Even if he opened his eyes, Gao Hai could only see that he was still standing in the processing room, and there was no way to confirm the real situation around him. But the blessing of perceiving humans and non-humans still gave him feedback in this extremely close physical contact, allowing him to vaguely perceive that he was bitten on the arm by a thing wearing a giraffe headgear.

Was the giraffe inspector mentioned in the game rules always outside the teaching building?

[Even if it is a teacher, you cannot not abide by the rules of the game]

[Now that the teacher has violated the rules of the game, Alice is very angry]

[Alice can no longer be friends with such an unruly teacher]

The voice of [Alice] was heard from afar.

A strong sense of crisis spread.

Gao Hai knew that he was very likely to die in this place.

But even if he was prepared from the beginning that he would not be able to leave Fujika Middle School with his life, he would never raise his hands and surrender until the last moment, until he was completely desperate and unable to turn the tables, and he would never choose to give up struggling.


The crisis of death was imminent.

Gao Hai's mood calmed down instead.

He still couldn't see the real situation around him now, and was still in a state of being blinded by his senses.

But this didn't stop him from taking out a dirty animal doll from his watch, something he was sure Alice would never ignore.

In a flash, Gao Hai felt that he was being stared at by something.

More than one...

There were 12 stares staring at him, 3 of which were from right behind him, in the teaching building where he was just now.

The other 9 stares were divided into 3 groups, from 3 different areas.

In other words, there were 3 Alices in each of the four areas of Fujika Middle School. So, does that mean that there is a successful case in each of the first, second and third grade students in each area?

No... No, there are more than 12, there are two more stares.

Stares that are more obscure, more difficult to detect, and completely different than those of the 12 Alices.

Gao Hai remembered that the Alice Game in the two areas of the [Playground] and [Swimming Pool] of the Fujika Middle School dungeon had been blocked because the key obsessions that maintained the operation of these two areas were taken away by the Red Moon-level players who had explored this dungeon. Now think about it, this so-called key obsession is probably something related to [Alice]. The remaining two gazes that he sensed may be the key obsessions of the two areas of [Teaching Building] and [Dormitory Building], that is, the location of the hidden key [Alice].

So, as long as the key obsession of the [Teaching Building] area is taken away, can he block the Alice Game in the teaching building?

This series of thoughts only took a blink of an eye.

The next moment, Gao Hai threw the doll in his hand fiercely.


In such a voice, Gao Hai threw the doll fiercely.

The scream of something sounded in the distance.

Gao Hai could sense that the 12 gazes were simultaneously shifted away from him and looked in the direction where the doll fell.

His vision returned to normal at this moment, and he could clearly see the giraffe headgear holding his hand, and the neck connected to the back of the headgear, which was so long that he could not see the end.

"Neck man, right?"

Gao Hai cursed like this, and a machete appeared in his hand. He chopped it hard on the head of the thing, and cut it a long distance at once.

Tsk, it was difficult to exert force in this state, and he failed to cut it off in one breath.

The rotten giraffe's head swung violently, and the next moment Gao Hai's back hit the outer wall of the teaching building, and with a violent roar, he crashed through the wall and rolled among a pile of tables, chairs and weird students.

The next moment he was thrown up again, smashed through four walls in succession, passed through three classes, and rolled into a corridor, and then the thing bit his foot again, and was dragged out of the window again.

It seemed that he could see some pictures.

That was a man who was born with a very long neck and could see the classroom through the window glass on the top of the classroom door.

He was the school's inspection team leader, equivalent to the role of the dean of teaching. Therefore, he has a higher authority than the teacher, and he is very happy to use this authority to torture students. Therefore, he often secretly observes those students, searches for his prey, and enjoys torturing his prey.

It is also because of his unusually long neck that the students who fear and hate him secretly call him a giraffe.

I will be thrown into the class, which seems to be the killing process of this thing. It will first show the process of torturing me to other students, and then kill me. This is the greatest pleasure of this thing when it was alive, so that the action process after becoming weird is also the same. It can only be said that this broken school is really full of talents, and there are all kinds of perverted things.

The strengthened body is not enough to withstand such an attack, so Gao Hai has suddenly stood up and attacked again with a machete.


In the sound of broken bones, this knife chopped on the other half of the face of the thing, but still failed to chop off the head of the thing.


Then Gao Hai's body hit the ceiling hard, breaking through the ceiling of this floor, and then he was thrown to the ground, leaving a big hole.

It seems that one can hear a man's maniacal laughter and see the fearful expressions of the students around him.

Gao Hai spat out a mouthful of blood, activated the power of blessing at the next moment, his eyes turned blood red, and then stood up again.

A white chrysanthemum appeared in his hand, and he thrust it into the thing's eye.

The monster's rapid movement suddenly slowed down, and there was a momentary delay due to the suppressive effect of the white chrysanthemum on the weirdness. Gao Hai seized this opportunity and slashed with his knife, but the moment he dropped the knife, the thing slowed down and exerted force again. The next moment, a giraffe's head flew up into the blood in the air. Gao Hai flew out of most of the corridor, then rolled to the ground, hitting a shallow pit on the ground, then bounced up, and flew out a few more times. Ten meters away, he finally hit the elevator door of an elevator at the end of the corridor, flattening the metal elevator door.


The continuous collisions put a considerable burden on Gao Hai's body, and there were deep wounds on his hands and feet that almost broke them off. Even with the repair effect of the rescue team's badge, he could not immediately get up from the ground. When he got up, he could only keep lying on the ground for the time being, barely supporting his body with one hand.

It's really not the least bit embarrassing, but at least I survived, at least I'm still alive now.

Now [Alice] is all running to grab the dolls. Under the influence of the sheep's head hood, as long as she doesn't encounter [The Elephant Principal] and that pink smiling mountain of corpses, she should be in no danger.

Next, as long as nothing unexpected happens, maybe I can...

Ding dong——

Before Gao Hai's thoughts were over, the elevator door behind him suddenly made a crisp sound.

He turned around and saw that the elevator door that had been dented by him was opening with difficulty, and then Yotsuya Miko walked out of it, looking straight at him with her golden eyes.

Chapter 31: Third-line operation and the girl in abnormal condition

"Mr. Gao? What's wrong with you, Mr. Gao?"

Yotsuya Miko rushed forward in a panic and helped Gao Hai, who was in a bad state at this time, up.

"Miss Yotsuya..."

Gao Hai stared at the girl very seriously. After staring for a while, he had to confirm the fact that the girl was indeed a living person.

what's the situation? Did the [Alice] who possessed Miiko run away?

Could it be that because Miko had not completed [Alice's Game], she could not leave the teaching building, so [Alice] had to abandon this possessed object?

But even so, [Alice] doesn’t need to stay alive, right?

Or is it that after this thing succeeds once, it can possess Mitsuko again at any time? Is it deliberately laying a trap for him and planning to come back to deal with him later...

"Do you still remember how you got into the elevator?"

Gao Hai was thinking, staring at Miko and asking her.

"Eh? Elevator? Hey, hey, hey? When did I appear in this place... I, weren't we behind the glass wall just now? Where were Ikuno-san and the others?"

Jianzi, who was completely unaware of the problem, only realized something was wrong after Gao Hai said these words. He was as confused as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Gao Hai didn't speak, but observed Mianzi carefully.

At least now, based on Blessing's perception, the Mianzi in front of him is indeed 100% human, has good intentions toward him, and is not some perverted Alice.

But it was estimated that this situation would not last too long. Although he didn't know why the group of [Alices] were fighting for the doll he threw out, he estimated that the thing would only delay for a few minutes at most. So now he must seize the time to explore this teaching building as deeply as possible before that thing comes back.

So, the best direction to explore now is the underground area of ​​this teaching building.

Gao Hai, who was thinking like this, suddenly found that he had resumed control of the rescue team members on the seventh floor. [Alice], who was originally stuck and unable to move by the rescue team, has disappeared. It is obvious that those things have the highest priority in looking at the doll. Or... to [Alice], friends are the most important thing? More important than anything else?

No matter what, now that you can move freely, let's move quickly.

Without any hesitation, Gao Hai ordered the rescue team member to go to the location of the principal's office to investigate.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Hai simply summoned the first rescue team member, the one transformed by Lao Guo, and asked the other party to investigate this floor and look for a map to confirm the specific situation of this floor.

He himself directly took Miko back to the elevator. Then Gao Hai saw that the elevator buttons only had floors 1 to 7, and there were no underground floors. So he took out the permission card and pressed it on a card swiping area next to the elevator button. The elevators immediately closed, and the floor number -1 was displayed on the screen.

If he didn't have this permission card, he would probably have to rely on brute force to destroy the elevator and jump down.

Gao Hai, who was thinking like this, turned to look at Mianzi beside him. After thinking for a while, he made up a situation.

"You were possessed by something before, and then you just broke away from the team and ran away. I asked Itono and the others to go back. Without you, those people were just a burden, so I didn't take them any further. What if next? If you feel anything is wrong, you must try your best to remind me as soon as possible. Understand? You must not have the idea that it may be an illusion. Only when you say it can I find a way to help you solve it. "

Although it is not impossible to tell the truth directly, Imiko's character will inevitably feel guilty and self-blame, which may have some adverse effects, and it will require him to explain for a longer time. To put it bluntly, it is a waste of time.

"Is there...such a thing? I am possessed..."

The girl could not hide the look of fear on her face. After she realized that something had controlled her body, her face suddenly turned pale and her body couldn't help shaking several times. She was obviously frightened. light.

She did not suspect that there was any deception in Gao Hai's words.

When Gao Hai saw her reaction, he just reached out and patted the girl's shoulder, and then felt a coldness quickly fill the elevator.

Ding dong——

The first underground floor has arrived.

As the elevator door slowly opened, what appeared in front of Gao Hai was a cement corridor without tiles or wall paint. The bare area reflected the cold light on the ceiling, making the entire corridor seem even colder. .

"time to go."

Gao Hai walked out of the elevator first, and Miko followed behind him and walked forward cautiously.

At the same time, the rescue team on the 7th floor entered the chemistry classroom under the command of Gao Hai. There was no need to elaborate on the bloody scenes in the classroom. After seeing too many of these things, Gao Hai was honestly a little numb. Similar to those classrooms, there are also candles placed here. However, because more than an hour has passed since the start of the second week, most of these candles have been burned, and there is not much time left before they are extinguished.

Because the rescue team members were weird themselves, they did not trigger these candles to accelerate burning. So under the command of Gao Hai, the rescue team accelerated forward and quickly found the entrance to the corridor behind the chemistry classroom, which led to the [Principal's Office].

Through the perspective of the rescue team member, Gao Hai saw that the door of this corridor was a thick metal door with fingerprint locks and password locks on it, which was quite tightly protected. It's just that the teaching building has returned to the [dark] state at this moment, so these locks have been completely destroyed, and the thick iron door has been torn open, which can probably accommodate a person of 1.56 meters tall to enter the corridor without bending down. internal.

Could it be done by a certain [Alice] from the past?

Gao Hai was thinking about the possible situation, and the rescue team under his control had bent down into the corridor and walked towards the principal's office.

At the same time, the No. 1 rescue team member who had been released by him had also found the map in a hall near the elevator and confirmed that the floor it was currently on was the 6th floor, and that there was a road leading to [] not far from this hall. Biology classroom] door.

Of course, Gao Hai still remembered what Mianzi said about the biology teacher [Teacher Oogway] and the relevant information about the human body model. Before, because of the inconvenience and the fact that he was not sure whether the information was true or false, he was worried that [Alice] was giving the information. Naturally, Gao Hai, whom he had taken advantage of, would not confirm the situation, but now that he had caught up with it, he would naturally go and have a look. Anyway, the big deal is just asking Lao Guo to send it there once, so you don’t need to worry too much.

After he gave the order to the two rescue team members, he and Miko had already walked through the cold corridor and came to a quite wide area.

"The scene is pretty good."

Gao Hai commented casually.

One after another, large glass containers contained either incomplete body tissues or figures of men and women who seemed to be sleeping.

Various rough instruments and dense pipelines are intertwined with each other, showing a grotesque scene that mixes the old style of the last century with the ultra-modern style. There are various sharp knives placed on the operating table covered with mottled blood. , strange devices with no specific purpose are connected to each other, dense wires are intertwined with each other, and dark red liquid and light green liquid are slowly flowing in the transparent pipes.

At this moment, the place was empty, and not a single person could be seen except for these instruments.

The Tenghua Middle School teaching building on the surface is obviously densely packed with thousands of strange things, but the underground seems to have been cleared out early and has become an uninhabited zone.

"What the hell is this place?"

Miko, who had never expected to see such a place, became increasingly confused.

"It's probably a hidden area in hell. Let's go. Now is not the time to waste time here."

Gao Hai, who had already witnessed two large scenes of dungeon destruction, was naturally not too touched. He just stopped and scanned the place before continuing to move forward.

While the operation was going on here, he was also giving orders to the other two rescue team members to explore. I have to say that the feeling of operating on three fronts at the same time was not pleasant, and he had a weird feeling that he was going to have a schizophrenia. But now [Alice] may return at any time, Gao Hai can only act like this regardless of it.

It seems that the stickiness of the sheep head hood is no longer felt.

This thing has probably completely grown on my head. I guess the only way to get it off is to chop it off.

Speaking of which, I threw away one of the three dolls except for my own. Now I have one left in my hand. I wonder if I can find a way to restore the doll to a human form here.

Gao Hai walked in a hurry. Jianzi beside him almost had to jog to keep up with him.

Why does Mr. Gao seem so anxious?

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