Gao Hai's voice was very steady.

At this moment, he finally pieced together some fragments of the chaotic fog of Fujika Middle School's past.

The invisible Alice, who was born in Fujika Middle School, could not leave this place until the school was destroyed. At that stage, it was no different from an invisible and intangible ghost. It was not until a suitable container entered Fujika Middle School that it was able to break away and become [Idol Alice].

But as a human, [Idol Alice] eventually died, and the body was divided. As far as I know, there is only a human skin umbrella and a human bone stick. Whether this division has any meaning or not is not mentioned for the time being. After that, Alice, who could move freely in the world, must have been trapped in Fujika Middle School again and became one of the obsessions of this area.

No matter how special it is, the strange restriction of not being able to leave the copy for a long time is effective for Alice after all. Even if she forcibly leaves the copy through the obsession, she can only move for a few minutes at most, and then she will be forcibly pulled back.

So Alice longs for a container.

A container that is suitable for it and has similarities with it.

And Yotsuya Miko, a girl with extremely strong perception, is a suitable container.

At the same time, this also infers that Alice, who was selected by Fujika Middle School for the experiment, is probably a girl with strong perception like Miko.

[Teacher is really smart. I am more and more curious about how the teacher took the core from the teaching building. Um, can the teacher play with me? ]

Alice grinned, but her eyes were creepy, and there was no smile in them.

And at this moment, Gao Hai felt that some strong and creepy breath was approaching, approaching his direction little by little.

What is that?

Wait, this feeling... is it the place where he dismantled the door, and what came out of it?

When he noticed it, a long hand had already reached into the shower room.

The badge pinned on Gao Hai's flesh changed rapidly, covering his body with a rescue team uniform.

He tried to dodge at this moment, but the thing was so fast that it grabbed Gao Hai's shoulders in the blink of an eye. Then he was dragged out of the water and dragged into the corridor. He was dragged all the way, along with Yotsuya Miko in his arms and a door dragged on the ground, and was dragged into the hole he had torn out in the wall.

[Shh, have you heard? ]

[In this dormitory building, there is a non-existent floor]

[Many people say that it is the -1 floor, but those who have actually seen that floor say that it is completely different from the real -1 floor of the dormitory building]

[Then, those who saw that floor slowly disappeared one by one]

[Do you want to know where they all went? ]

Alice's malicious smile gradually faded away.

Gao Hai stood up from the ground holding Miko, who still had her eyes closed, and turned around to see that the crack in the wall behind him had disappeared.

On the snow-white wall in front, the words [-1 floor] gradually changed and turned into a bloody [0 floor].


Then the door of a room next to Gao Hai slowly opened at this moment.

Chapter 50: The twisted place that cannot be known, cannot be spoken, cannot be touched, and does not exist

Before seeing that thing, a strong sense of uneasiness had already prompted Gao Hai to act quickly.

Cannot stay on this floor.

Cannot really meet the things on this floor.

Cannot come into contact with the things that exist on this floor.

This seemingly normal place, which seems to be no different from the ordinary dormitory floor, is completely different from the previous situation. In essence, it is completely different.

Although Gao Hai could not tell the specific difference between this weird space and a normal dormitory building, the deep meaning made him hesitate without hesitation. If he continued to stay on this floor, he would inevitably face a miserable death in the end.

[Because everyone thinks so]


In the crisp sound of the door lock, Gao Hai inserted the blood key into the door lock that he had dragged all the way in.

After the door was opened, the appearance of a dormitory room was revealed.

Gao Hai used the blood key to connect this door to a dormitory room on the second floor and opened it to connect.

At this moment, the dormitory was empty, without any figure, and it seemed very safe and there was no problem.

But Gao Hai had no way to step into the dormitory.

Because under the light, in the clean and tidy dormitory, there was a very inconspicuous broom standing by the wall.

No, it was not a broom, but a woman holding a broom.

The woman's eyes were always looking around, the floor, bed, trash can, table, chair and everything else were within its sight and within its observation range. Nothing could escape its eyes, and it would find faults with everything, and then become a punishment that the students had to bear.

Now he and Jianzi are covered with water droplets. Once they enter the dormitory, they will definitely spill the water on the ground, which will then trigger the rules of that ghost thing.

But if we don't go in and escape from this place as soon as possible, what's in the door behind us will come out.

Gao Hai's eyes suddenly looked at the lights on the ceiling inside the door.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it on the ground, and forcefully pulled out a piece of broken stone from the floor.

The next moment, Gao Hai threw it out violently, hitting the bright incandescent lamp and shattering it on the spot.

The dormitory inside the door became dark in an instant.

Gao Hai then hugged Miko and rushed into the door, and wrapped the clothes he had kept under his arms when taking a bath before. He then pulled out the key, closed the door, turned around and stabbed the man from the window. The heads of the giraffes that rushed in were smashed together.

[Violation rules...]

I vaguely seemed to hear the low roar of the thing wearing a giraffe hood.

The twisted phantoms were rushing through Gao Hai's mind crazily at this moment. The miserable images of the students killed by the teacher kept reappearing in his mind, as if there was a force that wanted to assimilate Gao Hai and those students. , let him become one of them.

But then in Gao Hai's cold eyes, the sharp machete penetrated the head of the monster, and with his sudden force, he cut all the way forward, cutting the whole head of the thing in half, then pulled it out, and then Cut with a sharp slash.

The violent force reverberated on Gao Hai's hand, tearing his tiger's mouth apart. Before it was about to be cut off, the thing roared and shook its head violently, hitting Gao Hai and knocking him against the wall on one side. The wall hit was dented, and the cracks continued to expand around.


While taking a deep breath, Gao Hai looked around, confirming that the [Broom Teacher] had disappeared after turning off the lights, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time I compete with Alice, I always feel like I'm on the line between life and death. Isn't there a more general way to restrain this bastard?

Gao Hai recalled the time when he successfully blocked Alice in the second week of the teaching building. That time he used Alice's game rules and let the rescue team get [items] that could become Alice's friends to target her. But this operation cannot be replicated in the dormitory building, because the rules of the game in the dormitory building are completely personal. Even if Gao Hai asks the rescue team to pick up the toothbrush that is the answer to the puzzle and walk up to Alice, it can ignore it and interpret this rule to mean that only Gao Hai holding it can pass.

And...when the [Inspector Giraffe] was cut by him, he felt something very bad seemed to be attached to his body. I am afraid that he has now become a so-called [bad student] in terms of identity. ].

Not far away, Jianzi was already hurriedly putting on Gao Hai's clothes. The clothes that were obviously one size larger than Mitsuko's figure looked very inappropriate for her, but at this time the girl could only make do with it.

Originally, when she had to take a shower, Yotsugamiko actually entered the bathtub with her clothes and shoes, and did not throw them away even if they got wet. But when she was caught by the thing behind the broken wall, she was still an ordinary person after all. She couldn't hold on to everything as tightly as Gao Hai, so the clothes fell down in the corridor.

I'm not wearing any underwear or fat... This feeling really makes it impossible to relax.

Yotsuya Miko didn't dare to raise her head and look at Gao Hai, her whole face was now red. Every piece of skin on the body seemed to be trembling slightly, recalling the intimate touch of being held in Gao Hai's arms.

I hate it, what’s wrong with me...

"Are you okay?"

Gao Hai asked with a calm expression.

"Well, I'm fine. Well, what should we do now?"

Mianzi, who responded to Gao Hai in a panic, tried to adjust his emotions and put aside the distracting thoughts that he shouldn't have at the moment, and then asked cautiously.

The lights are still on outside now. Because of the dormitory building's rule [no one can be there during the day], it must be extremely dangerous to leave this dormitory where Gao Hai is forced to "turn off the lights" at this time. Even if they don't leave here, the two of them today People are still facing very urgent crises.

Tread - tap -

Footsteps were approaching this dormitory.

More and more cold atmosphere gradually extended into the room.

On the four beds in the room, the quilts unknowingly bulged from their dry state, and there seemed to be something squirming under the quilts.

The shadows under the dormitory door kept shaking. I don't know how many people were standing outside, shaking their bodies outside this door.

There was also a rustling sound coming from the window that had been punched through by [Inspector Giraffe], as if something was peering from outside.


The two people in the dormitory were completely surrounded at this time.

"Mr. Gao……"

Regardless of the girl's shame, Jianzi had clung to Gao Hai's body again, watching the surrounding movements in horror.

She could feel something much stronger than Gao Hai, and she could hear the whispers of the students.

That seemed like a game.

It was an escape game limited to the dormitory building organized by the outstanding students of a certain class on a whim.

Those outstanding students who consider themselves elites and new human beings pick up various knives and weapons, while the bad students can only flee in fear in the dormitory area and are not allowed to go to other places. The outstanding students are not allowed to leave until they have enjoyed themselves.

At the beginning, those students could only die in despair and pain, without any way to resist or survive.

After all, the entire dormitory building is so big. Even if you want to hide, you can't find a suitable hiding place. Those outstanding students will always find it. Even if they don't find it, they can be forced to come out of the hiding place through orders. .

But despite this, these students racked their brains and finally came up with a way to survive.

That is to throw other students to those outstanding students. After all, they have set the rules of the game themselves. Even these outstanding students must abide by them when everyone is watching. Therefore, as long as other students are thrown to them in advance, In front of them, these outstanding students must stop and execute them before they can go looking for others.

No matter how impressive those outstanding students are, their physical fitness is still at the human level. After dealing with a certain number of bad students, they will almost reach the limit of their physical strength and there will be no way to continue playing.

The students used this method to find a way to survive, at least some of them.

But now, those things gathered together, seeming to target her and Gao Hai together, and hand them over to outstanding students for execution.

Jianzi became almost uncontrollably panicked, and immediately told Gao Hai what he had seen and reminded him of what would happen next.

But then, the girl suddenly realized something was wrong.

Isn’t the dormitory during the day not allowed for international students?

And when you perceive those things, shouldn't you have a very uncomfortable and painful reaction? Why didn’t I feel anything special after seeing those things this time? It's like just watching a slideshow or watching a short video and there is no reaction at all.

if it is like this……

"Mr. Gao, Alice is outside the door now!"

Mianzi, who reacted quickly, held back what he had just seen in his heart, and then quickly reminded Gao Hai.

[Hey, Xiaomiko, don’t be so smart. Can’t you just honestly tell me what you saw? Be a good and obedient child]

Alice's somewhat dissatisfied voice sounded at this moment.

At this moment, Mianzi finally felt a faint tingling sensation, and vaguely saw the aftermath of what he had just seen.

The end of that [escape game] did not end with the excellent students being exhausted and giving up killing. After discovering the intentions of the bad students, the excellent students pressed forward step by step and had to kill everyone before they would stop. .

And the bad students who realized this kept running away in despair, and finally ran away...

They ran... underground... No... no, that's not the underground floor. There is no underground floor in the dormitory building... They ran...


The intense pain stimulated the girl's nerves.

Her instinct warned her not to continue looking, not to try to understand what happened after that. However, her perception was not under her own control at all. It was as if she was being actively chased by things that were contaminated and distorted, falling deeper into the world and uncontrollably touching things that she shouldn't touch.


Lots and lots of corpses...

The floor doesn't doesn't exist there...

But why did they still arrive at the place they shouldn't have arrived...

And those things that appeared there...what are those...


With a dull sound, like a bell, the girl's consciousness suddenly woke up.

Something sounded in a certain direction upstairs, driving away all the disturbing and uncomfortable things.

Gao Hai, who had shared most of the mental erosion for Miko, was so dizzy that he was about to sit down on the ground, turned around and looked at the hole he had just made in the wall. At this moment, he could see a bloody hand stretching out from behind the hole, slowly tearing the hole apart and expanding it.

The second rescue team member appeared next to Gao Hai.

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