Chapter 71: The memory of the lost and the madness of the terminally ill

Susan raised her head and looked at Zhen Fei and Kaguya who walked in with a depressed expression.

She looked quite bad, her clothes were in tatters and bruised, as if she had just escaped from a refugee camp.

Not only that, if this woman could at least run, jump, and think when Gao Hai saw her before, now her eyes are almost completely dull, as if her inner soul has almost dissipated, and her whole person is completely He was frozen in place and motionless.

However, for both Zhenfei and Kaguya, they have never seen Susan, so at this time they can only guess the identity of this person based on the comparison between the other person's appearance and the image of the other party in Gao Hai's description.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Susan?"

The real concubine took a step forward, squatted down in front of Susan and asked, while Kaguya waved the scalpel twice and cut off the iron chain that locked Susan's hands.

The rescue team members, who could not be destroyed by conventional attacks because of their weird status, used their bodies to resist the explosion. Now they were standing at the door, guarding the two of them to prevent something from suddenly appearing and attacking Kaguya and Mafei.


Susan didn't move.

She just sat on the ground, motionless, as if she was dead.

How is this going?

Under Blessing's perception, you can feel that she is a living person. Who tortured her into being like this?

Zhen Fei was thinking about what was going on with the other party, but at this time Gao Hai suddenly sent a communication, telling her the confrontation process with Lixer and the final truth discovered.

"Grandma, cut her wrist open, be careful, there might be something wrong with her."

The real concubine who understood something from Gao Hai's information took a step back and said, and Kaguya naturally stepped forward without hesitation and cut the scalpel directly into Susan's arm, cutting it deeply, and then gushing out the blood. Open the wound and look inside.

Black pebbles were looming among the flesh.

Same situation as Lixer.

This person has also been transformed, but unlike Lixer, Susan's transformation seems to have been less successful. Those black stones were almost embedded in the flesh. The purple marks that Kaguya and Zhen Fei originally thought were some kind of wounds were actually the effects of these small stones inside the body.

Stretching out her hand, Zhen Fei touched these pebbles.

The next moment she saw the incomplete illusion.

The traces of time that remain in this body that has almost become an empty shell.

[Is this person an insider? 】

someone asked in a low voice outside the cell.

[Like the man next door, he is an insider. In short, the above means that he can be treated as a test subject]

[Okay, if that's the case. Well, it shouldn’t be a problem if you’re a little rougher]

The lights go out and everything returns to darkness.

In a daze, I don't know how much time has passed.

The pain and fear wore away the will, and in the end only a blank was left.

[Interesting phenomenon, with the help of strange power, it split into two different individuals. One retains normal memory and personality, and the other almost completely loses personality, leaving only a ball of meat with neurological responses. How is this done? ? 】

[Well, let the other one go out, no problem, just maintain a certain degree of surveillance. That individual no longer remembers anything. It just so happens that I also need to test how "normal" that individual can be after returning to normal life. After all, she has lost quite a lot of memory]

[By the way, that "important individual" has been transported, right? Let's go, let's take a closer look, what is so special about this individual, and what new breakthroughs can she bring to our experiments]

Women's screams and cries of pain mixed with the men's low laughter.

[Don’t be angry, Ms. Hedar, your child is sacrificing his life for the future of mankind]

[Selfishness is a very bad character. You should learn to correct this and stop thinking about the happiness of your family. Soon, you will become the next one, and human civilization will move towards a greater era because of victims like you]

[Yes, you should be grateful for this, it is your honor. Well, let’s start the second transformation experiment and sew the new fusion directly into her body. Let’s see how deep Andres is obsessed with his wife]

The smell of blood is spreading.

The woman's painful moans gradually became deeper and deeper from clear to silent.

This day of torture has come to an end.

But when the lights came on again the next day, the hellish days continued.

【Sure enough, you are special】

[Normal people would have died long ago after taking this dose. You are the first one who can still stay awake to this day.]

[Maybe if I take you directly to the "blood vessel"... No, no, if the obsession is satisfied, will the weirdness continue to exist? Maybe I can change my mind, um, don’t worry, I will think of how to deal with you properly]

The man was always smiling, and when the woman started to cry and moan in pain, he was always smiling.

The smell of blood never really dissipated.

The cell where the woman was held in solitary confinement was called the confinement room. The walls and floor there were soft, and the woman would be locked and fixed tightly. Food, water and excretion were handled through pipes connected to the body.

She was constantly tortured and was not allowed to hurt herself. This was repeated day after day.

Until that day, the woman's voice finally subsided.

[Is she dead? ]

[Confirmed that the vital signs are over, and she is really dead? That's it? That's it? ]

[Useless thing, I had high hopes for you, but it ended up like this? Forget it, let it be, well, her body will be thrown directly into the big crack like the previous one, anyway, there are enough bodies thrown in there]

[Tsk, that crack too, the records clearly emphasize that place, why don't you see any changes there? Is it because there are not enough people sacrificed? ]

[It seems that we still need to change our thinking. Maybe the previous transformation operation has to continue.]

The room in the middle of the prison area used to hold women was occupied by many more prisoners.

However, these prisoners often died in less than a day.

And when they died, the breathing of the disappeared woman would always sound around.

As if she was not dead yet.

As if she was still here.


The voice was full of anger.

Unextinguishable, blazing anger.

Until this place is completely destroyed, the anger will never subside.

[Did I finally succeed?]

The man came to the cell again.

He whispered to the long-vacant confinement room, which had begun to undergo strange changes and was welded shut for safety reasons. There was no obvious emotion in his voice.

[After so many failures, he finally succeeded in creating a weird]

[Is it because this one's mind is twisted enough? That shouldn't be the case. There were so many people who were tortured to death before her.]

[Or is it because of her strange relationship with the previous one that her situation is special? If so, maybe it would be better to add test subjects with relatives? But in that case, test subjects are not easy to find, but such test subjects can be obtained from illegal immigrants.]

[How far is it to reach the road to God... I won't give up, I must find it, I must find it...]

Mumbling, the man turned and left.

And what happened next was the endless spreading blood, and the figure who walked slowly in the blood with a low laugh.

The screams never stopped.

The hurried footsteps of running away sounded, and then stopped, and even the breath disappeared completely.

And the cold laughter moved forward step by step, and finally went deep into the base, and no one knew where it went.

And this is what this prisoner who was only an empty shell and had long lost himself recorded like a video recorder, the horrific things that happened in the past.

Feeling those remaining illusions through physical contact, Shinki closed her eyes, slowly let go of the woman's arm, and then let out a long breath. She had learned a lot from those memories and understood the strong obsession of the weirdness under the big crack.


The exhausted girl sat down on the ground all of a sudden.

It was not an easy thing to touch the fragments of memory. Even though Shijo Shinki's spirit had been strengthened by blessings and blessings, he couldn't help but feel a little mentally exhausted at this time.

Haijun had done this kind of thing more than once. Why could he ignore this mental burden? If I could have the same tenacious mental strength as him, could I help more?

"Shinki, are you okay?"

Kaguya helped Shinki up and whispered to her.

"It's okay..."

Shinki shook her head slightly, then turned her head to look outside the door, at the closed confinement room.

The welded door was now deforming little by little, and it seemed that it would soon be completely destroyed, revealing what was behind the door.

I could feel the other person's gaze.

At this moment, Zhenfei, who knew the information related to the core obsession, could already sense the cold gaze. And, right in front of her, in this confinement room.

Because the information about the core obsession was obtained in the research base, its power entered the stage of being released faster?

"Hurry up, we must leave immediately!"

Knowing that something was wrong, Zhenfei said quickly and ran with all her strength.

The rescue team led the way in the front, followed by Zhenfei and Kaguya. Although Zhenfei was tired at the beginning, she was recovering her strength quickly with the help of the power of the badge.

This obsession is really powerful. It has such a convenient and simple function, but it almost never gets out of control.

Looking down at the badge on her chest, Zhenfei couldn't help but sigh in her heart at the power of this thing.

At this moment, when Kaguya and Shinki were about to pass D6, the cell where Kaguya was previously imprisoned, and the rescue team at the front arrived at D7, the door of D7 suddenly flew up, and then a strange figure in a white coat emerged from it.


The real concubine recognized the other person the moment she saw him, and Kaguya's eyes widened, suddenly realizing that the man she heard calling himself "Howard" in the past two days was probably the man that Fulneng was pretending to be. .

If I had responded to the other party at that time...

It’s too late to think about more things.

Because this strange target has already locked onto Zhen Fei and Kaguya, striding forward towards them.

Then the rescue team member on the side held up his collar and pressed him against the wall next to him.

[Start crackdown on dangerous elements who obstruct rescue]

Following these cold words, the rescue team member's fist hit Fournen's face at the next moment, denting the face from the middle.

Strange forces conflicted with each other at this moment.

Fulneng struggled, but was unable to break away from the rescue team members. Although the rescue team members themselves were dragged by it and could not completely suppress it, the balance formed by the two sides at this moment was enough for Zhen Fei and Kaguya to take action.

Taking steps, the two ran out of the cell area one after another and came to the isolation area.

At this time, the spreading water has spread along the isolation area, and for some reason, all the doors leading to the red nut ash cave in the isolation area are open.

Zhen Fei and Kaguya could vaguely see what seemed to be several firefighters standing in the water flowing throughout the room.

Different spaces are overlapping?

Thinking of this possibility, the two people moved a little faster.

The soldiers who were supposed to stay in the isolation area now rushed into the observation area.

A large number of soldiers and researchers crowded the broken corridors, completely blocking the road. Faced with such a situation, Kaguya and Zhenfei had no way of getting through these things.

Can we just try to dig into the wall with a scalpel? I don’t know if the two of us can sustain such high-intensity use.

Kaguya, who was holding the scalpel, had already begun to think of other methods.

But the real concubine just stood still, just watching these strange people standing in the corridor crowded with each other, waiting without saying a word.

She quickly waited until what she was waiting for happened.

[All members are now informed that as the "Supreme Commander of the Cave Research Base", I have ordered that all researchers, all soldiers, and all explorers follow my orders and go to the isolation area to block the door and prison area into the Red Nut Ash Cave. door. Repeat, this is an order from "General Shegueira" and all members must execute it and shall not do anything unrelated to it]

Gao Hai's voice sounded from the radio.

The true concubine had already taken Kaguya's hand and stepped forward into the corridor of the observation area.

Amidst the rushing sound of the water, these strange and identical steps greeted Kaguya and Zhenfei as they walked out.

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