Even when the situation began to get out of control step by step, and the situation became increasingly uncontrollable, he did not repent at all, but allowed the situation to develop in a worse direction, so that in the end everyone was happy to destroy the team.

So sort out your thoughts.

[Alice] This existence, no matter what it is, this thing has a weird side. The core of this weird rule lies in [making friends]. Whether it is that you can only kill people after completing the game ritual and achieving the conditions of "becoming friends with Alice", or that the highest priority is given to the flesh and blood doll that represents Alice's "friend", it is clearly explained. Core Rules.

A little girl who likes to make friends?

Considering that [Alice] itself is probably a specially selected [Container], maybe the original and original [Alice] was just an ordinary girl. The researchers used the child's own personality and memory to shape her into a weapon with strange powers, who likes to "make friends" and absolutely obeys the "teacher". In the end, these people did succeed, and the [Alice] they wanted was indeed born, but this strange thing was so powerful that it ignored some of the original rule restrictions.

It seems like a reasonable idea...but no, this idea is flawed.

Gao Hai had seen [Alice] holding a concert in his hallucination. At that time, Alice seemed to be still alive and had a terrifying popularity, almost like a national idol. And judging from the scenes in the hallucination at that time, it was obviously the 1960s and 1970s or later, which conflicts with the experiments during World War II.

At present, these [Alices] seen in Touka Middle School seem to have no physical existence. They can only create illusions. In order to carry out actual attack damage, they must be possessed, or Gao Haina must be possessed. Only with that human skin umbrella, that obsession object that is suspected to be made from [Alice's] human skin, can this thing have a physical form.

According to what we have learned so far in the underground research base, the final Alice is suspected of destroying the entire school and wiping out all the people here.

Maybe Fujika Middle School at this stage is actually "safe" to a certain extent. After the defeat of Neon, no one would usually try to enter such an abandoned school. Even if someone like a homeless person comes in, it is impossible. Gain access to secret areas within the school.

But the seventh principal who appeared later, the principal who left no identity record, this latecomer probably did something. Maybe he got the school up and running again? Maybe he opened a passage to a secret area and entered this underground research base? No matter what the possibility is, there is a high probability that this unknown person is the reason why [Alice] changed from a ghost to a human and walked out of the school area.

Then, at the end, Alice becomes weird again. She was suspected to have been dismembered, and the black umbrella was made from part of her body. Gao Hai guessed that Alice should be divided into four parts, which corresponded to the four areas of Fujika Middle School. The black umbrella may be Alice's obsession in the blocked swimming pool or playground.

At this point, Gao Hai couldn't help but have a question. [Alice] is not the core obsession of the dungeon. Why does it become the key to every regional scene in Fujika Middle School? Why does this scene just take away her obsession? will be blocked. This should obviously be a characteristic that only core obsessions have. Under normal circumstances, an ordinary obsession is taken away, but the strange individual corresponding to the obsession will disappear, and the related scene may change.

For example, the rescue team in Baichuan Apartment is weird. If Gao Hai takes away all the badges of every rescue team member, then as long as he leaves the dungeon or puts his obsession into a watch that isolates everything, there will be no more rescue team members on the first floor. , and there is a certain possibility that the flooded scene will disappear.

But the [Alice] here is too outrageous, as if the entire Touka Middle School is a derivative of her.


Gao Hai's footsteps suddenly paused.

He looked around and carefully scanned the place in front of him.

Is this possible?

The entire Touka Middle School... is actually just a weird derivative area of ​​[Alice]? Including the underground base he is currently walking in, it cannot be considered the real "Fujihana Middle School Area", is it just a facade?

In fact, I have never really come into contact with the real side of this area.

All the information I have investigated so far and everything I have experienced are just superficial aspects of this place, and may even be false to a certain extent?


Take a deep breath.

Gao Hai suddenly accelerated and ran at the next moment.

He thought of some possibility.

Verification must be carried out immediately. There must be no further delay. Confirmation must be carried out immediately.

Pass through a long and narrow corridor with various pipes passing through it.

One after another, strange people wearing researcher clothes and teacher clothes emerged from the surroundings, and Gao Haigen ran past without even bothering to pay attention to them. He activated the power of blessing to the maximum and moved forward as fast as he could.

The rescue team on the seventh floor had finished searching the principal's office, and through the window they saw the strangest room on the map that was not connected to anywhere.

The rescue team members on the 6th floor had already entered the biology classroom and saw the figure of [Teacher Oogway] who was cutting open the belly of the mannequin lying on the table in the empty classroom, seemingly looking for something.

Gao Hai himself finally arrived at the last door, swiped his ID card in the designated area, and then calmly watched the one-meter-thick heavy door open bit by bit.

Inside the door is an open area.

The foul smell rushed towards Gao Hai.

He stepped into the door and looked around, seeing empty cultivation warehouses and rotten meat piled on the ground.

A large number of pipes come from all directions, from the floor to the ceiling, all converging into the middle of the room, converging on a small platform.

[Alice] just lay there quietly, lying on the platform with her eyes closed as if she was asleep.

No, there is no Alice lying there.

There was only one crutch.

It's just a crutch that's over one meter long, made of spines, ribs, and bones from different parts of the body.

Next to the crutch, on one side of the platform, there was a body lying on the ground.

This corpse was wearing a casual T-shirt and shorts, which was completely different from the weird clothes in Touka Middle School. It seemed that it should come from a later era.

Gao Hai walked up to the corpse and found that it was just an ordinary man with nothing special about him. The way he died was also very simple. He was shot once in the chest and head. It looked like he was shot in the body from behind.

The man held a ticket in his hand.

It took some effort for Gao Hai to pry the man's fingers away and pick up the note.

It's a concert ticket, and it's signed.

[Perfect Idol Alice Neon Tour ■Concert]

[Time ■: 197■year■month■day 19:40]

[Venue: ■■■■ Stadium]

[Seats: Row ■■]

【Please become your best friend with Alice~?】

The bill itself seemed to be stained by a lot of sweat, and part of the content was no longer legible.

Gao Hai stared at the note with a frown, and then heard footsteps behind him.

And the weird aura belonging to that thing that I have felt many times.

[That’s something that belongs to Alice’s good friend. Teacher, it’s better not to touch it casually~]

Amidst the chuckles, Gao Hai turned around and saw Yotsuya Miko standing behind him, smiling at him, and the clumps of blood that had flowed in from the door at some unknown time. Squirming dark red flesh.

Chapter 34: I will personally send you to hell

[Teacher, why don’t you speak?]

A soft girl's voice sounded.

[The teacher is really naughty, he doesn’t follow Alice’s rules of the game, and even steals Alice’s friends]

The scarlet color is gradually spreading.

[But even so, Alice can actually forgive the teacher. As long as the teacher tells Alice how to steal Alice's friends, and then returns Alice's friends and Alice's things, Alice will forgive her. You can still be friends with the teacher]

In the dark square, [Alice], who had completely occupied Yotsugamiko, was smiling.

And behind her, the countless piles of mutilated and twisted pieces of flesh were occupying the underground space step by step. It was impossible to go back the way we came, and to be honest, Gao Hai had not seen any other passable places. In other words, even if such a path exists, it has now been hidden and obscured by the power of [Alice].

Dead end?

From the beginning to the present of the second week, a total of about an hour and a half has passed.

There doesn't seem to be much difference compared to the first game. Even though Gao Hai has been able to fight against most of the weirdness in [Tenghua Middle School], he still doesn't have anything effective enough when facing [Alice]. Avoidance methods. Even if the existence of [Alice] has been cracked to a certain extent and a method that can block her actions has been discovered, it will not bring about much change.

After all, just one of these unreasonable ghosts is enough to torture people. It turned out that there were more than a dozen of them in this shabby school. It was difficult to block one of them and restrict its movement. It didn't take long for the second one to follow. . You can be sure that even if you find some way to block this second one, there will be a third, fourth or even more Alice following. For Gao Hai, who has been unable to use most of his obsessions, this kind of enemy can be said to be extremely disgusting.

However, at least this time, I finally found the core of this place.

Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the cane made of human bones placed on the platform.

At the moment, there is still a certain distance between [Alice] and him. This time, he has not become [friends] with her, and the meat mountain monster does not move very fast. He uses the last bit of time to get the cane and move himself. It's totally too late to get stained with his blood.

So just fight once and get ahead of the opponent...

Gao Hai, who noticed something, turned his head and looked at [Alice] who was still standing motionless, looking at him with a smile.

After a brief silence, Gao Hai did not approach the human bone cane, but instead took a step away from the cane.

[Hey, what are you doing, teacher? 】

Alice blinked, showing little doubt.

"Which Alice are you?"

Gao Hai looked at Miko in front of him seriously and asked her slowly.

[Alice is just Alice, the teacher’s question is really strange]

The girl reached out to cover her mouth and couldn't help but let out a low laugh, as if Gao Hai had just told a joke.


Gao Hai, who was silent, just turned his head and looked at the platform again. As expected, the human bone cane was no longer on the platform at this time.

I felt something was wrong because the timing of Alice's appearance was simply perfect.

It was as if he had deliberately created a desperate situation in which he could not survive, forcing him to snatch the cane. In this way...he tried to observe his trump card and confirm how he took away each obsession.

The reason why Gao Hai was able to react was also very simple. He remembered the reason why he died in the first week, which was to take out the black umbrella.

[Alice]'s obsession is equivalent to becoming [Alice] itself after returning to the Touka Middle School dungeon. Then the obsession of [Alice] that originally existed in the dungeon and has not been taken away will be like Are the game props just lying there waiting for him to get them?

It was a trap from the start.

The Alice who lives underground may have been following him and Miko from the very beginning, but has been hiding her existence. It did not possess Mianzi immediately, but waited until Gao Hai left Mianzi alone. As for Gao Hai's thought of breaking the door handle, he probably already thought he had done it. of action. After that, this thing has been following me from a distance, and used the power of illusion to guide itself to this place.

So where exactly will it be?

The hidden obsession should exist here.

Gao Hai took a step back and then hit the wall.

The original underground square had disappeared, and where he was was just at the end of a narrow corridor, just a dead end.

[Alice] in front of him was still standing there, blocking the way.

Behind her, the twisted things made of the flesh and blood of countless dead students were still spreading towards her direction.


Gao Hai's breathing has stabilized.

He turned his head and looked at [Alice] standing not far away, and then spoke slowly:

"I have violated the rules of the game, why do you say I can still be your friend? Doesn't this conflict with your rules of the game?"

As he spoke, Gao Hai had closed his eyes. At this moment, he was completely focused, carefully distinguishing between true and false perceptions.

[Things like that are not important. The purpose of the game is to have fun, to find friends and play together. Even if you can't abide by the rules of the game, it's not a big deal. As long as you confirm that you are the right person and someone you can become friends with, isn't that good? 】

Alice tilted her head, her attitude seemed casual, but her voice sounded very serious as she answered Gao Hai's question.

Sure enough, the core of the rules that this thing needs to abide by is just the [Friend] itself. Although the rules of the [Alice Game] have many restrictions on the players, for Alice, the part involving her may not work at all. It depends on her mood.

But, if that's the case, I might know what to do to ensure that I never become friends with her.

"There's no way I can be friends with you."

As if he couldn't feel the approach of the meat monster, Gao Hai stood there and answered Alice in a cold voice.

[Oh, my, teacher, don’t be so absolute. Alice thinks we are very suitable to be good friends. Ah, by the way, why don’t we exchange gifts? As long as we exchange gifts, we can become good friends]

Alice just laughed, stretched out her hand, and took out a gel pen that was dyed red.

"No matter what you say, no matter how much you pretend, there is no way I can be friends with you. There is only one thing I will do to you, and that is to send you to real hell and let you receive what you deserve punish."

But Gao Hai just stood still and continued to speak with his eyes closed.

[But Alice has never made a mistake. Alice has never hurt anyone. Alice just wants to be good friends with everyone. How could Alice like this go to hell?]

Alice just continued to laugh.

"Of course you made a mistake, of course you did something wrong. No matter how good-looking you are on the surface, your essence will not change. I know this very well, so no matter what you say, it is the same. What I have to do It's not going to change. I'm going to destroy this school, I'm going to destroy this place, I'm going to get those innocent people out of here and give them the rest that they deserve, and I'm going to put you all in. hell."

Gao Hai's voice became colder and colder.

But this time, Alice did not answer Gao Hai immediately.

The silence lasted for about three or four seconds.

Then, Gao Hai heard Alice's voice, which was completely different from the tone she had used until now.

[But teacher, you are going to die here now. You can't be saved by anyone.]

It was just a casual remark.

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