People are indulged in dreams, waiting for the next day to arrive.

However, some people have sweet dreams, while others are trapped in nightmares.

Yotsuya Miko opened her eyes in a daze and found that she was back in school and sitting in class.

Am I... currently in class?

His consciousness was still very unclear, and everything seemed to be based on instinct.

Looking around, the faces of the students sitting around them all looked very unclear for some reason, as if they were covered with a layer of filters and were blurred.

It seems like... I didn’t see the classmates I knew?

The confused Mianzi tilted his head slightly.

But because she was in a dream, she just felt a little confused about it and didn't do anything. She just continued to sit in her seat.

The teacher on the podium is still talking.

I couldn't hear clearly what she was talking about.

I couldn't hear the sounds around me clearly.

how did this happen?

Pah pah pah pah——

The teacher on the podium suddenly applauded.

The surrounding students also clapped and cheered.

And Miko was startled by the sudden applause. She couldn't help but raised her head in confusion and looked at the figure that everyone was watching.

That is……

【Hello, I am Alice】

He came closer amid the laughter and laughter.

[Alice’s favorite thing is to make friends, everyone should become good friends with Alice]

That smiling voice is full of innocence and extremely happy.

[Everyone should stay with Alice and leave the happiest memories and the best moments here]

In everyone's cheers and exclamations, under everyone's gaze, the sound of laughter and happy laughter.

Who is that?

Under the bright light, Mianzi only felt a creeping feeling of terror.


She seemed to be able to hear a voice speaking to herself in her heart.

No, no, no, no -

Can not look!

Absolutely not to watch!

She lowered her head and buried it completely in her arms.

Can't look at that person, can't look at her appearance, can't look at the other person...

If you see it... if you see it...

[Why don’t you raise your head? 】

A smiling voice rang in my ears.

[Why don’t you take a look at Alice? 】

[Don’t you want to be Alice’s friend? 】

【Alice, I really want to be a good friend with you~】

Just like the innocent laughter of a child.

It seems to be a clear sound without any impurities, completely pure from birth.

As if it has never been contaminated by any filth since birth, it makes people feel the voice of incomparable yearning.

But it's not right.

That's not what she saw.

That's not what she saw.

That is……


The sharp needle pierced from the temple penetrated the eyeball and came out bit by bit. The eye was quickly soaked with blood and trembled non-stop.

The teeth were pulled out one by one, and then sharp nails were driven into the gums. Then the hammer was raised high, lowered, and the nails were driven in.

After sawing off the scalp, carefully use a blunt knife and a gel pen to open the skin, and gradually peel off a piece of skin bit by bit.

Of course the most important thing is to secure your hands, feet and body.

How can you be a good friend if you are always on the move?

After digging things out, put them away in categories.

Dirty blood must be cleaned up without leaving any odor to your friends.

To make every friend happy, this is what you should do.

Gifts should be well prepared.

Entertain friends and guests well.

Mom and dad will be angry if you are rude.

We can't make our parents angry.

Oops, my fingers are moving again.

Can Alice take it away for you for a little while?


No, what on earth is this...

The chaotic consciousness has completely awakened.

All that could be heard was the screams and cries that filled the classroom.

The smell of blood keeps spreading.

The singing continued in a sickening, sticky voice.

She is singing:

[I stepped on the cat, I stepped on the cat~]

Then he laughed softly again.

It's like she's not in the blood.

It was as if these countless miserable cries had nothing to do with her.

It was as if she had just come into this world, without any dirt, so pure and flawless.

Cheers were heard from a distance.

Invisible places, someone is shouting, someone is applauding, someone is cheering.

And the laughter floated around him.

Then suddenly, it stopped next to his ear, and even the sound of breathing blew on his ear.

She was talking to herself, whispering:

[Alice wants to be friends with you, is that okay? 】

Knock knock.

There was a knocking on the door from somewhere.

[Alice wants to talk to you, is that okay? 】

Knock knock.

It was like a sound that sounded very close to me.

【Alice is coming in, excuse me~ Hehehe~】


The door was opened.



It was not until a long time after waking up.

The body still couldn't move at all.

It was as if the blood in the whole body was frozen, and it was stiff because of the unspeakable horror.

Yotsuya Miko gasped for breath, and after a long time, she finally got up from the bed.

I could already see the faint light coming in from the window.

Now, it should be morning, and I should get up and wash up to go to school.

"Is it just a dream?"

The girl reached out and combed her messy hair, and her eyes were tired.

This weird dream, the one who called herself [Alice], seemed to be a little girl, and it seemed that it was not the first time. But every time the content of the dream would be quickly forgotten after waking up, at most there would be a little sense of fear left, and only a vague memory of having dreamed of such a person.

Why did I have such a dream?

Yotsuya Miko sighed and opened the curtains, looking out the window, looking at the sky, those things that were still floating, but became very faint, so faint that they were almost invisible.

There was one thing Gao Hai didn't know, that is, Yotsuya Miko was not like him, who could only clearly observe the existence of those things at dusk, and then couldn't see the specific outlines of those things at night. For this girl, these strange phantoms, she can now see them all day long. No matter what time or what place, it will not affect Yotsuya Miko's observation of these strange things.

This incident made the girl feel very heavy.

Speaking of which, why did she start to dream about these strange things?

And although the dreams every night are different, they always involve the person called [Alice]?

Yotsuya Miko couldn't help but recall the mysterious ritual of the "Alice Game" that has become popular in the class recently, which is said to help people make good friends. It seems that many girls are attracted to this thing. Some girls who want to make a boyfriend have tried this ritual many times, and many people say that this ritual is really effective.

Although in Miko's opinion, this ritual is really childish and boring, drawing a six-pointed star on the table and then holding a candle to light it, and then silently chanting "Alice Alice please help me, please help me find a good friend" and so on, there is no magic in this ritual at all, but it makes her feel extremely embarrassed.

However, she did watch several classmates in her class perform this ritual, but the problem is that she didn't see anything strange happening during the ritual?

Forget it, it's just a dream, there is no need to care.

Thinking of this, Miko opened the door and came to the corridor.

Then, she couldn't help but lower her head and looked at her feet, at the footprints that stretched all the way from the stairs to the door of her room before disappearing.


The girl was slightly stunned.

Where did such footprints come from in her house?

Was it because my slippers were soaked with water and I didn't pay attention to clean them?

She walked out of the room and closed the door.

As Jianzi walked away, the room returned to silence, and only the faint light of the early morning illuminated the bedroom of this slightly simple girl.

And the figure sitting in front of the bed in the bedroom, with his head slightly lowered.

I don't know when he sat there, maybe he has been sitting there for a long time, sitting on the floor next to the bed, leaning forward and lowering his head, almost leaning on the pillow.

[Shh, Alice is here to disturb you]

[Be good, rest well~]

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