Despair spread in my heart.

The girl's hands have begun to exert force and are about to poke into the eyeball.


A tall figure appeared next to Miko at this moment.

The power to control his body suddenly disappeared.

And the laughter of these students suddenly stopped.

[Class is about to start, what are you doing? 】

A cold voice sounded.

【Hello teacher! 】

All the students bent down at this moment, looking at the figure and saying hello.

[What’s the point of playing with these things? Study hard and don’t waste your status as an outstanding student]

The tall figure wearing a sheep's head hood just made a dull voice and taught the students a lesson.

[Sorry teacher, we are too playful]

The students were apologizing.

At this time, Miko was able to regain control of her body and look around, and then found herself in a luxuriously decorated small classroom. There are only seats for twelve students in this classroom, and the number of students is...

[Okay, you, and you, come here for a moment]

The sheep-headed man pointed at the student who gave the order, and then pointed at Miko.

The feeling of being controlled by something came again.

Jianzi stood up stiffly, walked towards the sheep-headed man step by step, and followed him to the side of the classroom door.

[Teacher, what’s the matter? 】

The student standing next to Miiko said with a smile, his voice was nice, kind and polite.

It was as if the person who just ordered a bad student to poke his eyes out and run in circles was not the same person as this peaceful person.

【Just want to tell you a truth】

The sheep-headed man said in an indifferent voice.

[Ask the teacher for advice]

The student said respectfully, the smile on his face getting brighter.

[The first thing is, no matter how noble a person is, there may be times when he is down and out, so if you do things with a grain of salt, you are responsible for your own life]

As the sheep-headed man spoke, he stretched out his hand to straighten the student's collar.

[Thank you teacher for your advice]

The student smiled and just stood there.

[Then there is the second thing, spiritual pollution, spiritual erosion, assimilation and transformation of identity. I have experienced this kind of thing more than once. So, if you want to use this trick to kill me without anyone noticing, I think your idea is too beautiful. "

In the next sentence, Gao Hai reached out and took off the golden badge hanging on the student's chest.

The student who was smiling just now suddenly changed in the next moment, turning into a bloody man with blood all over his body and two eyes gouged out. He opened his mouth and let out a shrill howl.


Gao Hai stretched out his other hand and turned off the lights in the classroom directly.

Darkness enveloped him in an instant.

The student who was about to pounce just now disappeared in the next moment.

The twelve students in the entire classroom turned back into twelve corpses lying on the ground at this moment, and the beautiful little classroom under the light also turned back into fragmented ruins.

Turning around, Gao Hai put the badge that seemed to be made of gold on Miko's collar.

Then, before the shadow floating outside the window broke through the window and broke in, Gao Hai turned around and inserted a blood-red key into the classroom door.

The next moment, Gao Hai and Miko opened the toilet cubicle door and returned to the toilet next to the archives room.

"are you OK?"

Gao Hai did not take off the sheep's head hood immediately, but quickly looked at Miko next to him after taking off the key and closing the door.

"Well...I'm fine, I'm fine..."

The girl collapsed on the ground and sat down against the stall door, breathing heavily.

The nightmare experience she had just now was still extremely clear to this day, so clear that she felt her heartbeat was about to stop.

Those 12 students were all outstanding students, and they... killed each other in the classroom...

Miko closed her eyes and recalled what she saw in the classroom at the moment when the lights were turned on at the high customs.

The first number written on the blackboard is 12.

Then after those students started fighting, the number written on the chalk began to change, 11, 9, 6, 4... and finally 0.

No...the last number is 1.

But it was clear that all 12 students were dead and there was no one alive in the classroom, so why didn’t the number return to zero?

Could it be that there is actually another person?


Miko felt something make a soft sound beside her.

She lowered her head and found that it was the toilet cubicle she was leaning against. From the gap under the cubicle, a black gel pen slowly rolled out from the cubicle. It stopped after touching her clothes. down.

Why is there a gel pen here?

In doubt, Mianzi stretched out his hand and picked up the pen.

The next moment, someone seemed to hear chuckles, coming from the compartment behind him.

Miko, who was slightly dazed, slowly lowered his head and looked into the toilet cubicle through the gap at the bottom.

Then she saw the pair of eyes hiding in the cubicle, looking at her from inside the cubicle.

Chapter 15: Investigation information in the archives and thoughts on the school copy

Gao Hai could feel that the sheep's head had gradually grown together with his head.

The sticky flesh and blood was still alive, still squirming silently, squeezing into his cheeks bit by bit, and drilling into every pore of his body.

However, this thing could not completely erode Gao Hai himself. Even if he was almost deprived of his self by the power of the sheep's head without deliberately resisting, this thing still could not completely destroy Gao Hai himself, so he could take away the badge of "Excellent Student" at the critical moment.

The reason is very simple, because Gao Hai also wears the badge of the rescue team and always has a rescue team uniform on his body. By using the offset of two different assimilation forces, plus a certain degree of resistance after multiple assimilation effects, he has been able to stay awake under the influence of the sheep's head, and even deliberately let the assimilation tendency spread to a certain extent, and stay awake at the same time in this process.

Although it is also very uncomfortable for him to do so.

Unfortunately, it was still difficult to control his actions in that state, otherwise he would try to get a few more student badges. By the way, the feel of this badge... Could it be made of pure gold? It feels like it's quite valuable, but now I'm dating Zhenfei and Qianhua, it seems that I don't need to worry about money in this life.

Thinking like this, Gao Hai has not taken off his headgear for the time being. Maintaining the current state can help him gain certain benefits in school, so although he knows the danger of this thing, he still chooses to continue wearing it.

In addition, the second rescue team member he summoned has now entered the archives room under his command.

During the time when Gao Hai and Jianzi went to Class 1 of the second grade to find the [Excellent Student] badge, he did not forget the rescue team member who was thrown around the archives room after being summoned. After giving the other party an order to enter the archives room for investigation, it is almost time to confirm the situation.

Turning his sight to the archive room, he could see that this small archive room had been turned upside down. A large number of documents were piled on the table, and the rescue team member silently turned over the documents page by page, discarding those documents that were already blurred and whose specific contents could not be seen, leaving only those that could still be identified.

All these documents can only be found when the lights are on. When the rescue team entered the archive room when the lights were off, they found that the entire archive room had been burned, and there was nothing valuable in it. But when the lights came on and the teaching building entered the [daytime] state, it returned to normal, and the files that were originally burned also returned to normal, but for some reason most of them were blurred.

The rescue team member picked up one of the documents with recognizable contents, and Gao Hai was a little surprised. The name written on the document turned out to be Ogawa Kyoko.

[Student enrolled: Kyoko Ogawa]

[Student ID: ■■■■■]

[Class enrolled: Class 015, Junior 2]

[Qualification judgment: Ordinary → Poor]

[Current status: Dead]

[Suggested measures: None]

[Conclusion of treatment: Sent to the biology classroom and used as an anatomical teaching material]

The content of the file is not much, only one page, with a photo of Kyoko Ogawa herself and a photo of Kyoko Ogawa turned into a human model.

Gao Hai, who realized something, ordered the rescue team to conduct a more detailed investigation, and the other party quickly found several more files. Soon, Gao Hai confirmed that all these files with clear handwriting were the files of classmate Jianzi, and the [Current status] in each file was [Dead]. It seems that this file records the things of the living people who came here, and all the classmates who saw Jianzi are dead.

No, wait, there seems to be another living person.

[Student enrolled: Rika Seino]

[Student ID: ■■■■■]

[Class enrolled: Class 015, Junior 2]

[Qualification judgment: Ordinary → Bad → Bad]

[Current status: Reflection in progress]

[Suggested measures: This student has extremely poor qualifications, is disobedient, and is rude to the teacher. He should be immediately killed as soon as he is found]

[Conclusion of handling: Wait for him to leave the classroom]

What is the matter with this Rika Seino? She has been demoted to a bad student, but she is still alive? And looking at the description in this file, she has actually triggered the death penalty, but the punishment has not been executed?

I am afraid that it is necessary to go back and confirm the other party's situation. She can live until now, maybe she found something special.

But before that, I have to find a way to find the files of myself and Jianzi, and confirm what relevant information is recorded in that file room.

So the rescue team started looking again, and this time, the rescue team spent a lot of time before finally finding Gao Hai's file.

However, this file is really quite unusual.

[Students enrolled: High School \u0026 Le#]

[Student ID: ■■■■■■■]

[Class 10*cewv1500sdv]

[Qualification judgment: ordinary → bad → bad bad bad bad bad bad bad teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher]

[Current status: unavailable for query]

[Suggested to raise qualifications fr■e&■dv @r waste jk excellent ■p; ■■■]

[Conclusion of handling: None/bury him deeper]

What the hell? Can the file be filled out like this?

Looking at the file page that looked like a ghost painting, the entire page was almost completely collapsed, and his face on the file was almost completely distorted and almost unrecognizable, Gao Hai felt puzzled.

Could it be that this thing has no way to obtain clear data information about itself?

Could it be a problem with this watch?

Gao Hai couldn't help but look down at the tattered watch on his wrist.

The rescue team had already started looking for Jianzi's file, but this time the rescue team searched for a long time and found nothing. Yotsuya Jianzi's file was not in this archive room, and the files of her 23 classmates who were involved in this place had all been found, and only the file of the school Norihana showed that she was still alive, and the rest were all dead.

From the time they were dragged into this place to now, it was only about an hour.

In such a short time, 22 young girls were buried in this strange teaching building, which really made Gao Hai sigh.

After searching the entire archive room, the rescue team found another document, which was different from the other documents. It seemed to be a document about the planning plan for the 5th floor of the teaching building.

[Plan table for the second year of junior high school]

[Class area division has been completed]

[Higher area: Class 001]

[Observation area: Class 005-008]

[Control area: Class 002-004]

[Lower area: Class 013-024]

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