The woman's wails became more and more shrill and harsh.

There were also the sounds of many people talking, saying something, whispering something.


The door is close at hand.

Gao Hai wanted to turn around and see the figures behind him clearly, but he found that his body was becoming more and more stiff. He could only face forward, facing the open door, and outside the door. It was so dazzling that he could see everything. The missing light.

【We are going out soon】

The phantom beside him made a sound.

Gao Hai couldn't move forward any further.

Someone grabbed his trousers.

The fingers were so small that they seemed to be the size of a child.

At some point, the trousers at his thighs were pulled, preventing him from moving another step.

who is it……

This time Gao Hai successfully turned around.


The sound of water flowing was rippling fiercely.

And Gao Hai looked behind him like this, looking at the little figure holding him.


Gao Hai opened his eyes in severe pain.

He saw the light shining through the gap in the sealed window, and the wall clock on the wall, which already pointed to 8:10.

"You finally woke up, what happened to you?"

Kaguya stood next to the wall clock and asked in an extremely alert tone.

What's wrong with me?

Gao Hai blinked, his consciousness completely awakened, and then he felt discomfort in his body.

His clothes were almost completely wet, and he looked as if he had just been fished out of the water.

This is how the same thing?

Gao Hai moved his body, and then felt pain coming from the side of his thigh.


He realized something, reached out and grabbed his trouser legs, and rolled them up.

Then he saw the source of the pain.

A small palm print.

A small, purple-colored palm print was printed on his flesh.

It was so clear that Gao Hai immediately recalled the little hand that came out of the water at the end of that lucid dream and pulled him into the water.

Tuk Tuk——

The next moment, there was a gentle knock on the door of the broken living room.

Chapter 29: The soft touch in the gap between storms


Pieces of dough fell into the boiling water and began to cook quickly.

Zhen Fei hummed a tune in a low voice, gently stirred the dough with chopsticks, and then put the seasoning packet into it.

Heat spread in the kitchen, and in front of the sink nearby were several pairs of clean chopsticks, a fork prepared for Green, and several porcelain bowls.

"Seriously, could you please stop knocking on the door like that next time? It made me think something had invaded, and I almost decided to reopen on the spot."

At the same time, Gao Hai, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, sighed deeply and said very unhappily.

Kaguya, who was standing next to him, also lowered his head and frowned, rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers, looking helpless.

The knocker in the morning was none other than Sun Dajun himself.

Although he is the worst one here in terms of physical fitness, due to the biological clock and sleeping habits of the older generation, this man actually woke up at around six o'clock and stayed in the room until eight o'clock before carefully walking out. Then he found that most of the people in other rooms did not come out, and waited until Green and Zhen Fei walked out of the room. Then, because there was no movement in 204 where Gao Haihuiye was, he hoped that Green would unlock it so that he could go in and see the situation.

Green was reluctant to do this at first, but the real concubine decided to act after some consideration, so Green had to pry the door and unlock it, and then Sun Dajun entered the corridor and came to the living room door.

Through the crack in door 204, he could see Gao Hai and Kaguya sitting on the ground resting inside the house. After thinking about how to wake them up, Green decided to knock on the door. As a result, Gao Hai and Kaguya in the room were instantly blown up.

If the real concubine hadn't arrived in time, stretched out her hand through the hole in the door, unlocked the door, and rushed in, Gao Hai and Kaguya would have turned the hands to go back in time.

"I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry."

Very embarrassed, Sun Dajun lowered his head and apologized repeatedly.

"Okay, I also know you didn't mean it, but it's really scary. Do you understand? No matter what happens in the future, try not to knock on the door. Tsk... I always feel that even if I can escape from this ghost place, I won't be able to escape from this place in the future. I have to knock on the door ptsd too..."

Gao Hai let out a long sigh, and then saw Concubine Shijo walking out of the kitchen.

"Okay, don't blame this uncle. The decision was made by me. Who told you two not to get up earlier? You should have a little sense of crisis. Especially your aunt, as the eldest daughter of the Fourth Palace, actually because of not It’s really bad to be used to sleeping on the floor and not being able to get up in the morning.”

The real concubine who said this put a large bowl of cooked instant noodles on the table, then took out small bowls and picked them up.

The strong smell of MSG spread throughout the house, which was undoubtedly very appetizing to the few people in the house who had not eaten for a while.

"Hey, it looks pretty good."

Gao Hai said that he was a noodle lover, but he was the first to come forward and then ate three bowls of instant noodles cooked by Zhenfei. Green also ate three bowls because of his tall stature and large food consumption. Kaguya and Zhenfei only ate a small bowl each, and judging from their appearance, they probably finished these small bowls reluctantly. In addition, the one who ate the most was not Gao Hai or Green, but Sun Dajun. This fat middle-aged man ate nearly four bowls of noodles, and his appetite was astonishing.

"Sorry, I ate a little too much..."

Noticed the sight of others, Sun Dajun was very embarrassed, so the fourth bowl was not full. He has high blood pressure and high blood sugar. He can't exercise much and eats a lot. He also has the habit of getting up at night. If he hadn't fainted last night because of the illusion brought by the human head clock, he would probably have had to get up to go to the toilet at night.

The so-called middle-aged disease? Trouble, I didn't expect that Lao Sun's health is so poor. If he encounters danger, I'm afraid he has no chance of escape.

Gao Hai, who didn't expect Sun Dajun to have these problems, had a headache for a while, and hurried to communicate with the other party in detail. As a result, he learned that when Sun Dajun was young, he worked hard in engineering projects, and he didn't care about anything day and night. He was young and squandered. As a result, he was overweight, had high blood pressure, high blood sugar, lumbar muscle strain, and a lot of other problems when he got older. In addition, he started to sit in the office for a long time without exercise when he got older, and his physical fitness declined extremely seriously. It is possible that he will be in a wheelchair in a few years.

Shinomiya Kaguya was very unhappy when she learned about this. The distorted education of the family made her start to think about the value of keeping Sun Dajun in the team. But this time Gao Hai and Shijo Shinki decided to stand on Sun Dajun's side with a firm attitude. Shinki first called Sun Dajun over alone and tried to appease his emotions as much as possible. Gao Hai was seriously thinking about what methods could be used to ensure his safety and make better use of his skills.

"Mr. Sun, if you have worked as an electrician, can you try to fix the lights in the rooms on the second floor, and then centralize the switches of these lights. It would be best if you can remotely control the switches of each light in a certain room?"

After walking out of the room, Gao Hai looked at the wires scattered on the ceiling in the corridor, connecting the rooms one by one. He came up with an idea and went back to the room to find Sun Dajun to ask.

"This circuit is not that simple, but... maybe you can try it. I found some tools from Green and the little girl with braids. I can barely cope with it, but I'm not sure if it will work."

Gao Hai's somewhat whimsical idea obviously made Sun Dajun a little embarrassed, but he nodded and decided to give it a try.

The old man knew very well that for this temporary team of survivors, he, who ate a lot and could not explore the way and help analyze clues, was actually a burden, so he had to do his best to do what he could.

Green remained silent, just obediently obeyed the command to protect Sun Dajun.

As for Maeda Miwa, after being locked up in 205 for a night, when several people went to look for her the next day, they found that she had become somewhat crazy and stupid, huddled in the corner of the room and trembling constantly. She would scream loudly when anyone approached her, and even basic communication was impossible.

"There is no way... leave her in 205, at least she is safe here. When we really find a way out, we will see if we can take her with us."

Zhenfei sighed helplessly and shook her head. Although she sympathized with this woman, even she did not know how to take care of her while taking into account the exploration and investigation of the apartment and security defense, so she could only adopt a laissez-faire approach.

Next, the exploration of the remaining three rooms on the second floor.

Rooms 203, 202 and 201 are rooms where no survivors remain. Judging from the situation of the rooms that have been explored, there should be supply boxes left in these three rooms, with valuable food reserves and various small props and small items.

Green first picked the lock and opened the doors of 203 and 202. The exploration of these two rooms was relatively smooth. The body in 203 was a body hanged in the living room. When it was found, the body had been broken from the abdomen and the lower body fell to the ground. The body in 202 was lying directly on the bed. There was no external injury or obvious trace, but two empty bottles of sleeping pills were found on the bedside table next to the bed.

The bodies in these two rooms basically did not move from beginning to end. During the exploration, they only twitched and blinked slightly. After Gao Hai and others left the room, although they became active and showed signs of following out, in the end, the two bodies did not leave the room. They just moved a little and walked a few steps in the corridor before returning to the room and returning to their original position to continue waiting. As a result, Gao Hai's original plan to trick these bodies into 210 to see if he could kill the bodies in 210 was completely unsuccessful.

Is it because there is no [homeowner], so there are certain restrictions on actions?

With this thought in mind, Gao Hai entered the gate of 201 again. As a result, he was almost hit in the face by the dead body of an old man in the corridor and almost died on the spot.

The scene at that time can be said to be extremely thrilling. After the door of 201 was opened, the corridor was pitch dark, and it was not clear for a while whether there was anything there. As a result, as soon as Gao Hai stepped into the corridor, a shriveled thing jumped out of the corridor. Hmm, or... float out? Anyway, the thing appeared at an astonishing speed and made no sound at all. It rushed forward with its toes on the ground, and opened five holes in Gao Hai's arm with its purple-black fingers.

If Concubine Zhen, who was on guard at the side, had not quickly grabbed Gao Hai and pulled him out, Gao Hai would probably have been told where he was. And when a few people retreated, the old man's body did not return to the house, but stood motionless at the door, so that no one dared to close the door. Following the footsteps in the stairwell, we were attracted by the movement just now, forcing everyone to hide in the living room. It took several hours before they dared to come out, only to find that the door of 201 was still open, and the thing was still standing at the door.

"It seems that the corpses in different rooms really have different personalities. Even this is too violent."

Gao Hai, who smacked his lips, looked at the five long bloody wounds on his arm and sighed helplessly. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough at that time, it would have been possible that instead of the five bloody wounds, the person had been torn into five pieces. .

"Yes, and the corpses in these rooms are all former residents. Watching these dead people move again is not a good experience."

Zhen Fei, who disinfected Gao Hai's arm and put a bandage on it, shook her head and sighed, and then took out the disinfectant iodine to wipe Gao Hai's wound.

"Hey...can you be a little gentler?"

The wound stimulation caused by iodophor made Gao Hai grin.

"Hmph, you can't stand this anymore. You said you were so powerful before. Why, everyone is dead and you are the only one left to trace back. I thought you were some kind of super tough guy."

Seeing Gao Hai's reaction, Zhen Fei raised a smile on her lips and laughed with a somewhat proud expression.

"Ahaha, I wish I was a tough guy, although I always feel that I am quite courageous."

Gao Hai also smiled, and then calmed down, watching Concubine Zhen carefully bandage his arm with gauze.

Sun Dajun outside the house has connected the circuits of 202 and 203, and tried to modify the switch and connected the wires to 204, so that people in 204 can turn on the lights of these two rooms anytime and anywhere in the house. However, because all the light bulbs that could be found in Shirakawa's apartment were close to being scrapped, the most they could do was to flicker the lights in these two rooms twice.

At Kaguya's request, Green sorted out the supply boxes found so far in another room. The food was strictly rationed and given priority to those who were responsible for exploring that day, and everyone had to eat the same amount. Strict controls are in place to avoid pointless consumption like today.

Therefore, at this moment, only Gao Hai and Zhen Fei were staying in room 208, and Zhen Fei was the one to bandage Gao Hai.

I always feel that the atmosphere is a little strange.

After the room became quiet, Gao Hai couldn't help but have this idea.

"Speaking of which... about the previous round, the one you said when all of us were wiped out, can you tell me what happened that time?"

The voice of Shijou Zhenfei reached Gao Hai's ears at this moment.

"What happened at that time? Are you sure you want to know?"

Gao Hai, who didn't expect that the true concubine would ask such a question, was stunned for a moment.

"Probably, out of curiosity... After all, it's frustrating to think about it that I once fought side by side with you for a period of time, but now I have no memory of this at all. Thinking about it, We should have gotten along pretty well before, right? In your eyes, what was that me like?"

The true concubine showed a gentle smile and sat down next to Gao Hai.

Shirakawa Apartment has been abandoned for a long time, and the sofa here is full of dust. Even Princess Kaguya dislikes it. But at this moment, the girl sat down gracefully and directly, just a palm away from Gao Hai, turned to look at the other person and said with a smile.

Gao Hai fell silent for a moment. He felt that he should have been as excited as an LSP, but what he was thinking about at this moment was that when he and Zhen Fei were trapped in the room on the third floor, the girl sat next to him and touched him with her fingers. The moment when I was writing on the back of my hand and gently patted his palm.

It is impossible for the current true concubine to know what happened at that moment, because it was in the deleted future and had never happened.

It is the non-existent beauty that only Gao Hai, who has turned back, can remember.

"I actually don't want to talk about this."

So Gao Hai shook his head and chose to reject the girl's request.

Forget it, I am the only one who knows about those things, there is no need for others to know.

"But I really want to hear that you... seem to have trusted me from the beginning, right? I actually discovered before that when all of us doubted you, the first person you wanted to trust was me. "

The true concubine lowered her head and her voice became slightly softer.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment, rubbing her little feet lightly on the ground a few times, and finally mustered up the courage to look up at Gao Hai again.

"After hearing you talk about the flashback and experiencing it myself, I couldn't help but wonder, in the cycle of failure you mentioned, how did I get along with you, and why did I get your trust?"

"And, after everything is flashed back, will I, who no longer remember these things,... make you feel frustrated? Because I no longer remember the moments we spent together, and only you remember what happened."

"I was thinking, this must be a very painful thing, right? The friendships that were once established are reset to zero, and the people I once knew become strangers. If such things make you sad, I hope to share those things that only you remember. I am an emotional master, you can say anything to me like a tree hole, after all, we are comrades now, and I can't just leave my comrades alone."

The smiling girl, accompanied by her confident and generous voice, just stretched out her hand and gently covered Gao Hai's palm that was supporting the sofa.

Just like last time, she gently patted the back of his hand.

Just like the familiar soft and warm touch he had felt before.

It was like the scene in that dark room was replayed, the difference was that this time, he saw the smile on her face.

"You are really... a good girl."

At this moment, Gao Hai couldn't help but feel a strange sense of frustration, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

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