1. Everyone has an unknown side

(Players who have cleared the level generally believe this to be true, but the specific reasons are difficult to explain due to the power of the rules)

2. It may be better to choose lies than the truth.

(Players who cleared the level were unable to determine whether the information was true or false, and no intelligence related to the information was found)

3. People are still waiting for a truly fair trial

(Same as Article 2, true or false not yet determined)

4.Bad kids are actually more popular than good kids

(Players who have cleared the level generally believe it to be false and believe this tip will bring fatal danger)

Red Moon Level Game Tips Version 2:

1. Only the person who wins the game can leave alive

(Players who have cleared the level cannot judge whether the information is true or false due to the power of the rules)

2. Once you put on the mask, you cannot take it off easily.

(Undetermined true or false)

3. Things that are hidden are out of sight

(Undetermined true or false)

4. Those who dig up secrets will pay a price

(Players who have cleared the level generally believe this to be true, and most players think this is pure nonsense. Any attempt to dig into the secrets in any copy will lead to various dangers. Anyone who is not a fool can clearly understand this fact)

Dark night game tips:

1. The audience off the stage does not need to care about the facts

(Undetermined true or false)

2. People who cannot stand firm are not needed.

(Undetermined true or false)

3. Fanatic belief just matches the idol

(Undetermined true or false)

4. All Alice wants is friends~

(Players who have cleared the level generally believe this to be true, but the specific reasons are difficult to explain due to the power of the rules)

These 12 prompts are completely different from the only 4 prompts in the previous two dungeons. It is a pity that there are not many things that players who have completed the level can give detailed information. Since the power of [Campus Mystery] dungeon itself can take effect outside the dungeon, most of the content in these 12 tips can only be guessed by players.

"So, do you see anything in there?"

Concubine Zhen looked at Gao Hai curiously and asked.

"It is certain that there is at least one hidden area in [Tenghua Middle School], probably underground. There are many hints here that players who have cleared the level have not found the corresponding situation. It is possible that those clues correspond to the hidden area. After all, These clues are often related to perfect clearance, but if you just want to survive and escape from the dungeon, you may not necessarily come into contact with the scenes related to the prompts.”

Gao Hai answered very calmly.

"Basically all the players in the forum who follow this dungeon are aware of your conclusion..."

The true concubine was obviously dissatisfied with Gao Hai's answer and immediately frowned.

"Yes, I'm not satisfied or dissatisfied. Well, I don't want to talk about this kind of thing now. I came to the hot spring hotel to relax my body and mind, not to continue to fight against the rules of strange stories. So, let's change the topic."

Gao Hai let out a long sigh, waved his hand, turned to look at Zhen Fei and said.

"It's really perfunctory, so what topic do you want to change?"

The real concubine curled her lips, but did not insist on this unpleasant topic, but followed Gao Hai's words and asked.

"Well, shouldn't you ask yourself this?"

Gao Hai just continued.

"Ask me?"

The real concubine was stunned for a moment.


"What do you mean..."

In doubt, the girl raised her head and realized that Gao Hai had been watching her silently.

Brown-black eyes and brown-purple eyes looked at each other.

Seeing Gao Hai looking at her calmly, the true concubine's heartbeat quietly accelerated a bit at this moment.

Intermission 2-25: Tonight’s moonlight is leisurely and clear, like a dream

The night is getting deeper.

The street lights flickered slightly, the pedestrians gradually became sparse, the lights in the buildings went out, and everything became quieter.

Gao Hai was still watching the girl in front of him quietly.

But the true concubine had lowered her head shyly, not daring to continue to look at Gao Hai.


The heart rate increased again.

What, with this atmosphere, does this guy want to do that kind of thing again?

Last month at Gao Hai's house, she was pushed down on the bed and kissed, and even the experience of almost having a gunshot went off. Even now, Zhen Fei can still recall it clearly, as clearly as if it all happened yesterday.

But now, at this moment, she already felt the same throbbing feeling as she had experienced that time.

If you continue to stay here, he will definitely do that kind of thing, right?

The true concubine shrank down subconsciously.

Looking forward to it?

Are you scared?

Are you going to try to escape again?

But what came to mind was the scene in the corridor just now, when Gao Hai turned around and left with Qianhua in his arms.

She heard what Qianhua and Gao Hai said before.

Haijun said when he was in the corridor that he had endured it for many days.

Hasn't he been staying with me these past few days?

He had obviously touched himself so many times, but he still said that he had endured it for many days. Sure enough, Haijun had already reached that point with Qianhua, right?

We've only known each other for a few days, but we can actually achieve that level of success? It's so shameless and shameless, how can you do it so casually? Moreover, did you deliberately give up your time to me after that? What is this, mercy?

However, if I had not chosen to avoid it when Haijun came into close contact with me, maybe all this now... No, what's the point of thinking about this kind of thing? What I need to figure out is that I should make a sudden move at this time. s Choice.

If only it were so easy to make a choice...

Zhen Fei felt that her head had become a mess.

The heart rate continued to increase.

She suddenly complained about Gao Hai next to her, because he did nothing and just stared at her silently, as if he had given her the choice. If he could directly force her like last time, like that time at his house, maybe he wouldn't need to be so entangled, but just passively accept it.

But, if he really did that, could he really accept it passively and let it take its course?

A fool like me who is not frank and cannot face his true feelings.

What on earth...should I do?

"True concubine."

She heard him suddenly call her name.


In response softly, he put his fingers on her chin, gently caressed the side of her face, and lifted her head up little by little.

Zhen Fei felt that her heartbeat became more violent.

She almost closed her eyes immediately, waiting for the other person to kiss her.

But Gao Hai just stared at her silently, without saying a word, just holding her face and staring at her.

"what are you doing……"

The girl with red cheeks who was stared at like this couldn't help but murmured softly.

"I was wondering if you kicked me last time and would you punch me or kick me twice this time."

Gao Hai smiled and said to the true concubine in a teasing tone.

"What...it's obvious that you are bullying me..."

Concubine Zhen, who didn't expect that Gao Hai would bring up the old matter again at this moment, puffed up her face and reached out to hit Gao Hai gently.

"Then, close your eyes, okay?"

So the next moment, Gao Hai's cheek came a little closer and his voice became deeper.

The girl's body trembled again.

She stared intently into Gao Hai's eyes, as if her whole body was about to melt into them.

As her breathing became increasingly rapid, Zhen Fei felt that her head was getting dizzy and she was becoming increasingly unable to think.

But she already knew what she should do now.

Close your eyes and lean forward slightly.

This time the kiss was very light, very light.

Gao Hai carefully kissed Zhen Fei's lips, as if he were touching a fragile work of art, carefully and patiently caring for her, and little by little, guiding this easily frightened girl to adapt to such a rhythm. and atmosphere.

Slowly, it got closer.

He reached out his hand and held the girl's slender body in his arms.

It wasn't until the real concubine felt that Gao Hai was being too abrasive that he finally stood up and stepped into the room step by step with the girl in his arms.


The dull footsteps seemed like the beating of a heart.

Even though she had imagined this moment coming in her heart countless times, when this kind of thing was really going to happen, Zhen Fei could not help but become nervous again.

"Are you scared?"

Gao Hai's voice sounded in his ears along with his breathing.

"……do not bully me."

But the true concubine could only make a murmuring sound, and it was impossible to tell whether it was begging for mercy or acting coquettishly.


The sound of my heartbeat is so noisy that I can't calm down.

Then, he gently placed her on the soft big bed, and she curled up subconsciously again, her nervous body trembling a little.

"I like you, true concubine."

His voice rang in her ears again, blending into her senses together with his gentle kiss on the side of her face.

"So, can you please stay with me?"

He asked again in a low voice.

The only thing the girl could do, who had completely fallen into a state of confusion, was to nod lightly.

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