Teaching building, 7th floor, in the observation room behind the wall of Class 1 classroom, Gao Hai once again got the identity card that could help him enter various hidden areas.

Originally, Gao Hai thought that after the teaching building was taken away and the obsession was blocked, the place would disappear without a trace and become inaccessible, so he only came here with the idea that it would work. As a result, although there was no [Teacher] staying in the observation room, the identity card remained in place. Gao Hai suspected that it might be because he used the guidance function of the black watch, so this thing could survive in the blocked dungeon area.

"Mr. Gao, do you know where this card is used?"

Chiharu Kobayashi, who was standing next to Takakai, asked with some curiosity. Miko Yotsuya on the other side was also a little curious. Kyoko Ogawa and Raka Itono, who were only a little further away, were still somewhat afraid of Takakai and did not dare to come forward. Ask for details.

The development of the third week is not much different from the beginning of the second week. However, this time Gao Hai did not put on the sheep's head hood, but directly showed his true colors. Unexpectedly, his intimidation in front of those students was actually reduced. few.

But even so, after chopping off the arm of the yellow-haired girl as usual, these girls became silent and did not dare to mess around.

By the way, in order to better control the situation this time, Gao Hai secretly threw a scalpel on the side of the teacher and used a machete to perform a strange cooking process for these students, which further shocked these guys. .

However, there are no weird students in the sealed teaching building this time to order, so Gao Hai himself has no idea how long these students can be deterred from committing suicide.

Of course, he himself has done his best and has no interest in being a nanny for these young people. Therefore, he only brought two people, Inotori Hana, Ogawa Kyoko and Kobayashi Chiharu, who were performing well in the weekly review, and the most important Yotsuya Miko to the seventh floor and took the access card.

"The specific function has not been discovered yet, but it is certain that this thing will have important uses."

As Gao Hai spoke, he put away the magnetic card, and then looked through the window glass toward the dormitory area next to the teaching building.

Although there is nothing wrong with keeping it here, after all, this black watch will not let you go easily, and there is no guarantee whether [Alice] in the dormitory building will come over. Next, you must go to the dormitory building. While conducting the investigation, try to get Alice's last obsession.


Gao Hai let out a long breath, still feeling a little tired in his heart.

He has already lost two lives in this weird school, but the root cause of [Fujihana Middle School] is still unclear. I don’t know if this third episode can completely end the trouble here.

Well, before taking the plunge, it's time to give it a try.

"Yotani, take those girls and put a little distance away from me. What I'm going to do next may be a little dangerous."

Gao Hai, who said this, stayed alone in the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3, and asked Miko and others to return to the corridor, but the straight-line distance between the two sides was kept at about 10 meters. Then he moved the table and chairs to make a clear space, then sat down on the spot, reached out and took out a piece of dark red meat from the watch.

At first glance, it seems to be just a piece of pink and tender flesh.

But if you look closely, you will find that this thing is actually the result of the re-gluing of minced meat, and it is also mixed with small things such as human nails and teeth, and it is even constantly squirming, as if it is alive. The same.

This is the flesh-and-blood object that Gao Hai encountered in the second round. In order to pass through this thing, Gao Hai suffered a considerable degree of damage. But after going back, the black watch gave him part of the flesh and blood tissue of this thing. It seemed that the monster's obsession was also a part of herself.

The function and simplicity of this obsession is to absorb the weirdness and suppress it. Because Gao Hai only had a small piece of flesh and blood in his hand, he could only barely suppress two or three low-intensity weirdos.

In a place like Fujika Middle School, where there are a lot of weird things, this obsession doesn't seem to be of much use.

But after combining some other obsessions in Gao Hai's hands, the situation is completely different.

"Hopefully we can get good results."

Gao Hai, who was muttering to himself in a low voice, took out the bottle of medicine from his watch. Then he saw the medicine bottle being held by a hand that suddenly stretched out, and then a man's figure appeared in front of Gao Hai.

【Why don't you let me die! 】

The strange thing let out a shrill roar, and then rushed towards Vale Gaohai.

"There's nothing I can do. I'm a kind-hearted person, so I'll send you on your way."

Gao Hai already held the machete in his hand, and without any hesitation, he rushed towards this weirdo.

After about ten seconds, the fragments of the strange creature's limbs were completely absorbed by the small-looking mass of flesh and blood, and disappeared without a trace.

Although that monster is not part of Fujika Middle School and is not immune to the machete's special attack. But the difference in strength between the dusk level strange objects and the red moon level obsession objects is still too big. Gao Hai doesn't have much trouble dismembering this thing at all, it's just a little more troublesome than chopping up those [teachers].

After confirming that the weirdness was completely suppressed, Gao Hai picked up the medicine bottle that fell on the ground, opened it, and confirmed that there were only 9 pills left in it.

In this case, it can be divided into 4, 4, and 1 for use, but I don’t know if 4 pills can achieve the result I want.

Gao Hai’s heart is still somewhat uncertain, but now is not the time to hesitate. Therefore, after confirming the surrounding situation again, he finally took out a doll from his watch, an animal doll that sealed a player.

In an instant, I felt the feeling of being watched by something.

All the [Alice] in Fujika Middle School, whether in the restricted area or in the active area, at this moment sensed the doll in Gao Hai’s hand and found the location of the lost [friend].

There was no sign of movement in the sight in the teaching building, and the sight under the teaching building did not appear. It seems that after losing the key obsession in the relevant area, these [Alice] are in an inactive state. In this case, the only one who needs to worry about is Alice in the dormitory building, and the other three areas don’t need to worry about it.

Gao Hai thought quickly in his heart, and his hands moved without slowing down. He picked up the machete and cut open the belly of the doll, tearing off the furry part on the surface.

The bright red, still slightly wriggling flesh and blood tissue emerged from the crack of the doll.

If the flesh and blood cannot be taken out, the person inside the doll can still live because of the doll's own strange power. Once it is separated from the medium of the doll, the person inside will be gone.


Gao Hai shook out four pills from the medicine bottle.

Reaching out, he pressed these pills directly into the flesh and blood in the doll's belly, and stuffed four pills in.

To be honest, Gao Hai had no idea whether this would work.

But combined with the props he already had, this was the only solution he could think of.

After stuffing four pills.

The flesh and blood inside the doll trembled violently, and there was a faint sign of swelling.


Gao Hai did not hesitate, and directly tore the doll open and took out the meat inside on the spot.

The strange power of the doll itself quickly dissipated with the destruction of its internal structure, and Alice's gaze also disappeared, and there was no way to perceive it anymore.

The flesh and blood that should have died quickly after losing the protection of the doll's power, expanded further after being thrown to the ground by Gao Hai, and began to grow bones, nerves and organs in just a few seconds, and began to grow human body structure.

Hands, feet, torso, head...

About half a minute later, the flesh and blood had almost grown into a basic human outline, and on this basis, it was further improved, growing skin little by little, and hair and nails also began to grow.

Even Gao Hai, who had been mentally prepared for this scene, couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the magical power of the extraordinary prop of obsession after seeing the process of a piece of meat growing rapidly into a person.

One minute later, in front of Gao Hai was no longer a piece of flesh and blood, but a naked woman lying on the ground.

In terms of appearance and figure, the appearance value can be rated around 70. To be honest, Gao Hai had no feelings at all when he saw her, and had no worldly desires at all.

Tear off a piece of curtain in the classroom and cover the other person.

Gao Hai took a few steps back with a machete, carefully observing the player who was successfully [resurrected] by him using several obsessions.

The other party just lay quietly on the ground without moving, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

But Gao Hai, who had the experience of being made into a doll in the first round, knew that it was impossible for a person trapped in a doll to sleep, and he would definitely be tortured in a waking state. But the person in front of him has been lying on the ground without moving, probably because he woke up early and pretended to sleep.

"Miss Xiong Mi, it's about time to wake up, right? The more time you delay here, the faster Alice will find us."

So Gao Hai knocked on the wall with a machete and slowly spoke to the woman not far away.

"...Who...are you?"

The next moment, the woman opened her eyes, sat up, and said calmly, obviously still a little weak.

One of her eyes was still a normal human eye, but the other eye was clearly a metal artificial eye, reflecting the color of bronze under the candlelight.

"I am Gao Hai, a player who is unfortunately trapped in the copy of Fujika Middle School, and now I am looking for a way to leave this place. So, you are Miss Xiong Mi, right? After all, the doll that imprisoned you has a name written on it."

As Gao Hai spoke, she looked back and saw Jianzi and his group looking out of the door with some curiosity.

"Xiong Mi...um...I am Xiong Mi, you...actually...someone can bring a doll out of that place...are you...a newcomer in which Red Moon player team?"

The woman who seemed to gradually wake up and regain self-awareness took a long breath, but her tired look could not hide her shock.

As the old player's condition recovered, Gao Hai gradually began to sense the unusual aura emanating from this woman.

Among all the players I have met, except for the mysterious Xiao Heshu, this woman may be considered the strongest one. There is no way to compare people like Lao Guo in terms of momentum. I am afraid they are not on the same level at all.

What kind of power will this woman named Xiong Mi have?

While thinking, a strange feeling had been transmitted to Gao Hai.

Through the perspective of one of the rescue team members who had been released in advance and was guarding the passage between the second floor of the teaching building and the dormitory building, Gao Hai saw a vague girl with long blond hair and a delicate figure, heading towards Coming here slowly.

[Alice] is already here!

Gao Hai clearly realized this fact.

"Alice...that thing is already here..."

Xiong Mi also said with a change of expression at this moment, cold sweat breaking out on his slightly pale face.

She noticed that the enemy's speed was actually a little faster than Gao Hai.

Chapter 42: Reliable veteran players and bold newcomers

Xiong Mi, 26 years old, used to be a social animal.

Now he is a backbone member of the Red Moon-level player team [Moyu Gang], or the missing member is more reliable.

Hmm... the name of this team may be a bit strange, but there's nothing we can do about it. After all, the players in this team are not very old, basically in their twenties, and players over thirty are Two people.

There are a total of ten players in this team of players, among whom Xiong Mi is basically the first group of members to be recruited when the team is established. So far, she has experienced 13 missions, 4 of which were dusk level, 6 night level and 3 red moon level. She has A level twilight level blessing, S level dark night level blessing and B level red moon level. Super blessing, he has two different dark night blessings, and has integrated the Red Moon-level obsession [Bronze Eyes] into his own flesh and blood. In addition, he also holds more than 20 obsessions.

Oh, those 20-odd obsessions are all gone now. She has been trapped in [Tenghua Middle School] for more than three months. Except for the bronze eyes that were fused with her, all the obsessions have returned to their original forms. It can be said that the copy was almost reduced to a blank slate once it was returned to before liberation.

But at least, he is still alive now.

And he was rescued by a young man who called himself [Twilight Level Player], but something seemed wrong.

"In other words, you and a group of ordinary people were involved in the [Campus Mystery] copy, and it was also a high-risk area in Fujihua Middle School where the core obsession has not been found so far? In this case, you can actually win Went to the [Teaching Building] to successfully suppress Alice’s obsession? Are you really not a Red Moon level player?”

After roughly understanding what Gao Hai had done, Xiong Mi's eyes widened with an expression of "Are you kidding me" written all over his face.

"It's just good luck. In fact, I was almost at my limit, so I tried to find a way to rescue you. I wanted to see if you could help me."

Gao Hai, who really didn't know how to explain his cheat, could only say haha.

"...Well, although I don't know what's going on, at least you don't seem to have the physical strength that a Red Moon-level player should have... Tsk, Fujika Middle School, I really don't want to come to a place like this. Anyway, we Let’s avoid that Alice first, I’m not suitable to fight against it in my current state.”

During the brief exchange, Xiong Mi could tell that Gao Hai was hiding something. She guessed that the other party was reluctant to reveal his obsession and blessings. This kind of thinking is very normal among players. After all, it is a life-saving trump card. If a malicious player learns about it, it can easily lead to problems.

It's understandable to think like this, after all, she's been here before. Players always need to be wary of other players in the dusk level dungeon and dark night level dungeon, and it is always difficult to cooperate sincerely, because although the dungeon at this stage is difficult, it is usually not too desperate, so players are given the opportunity to fight each other. interval.

But when players enter the Red Moon-level dungeon stage, such backstabbing between players will quickly decrease. Even if they do occur, they usually only appear in some extreme circumstances.

The reason is very simple. Gao Hai himself has actually experienced it deeply. That is, the Red Moon level dungeon is too difficult. It is so difficult that it makes people desperate. It is so difficult that lone wolf players who fight alone have basically no room for survival. It is difficult to survive. Everyone must do their best to survive as a team, and everyone must use all their strength as much as possible to survive successfully.

Therefore, Xiong Mi can understand Gao Hai's reservations, and since the other person saved her life, she will do her best to help him. Although... is it really possible to enter the [Alice's Room] that no player has found yet and successfully bring out two dolls or something? Is this guy playing a game of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? But the aura on his body and the physical strength he showed when he acted were indeed not considered to be a Red Moon-level player. At most, he was at the level of an Anye-level player, right?

"Can you sense Alice's location?"

When Xiong Mi still had doubts, Gao Hai asked the girls while motioning to follow him.

"This is my blessing, a blessing given to me by a [person whose name has been forgotten]. One of the functions of this blessing can help me lock the weird one closest to me that has locked my location. So. Now I know that one [Alice] has entered the teaching building, and now it has reached the 6th floor. We must hurry up, these people... give up, none of us can escape with them. "

Xiong Mi did not hide his abilities. As he spoke, he looked at the people on Mianzi's side. When he found out that they were all ordinary people, he immediately showed a disappointed expression, and very straightforwardly suggested that Gao Hai give up on these people. .

It can be seen from her expression that although she does not despise these ordinary people as a player, she has no intention of protecting these ordinary people in a high-risk venue such as the Red Moon level dungeon, and even takes some chances. The idea of ​​using these people as bait was just because these people followed Gao Hai all the way, so I didn't mention it.

"It's okay. I'm still a little confident when it comes to running away. And I'm also staring at the entrance of the teaching building. There should be only one [Alice] coming in now."

Then Gao Hai used the blood key to open a door on the first floor of the teaching building.

"A night-level space-transfer obsession? This is a rare thing that has a price but no market."

Xiong Mi was surprised when he saw Gao Hai's methods, but Gao Hai had already signaled to the people on the other side to quickly enter the door.

Seeing Gao Hai's attitude towards these girls and his obvious concern for Mianzi, Xiong Mi thought for a moment and followed Gao Hai through the door to the first floor. After Gao Hai closed the door, he spoke again. stand up:

"Having this thing can play with that thing for a while, but it can only help us delay for a while."

"Let's do this. You open a door to the third floor of the [Natatorium] and put those students in. Feeding these people to this hellish place will also make it more difficult for us. Even if they can survive for a while, Anyway, it’s just a matter of fate.”

"[Alice] will only target the people she is interested in. I will help you delay the time for a while. It can also show you my abilities so that we can cooperate and understand. But seriously, little brother, in the future, this kind of We should do our best to deal with other things. We can't protect ourselves in this kind of place. You may not get their thanks for saving these people. You should ignore it when it's time to ignore it. "

With such serious words, it seems that this woman named Xiong Mi has positioned herself as the eldest sister or something like that.

Gao Hai was a little dumbfounded. In fact, he didn't want to take care of those girls. The main reason for all this trouble was to give him peace of mind and to prevent those idiots from dying one by one and turning into some ghost thing to make it more difficult for him to pass the level. .

However, although he was somewhat misunderstood, he did not explain, but nodded lightly. After Xiong Mi confirmed that [Alice] walked to the second floor, he opened the door to the fifth floor, and then opened it according to Xiong Mi's wishes. A door leading to the swimming pool drove those students in.

Thanks to the fact that the [Teaching Building] has now been put on lockdown, otherwise what might have happened if Gao Hai tried to do this during the first and second rounds. After all, the teaching building at that time was [not allowed to leave] according to the rules. Gao Hai just knocked open the wall and was attacked in mid-air. If he had been transferred on the spot, maybe the whole teaching building would be full of weirdness. possible.

After this transfer, Gao Hai only left Yotsuya Miko alone, while Xiong Mi stayed in the corridor, facing Alice who came forward alone.

Gao Hai, who was transferring students in the classroom, vaguely heard Alice's laughter and shouted to her "Miss Xiong Mi, aren't we friends? Why are we showing such expressions?" This was just like the last two weeks. The thing seemed to have a very innocent attitude when it came to him.

But then, Xiong Mi's bronze eyeball flashed with a faint light, and then Alice's figure in the corridor was frozen, frozen in place and unable to move.

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