If I had a pistol, this distance would be easy... No, now is not the time to worry about this. I must evade it immediately and disappear from the sight of that thing as quickly as possible!

Without the help of Jianzi in visual ability, Gao Hai can't even confirm the direction of that thing. No, he can still confirm it, because at this moment, three screens in the principal's office on the 7th floor of the teaching building have lit up, and Gao Hai himself can be clearly seen on the screen.

It was the right decision not to let the second rescue team withdraw from the principal's office, so now I must-

[Report to the Discipline Office, please ask Gao Hai, class 015, Grade 2, to come to the punishment room immediately! ]

A clear broadcast sounded at this moment.

All of Gao Hai's actions were forced to stop at this moment.

He turned stiffly like a puppet being controlled, and walked step by step in the direction of the way he came, towards the direction of the stairs.

There was no way to control his body anymore.

His breathing became as regular as a set program, and was completely unaffected by Gao Hai's own thoughts.

Even his thinking became dull, as if he could no longer think about anything other than [Execute the command].

He took one step, one step, two steps, and the distance of each step was exactly the same.

In the chaos, he seemed to see a figure following him from the corner of his eye.

[How pitiful, teacher, do you know what will happen to you next? ]

Hearing the other party's laughter that did not conceal its maliciousness.

[Teacher, you already know that it is Principal Fujii, right? After all, you seem to be able to establish some kind of mental connection with those two things. Are they your puppets? Your slaves? Or something else? The teacher who can drive such things is actually a messenger of justice. Hate it. Is the teacher a person who says one thing and does another? ]

[No, no, among the two things, the weaker one was originally a complete villain, and driving it does not seem to be a bad act. As for the stronger one, it seems to be a good person indeed, and it is willing to be driven by the teacher. Oh my, I feel even more disgusted. For the so-called righteous cause, even if he dies and becomes that kind of thing, he will not give up. He would rather let his self-consciousness dissipate and only be left with a body, but he still refuses to stop. Seriously, don’t you think this is boring? 】

I heard the other party sighing.

[Alice] hates Howard very much.

After being exposed by Gao Hai and being discovered by Gao Hai’s true side, [Alice] has completely stopped hiding her malice.

She hates people like Howard so much, such people who are willing to sacrifice their lives to save the lives of others, such people who turn the deepest obsession in their hearts into resentment against evil and sin, and would rather retaliate and crush those darkness even if they are torn to pieces.

Why does she have such a strong hatred for such people?

Gao Hai suddenly thought of the person who died next to the platform that he saw underground.

The deceased seemed to be a fan of [Alice] when she was an idol.

According to what he saw, when she was an idol, Alice regarded all her fans as her friends. It was conceivable that under her superficial friendliness, she would secretly treat those fans who worshipped her.

But that fan was shot.

The muzzle of the gun went into the body from behind.

Two shots to the head and one to the chest, probably the Mozambique shooting method.

Someone with a gun broke into the underground base of the abandoned Fujika Middle School and shot and killed Alice's fans?

Who was that person?

Could the person that Alice hated be the mysterious gunman?

Gao Hai wanted to think hard.

But his thinking became more and more dull, and he could no longer continue. It seemed that only the instinct to obey orders was left in his mind.

This couldn't go on.

He had to... break free from this control...

He could still stay awake now, and it wasn't the end of his rope yet, so he had to... immediately...

Alice reached out and took off the rescue team badge on Gao Hai's chest, opened the window, and threw it out, just like throwing away garbage.

Without the strange power enhancement of the rescue team badge, Gao Hai immediately felt that his thinking became more sluggish, and his body seemed to no longer belong to him. He even began to vaguely lose his body, as if his spirit and flesh were moving away from each other.

Is he going to die?

Gao Hai could only barely judge that he should be walking downstairs, walking down the stairs.

Alice, who possessed Yotsuya Miko, followed him, humming softly and jumping lightly.

The song she sang was very familiar to Gao Hai, who had heard it many times.

[Step on a cat~]

[Step on a cat~]

[Step on a napping kitten~]

Listening to such a voice, it was as if he could really see such a scene.

It was as if he really saw Alice, with long golden hair and a perfect appearance that humans could not have, crushing the kitten's head and body with her shoes, while dancing and singing happily in a pool of blood.

I saw the incomparable enjoyment on her face when she took away a life.

She was completely different from the villains Gao Hai had encountered so far.

At this moment, Gao Hai actually felt some kind of "pure" meaning from [Alice].

Pure enjoyment brings death to life.

Purely enjoying the pain and despair of others.

Pure... not mixed with any other desires, has nothing to do with greed for money and wealth, has nothing to do with reality such as material enjoyment, nor any excitement or other spiritual desires, just... doing this You will feel happy, just pure joy.

In the hazy consciousness, I saw something deeper.

I saw [Alice] walking among countless mutilated corpses.

I saw [Alice] silently watching the killings one after another.

I saw [Alice] from the beginning and end of the establishment of this school, and saw her complete childhood from birth to growth in this twisted and crazy place like hell, and how she was shaped by countless cruel and cruel souls. What comes out is the final shape of this thing.

[The teacher saw it, right? Although not as good as Omiko and me, the teacher must have seen it clearly, right? If you are a teacher, you must be able to see those scenes now and see what Alice has experienced, right? 】

The girl next to him was still chuckling.

[Alice is just this kind of Alice. She is the idol that everyone likes, and she is the Alice who wants to be friends with everyone]

[It’s a pity that I couldn’t become friends with the teacher. Why would the teacher become such an uninteresting person? Obviously most people wouldn't make this choice, right? 】

She smiled and circled Gao Hai while continuing to talk cheerfully.

[When you see other people in trouble, you pretend not to see it. If it affects you, you scold the other person not to cause trouble. But when it is your turn to cause trouble to others, you feel that you are not at fault and the world is at fault. This person is jealous that the other person has something that he does not have, and the other person hates the neighbor because his child has been admitted to a better school. When you need to say something, there are always a thousand and ten thousand reasons. Even if the person in distress is right next to you, you can still accuse the rescue firefighters of disturbing the people in the middle of the night, saying that the other party does not consider you and cannot compare their feelings]

[In the end, everyone is actually doing it for their own interests and for themselves. It is obviously wrong to pay for people who have nothing to do with you without any immediate benefits. Such people are obviously aliens and different from everyone else. People who are different cannot become friends with other people. They can only live alone, and it is even difficult to survive.】

【Such a person is obviously very uninteresting. And teacher, you are not such a person originally, right? The teacher obviously has a strong desire for young and beautiful girls, and he also has a lot of control, and he will be ruthless to those who threaten his personal safety and interests. Such a teacher should obviously be one of the majority of people, so why would he say such things to Alice and become such an uninteresting person? 】

[Could it be that the teacher just said that to make Alice angry just to avoid becoming Alice’s friend? If that's the case, Alice can forgive the teacher, after all, it's not a big deal]

In the words, Gao Hai could vaguely see the girl reaching out and gently touching his cheek. Her voice was full of tenderness, and it sounded like she was forgiving herself for her willfulness.

Which floor have you reached now?

Gao Hai could no longer see the specific location at this time, but he carefully recalled the speed of his previous progress. He guessed that he should have reached the first floor, and now he might be walking underground.


The girl next to her seemed to press something on the wall.

Gao Hai's body stiffened and continued moving towards a deeper and darker place.

I originally thought that the underground floor could only be accessed through the elevator, but it turned out that there was actually a secret door on the stairs? Gee, I can't tell exactly what she activated, but it does seem like there is an extra staircase leading to the underground.

We can't go on any longer... we must resist... we must find a way to resist...

There is no way to activate the power of blessing.

Gao Hai now has no way to control his body.

Just trying to stay conscious was already the result of an exhausting struggle.

[Principal Elephant]'s power was so terrifying that Gao Hai estimated that even if his sheep's head hood was still there, he still wouldn't be able to survive. The priority of the [Principal] of Fujika Middle School is probably second only to Alice. Any identity obtained in this copy is not safe in front of that thing.

Step by step, Gao Hai walked into the underground floor.

The dark yellow light came on.

The cold chain slowly pulled up.

Gao Hai's body was already hung in mid-air. In the darkness, only the light above his head lit up, illuminating his location.

[Student Gao Hai, who did not participate in the course according to student regulations, will be given a personal warning and punished with 20 sticks]

In the cold voice, the heavy iron rod fell on Gao Hai's body.

Once, twice... only five times, the skin and flesh on Gao Hai's back were smashed and blood began to ooze.

The iron rod didn't stop, and gradually began to shift positions, from the back, to the chest, to the abdomen, to the legs and feet.

By the tenth blow, more than half of Gao Hai's ribs had been broken.

After the fourteenth blow, one of his knees was smashed, and the ankle of the other leg was smashed.

He was hit on the head with a very heavy stick, so heavy that one of Gao Hai's eyeballs bulged out and blood kept flowing out.

After twenty sticks, his hands and feet were all broken, most of his ribs were broken, his internal organs were bleeding, and he had lost half of his vision.

"Cough... uh..."

Not dead yet.

Even after being hit hard by twenty solid iron sticks, Gao Hai still did not die.

It seemed that he had barely regained some control over his body.

At this moment, Gao Hai's consciousness could hardly be maintained. The severe head injury had severely damaged his thinking ability. In the strong dizziness and pain, Gao Hai could not even be sure whether he was in Fujika Middle School or having a long nightmare.

Towards the front, he struggled to crawl out a step with his arms.

Then, it seemed that a small foot stepped on his back.

[Even in this state, the teacher is not dead. He is really very tenacious.]

[But even so, the teacher can't survive. It is impossible for a person to survive with such injuries. Is there any possibility of change if he continues to struggle for the last bit of time?]

[But if it is the teacher, maybe it is really possible. After all, the teacher stole Alice's friend without anyone noticing, and took out a little thing that Alice has never seen before. Logically, the teacher can't have it at all.]

With a chuckle, the girl slowly lay down and lay on Gao Hai's back. She rubbed Gao Hai's side face intimately, not caring about the blood on her face. Then she lowered her head and put her mouth next to his ear, and whispered as if blowing:

[Hey, teacher]

[Can you tell Alice how the teacher did it? 】

【Just tell Alice what she said, and Alice will let the teacher live, okay~】

Chapter 37: Alice, you don't want your friend to disappear, do you?

I don't seem to be dead yet.

In a daze, Gao Hai had this thought in his mind.

Unlike the iron rod that Jianzi suffered in the hallucination in the first round, Gao Hai was hit by 20 solid iron rods in person, and each hit was equivalent to a strong adult male's full-strength swing, and even much stronger than this.

It can only be said that Gao Hai was not beaten to death by these 20 iron rods, which was the result of his body being strengthened.

But even so, his current condition is already extremely bad, and the serious injuries suffered by his body have reached the point where he may die at any time. It can be said that Gao Hai is still alive now, which is the extreme extent of his tenacious will.

Can't fall asleep...

If I fall asleep now... I will really die...

Gao Hai is still holding on.

In the midst of the chaos of thoughts, he struggled almost instinctively, using his broken limbs to continue crawling forward on the ground.

"Hu... Hu..."

Amidst the heavy breathing, the light laughter of the girl beside him was so clear.

Was it Jianzi's laughter?

No, that's not right.

This voice was [Alice], the laughter of the ghost thing that possessed Jianzi.

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