathered baby located in a rock crevice.

The body's swaddling clothes have faded, and it's unknown how long this little body has been stuck here.


Gao Hai frowned and remained silent at this moment.

At the same time, in the cell area, the heavy cell door had been destroyed by the power of the scalpel, an obsession that cut through iron as much as mud. Kaguya walked out carefully, and after looking at each other with Zhen Fei, both of them gently He nodded, and then walked towards the door.

Under the pale light, there were only the clear footsteps of the two girls in the corridor of the prison area.

They did not move towards the exit, but towards the room where Kaguya had previously determined that the others were being held.

D5...D4...D3, Kaguya stopped and looked at the heavy door in front of her.

The door with this special structure has no place to insert the key, which in a sense is a restraint on the blood key. But after having the scalpel, this kind of restraint is no longer a big problem.

Vaguely, it seemed that voices could be heard coming from the sealed and welded confinement room, along with the sound of some kind of struggle, as if someone stuck in a rock crevice was gasping for breath in vain. It's like struggling.


The door of cell D4 suddenly opened at this moment.

The black and yellow rock covered with blood and flesh dregs rolled out from behind the door.

The pungent stench spread quickly, as if hundreds of corpses were crowded behind the door, rotting together, being compressed together, crushed together by the chaotic rocks, mixed with each other and turned into A stone dripping with black blood.

The corridors are changing.

This is obviously an indoor building, but now it seems to be starting to turn into the shape of a cave. And Chika Fujiwara can see that this change in shape is changing towards the structure of the [blood vessels].

It seems impossible to open the door of cell D3 before this happens.

At the same time, Fujiwara Chika had already reached the gate of the quarantine area.

Behind her, many soldiers were running around searching for her traces, but Qianhua just picked up the scalpel, cut open the closed door in front of her, and then stepped inside.


Bullets penetrated the body in the gunfire.

But the girl just hummed, and then entered the observation area as if nothing had happened.

The wound is healing quickly.

After Qianhua took a pill from the medicine bottle, even if she was hit by a gun, there would be no problem.

However, at the front of the corridor, those expressionless soldiers and researchers had filled the entire corridor, leaving no gaps at all. They were just standing there densely packed. The soldier standing at the front had already raised his gun and was about to fire a second round of fire at the front.

Behind the big hole cut by the scalpel, there were also soldiers chasing after him.

Gao Hai had already raised his head and looked at Lixer, who was walking forward step by step from his side and looked very tired.

"Mr. Gao, why are you here? Doesn't it say in the rules that you can't go to [Gentle Slope]? It's better not to get too close to that place. Speaking of which, Susan is missing. Have you seen her somewhere? I can't find her. to where she is."

Lixer, with anxiety written all over his face, walked up to Gao Hai and asked hurriedly while panting heavily.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know very well, but the response is wonderful. Your purpose is actually to maintain this place and keep it as it is now, right? I have taken many actions to disrupt your plan. You used your plan to deploy backhands in multiple directions, and to make sure it was safe, you even came to me to confirm what I was doing. I have to say that you are quite powerful. "

Gao Hai looked at Lixer, smiled at him and said.

"Uh, Mr. Gao, what are you talking about?"

Lixer, who was stunned by what Gao Hai said, stopped in confusion and asked Gao Hai.

The power of blessing still only feels good.

This is natural, because [Lixer] really only has good intentions towards Gao Hai, and there is no malice in this person's thinking.

Just like when Gao Hai and Kaguya face each other, if he has some unharmonious thoughts, Kaguya's blessing will be induced and Gao Hai's slight malice will be detected. However, when Gao Hai tried to have bad thoughts about Kaguya through the spiritual link with the real concubine, Kaguya's blessing would not react at all.

After this experiment, Gao Hai understood.

"It's just that there's one thing I think you might be wrong about."

Gao Hai stretched out a finger and waved it twice in front of Lixer.


Lixer, who looked confused, said subconsciously.

"That rescue team member was actually not summoned by me."

Takahashi said this and shook the rescue suit on his body. Lixer looked down and found that Gaohai was not wearing the rescue team badge, but a badge of similar color that looked like the ones used by children.

The rescue team member who went deep into the crack had disappeared.

It returned to the side of Shijo Shinki, who was actually wearing the rescue team badge at the moment, holding the explosives in his hand, ignited it, and then rushed to the cave that was spreading.


In the violent explosion, the rescue team member blocked the explosion with a strange body, leaving Shinki who was controlling her in the back and Kaguya who was destroying the cell door unharmed, but their ears were buzzing from the huge explosion in the confined space.

"Of course, there is another thing that is wrong. The key is not actually a blood key that can open any door. I just dyed the key of the distribution room red."

Fujiwara Chika rushed to the door of the personnel lounge on one side of the corridor before the soldiers in front and behind caught up, and inserted the blood-red key into the keyhole.


The next moment, the door of the sentry box not far from Gao Hai and Lixer slowly opened. The surging flood swept in almost immediately and spread to the corridor in an instant.

The strange power outside the research base will be repelled by the base itself, so the clothes and other things in the water flow cannot enter the base. However, the water flow itself will not cause any problems.

In the turbulent water flow, Fujiwara Chika has squatted in the corner of the wall, fixing her body to the maximum extent to resist the impact.

Although those soldiers and researchers have strange identities, they are in the state of [acting], and they are washed by the water flow at this time. They can't help shaking a few times, but the formation is still not messed up, and Chika still can't pass.

So the girl took a deep breath and took out the explosives she had prepared in advance.

"Blow up everything that blocks the way, this is the way of game players."

The pink-haired girl muttered to herself, lit the fuse of the explosives, and then threw it directly to where the soldiers and researchers were standing.

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