"Mr. Gao, um, do you want to put this thing on your head?"

Mianzi, who had been paying attention to the situation here, couldn't help but walked over and asked in a low voice after seeing Gao Hai pick up the dirty hood.

"You have to give it a try. If there is a problem, I might be able to break free after putting it on, but you definitely won't be able to resist. So now, I can only rely on me to be the test subject for this thing."

Gao Hai said as he raised the hood.

He could feel a sinister aura spreading inside the hood.

This thing is not an obsession, but it has strange properties in a certain sense. You can be sure that after wearing this thing, you will never just "change your identity". But the specific situation can only be known after you actually try it.


Gao Hai put his head into the hood, and in the sticky squirming sound, he could feel the strange sound made by the squeezing of the flesh that had not been cleaned out in the hood.

Little by little, push your head deeper into the hood.

His head, his face, every inch of skin and pores could clearly feel a strong sense of moisture at this moment.

It was blood that had not completely dried up from inside the hood.

At this moment, as he moved, the blood from the sheep's head gradually filled his head, giving him an even stronger sense of discomfort.

There are no eye holes left in this hood to observe the external environment. It is completely closed. Logically speaking, after wearing this kind of thing, your eyes will be black and you can't see anything.

But Gao Hai found that he could still see. Everything around him was so clear, even clearer than before. It was as if the whole world had increased from 480p to 1080p, which was very novel.

"Mr. Gao?"

Miko took a step back.

Gao Hai turned his head and could see the nervous and frightened expression on the girl's face.

"It's okay, I'm still me, I'm still Gao Hai."

A dull voice sounded from the sheep's head at that moment.

"To be honest, it feels quite amazing. In short, this hood may allow me to change my identity into a [teacher], but whether it can be successful or not will not be clear until we meet those [students]."

"Okay, we've spent a lot of time, and it should be some time before the lights come on. Let's go. Next, it's time to find a way to change your identity."

Along with the dull sound, the sheep-headed man took steps towards the door of the office.

The protruding sheep's eyes on the rotting sheep's head squirmed slightly at this moment, and slowly looked at Miko who was following him.

Chapter Thirteen: Are you talking to someone right now?

Darkness still enveloped this dilapidated building.

When under the light, the building appears intact and everything looks brand new. But as soon as the lights go out, everything becomes tattered and looks like a ruin that has been abandoned for a long time.

Just like under the light, the original appearance of all things will be obscured. Only in the darkness when the light disappears, the original appearance of these things will be truly revealed.


Inconspicuous footsteps sounded in the corridor.

The sheep-headed man advanced cautiously.

Mianzi, who was following the sheep-headed man, was also moving forward step by step.

There were cracks on the walls and ceiling, and there were scattered gravel and wall dust everywhere on the ground. There were even some garbage bags and other debris that couldn't be clearly identified.

The steps forward stirred up dust, and Ling Miko couldn't help but cover her nose and cough quietly.

The sheep-headed man held the candle in one hand and the black umbrella in the other, and continued to walk in silence, moving forward step by step in such a leisurely manner.

The two of them had already left Office No. 3 and entered the deep corridor next to the office.

If you want to go to Class 1 of the second grade of junior high school, you need to go through five corridors of different lengths. On the fifth floor of the teaching building whose internal structure has been completely distorted, the structure of this class's location can be said to be quite strange. It is precisely because this place looks so special, and because the number 1 often represents the best, that the sheep head made the decision to go to this class and try to investigate to see if it was [ The class where outstanding students are located.


Miko reached out her hand and rubbed her temples.

For some reason, she felt a little dizzy from the beginning, and felt that things around her didn't seem particularly clear.

It's like mental exhaustion caused by not sleeping well, but I obviously didn't feel this way before, so why did I suddenly start to feel tired?

It feels really strange...but it doesn't seem to be a problem that needs special attention.

Well, that's right, this is not an issue that needs special attention now... It's okay, it's okay, Sir, just take care of the things in front of you.

"Are you feeling sick?"

The sheep-headed man turned around and asked. The two bulging eyeballs were firmly locked on Miko's body, as if the hollowed-out sheep head had come to life.

"...It's okay, I'm probably just a little tired."

Mianzi shook his head and continued walking forward.

The corridor ahead was a dark corridor with no windows on either side.

In the dark and enclosed space, only the footsteps of Jianzi and the sheep-headed man were still ringing.

Very quiet.

Under the dim light of the candlelight, the entire corridor was silent, as if there were no living people.

Has it always been so quiet here?

I always feel... it seems that it was not like this at the beginning.

Jianzi stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, yawned lightly, and then took a step to move forward.

After passing through the corridor in front of him and turning the corner, a door that was not on the map appeared in front of him.

This door was open at this time, so you can see that there is another corridor inside the door. But unlike the previous corridor, the corridor here is actually carpeted, and the two sides of the corridor are decorated with gorgeous murals and various slogans. The chandelier on the top of the corridor is also completely different from the normal fluorescent lamp, with crystal-like decorations. As if deliberately emphasizing some kind of difference, just by coming to this door, Jianzi couldn't help but feel that he shouldn't walk in, and he didn't have the qualifications to step in.

"I... I don't think I should go in."

Seeing that the sheep-headed man next to him had no intention of stopping, Jianzi hesitated for a moment, but still stopped at the door and didn't go in.


The sheep-headed man also stopped, turned around and looked at Jianzi and asked.

"Because... because... I don't know, I just think I shouldn't go in, this... is not a place I can come in."

Jianzi opened his mouth, hesitated for a long time and couldn't give any reason, but just refused to move forward and refused to step into the door.

You can't go in.

You don't have the qualifications to go in.

That's right, this is a place where only good students can enter.

Other students except good students are not qualified to enter this place.

If you go in, you will make a mistake and do something you shouldn't do.

So... I can't...

[It's okay, come in, the teacher allows you to come in, keep going with me]

The sheep-headed man spoke.

Jianzi was slightly stunned, and subconsciously wanted to take a step forward, but couldn't help but stop.

She showed a fear and panic expression on her face, and instinctively looked around, as if she didn't want to be discovered, and seemed to be afraid of being done something by someone.

[Don't be afraid, you just need to listen to the teacher now]

So the sheep-headed man walked in front of Jianzi and spoke to her again.

[You don't need to care about any rules now, and you don't need to listen to anyone's orders]

[The teacher is talking to you now, and the teacher has given you instructions, so you don't need to listen to other people's words]

[There is only one thing you need to do now, that is to follow the teacher and listen to the teacher, otherwise, you will become a bad kid]

As the sheep-headed man slowly spoke, Jianzi could feel that the fear in her heart was calming down little by little.

That's right, she doesn't need to be afraid.

The teacher has allowed me to come into this place.

So now I have not made any mistakes, even those good students cannot blame me or order me.

"I know."

Jianzi took a step and stepped into the door.

The sheep-headed man continued to move forward, walking side by side with Jianzi, and walked deeper into the corridor together.

The dust here seemed to be denser.

Although it can be seen that this place was once well decorated and specially designed to be a very high-end and luxurious place, after becoming a ruin, it did not seem so special, but became more messy.

Many chandeliers have fallen to the ground, and the ground is full of fragments.

Many paintings and slogans on the wall have also fallen to the ground, and the content on them has become blurred, and there is no way to recognize the text.

However, there are still a few slogans that can be identified, and you can still see what is written on them.

[We are special, we are special, we are different]

Jianzi saw one of the slogans, which seemed to be handwritten by someone, with calligraphy outlined with a brush, and the style was very wild.

[Our existence is above everything, there is nothing we cannot do, we can have everything]

Another recognizable slogan was discovered by Jianzi. Compared with the previous slogan, this slogan made her feel even more uneasy and uncomfortable.

[We can take everything in this world at will, this is our power, because we are the most special and noble]

[Nothing can stop us, nothing can resist us, we will be perfect, we will create a new world]

[Everything in the world is inferior to us, it is an ownerless thing that we can plunder at will, we are the masters of the future]

More slogans, more uncomfortable content.

All the words are full of strong pride and arrogance, and a sense of contempt for everything, as well as a deep sense of distortion.

Jianzi feels that people who live in such a place and grow up in such a place can never be [excellent students]. They can only be completely twisted and crazy monsters, and evil beasts that are out of touch with human society.

Why does such a place exist?

What kind of people does such a place want to teach?

If such a place really existed, then where did all the people who once lived in it go? Did they all become weird and stay in this school forever? Or are there individuals who left this place and still live in our daily lives?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt a chill.

Can I really leave this place?

I have become a [bad student]. Do I really have a chance to leave here alive?

Jianzi slightly tightened the corner of her clothes.

[Of course you can, don't be afraid]

The person next to her reached out and gently patted Jianzi's shoulder, smiling at her.

"Can I...really? I am so weak and have no ability to protect myself. When I encountered those terrible things, I had no way to escape or fight. I had to rely on others to protect me to survive."

Jianzi lowered her head and whispered, and her mood became more and more depressed.

[It's okay, it's okay. It's not your fault that you're weak. And you've done a good job, haven't you? Every time you find a problem, you tell your companions right away. Without you, it would be hard for them to survive until now, right? So don't worry, you'll definitely survive to the end]

The person next to her smiled again, then frowned and said to her seriously.

"Really? Did I really play a role? I always feel that I still caused a lot of trouble for the teacher. And I obviously lied to the teacher. I saw the picture he said, and I saw the person who presented the flowers, but I couldn't say it... Hey, why didn't I say it..."

Jizi opened her eyes slightly, and her expression became a little confused.

[Because if you tell him, he will die, you are worried about him, you are protecting him, right? ]

The person next to her reached out and gently stroked Jizi's head, and whispered to her.

"Is that so... Yes, if he knew, something bad would definitely happen, so I didn't see it... That's why I didn't see it..."

Jizi, who lowered her head, murmured, and her expression gradually returned to normal.

[That’s right, you didn’t do anything wrong. You did the right thing. So don’t hesitate or feel lost. Just do it boldly. No one will blame you.]

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