Put on the police uniform that you have worn for more than 20 years.

Bring another pistol, a pistol that you have carefully maintained and maintained very well.

Then, he walked alone to the noisy and lively concert party.

Going on the lonely journey that seemed to be destined for him.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang--

All the nurses, all the security guards and patients, all the strange things that attacked at this moment, were instantly shattered and were beaten to pieces on the spot.

The man wearing a dirty police uniform with many holes put his pistol back into his gun bag, turned around expressionlessly, and walked away without looking at Gao Hai and others, and penetrated the stage. The wall behind disappeared.

It was only then that Yotsuya Miko began to gasp for air, and only then did she feel a strong sense of separation, so that she completely collapsed in Gao Hai's arms and could not even move.

"I-are we safe?"

The girl asked with a blank expression, and she seemed to be a little confused.

"It's safe, it's safe for now. You did a good job just now, very good."

Gao Hai just supported the girl and chuckled, then gave her a thumbs up to express encouragement.

Chapter 80: The stage has calmed down and the next step

The stage has calmed down, and all the restless things and crazy sounds have subsided.

Those muttering things have turned into fragmented pieces of flesh, and those monsters that howled crazily now only have fragments that are slowly gathering together.

At least within a few hours, nothing that could threaten Gao Hai and others would appear in the entire hospital.

The stage itself, which was originally restricted and unable to leave, has now been lifted from the original blockade and has become freely accessible, and can go to the area on the edge of the stage. But to be more accurate, it should actually be that from the moment Miko's perception ability captured [Hirano Sosuke], causing the core obsession to appear, the restrictions of this stage had completely disappeared. After all, Xiong Mi was thrown off the stage and hit among the chairs not long ago, and even now, the injuries on Xiong Mi’s face have not fully recovered.

Is it because the source of power of this restriction points to [Alice], and the existence of Hirano Sosuke can completely overwhelm Alice, is it the reason why the stage changes?

Gao Hai made such a guess in his heart.

No matter what, this adventure at least brought more and more in-depth information, and it was completely worth it in terms of the results.

[Hirano Sosuke, the core obsession of this dungeon, is a survivor of Touka Middle School. When [Alice] destroyed the school, there were survivors. According to the clues we have received so far, it can be determined that there are at least two survivors, one of whom is a teacher and the other a student. The teacher was executed by the school for trying to protect the students, but Alice lost control before the execution. Perhaps it was under such circumstances that the teacher protected the student and successfully escaped]

Among the broken seats under the stage, Gao Hai advanced while exchanging information with others through spiritual links.

[So, were the two people who presented flowers and red candles the same as Mr. Hirano and his teacher? 】

Mianzi's voice sounded in the spiritual link, and his tone seemed a little cautious.

[It is possible, and as a survivor of the destruction of Touka Middle School, I doubt that this Hirano Sosuke is actually as special as Alice. Otherwise, he could kill through the concert alone, and then hunt down and kill him in front of Alice. Fanatic fans or something like that, to be honest, it’s a bit too outrageous]

Gao Hai affirmed Mianzi's guess, and then made more guesses by the way.

[The hallucination that Yotsuya saw just now, about the scene where Sosuke Hirano appeared out of thin air after being burned to death and killed everyone, should be the last moment when this copy was formed, that is, when Touka Middle School completely turned into a copy world and separated from the real world. That moment. With strong resentment and obsession, he turned into a monster, destroyed everything, and brought it into the copy world to form a new world. But even so, there is still something that doesn't make sense. There is no explanation at all for the four fragmented obsessions of Alice. Moreover, according to the information obtained by Xiao Yotsuya, Hirano Sosuke didn't know anything about it before a victim came to him for help. Do you know Alice, the superstar who has taken the entire neon industry by storm? 】

While Xiong Mi was talking in the spiritual link, he helped "Goto No. 1" who was still lying on the stage.

Although the chest and abdomen of this girl who looks exactly like Gotou Issato has been completely penetrated, she is not dead, or in other words, as a controllable [body] created by an obsession, this thing has a mysterious nature. There is no way to kill her easily due to her special characteristics, so the injuries on her body have actually almost healed at this time. It's just because the spine hasn't grown properly yet, so it can only lie limply.

Speaking of which, when the male gun brother took action just now, Pochi could actually try to use that blessing to exchange identities. Was it because he didn't react for a while, or was there something special about the male gun brother that could break her blessing?


Gao Hai, who was thinking like this, saw the fragments of a stone falling from his hand when "Goto One" was being helped up by Xiong Mi. Judging from the appearance of those fragments, it seemed that they had been blown apart by bullets. Become like that. Therefore, the girl's palms were also covered with wounds from the broken stones, but the penetrating wounds on her chest and abdomen were too conspicuous to be noticed.

That stone... was probably used to transfer someone's identity, but recalling the battle just now, none of the targets targeted by Hirano Sosuke were successfully transferred and attacked, so I'm afraid it is very likely that this core obsession is targeting After a certain target, [personnel with the target identity] and [personnel who once had the target identity] will be targeted together, so even if the identity is transferred with a blessing, it is useless, because if this guy identifies a target, even if the target's Even if his identity changes, he will continue to do so. The target selection characteristics of this ghost beast...it has a sense of madness that it would rather kill the wrong one than let it go. Could it be that it was trained by Alice?

After Xiong Mi put the "Goto-1" that was being repaired on a chair, he walked around.

Although he had just survived a life-and-death crisis, Xiong Mi himself did not hesitate to start the investigation again as a pioneer, walking silently and wiping the blood on his face with his hand.

"There's a way out here, um, and there's a small hidden room."

It didn't take long for Xiong Mi to find the entrance and exit of this underground stage. The place is not difficult to find, because the door itself is ajar, and when you get closer, you can vaguely see the faint light shining through the door. However, another hidden room requires a little more effort. If you hadn't noticed that a certain wall was too smooth, and then discovered that it was a hidden piece of glass after actually touching it, and tried to break it, this room would still be pretty good. It may or may not be found.

Behind the dimly lit door was an upward staircase, which seemed to lead to the hospital or somewhere near the hospital.

The hidden small room is a very hidden place that seems to exist to provide an observation port without being discovered. In this place, Gao Hai and others found some layouts similar to the dean's office, and found some documents left by the dean.

It is worth mentioning that these documents themselves contain a considerable degree of contamination. However, because the source of the contamination is the dean himself and various strange things in the hospital, Gao Hai and others can only read these documents now. There won't be much risk, at least it won't attract an attack from anything.

Most of the documents are observation records. From these records, we can see that Fujii Hiroshi himself was conducting continuous research step by step. He recorded many stage performance records. As more and more people were brainwashed, , as more and more people became convinced, some strange phenomenon did occur on the stage, and the idol Alice began to perform gradually. But as the experiment continued, Fujii Hiroshi discovered that no matter how he increased the number of fans, he could only reproduce Alice's performance process more and more accurately, and could not truly resurrect Alice.

At the end of the observation record, Fujii Hiroshi left this page of record:

[This is the last observation test. I have wasted enough time on this, and... I don’t have Alice’s power. Even though I tried my best with my contacts, I recently tried to investigate this hospital. There are still more and more people]

[My time is running out, those pathetic fools, they are gradually forgetting Alice, they are forgetting Alice's existence little by little. Sooner or later, only the people in this hospital will remember her existence. By then... I...]

[I can’t go on any further. This information may have been wrong from the beginning. I believed it wrong]

[Continuing to repeat the observations that have been repeated countless times will not bring any results, so this time, I want to change the content of the experiment, and I want to conduct an execution]

[Hirano Sosuke...he took away my love, took away my whole world, and destroyed the hearts of everyone who loved Alice. I've given him the highest level of treatment more than ten times, but he's always as motionless as a dead person. Also, how can a bastard like him deserve Alice's love? 】

[So he can only become a sacrifice, sacrifice him, and let everyone believe that his death can bring about Alice's rebirth, and a different result will definitely be achieved. Even so, it still failed... At least I could make Alice's murderer get the punishment he deserved]

[Ah, by the way, the list of those who asked for help from him has almost been compiled. It’s time to close the net. I will execute all these evil people who dare to reject Alice one by one! all! 】

[The time is set for tomorrow, Alice, my Alice, watch carefully, I will make the person who hurt you get punished. The justice and justice that belongs to you will be delivered to you by me personally! 】

【Alice Alice Alice Alice Love】

The further you go, the more messy the text becomes, and you can clearly feel that the writer's mental state has become abnormal.

Gao Hai frowned and read it, feeling the strong erosion caused by the words themselves, and couldn't help but feel a sense of nausea, but he didn't spit it out.

Put down the record sheet and investigate the small room again. This time, Jianzi found a locked drawer. Gao Hai opened it and found a concert ticket. It was a handwritten ticket. It looked like it was left by Alice's earliest concert. This thing is an obsession. It seems to be the obsession of the dean Fujii Hiroshi. Although he didn't like this brainwashed perverted dog, Gao Hai chose to accept the obsession directly. Anyway, he just threw it into the watch space.

At this time, Xiong Mi, who was investigating where the stairs led to, also responded in the mental link at this time. It seems that she has found something.

[I found the exit, there are two exits]

[One of them leads to the side door of the hospital's employee cafeteria. Walking here, you will walk into the cafeteria through a secret door]

[As for the other exit, well, this one leads directly to the outside of the hospital, and you can leave the hospital directly from here]

Chapter 81: The Land of Broken Memories and the Judgment in Illusions

The area outside the hospital is the third area of ​​the [Fujika Middle School] regional copy so far.

On the surface, this area seems to be a very dilapidated building area, with various houses of different sizes. But if you observe it carefully, you will find that this place is actually quite chaotic, with slum-like shanty buildings, tall apartment buildings, Japanese-style villas and other buildings mixed together, the road suddenly changes from four lanes to six lanes, and then to a single lane or even a muddy road, and there is no connection between different areas.

Gao Hai walked in this twisted and chaotic place, and vaguely, he actually had a strange feeling that he was walking in different fragments of memory.

You can hear crying and wailing in every building.

On the walls, on the telephone poles, and scattered on the ground, there were missing person notices, the portraits and words on them had become blurred.

You could feel the suffocating despair, and the coldness that permeated the entire world.

So Gao Hai knew where this place was.

And he also began to vaguely understand why the core obsession of this copy, the man named Hirano Sosuke, could not rest in peace.

"Mr. Gao... this place..."

Yotsuya Miko's voice seemed a little trembling.

The girl who followed Gao Hai also felt the strong atmosphere of despair that spread across this place.

She looked at the houses, as if she could directly penetrate the walls, and saw the figures curled up in the houses, those who had lost their parents, children, lovers, and friends, and saw their appearances that they could never let go, and saw their bruised postures.

"Keep going. Only when we reach the end of this place can we see clearly what happened back then."

Gao Hai's eyes have already looked at the end of the road, at the place where this twisted place finally leads to.

Originally, he thought that this place would lead to Fujika Middle School, to the place of origin.

But as he moved forward step by step, he found that the dilapidated Fujika Middle School was just quietly located at a fork in the road.

As for the main road where countless roads intersect and merge with each other, it leads to a large building that looks magnificent.

It's a court.

"It sounds like it's very lively inside?"

Xiong Mi, who was walking at the front of the team, said slowly at this time.

At this moment, there were only Gao Hai, Jianzi and Xiong Mi on the road.

The "Goto No. 1" was not in the team. She stayed behind the secret door of the hospital and was responsible for opening the door when the few people returned.

【Guo Ben Mental Hospital】This area seems to have some kind of 【invisible】characteristic to the surrounding areas. Gao Hai and others could not see the way out directly after leaving the hospital, and they could not find any trace of the mental hospital in the surrounding building area. Only after "Goto No. 1" in the hospital opened the door, they could find the way back and see the location of the mental hospital again.

Perhaps, it was because the existence of this mental hospital had never been exposed to the victims and their families who were harmed by the idol Alice, so it was impossible to reach the mental hospital actively from the area formed by the obsession of these people. Unless the hospital opens the entrance, unless the hospital takes the initiative to reveal itself, and at that time... I am afraid that this hospital will prey on victims, and it will be the time when the dean and his minions will start.

Speaking of which, Fujii Hiroshi... How did he get the research materials of Yeluoshan Middle School? Gao Hai always felt that Fujii Hiroshi actually wanted to say something like "I trusted the wrong person" in the record left in the small room before, but he just didn't finish it.

Could the wrong person be those strange things in "Takamagahara"? I always feel that it may not be the case.

Then... could it be KP?

Gao Hai couldn't help but think of what he saw at the end of Shirakawa Apartment and Red Nut Gray Cave. Those two things hidden in the formation and development of the copy, calling themselves KP, led things from a bad state to a worse state.

Among them, the KP in the Red Nut Gray Cave may have borrowed Susan's body to communicate with him in the end, calling himself "the actor who took his curtain call."

Tsk, come to think of it, there must be a KP behind the scenes in the dungeon [School Tales], right?

What role will the KP play this time? A researcher who guides Alice to break through the limit and destroy Fujika Middle School? A passerby who guides Fujii Hiroshi to conduct crazy experiments? Or some other role? Anyway, it is definitely not a good role.

Are KP and Sacrifice Game in a cooperative relationship? A subordinate relationship? However, it is too difficult to catch their traces. It is difficult to find their traces in the dungeon. However, the research data obtained by Fujii Hiroshi can indeed be regarded as a possible situation. I wonder if there is a KP hiding in the dark and secretly observing me at this moment.

While thinking, the three of them have already walked to the door of the magnificent court.

I can hear the noisy sound coming from inside.

It seems that many people are arguing, it seems that many people are crying, and all kinds of emotions are constantly churning behind the door, like forming a twisted vortex.

At this time, Jianzi, who felt something unusual, turned around and was startled. He found that there were many figures following the three people. Those figures from the chaotic building area and the afterimages left by the victims' families and friends were all following behind them at this time. Or, they came to the same destination.

Gao Hai had already expected what he would see.

But he still did not hesitate, and stretched out his hand to push the door open.

His perspective was split in the next moment.

He saw a trial.

He saw Hirano Sosuke wearing handcuffs and expressionless.

He saw countless hateful eyes, from the judge, to the surrounding police officers, to the lawyers, to the audience in the back. Except for the area where the families of the victims persecuted by Alice were, every place and everyone else cast almost crazy angry eyes at Hirano Sosuke.

[Death penalty! ]

[There is no other possibility except to die to atone for the crime]

[Such a sinner must die!!! 】

The furious roars came one after another, almost piercing Gao Hai's eardrums.

And the split scene also brought him a stronger mental stimulation.

There was another trial.

He also saw another trial at the same time.

[It's just slander]

[It doesn't constitute a crime at all]

[Such an accusation is extremely immoral. How can you treat the deceased like this, and such a pitiful girl?]

In this trial, the defendant's seat was Alice's body covered with a white cloth, and the plaintiff's seat was full of those silent figures.

Everyone's eyes on those figures were extremely unkind, and they all seemed more and more distorted.

The two trials were carried out simultaneously.

The sounds and pictures of the two trials were transmitted to Gao Hai's vision and hearing at the same time.

[The criminal broke into the concert with a pistol, killed two security guards, and rushed onto the stage, cruelly and inhumanely shooting and killing Miss Alice. Everyone present saw this scene. The evidence is conclusive. There is no doubt that he is guilty.]

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