What kind of obsession would cause the man who killed Alice with his own hands, who was suspected to be a police officer, to be unable to rest in peace no matter what, and to have so much resentment that he could even take over Alice's authority further? The core obsession of Fujika Middle School.

Moreover, although it is clearly the core of the dungeon, there is no trace of this obsession on the surface of Fujika Middle School. It obviously hates Alice so much and will decisively kill it as soon as it finds the other party. However, Alice still dominates Fujika Middle School, completely covering up the scenes related to this core obsession, so that under normal circumstances, players It is simply impossible to know the true side of this copy.

Gao Hai felt that this ordinary-looking man in police uniform should have the deepest obsession in his heart to kill Alice.

But... it doesn't seem right. He always felt that the situation at Tenghua Middle School was different from that of Hedar's obsession with killing Fournen in the Red Nut Gray Cave. When he was shot and killed by the police officer, Gao Hai didn't feel that the other party had any tendency to satisfy his obsession.

Perhaps it is necessary to put the four obsessions together to create a complete [Alice], and then send it to this core obsession to kill him?

Gao Hai thinks this idea has some possibility, but it can't be said to be particularly reliable.

Think about it carefully and recall the clues you have obtained before. The game prompts in the dungeon will often point to content related to the core obsession, and there should be something useful in it.

[Choosing lies may be better than choosing the truth]

[People are still waiting for a truly fair trial]

[Those who dig up secrets will pay a price]

【People who cannot stand firm are not needed】

Are these four game tips a set? Could it be something that the police officer pointed to had done before his death?

Speaking of which, [Alice] doesn't seem to have any tendency to hide her inhuman side. Although she tells lies that are true or false, her actions always reveal her evil and vicious side without hesitation. If such a person becomes an idol and is worshiped by the whole people, will he restrain his true nature and not reveal his true side?

And for such a cruel and crazy idol, will she get the justice she deserves? In a country like Neon, an idol who is so charming that she is fanatically worshiped by countless people and who is obviously suffering from mental disorder, how will she be treated if her own evil deeds are discovered?

[The audience off the stage does not need to care about the facts]

[Avid fans are just the right match for idols]

Gao Hai couldn't help but think of these two game tips.

It seems that it can connect some things together, but it is not enough. What is going on in that mental hospital-like place needs to be explored after the start of next week.

Speaking of which, the surface of Touka Middle School has collapsed. Where will Namiko and her group of cheating classmates appear after the new week begins? Will he be imprisoned in the ward like himself?

I hope I won't become another group-killing engine...and speaking of which, what happened to Ikuyo Kita? How come the traitor from Yeluoshan Middle School can use her body to visit her? Will she have a new show again? Faced with the threat of two core obsessions at the same time, this kind of joke is not funny at all...

No matter what, you have to test the thoughts in your heart after the new week starts, and you have to take action.


Gao Hai, who was sighing in his heart, suddenly heard the sound of a bell.

In the sky, all the obsessive objects have fallen. Whether it is Alice's four obsessive objects, the flesh and blood he threw away, or Xiong Mi's own obsessive object doll, they have all returned. Here, everything is back in his hands.

Speaking of which... After I clear this dungeon, if I die in another dungeon, will Miss Xiongmi be turned into a doll again when I resurrect?

Gao Hai suddenly felt a little uneasy when he thought about this.

But then, after he had such an idea, Gao Hai immediately got the answer and realized that as long as he took the initiative to make the decision to "give up a certain obsession", he would be able to stop having a certain obsession after resurrection. The object returns with itself, so as to avoid the oolong situation of resurrecting players who have been resurrected from the state of obsession objects and become obsession objects when they return from death.


The second bell has already sounded.

After a brief silence, Gao Hai finally decided not to make a wish.

Although the machine that fused flesh and blood gave Gao Hai some new ideas, Gao Hai still felt that this idea was a bit too dangerous and had many inappropriate aspects. There are not many ability grids left in the watch, so it is best not to use them indiscriminately if you are not absolutely sure. So after thinking about it again and again, he decided not to make a wish this time and just start over.


Gao Hai, who had already made up his mind, closed his eyes, thought about it, and then turned to look at Yotsugamiko, who was still lying on the ground next to him.

Amidst the ringing of the bell, he watched everything around him gradually disappear into the darkness, including the girl who seemed to be sleeping, and gradually disappeared into the darkness, as if she had never existed.

After three rounds, I seem to have never established a close enough relationship with her. Although we are comrades who trust each other, if we want to trigger the function of retaining memory and exchanging thoughts, we need to have a closer relationship.

In other words, if the exploration of the fourth round is not smooth and I have to enter the fifth round, maybe I have to consider the issue of picking her up?

This idea made Gao Hai feel a little weird.

The darkness has already enveloped Gao Hai calmly and began to send him back to the dungeon world.

At the last moment, Gao Hai recalled the sacrifice of Xiong Mi and the action that he had to kill Yotsuya Miko with his own hands. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and finally cheered up and prepared to start a new game.

This time, I must not let others die for me again.

Wake up.

Open your eyes in the dim ward.

After a brief discomfort, Gao Hai quickly woke up and confirmed his current state and environment.

Then, after hesitating for a while, Gao Hai turned his head and looked in the direction where the gun-wielding core obsession broke in at the end of the previous round.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Well, nothing came in and shot him in the head on the spot.

Very good, it was because of the fusion with Alice in the previous round that he was killed. As long as the fusion with Alice is resolved, the core obsession will no longer target him.

Then, let me take a good look at what the so-called [Fungeka Middle School] copy really looks like!

At this moment, Gao Hai was determined and full of confidence.

[Patient No. 304, it's time to go out! ]

Then two burly men wearing nurse uniforms and showing strong muscles opened the door of the ward and strode in front of Gao Hai.

Untie the restraints and untie the metal ring.

Two men over 1.9 meters tall lifted Gao Hai up and dragged him out directly.

Gao Hai said nothing and did nothing, letting these men drag him forward.

Well... although they look like ordinary people, he can sense that these two people are actually strange creatures, especially after feeling the cold body temperature and cold touch, he can feel this even more.

Outside the door is a long corridor, one side of the corridor is a window blocked by barbed wire, and the other side is a prison-like heavy metal door, or ward door.

It seems that a girl's scream can be heard in the distance. Those high school students are probably trying to die again.

Before, he could still protect them in school, but this time he couldn't help the group of girls. However, this ghost place seems to maintain the surface [normality]. If they don't mess around too much, no one should die. I can only say that I wish them good luck.

I don't know where Jianzi is now...

Gao Hai's mind is spinning with various thoughts.

At the same time, the next door to the ward he came out of, another ward was slowly opened at this time.

Three fully armed nurses wearing protective clothing, holding electric batons, and wearing masks, neck guards and helmets slowly moved and led a patient tied to the bed out of the ward.

At that moment, Gao Hai sensed a familiar breath of terror.

So he turned his head and looked at the patient who was tightly tied to the bed.

So he saw the core obsession of [Tenghua Middle School Dungeon Area], and saw the man with bloodshot eyes who was tied up like a mentally disturbed madman.

Chapter 62: A new beginning in the mental hospital and the visit of idol Alice


The pulleys of the iron bed dragged on the white floor and made a friction sound.

The man tied to the iron bed half-opened and half-closed his eyes, and swayed slightly as the iron bed moved. The eyes covered with eye mucus were lifeless and scattered, and it was impossible to tell which direction it was looking at, or whether it was looking at nothing.

The face was obviously beaten several times, and was full of redness, swelling and bruises. There were also some wounds that seemed to be healing. Saliva oozed from the corners of the man's mouth, and blue snot was dripping down. No one was going to help him wipe it.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that this is just a mental patient who makes people subconsciously want to stay away from him.

But Gao Hai knew that it was the goal that he had to face in order to destroy the copy of Fujika Middle School, and he had to understand it, analyze it and find a way to rest.

To be honest, Gao Hai didn't expect that he would see the other party again so soon.

It's just that this way of meeting, uh, is quite strange in all senses.

He was dragged by two big men holding his arms.

The core obsession of this copy was tied up and placed on the iron bed.

Why do I suddenly have a strange feeling that he and I are in the same boat... Tsk, when I think about it, I suddenly feel uncomfortable with goose bumps.

Gao Hai curled his lips secretly, and then he noticed that the two big men holding him showed very nervous expressions, and they held his hands much harder. One of the big men even gnashed his teeth, as if the man tied to the iron bed was the enemy who killed his father.

The force of the drag suddenly increased.

Before Gao Hai wanted to observe the specific situation of the core obsession carefully, the two big men in nurse uniforms dragged Gao Hai away from each other quickly and dragged him to the other side of the corridor.

In the end, Gao Hai only had time to take a look at the ID card left on the man's bed and see his name.

[Hirano Sosuke]

The core of the copy of Fujika Junior High School, the real core of this copy, was named as a human.

Obviously, this core obsession is the same as Andres, a type that will not be cursed or polluted even if the relevant information is known, and will not be [watched].

And... compared with the appearance of this core obsession when it killed him at the end of last week, the appearance of this guy now is obviously quite different.

Although the contact time in the third round was only less than three seconds, the core obsession that killed Gao Hai at that time was wearing formal clothes. Although the police uniform looked dirty and full of stains, the other party's appearance and temperament were completely different from this crazy prisoner. If it weren't for his perception to judge the other party's identity, Gao Hai would never believe that these two guys were actually the same person.

No, it is somewhat inappropriate to describe it as a person. After all, no matter how the other party looks, it is always weird in essence.

Even if this place maintains its superficial normality and seems to be no different from an ordinary mental hospital, at most it seems to be a little too guarded, the essence of this place will not change.

The cold atmosphere that always lingers and hovers around is enough to make Gao Hai alert.

From a distance, Gao Hai heard some girls who seemed to be arguing, and saw a figure who was pressed to the ground at the end of the corridor, screaming and struggling.

A nurse picked up the electric baton and started it, pressing it directly on the girl.

With a flash of electric current, the girl who was still yelling and cursing just now rolled her eyes and fainted on the ground, and then a puddle of water gradually spread on the floor.

A nurse was yelling and cursing in a low voice, showing an extremely disgusted expression towards the unconscious girl.

A female nurse stood up and pulled the girl up, threw her back into the ward, and kicked her hard by the way.

The other girls were so frightened that they dared not resist anymore. They could only move forward obediently under the gaze of a group of nurses and caregivers who were taller than them and holding electric batons, heading towards a gate at the end of the corridor.

The place where Gao Hai was taken was different from where the girls were, but the direction was roughly the same. He guessed that he might be taken to a square, where the male and female areas might be separated, but they might be able to see each other.

Facts proved that Gao Hai's guess was correct. He was quickly taken to an indoor activity area. In this area equivalent to the size of a small square, there were about 20 to 30 people in hospital gowns walking around, and there were caregivers who were about half the number of patients guarding in the corner.

A wall divided this closed activity area into two. The wall was a concrete structure from the ground to a height of about one meter, and above that was a thick layer of transparent glass wall. The half where Gao Hai was was all men, and the other half was women. Among them, Yotsuya Miko, who was wearing a hospital gown, carefully mixed in with a group of patients. Her golden eyes had been looking around for something, and then after seeing Gao Hai, the girl's eyes obviously lit up.

For some reason, Gao Hai always felt that Miko seemed to have a bit of puppy temperament at this moment.

Beside Miko, Ieno Rika and others were also there. Seeing these people in a state of panic and helplessness, Gao Hai really had no interest in continuing to pay attention to them. And at this time, for some reason, Yotsuya Miko suddenly avoided Gao Hai's gaze, and a not-so-obvious blush appeared on her face.

What happened to her?

Gao Hai, who had quietly walked to the side of the glass wall, saw Miko's strange reaction and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

In fact, Yotsuya Miko herself couldn't explain what was going on with her. After finally finding Gao Hai, she subconsciously felt relieved that she had finally found her backbone. As a result, when she was about to walk over, she suddenly felt that her body had been seen naked by Gao Hai without knowing when. A strong sense of shame suddenly surged into her heart, and the girl was at a loss all of a sudden.

Of course, this feeling of helplessness only lasted for a short while. The girl, who had already realized what time it was, walked quickly and ran to the side of the glass wall quickly, looking up and looking at Gao Hai.

From the physical engine structure of her running over, Gao Hai suspected that the original appearance was likely under the hospital gown.

The girl opened her mouth and wanted to speak to Gao Hai.

But the thick glass wall was so good at sound insulation that her voice could not be transmitted at all.

But this was not a problem for Gao Hai. He had the unique ability to understand languages ​​and various communication methods, so he could directly understand what Miko wanted to say by reading lips.

[Mr. Gao, are you okay? Do you know where this place is? Some of my classmates said that these people are doing some kind of variety reality show, and it is probably an underground illegal reality show organized by the gangs, but I remember that we were caught by a very scary thing, right? Why did we come to this place? And since just now, I have been feeling that it is very cold here, and it seems that something is looking at me, but I can't find where that thing is...]

The girl talks a lot.

Obviously, Jianzi didn't talk so much in the previous three rounds, but this time she was unexpectedly very nagging after meeting Gao Hai, asking a series of questions like a curious baby, and talking almost non-stop.

Gao Hai could see that the girl was actually using this method to relieve her inner fear and helplessness.

However, it always felt that her attitude seemed to have become more intimate than the previous three rounds.

It was as if he was relieved as soon as he saw me. I always felt that this change was a bit worrying...

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you are careful, it won't be a big problem."

Gao Hai tried to slow down his speech so that Jianzi could understand what he was saying through the changes in his lips.

This attempt obviously failed. Jianzi behind the glass wall stared at Gao Hai blankly for a long time, and then anxiously said things like [I can't hear you] and [what should I do? What should I do?], and vaguely seemed to be getting impatient.

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