Come on~

Come join us~

Let's hold hands~

We'll be together forever~ Never separate again~

(The above pictures can be used as a reference for the third volume to a certain extent)

Interlude · Part 2

Interlude 2-01: Return to reality, new blessings, and Shura Field!

The darkness that enveloped everything has gradually dissipated.

Gao Hai regained consciousness, opened his eyes, and raised his head.

"Strange ceiling..."

He couldn't help but muttered.


At this moment, Gao Hai felt an extremely strong sense of trance.

Red Nut Gray Cave, he spent too much time in this copy, especially the time when he was executed by the core obsession in the second round. After the long and painful torture that almost wore out his thinking ability, Gao Hai even felt extremely unfamiliar with the bustling real world.

It's really not good.

Gao Hai let out a long breath.

This is really... too bad...

Finally realizing that he has left the dungeon, Gao Hai almost collapsed in his seat.

This feeling of relief is really good, as if he just found out that he is still alive.

With his thoughts surging in his mind, Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body.

Well, it was the casual clothes he wore before entering the dungeon.

In the dungeon, Gao Hai had actually taken off this clothes a long time ago, but it seemed that as he returned to reality, he changed back to the way he was dressed when he just entered the dungeon, ready to act, but the clothes were already badly damaged. Maybe it was because it was discarded and suffered some wear and tear during the collapse and destruction of the dungeon?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai turned his head and saw Shijo Shinki, who was sitting next to him and had just opened her eyes and looked very tired.

"Just woke up?"

Gao Hai asked.


Shinki nodded slightly, looked around with a dazed expression, and then seemed to finally come back to her senses.

"We... got out of there alive."

The girl's voice was filled with indescribable emotions.

"Yes, we successfully survived our second game."

Sinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting opposite, opened her eyes and whispered.


At this moment, the three people sitting in this small private room finally understood the current facts.

"It's really tiring... Obviously, the physical fatigue and injuries were cured after leaving the copy, but the mental fatigue could not be eliminated."

Mahi, who was slumped in the seat like Gao Hai, murmured.

"And there is no reward at all. Obviously, the game we cleared is actually the Dark Night level, and it is a dual-core copy of the highest difficulty of the Dark Night level, but [Sacrifice Game] still treats this copy as the Dusk level, and does not provide us with any rewards. It only gives us the qualification to participate in the Dark Night level mission. This thing is useless."

Gao Hai shook his head and said, his expression looked very unhappy.

This dungeon is really a rip-off. It was said at the beginning that it was a Dusk dungeon that new players could play as a tourist. However, after entering, the difficulty skyrocketed and became the highest level of Dark Night. After finally solving this unreasonable high-difficulty dungeon, there was no reward? !

This psychopathic [Sacrifice Game] actually thought that this dungeon was still Dusk, and Gao Hai and the other two who cleared the dungeon were deemed to have only passed the second Dusk dungeon. Moreover, because one S rating and two A ratings were the same as the settlement of the Shirakawa Apartment dungeon, the three of them were unable to get any bonus from the game this time.

It's too rip-off, right?

Gao Hai really wanted to protest loudly.

But [Sacrifice Game] is a bastard game that doesn't care about the players' demands at all. The planner only cares about his own happiness and doesn't take the players seriously. Therefore, no matter how much Gao Hai protests, the rules of this game will not change. He can only helplessly put this matter aside for the time being.

"Although there is no way to get new blessings to further improve our survival ability, at least this time, we have gained the power of blessing again."

Kaguya spoke softly at this time, and her eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of dark red cold light. The whole person's momentum changed at this moment, and the air around them became inexplicably colder, as if a strange thing had descended.

Seeing Kaguya in this situation, Gao Hai and Zhenfei were both slightly stunned, but then, the eyes of the two who felt the power of blessing also changed. For a while, all three people in the private room became red-eyed, and the temperature tended to drop to below zero.

"This thing... Could it be the legendary [Frenzy Runaway]?"

Feeling this strange power, Gao Hai couldn't help muttering.

At this moment, the three people felt the blessing power of Hedar.

This is a very simple and crude blessing, which directly greatly increases strength, speed and nerve reaction, and reduces all damage, whether it is conventional damage methods such as swords, sticks, guns and bombs, or various terrible and strange damage methods, to a very low level. For example, if Gao Hai was originally shot by a pistol, the bullet would penetrate Gao Hai's skin and remain in his body, but after activating the power of this blessing, the bullet could only leave a shallow mark on Gao Hai's skin at most.

Starting and maintaining this blessing requires direct consumption of the user's physical and mental strength. Therefore, if the use range cannot be properly controlled, the holder of the blessing may lose the ability to move and faint after using the blessing, or even die on the spot. It must be used with caution.

The second effect of Hedal's blessing is to identify [abnormal people]. It is a very strange blessing.

After possessing this blessing, when the holder of the blessing encounters people who are [extremely abnormal from normal people] such as cannibalism, necrophilia, and split personality, the holder will feel it and realize that this person is [abnormal]. This blessing is similar to the perception of good and evil in Li Zhaodi's blessing. They are both permanent passive skills, but the application seems to be much narrower. Gao Hai thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of what use this blessing could be in normal times, so he ignored it for the time being.

There is no doubt that Hedal's blessing is very practical. Apart from other things, the first effect of the blessing is very powerful. According to the power of this blessing felt by the three people, it is completely possible to escape from the pursuit of weird and strange stories by opening this blessing in an emergency. As for human enemies, it is even easier. As long as this blessing is turned on, it is basically a random killing. The only problem lies in the consumption. According to the three people's estimation, Zhenfei can use this blessing for a maximum of three minutes, Gao Hai can last for five minutes, and Kaguya's body has congenital problems. Even after the blessing, it is inferior to Gao Hai and Zhenfei. Therefore, she will reach her limit after using the blessing for about one and a half to two minutes.

"Very good, it seems that the harvest is quite good."

After carefully confirming the power of this blessing, Zhenfei couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, but it seems that Zhenfei and I didn't get the second blessing, which means that Andreas's blessing was given to you, right, Gao Jun?"

Kaguya nodded in the same way, and then looked at Gao Hai and asked curiously.

"Well, that should be the case. I can already feel Andres' blessing. What is this blessing...ah?"

Felt the power of this blessing.

That strange blessing with a bit of warmth that links one's existence with others.

At this moment, Zhenfei also widened her eyes and looked at Gao Hai with an expression of disbelief, and her cheeks were almost immediately flushed.

Andres' blessing has only one ability, which is space movement.

The cooling time is about 24 hours, which means it can be used once a day. After using it, Gao Hai can instantly move to Zhenfei's side, or move Zhenfei to his side instantly. As for the time and space interval, it seems that unless it is divided into different copies, there is no restriction on this blessing, and it can be activated anytime and anywhere.

The reason why this blessing specifies Gao Hai and Zhenfei is very simple, because they have a good impression of each other. Zhenfei and Gao Hai's love for each other from the bottom of their hearts is the key to activate this blessing.

It was just like... a confession...

Makoto's cheeks were almost as red as apples. After feeling the power of this blessing from Gao Hai, she knew that the affection she had been unwilling to express to Gao Hai had now been passed on to him without reservation, just like the warmth he was passing on to her.

Such a feeling...

This feeling that only belongs to me and Haijun...

While trembling slightly, Makoto raised her head and wanted to say something.

Then she felt the second connection, which at this moment crossed the distance of space and connected Gao Hai to a person who was not here.


Makoto was stunned.

Gao Hai did not speak either.

The power of the blessing seemed to stagnate for a while, as if it did not quite understand why this happened, but soon the power of the blessing continued to operate diligently, connecting the hearts of Gao Hai and another girl who loved him, giving them the extraordinary power to move to each other's side.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Kaguya, who had no feeling at all, saw Gao Hai and Zhenfei showing a happy expression at first, and then the joy on Zhenfei's face suddenly turned into a shy feeling, and then both of them were stunned at the same time, and Zhenfei seemed to be petrified. The continuous change of expression was really confusing.

Then, Zhenfei turned her head expressionlessly and looked at Gao Hai, whose forehead began to sweat.

"Hey, Haijun, do you have anything to say?"

The girl's momentum was like a blazing flame at this moment.

"This, this I..."

Takahashi took a step back and retreated to the side of the private room, with his back against the wall. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Hey, hey, hey, what kind of blessing is this, a harem blessing? A blessing for wings? Isn't it too early to have this ability now, when I haven't even dealt with one.

Looking at the extremely unfriendly look of the girl in front of him, Gao Hai opened his mouth and his brain was working quickly to find a way to solve the current situation.


Then, before he could think of a solution, a white light suddenly appeared at this moment, and then a girl fell into Gao Hai's arms.

"Hey, I found you, Ah Hai~"

Fujiwara Chika, who was also disheveled, put her arms around Gao Hai's neck, leaned her head on his chest, and laughed happily.

The power of blessing is mobilized.

Gao Hai did not expect that as a new blessing that only belonged to him, the woman could actually take control of it despite her strong will. The blessing was activated and transmitted directly to Gao Hai, instantly making the situation even more chaotic.

"What are you doing, get off Gao Jun quickly!"

As expected, Zhen Fei rushed forward after about two seconds of sluggishness, grabbing Qianhua's shoulders and trying to pull her down.

"Oh, don't pull it, your clothes will be ruined!"

"I don't care so much, get down here you guy!"

"No, it's obviously Shijo-san and you said you and Ahai are not boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"I, I, Wow, I don't care, come down here and don't hug Haijun!"


Two women and one man were entangled in each other and making a chaotic noise.

Gao Hai's expression was complicated. He didn't know whether he should be so happy or in trouble now.

The true concubine was so angry that she shed tears. She dragged Qianhua tightly and refused to let go. She even fell into Gao Hai's arms without paying attention.

As for Kaguya...

Kaguya didn't do anything.

She just sat there motionless.

The brain falls into a state of panic when faced with extraordinary situations.

Who am I, where am I, and why should I see such a shameless scene? Moreover, the three people in this scene are my distant relatives and my only school friend.

There must be something wrong with this expansion method, right?

Interlude 2-02: There is a gap between girls and boys

A huge chaos is sweeping player groups around the world.

As a fairly well-known dungeon with low difficulty and high survival rate, the demand for dungeon tickets of Red Nut Gray Cave has always been very high. Many player organizations will deliberately collect tickets for this dungeon and use them for old players or those who are in need. Potential new players. In a sense, it can even be said that the tickets for this dungeon have a certain degree of strategic significance. It is precisely because of this that Xiao Heshu, who is optimistic about Gao Hai and his party, trades the tickets for this dungeon to them.

But now, this so-called [Travel-level Beginner’s Dusk Book] no longer exists.

There were more than 20 players who entered this dungeon, and most of them were old players who barely survived the first dungeon, or experienced a certain number of dungeons but were not too strong. In the end, almost all of these players were wiped out. , there are only a few people who survived. For example, Shelby and Ed from the American region, and Wang Gui, a new player from the Asian region. It is said that there are players who have successfully survived in the Neon area, but no one has appeared yet.

If it were just like this, it wouldn't actually cause much trouble. After all, an unfixed dusk level copy was suddenly fixed. Although this kind of thing is rare, it is not impossible. People have nothing to say except lamenting how unlucky those players who were unfortunate enough to get into it were.

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