"Isn't it that I'm playing a ritual? Why did I suddenly come to this place?"

"Is it... Is that Alice game real?!"

"What is this place? I want to go home, I want to go home now!"

"Hey, are you guys here too? What's going on?"

"Is it a reality show? Is this a performance?"

"Are we kidnapped? No, no..."

Twenty or so high school girls who were 16 or 17 years old, who had never experienced any strange events and were not as capable and charismatic as Kaguya Maki, suddenly found themselves in an unprecedented strange environment and in a very strange and abnormal place. Their noise almost immediately drowned Gao Hai's hearing.

More than half of the girls didn't even look at the rule sheet in their hands, and didn't even care about the candle on the table. They sat up from their seats and ran to the door to try to open it, but found that the doors in front and behind the classroom were locked and couldn't be opened.

Some timid girls burst into tears on the spot.

There were also a few panicked girls who quickly gathered together, although they did nothing after standing together, making it completely unclear what they were doing.

"Mr. Gao, this is..."

Jianzi was still calm. After noticing the words on the blackboard, she lowered her head to look at the rule sheet on her palm. After quickly reading the content on it, she looked at Gao Hai with a look of help.

"It's a pity that we couldn't run away. Next, we must find a way to survive from this place."

Gao Hai shrugged helplessly at Jianzi, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Is being a riddle man really a retribution?

Next time you meet an important character like the heroine of a certain anime, it's better not to go up and chat with her. If you open some branch line and trap yourself in the dungeon, you will really be unable to laugh and swallow your tears.

However, these lessons should be learned after surviving the current crisis.

"Mr. Gao, the students in this classroom, everyone..."

Jizi, who had carefully held the candle in her arms, looked nervously at the students in the room with different reactions. After discovering that these were her classmates, the girl's mood became obviously worse.

"Most of the people here are no different from dead people. Next, listen to my instructions. As long as you don't hold me back and can help me, I will find a way to take you out of this ghost place. Now, don't act rashly and protect your candle."

Gao Hai said as he picked up the candle on his desk.

And just as Gao Hai was watching coldly, suddenly, a voice sounded from the radio hanging on the ceiling on the side of the blackboard, located in the corner of the wall.

[Ding Ding Ling Ling——~]

The first sound was a pleasant music.

[Alice's game is about to start~]

Then came the voice of a very young girl, very childish, as if she was still a junior high school student. Lively, cute, as if she was really playing a game, her tone was very happy and excited, but it only made Gao Hai feel uncomfortable.

Is this voice the voice of [Alice]?

"Who wants to play games with you! Let us out quickly, let us leave here!"

An emotional girl with dyed yellow hair shouted loudly.

But the voice of Alice completely ignored it, just continued to talk to herself, and continued to introduce the general rules excitedly.

[Everyone should protect your candles, and find the things Alice hid quickly]

[Alice is looking forward to becoming good friends with you]

[So now the game starts counting down, 5,4,3——]

"I told you that I don't want to play any bastard games with you, you guy!!!"

While the voice on the radio was still counting down, the yellow-haired girl had already raised the candle on her table high in anger and smashed it hard on the ground.

Then, she stomped down hard, extinguishing the flickering flame on the red candle.

Gao Hai did not see anything unusual.

But Jian Zi, who was sitting next to him, tensed up almost immediately.

The next moment, everyone except Jian Zi and Gao Hai screamed in fear amid the blood splattering everywhere.

The smiling voice of the girl on the radio continued slowly amid the screams of the students.


[Alice's game has begun~]

Chapter 2: Sometimes having more people does not mean things will go smoothly

Screaming, crying, collapsing on the ground, running around, standing stiffly in place...

At the moment when the blond girl's head exploded, the postures displayed by these girls were varied and rich, and clearly highlighted their fragile and weak sides.

Of course, after all, they were ordinary people who had never been involved in the [Sacrifice Game], and they were pulled into a heavyweight copy like [Campus Tales] at the beginning. Blaming and mocking their fragility and powerlessness was just a cold talk. Gao Hai didn't have the leisure to care about such things. He just watched the yellow-haired girl seriously, watching the moment when she was born and died.

From the candle going out to her head shattering, the interval in the middle was less than 3 seconds.

Gao Hai didn't see anything.

After the girl stepped on the candle and extinguished it, when her head seemed to be squeezed and exploded by something, he didn't see anything abnormal.


Not completely.

Looking down, Gao Hai looked at the red candle that had fallen to the ground and had been extinguished.

At that moment, when the candle was about to be completely extinguished, it seemed that something emerged from the darkness, but disappeared with the candlelight.


The thing that launched the attack, its origin is something like a shadow? That thing won't appear when holding a candle, so there's no way to see it. When the candle goes out, that thing will kill people without candles, and because of the loss of the candle as a light source, the attack of this thing will be completely hidden in the darkness, so that there's no way to find its trace?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai turned his head slightly and saw Yotsuya Miko standing there in a daze, her whole body stiff.

There was a little blood foam on her face.

When the girl's head exploded just now, basically most of the people in the class were stained with blood, and Gao Hai was the same. However, he didn't care about the blood staining his clothes. In comparison, Miko's reaction just now was more worthy of attention.

She seemed to...see something. Before the girl died, the child's reaction was wrong. In her eyes, the process of the girl's death might be different from the situation in other people's perspectives.


In another explosion, another girl fell to the ground, her head was like a smashed watermelon, flowing all over the ground.

This girl screamed and ran away immediately after the yellow-haired girl's head exploded, without even looking at the candles and papers on her desk. As a result, when the class was in a panic and running away, a panicked girl directly knocked over her desk, causing the candle to roll on the ground and go out. As a result, the girl who had already run away for a distance suddenly stiffened, and then died on the spot, meeting the same death as the yellow-haired girl.

Gao Hai saw that thing this time.

It was indeed a shadow, like a wolf, a huge shadow with four legs on the ground.

Because this girl fled to a farther place, the flames of other candles illuminated her shadow and the shadow of the thing that followed her. So Gao Hai clearly saw the thing biting the girl's shadow's head, and then the girl's head was bitten to pieces, like a squeezed watermelon.

"Don't knock over the candle!"

Finally, Jianzi, who came to his senses at this time, shouted loudly, anxiously trying to stop his classmates.

But after more than 20 people fell into chaos, her voice alone was too weak. In an instant, two or three more tables were knocked to the ground. As the candles rolled on the ground and went out, more blood bloomed in the classroom.

And this was less than ten seconds after the first suicidal girl was killed.

"Be quiet."

Gao Hai said slowly.

A blood-red light flashed through his eyes.

Hedar's blessing full of killing and destruction brought an extremely strong deterrent effect. Even the most frightened and panicked girl who was completely crazy was shocked by the strong coldness at this moment. She stood stiffly in place and could not move, as if her breathing and the movement of every muscle in her body were stopped.

A total of 4 students died.

Four bodies with broken heads fell to the ground, and their bodies occasionally twitched, looking very fresh.

The power of blessing was turned on and off instantly. Gao Hai, who had returned to normal at this time, just glanced at the four corpses, and then couldn't help but shake his head slightly, feeling helpless and sad for these girls.

Red Moon-level copy.

Even among the players with extraordinary powers, this is an extremely difficult copy that only the top-level player team can challenge.

A group of players with super-strong blessings, who can run at the speed of sound and jump like the Green Giant, and then add various powerful obsessions such as defense, reconnaissance, and space displacement, and who can cooperate and trust each other, can challenge this copy with a high turnover rate. Now throw in more than 20 ordinary high school girls without any extraordinary powers.

Gao Hai couldn't think of any other words to describe this group of students except pitiful.


侾Accompanied by the slight shaking of the chair, Gao Hai stood up.

"I have no obligation to protect you, because even I can't protect myself in this place. So I will only say this once, and you can do whatever you want after that. First of all, protect your candles. Once the flame of this red candle goes out, something will attack and kill people. You saw the four people who died just now, so now, honestly return to the seat where you woke up at the beginning and hold the candles."

"Secondly, when each of you wakes up, there is a rule list on the table. Read the rule list, keep it in your mind, and remember it well. You may not survive according to the rules above. , but if you don’t refer to the records above to take action, you will definitely die miserably. Well, that’s all I have to say, and you will be happy next.”

The moment Gao Hai finished speaking, he had already walked up to the yellow-haired girl who died suddenly with a candle.

He did not look at these girls who grew up in peaceful times and had never experienced any bloody and cruel things before today. Although he noticed that there were actually several girls holding their candles carefully, which proved that there were newcomers who knew how to protect themselves carefully, he still did not pay attention.

To be honest, even if it is a Dark Night level dungeon, he may still try to protect these newcomers, just like Wang Gui in the second dungeon. The old man who knows explosives was killed by Gao Hai in the third week. He was sent directly to the guard box, stayed there safely until the dungeon ended, and then was rescued. It can be said that he won the whole process.

After all, even if it is a dark night copy, you can still find a safe zone and a place where you can hide safely. But the red moon level copy, whether it was the extremely special one that invaded the real world before, the weirdness that could deceive his sense of blessing, or the malicious words hidden in the rule sheet and game target description, all made Gao Hai I feel that it is not easy to find a safe zone in this copy, and it may even be impossible.

Therefore, even if there is a newcomer with talent and ability, Gao Hai will not pay too much attention unless he has extraordinary perception like Mianzi. Because he knew that the people in this class basically only had one ending: total annihilation. Even Gao Hai himself was not sure whether he would die in this place several times or whether he could survive and leave this place smoothly.

However, in Gao Hai's view, he had shown enough kindness to a stranger by shocking these confused students and telling them what they should do most now. But these girls didn't seem to think so. Several girls looked at Gao Hai with something wrong in their expressions.

"You did it, right?"

A girl stepped forward and said to Gao Hai excitedly.

"Are these people the actors you found? Are you doing some kind of reality show, right? I'm warning you, my father knows the congressman, so let me go immediately!"

The more the girl talked, the more excited she became. Her eyes looking at Gao Hai were full of anger, as if she had determined that he was the one controlling all this.

"No, that's right, we are all in the same class. You are the only one who is not. It was you who did it, right? What happened to Xiaoli and the others? Are they...are they really dead, or are they being used by you? What method?"

After the first girl made an attack, a second girl came forward, and she also raised suspicions and accusations against Gao Hai.

"What the hell do you want to do? I don't want to be a reality show actor!"

"That's right, hurry up and open the locked door, we have to get out of here!"

"I'm going to call the police. Damn it, why is there no signal? When I leave here, I must call the police and let the police arrest you and put you in jail, you kidnapper!"

More and more girls began to accuse Gao Hai and even insulted him on the spot.

However, no one dared to step forward.

After Gao Hai used the power of blessing to intimidate these girls, no matter how fierce they scolded them, they didn't have the guts to come forward and fight with Gao Hai.

"No, Mr. Gao was implicated by me, he is also a victim!"

Jianzi couldn't stand what these classmates said, so he stood up to defend Gao Hai and tried to explain the matter.

She tried to explain things related to the "Alice Game" to these students, letting them know that it was the game itself that had psychic abilities that led to them being brought to this place, and that Gao Hai was implicated by Miko and was Brought by the "making friends" feature of [Alice Game].

However, for those guys who have already determined the "facts", or who know something is wrong, but deceive themselves because they refuse to believe in the strange existence, and deceive themselves by defining Gao Hai, the only alternative among the students, as a "sinner", it seems that It was impossible for them to listen to the facts that Zi said.

"Nonsense, I think you are with him, right?"

"Speaking of which, Yotsuya-kun has been getting very dark circles under his eyes recently. He seems to be having trouble sleeping. Is he already with this man or that..."

"Ah, it's so disgusting. You're doing that kind of thing even though you're still a high school student. Could it be that you're socializing..."

Although her relationship with these students is relatively normal, and Yuri Kawaka is the only friend in the entire class, Miko must admit that she did not expect that these classmates who get along day and night would say such things to her.

At this time, some students tried to mediate the situation. For example, the deputy class president Ito Norihana stood up and explained that Yotsuya Miko could not do such a shameful thing, saying that the current situation still needs to be discussed carefully, and some people expressed their opinions and quickly left the situation. Next to him, Gao Hai, who was squatting on the ground studying the corpse, walked away. It seems that even the students who are relatively willing to believe in the truth are still unable to trust Gao Hai, the only person of the opposite sex, and are wary of him.

"You, you..."

Miko, who had never dealt with such a scene before, pursed her lips and clenched her fists, but she didn't know what else she could say.

"Why waste so much time talking? What's the use of explaining it to them?"

As for Gao Hai, who took the words of these students as bullshit, he didn't even listen to what they were saying. He just picked up the extinguished candle on the ground and took out a lighter from his pocket to try to light it.

Snap -

The extinguished candle lit up again as the flame flickered.

Gao Hai frowned and carefully observed the dark red candle. Just as he was about to try to blow it out to see the effect, he found that the headless girl lying on the ground beside him twitched, then suddenly stood up and stood up directly.

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