Chapter 20: Two people traveling in a chaotic world

This extremely violent explosion shook the floors and ceilings of at least five or six floors.

When Gao Hai helped Zhen Fei stand up from the rubble, what he saw was the twisted building structure in the burning flames, extending almost endlessly from bottom to top. He could not see this at all. The apex of a chaotic building with no end in sight.

"An explosion of this magnitude, high explosives?"

The pale-faced real concubine murmured, and then quickly noticed something abnormal around her.

However, due to his inconvenience, Gao Hai took the lead in the end, grabbed Zhen Fei's shoulders, hugged her like a large rag doll, and began to quickly turn around and escape, heading away from the explosion area. place to run.

The surroundings are getting noisy.

Among the ruins, more and more things inside the countless disorderly doors were alarmed by the huge movement and began to take action one after another.

Can't get caught by these things.

Without a wall clock to backtrack, once caught here, everything is truly lost.

"What exactly is this place? It feels like no matter which direction it extends, it has the same chaotic structure. Is this really the same apartment we stayed in before?"

While observing the surrounding situation nervously, the true concubine could not help but whisper.

She thought she had seen enough unconventional things today, but it turned out that this ghost place always exceeded her imagination. The endless piles of broken buildings in front of her seemed like a nightmare, just like in a disaster movie. The scene of destruction adds a bit of surreal weirdness.

Can we really find a way out of here, or find the wall clock here?

The girl's heart has gradually become unstable.

"This should be the [3rd floor]."

Gao Hai answered Zhen Fei calmly.

"Third floor? How could it be possible? This place looks like this..."

Zhen Fei was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what the other party meant.

"No matter what the Shirakawa Apartment was like in the past, it has now become an unreasonable supernatural world. The second floor we stayed on before may be because it is far away from the most dangerous 304 in the Shirakawa Apartment, and it is also not on the 1st floor near the exit. Because of the building, it seems normal on the surface. But on the contrary, the first floor is now hidden, and there is no way to leave through normal channels. The anomaly on the third floor has expanded from 304 to the entire third floor. The fragmented building complex is now the third floor, an endless stretch of ruins. Well, this is just my guess, but it should not be too different from reality. "

Gao Hai, who spoke calmly, kept running forward with Zhen Fei on his back.

"304... If I remember correctly, when I looked down the hole just now..."

The true concubine's expression changed slightly. Although she couldn't see clearly at the time, she still remembered that the bottom floor of the ruined building revealed after the explosion was a blood-red floor with a door standing there. Even though he couldn't see the door clearly, it still made his heart palpitate.

"Well, yes, that's it. I think the real rooms on the third floor should be hidden in various areas in this ruins. Just like the place we stayed before, and the hidden area blown up by this explosion. "

As Gao Hai answered, he couldn't help but think of Lao Guo, an old player who obviously had many tricks.

What benefit did the guy get from dialing the clock faster, so much so that he risked letting the time in his apartment slip into night?

Is it because there is something that can only be explored at night, or is it some kind of profit factor that makes him decide to take risks, or is it some other reason?

No matter what the reason was, he was already dead now, and I don’t know if he ever regretted his actions.

And speaking of it, judging from the current performance of this guy, he at least possesses a prop with supernatural power that can hypnotize or manipulate others. Perhaps it is the [obsession] that Green mentioned. In addition, this guy has a gun, he can shoot fairly accurately, and his agility and resistance to blows are also very strong. Although the fake Kaguya is the weakest among the Kaitan individuals that Gao Hai has encountered so far, and can be said to be the only thing that can resist and escape at the moment, judging from the performance of the real concubine and Lao Guo's close entanglement with her, at least this is The quality of Captain America is still the kind of blood-locked one. And Lao Guo can be beaten for several minutes without being beaten to death, so it is conceivable that he still has something.

There are even high explosives in this guy's equipment. If he had used this thing on the second floor before, seems that it was of no use other than killing all the players in the group? After all, Kaitan doesn't seem to be afraid of this level of physical attack.

I don’t know what the reaction would be if a player brought a nuclear bomb into the rules monster and then detonated it.

After only a short period of time without danger, Gao Hai's mind couldn't help but start to be filled with various thoughts again.

In front of the road, those chaotic roads and various furniture continue to extend, beds collapsed on the ceiling, cabinets slanted on the walls, stairs that extend halfway up, and various doors that are opened or closed randomly, and Trash bags and gravel that are accumulated or scattered.


During the march, Gao Hai kicked a garbage bag, and a crisp sound came from inside.

He lowered his head and looked at the scattered garbage bags and the empty beer cans that fell out of the garbage bags.

It's the kind of cheap beer that's only sold at street stalls. It's the lowest quality cheap beer. Although the packaging looks similar to ordinary beer, people who have drank it can tell it immediately by smelling it. It's actually that. This is garbage produced by an unlicensed small factory. Only the extremely poor guy would consider using this kind of thing to anesthetize himself.

"What's wrong?"

The real concubine on her back noticed Gao Hai's slow steps.

"These garbage bags look like they contain empty beer bottles."

Gao Hai answered while continuing to walk through the chaotic houses.

"Have you thought of anything?"

Zhen Fei frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't think of anything useful. For her, a princess living in a mansion and a castle, the low-quality beer at the bottom was still a bit far away, and she had no way to make valuable associations based on it.

"There are all kinds of guesses. Wine is the cheapest wine, and there are so many of them. Maybe it was used by a group of people at a party? Or maybe it was drunk by a certain person? In any case, these garbage piles of wine bottles It appears repeatedly, and I think it may be a true portrayal of the people who once lived in Shirakawa Apartment, leaving traces on this place in this way... But this is just a guess, don’t take it too seriously.”

Gao Hai frowned and thought for a while before roughly giving some of his thoughts.

"Is that so? I'm afraid it's hard for aunt and I to think of this kind of thing. The difference in environment and perspective is still very big. But you understand this so well, have you ever drank? Are you the kind of person who would A writer who starts writing after a few swigs of wine?”

The real concubine, who still couldn't imagine it well, shook her head and said, and then noticed something else.

"...No, I can't write anything after drinking. It's just that, no matter how I put it, family gatherings, class reunions, friends gatherings, all kinds of gatherings are always related to drinking. "My sense of taste and smell are relatively sensitive, so I can smell it a little bit. But personally, I really hate drinking because it disrupts my normal thinking."

As Gao Hai spoke, he suddenly stopped and looked somewhere.

"Is that so? I have never drank wine, but the adults in my family have made wine tasting a required course for me and are planning to teach me when I grow up. Huh? What's wrong? Why did you stop suddenly?"

After Zhen Fei subconsciously replied a few words, she noticed Gao Hai's movements and asked while following Gao Hai's gaze.

That's a window.

Located among the twisted and disordered buildings, there is an inconspicuous-looking window.

However, unlike the window they encountered on the second floor before, and the window in the room where the two were trapped before, this window was not nailed up, but remained in a normal state.

Even at this moment, the window remained open, and one could directly see the silent starry sky outside the window, as well as a hazy crescent moon.

"Outside the window...that's..."


There is no moon, no stars.

At the moment of realization, Zhen Fei closed her eyes suddenly, while Gao Hai quickly turned around and ran quickly in the opposite direction to the window.

Outside the window...

Those outside the windows...

The scene seemed to be torn in the girl's heart, and it seemed that she would never forget it once she saw it.


No, no, that’s right, it’s falling...

Falling upwards... like stars...

"Don't keep thinking about that thing, we don't see any windows."

Gao Hai suddenly spoke at this moment, causing Zhen Fei's consciousness to wake up instantly.

"Why do you wake up so quickly every time you encounter this kind of situation... Tsk, this thing is obviously like hypnosis..."

The real concubine who shook her head did not continue to be trapped in the weird thinking just now, but she was a little puzzled by Gao Hai's peculiar performance in this regard.

"Maybe this is my natural talent, but I just haven't discovered it before. Tsk, something is catching up with me."

Gao Hai, who was joking, suddenly noticed the unusual sound beside him.

Zhen Fei noticed the thing before Gao Hai, and quickly pulled Gao Hai's arm to prompt him to avoid the direction. Then Gao Hai suddenly dodged to one side and rushed out. The next moment, a wall beside the two of them exploded. , a cold figure rushed out from behind the wall, raised his head, and locked onto the true concubine who was being carried on Gao Hai's back.

"What the hell, Brother Refrigerator?!"

At the same time, Gao Hai, who was also observing this side, had recognized the body of the refrigerator man who had been silent on the second floor.

Chapter 21: Bad boys must be punished

Refrigerator brother.

Although this nickname looks like a very ordinary guy, well, it seems that in terms of appearance, he is indeed quite ordinary. Isn't it just a frozen corpse?

But at this moment, this guy suddenly appeared in this chaotic world and intercepted the two of them in the same wall-breaking style as the tyrant. This was not a small problem that could be easily fooled.


Broken ice shards fell to the ground.

This stiff figure, all white, slowly raised his hand, as if he wanted to grab Gao Hai.

At the same time, without even a second of hesitation, Gao Hai turned around and ran, disappearing in a flash.

It was not easy to carry a person on his back for a long time in the chaotic and complex terrain. However, in order to avoid physical problems caused by long-term sitting and typing, Gao Hai spent a lot of time on fitness before crossing, so his physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary people, and he could continue to support it at this time.

I couldn't hear the footsteps behind me.

The stiff frozen corpse didn't seem to catch up?

Gao Hai didn't dare to stop and observe the other party's situation.

In the dark corridor, the lights flickered and went out, like a person's eyes blinking.

No other sounds could be heard.

It seemed that the whole world was left with only his own footsteps.

"Hu... Hu..."

Take a deep breath.


The footsteps landed on the corridor full of garbage bags and gravel, and then jumped up again.

Gao Hai adjusted his breathing and running rhythm, running forward as fast as possible.

Where exactly is the wall clock?

In theory, as long as I get close to a certain distance, maybe I can feel the gaze of the human head wall clock.

But now I don’t have this feeling, which means that there is no human head clock nearby. No, maybe the distance is not close enough. After all, this ghost place is quite large. Maybe the places where the wall clocks exist are far apart. You have to get close to those places first.

Then pass through a curved corridor and run through a chaotic passage that is difficult to describe in words.

Gao Hai’s footsteps suddenly stopped at this time.


The girl on the back has been quiet for some time.

The touch is getting cold.

When Gao Hai realized it, he found that Zhenfei, who was carried on his back, had a thin layer of frost on her body.

He squatted down and held the girl on his back in his arms.

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked into the other person's weak eyes. At this moment, ice chips of various sizes began to appear on her body, just like the corpse in the refrigerator, freezing bit by bit.

"So... cold..."

The girl's voice had become hoarse and had lost its original momentum.

"...Can the corpse that escaped from the room inflict its own death on others? Or is it because you woke up in that room and you are the owner of that house, so you will suffer the same death as him? If so, what about the two corpses in 205? The female corpse died of suffocation, and the male corpse seemed to have died of supernatural power. No... In the end, I can't be sure whether it was the male corpse or the female corpse that came out of 205."

Amidst the nagging voice, Gao Hai put the girl whose body was gradually stiffening on the ground and held her stiff and cold hand.

"Let's go..."

The girl, who was almost speechless, moved her lips slightly.

"Well, sorry, I'm leaving first."

I didn't look at the tears frozen in the girl's eyes, nor did I look at the fear and pain of the proud girl at the last moment.

Gao Hai exhaled lightly, stood up, walked around the completely frozen girl, and continued to run forward.

He knew that his next ending would not be good.

After struggling in this weird apartment until now, and trying his best to reach this point.

This story of a time traveler, about a time traveler's adventure in a terrible rule-based weird game, is probably coming to an end.

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