Qianhua made a casual complaint. She didn't really have any opinion on Gao Hai's gaze. Anyway, she had seen, touched, kneaded, and licked him. In comparison, her dessert was more important, so the girl's eyes were once again focused on the cakes on the table.

If Qianhua were to say what made her most satisfied after becoming a player, she probably wouldn't say "I met Gao Hai", but "It's great that I don't get fat easily after having extraordinary physical fitness." Because the physical strength has exceeded that of ordinary humans, players eat much more than ordinary people, and basically don't have the trouble of accumulating fat, which makes Qianhua basically no longer need to worry about calories and sugar. Whatever you want, you can do it.

In fact, many players basically don't care much about diet after confirming the changes in their bodies. Although in Gao Hai's opinion, this level of carelessness is still a bit of a small matter compared to the group of Red Moon-level players who drink industrial alcohol or even kerosene to compete in drinking in Xiong Mi's mouth.

Of course, enjoyment aside, serious matters still need to be discussed.

"The situation with Kaguya-san, well, I don't really know, but she seems to be looking for someone. Maybe someone who is very close to her is missing? I actually planned to talk about this issue with Ahai and Xiao Zhenfei this afternoon. I wanted to ask this question before, but Kaguya-san has never liked to ask for help from others. But there is nothing I can do about it, after all, she has always been that kind of personality..."

After sighing softly, Chika told the results of her communication with Kaguya in the past two days with a distressed expression.

Evidently, Fujiwara Chika is already the only friend of Shinomiya Kaguya in school, but when it comes to her own personal affairs, Kaguya is still unwilling to tell the specific situation and avoids communication. This kind of personality problem has to be said to be really a headache.

But now that everyone is a team that advances and retreats together, it is definitely not possible to continue to ignore Kaguya. Therefore, after Qianhua roughly confirmed the situation, Gao Hai decided to go to Kaguya alone to ask about the situation.

"Can't I go with A Hai? Why?"

Qianhua, who originally wanted to go together, was stopped by Gao Hai, so she showed a puzzled expression.

"The problem with Shigong can be big or small. If there is really any abnormality, such as her friend investigating something related to the sacrifice game, I might be in danger when I go to find her. Now my self-protection and combat abilities are the strongest. Once there is really trouble, it is easy for me to get out, but you are not sure. I told her in advance that Zhenfei didn't come today, so you don't have to follow me, just leave it to me."

Gao Hai's attitude was very firm. After the incident with Jianzi, he was still a little scared. Therefore, now that Kaguya has something abnormal, even if doing so may seem too suspicious, he still has to be fully protected.

"But in this case, Ah Hai will..."

"Shinki has said these things before, so don't say them again. You should take on as much responsibility as you have the ability. I have the ability, so naturally I have to take the lead."

Before Qianhua could say what she was worried about, Gao Hai put his hand on her lips.

Although she was very dissatisfied, Qianhua saw that Gao Hai's attitude was very serious and didn't say much in the end. She just puffed up her cheeks and nodded slightly.

Finally, after calling Jianzi and telling her that if she planned to return to her original class, she must stay away immediately if she found any strange graffiti, and then after receiving the answer from the girl [If you say so, I have decided not to go back], Gao Hai set out on the road to Shinomiya Mansion alone.

Well, if I really want to enter the copy of Hayate Elementary School, I still remember some of the relevant information I read before. Although the content is pitifully small, it should still come in handy.

Also, we have to find a way to contact Xiaoheshu to replace the dusk-level obsessions in the team. Many things are no longer up to date. We have to replace these obsessions with dark night-level ones, but it is estimated that it will not be so easy to replace.

Thinking about various arrangements, Gao Hai arrived at the Shigong residence in a short time. The attendants here also knew Gao Hai, so after announcing at the door, he entered this large Western-style villa.

"Mr. Gao, why are you here? Um... have you been discovered?"

Kaguya, who looked much more haggard than before, quickly realized her recent abnormal behavior after seeing Gao Hai coming, and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

"After all, we are all members of the same team. It's not a good idea to shut the door and exclude others. You should learn to rely on everyone. Didn't you cooperate well with your elder brother last time? Come on, what's the situation? Um... it's your maid's problem?"

After entering the villa and finding that Kaguya was the only person he knew among the people who greeted him, Gao Hai realized that something might have happened to the blonde maid who had followed and monitored him many times.

If it was Hayasaka Ai, it's no wonder that Kaguya lost her composure this time. After all, she was the only friend she could truly trust unconditionally and had been with her for many years.

Although the other party was actually a spy who betrayed her countless times, and before Hayasaka fired her maid job, Kaguya had been using her as a livestock. Ahem, of course this is just an exaggeration, but Miss Kaguya really doesn’t cherish Hayasaka very much. In the original work, it wasn’t until both parties confessed to each other and Hayasaka stopped being Kaguya’s maid that the Miss Kaguya learned to treat her as Kaguya’s maid. Treat Hayasaka the way you would treat a friend.

As for now, the little maid is missing. Why did she disappear? Speaking of which, that little girl has tried to follow me a few times recently and is very scared of me. Maybe it's because the process of solving the yellow light in the Fourth Palace was a little too ostentatious and scared her, right? Well, if you go by the idea that stories are always full of coincidences, maybe Hayasaka disappeared because of me. Hahahaha, where would she be now...fuck, no?

Before Kaguya could say anything, Gao Hai had already thought of a possibility through his own brainstorming that was extremely possible and made him feel very sick to his stomach.

"Haasaka...she is indeed missing, and she really can't hide it from Taka-kun. In fact, at first I thought I could find it out on my own, but until now I haven't gained much...No, I can't say that, there is still some progress in the investigation. I found this thing in the backyard of Gao Jun's house. I'm sorry, but that kid didn't understand Gao Jun and acted under surveillance without permission, and this happened..."

Kaguya, who had originally planned to ask for help, stopped hiding after Gao Hai opened her mouth and told everything directly.

But Gao Hai's focus is not here.

"You want to say that you found something that looked like a child's doodles? And then you brought that thing out, is that right?"

Gao Hai, whose expression on his face was already too bland, asked in a very indifferent tone.

"Well, that's it...huh?"

Kaguya, who took out the weird graffiti, nodded, then froze, realizing from Gao Hai's reaction that he might have done something stupid.

But this time, the situation was not as bad as Gao Hai expected. On the contrary, after Kaguya took out the graffiti, he felt something else.

This feeling...is this the ticket? It feels very similar to a dungeon ticket, but it seems different. This thing seems to have no restrictions. It is a key that can enter the dungeon as long as it is activated. Moreover, this thing seems to be a key that only I can detect its true purpose? !

Gao Hai, who was a little confused at this moment, suddenly recalled the experience of being choked by KP in that weird hallucination before the end of the copy of Tenghua Middle School.

That KP was not like the KPs in the two dungeons of Baichuan Apartment and Red Nut Gray Cave. He seemed to have great malice towards destroying the dungeon. He wanted to kill himself, but in the end he did not do so. Instead, he said to himself A few words.

[You can join this game at any time, and the rest is up to you to choose from. Just give it a try and see what you can do to my works! 】

That's right.

Gao Hai completely confirmed.

That graffiti has some kind of power that affects cognition. With Shinomiya Kaguya's level of vigilance, even if she confirms that there is nothing wrong with the graffiti, she probably won't take it away easily. However, the KP has already said that Gao Hai can join any area of ​​the [Campus Mystery] copy at any time. Therefore, the original power of the graffiti was modified in some way, and it was directly turned into a harmless ticket, which was brought to him by Kaguya.

In this case, maybe I will receive a contact from Xiao Boqi next and get a method to enter the copy of Yeluoshan Middle School at any time. And if you don't plan to make a choice for the time being, maybe the method of entering Bydos College, or even the method of entering the Fifth College that only exists in the speculation of players, will flow into your hands in some way.

Jingle Bell--

Gao Hai's cell phone rang at this moment. He took it out and found that it was indeed a call from Goto Ichiri.

It's true...

At this moment, Gao Hai couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether he had finally come into personal contact with a corner of the power of the KPs hidden in the history of the dungeon.

Interlude 3-06: Advice from veteran players and Gao Hai’s decision

"In other words, Hayasaka... was taken to Hayatachi Elementary School?"

After a moment of conversation, Kaguya turned pale when he realized that what he got back was actually an unlimited copy ticket, and his worry could not be suppressed.

The once top-level Red Moon dungeon [Campus Mystery], even though it seems to have dropped to the Dark Night level, its actual difficulty has not changed at all. It is a real Red Moon level difficulty, and it is a red with powerful power. A terrifying world that is difficult for even moon-level players to break into.

Although his maid Hayasaka Ai has a very strong physical fitness, it would be no problem to describe her as an urban warrior king. But after all, her power is still within the limits of human beings, and there is no comparison with those strange creatures in the copy world.

If she really falls into the copy world...

Kaguya couldn't imagine what that was like.

With Hayasaka's personality... although she looks strong on the surface, she is actually a very tearful girl. She can't stick to such a place. But after so many days, no one has forgotten her existence, which means she is still alive. How will she... live? Just like Gao Jun in Fujika Middle School, turned into a half-dead doll?

The more Kaguya thought about what the other party might encounter, the more she couldn't calm down.

"Don't panic, it's useless to panic now."

Gao Hai's voice sounded at this time.

Kaguya, whose expression was already a little dazed, subconsciously raised her head and saw Gao Hai's calm expression without any fluctuations.

Without hesitation, after confirming that Hayasaka Ai was likely to be in trouble, Gao Hai contacted Xiong Mi again, the most reliable, powerful, and trustworthy senior he could contact at present.

"What? Your friend might be involved in Zaoli Elementary School?! No, I just reminded you about this, how come there is a real problem afterwards... Tsk, it has to be Zaoli, you really can give me problems."

Xiong Mi's voice was originally a little drunken, but when Gao Hai explained the general situation, she sobered up all of a sudden and her voice became helpless.

"Is there any hope?"

Gao Hai went straight to the point and asked the most important question.

"... Your friend has been involved in Zaoli Elementary School for less than a week, right?"

Xiong Mi was silent for a moment, and did not answer directly, but asked back.

"She and I should have been involved in Fujika Middle School at the same time, and it has been more than two days and close to three days now."

Gao Hai gave a quick answer.

"Then there is still hope. Although there may be considerable psychological trauma, there is indeed hope. However, that person is an ordinary person, right? From your description, your friend is just an ordinary human being who has received some training and has no blessings. We need to rescue her from Zaoli Primary School. Well... don't blame me for saying it unpleasantly. I think the probability of you dying in there is higher. In short, although I can't give you much information, you should listen first--"

Although Xiong Mi was saying something pessimistic, before Gao Hai could say anything else, she changed the topic to the precautions for entering the dungeon.

Obviously, this old player already knew that Gao Hai was determined to enter the dungeon again, so she would not talk too much nonsense. The key point was to focus on the key points.

"First of all, Zaoli Elementary School, one of the four major areas of the Red Moon-level dungeon [School Tales], is a place that 'observes rules'. I can't say much about the specifics, you will understand it naturally after you enter."

"Secondly, the survival rate of players in this area is still very high, about 30%. Of course, this data counts those players who were forced to participate in the mission. Moreover, a large part of those players who failed to leave the dungeon did not die. Your friend has not been forgotten by ordinary people until now, probably because he encountered this special situation."

"Well, if you said that it has been nearly three days, then you have more than four days. time to rescue. If you exceed this time point, even if you can find the other party, your friend will not be able to come back, so you must remember this time, this is the effective rescue time you have. "

"And... the information blockade of Zao Li Primary School is more serious than that of Fujika Middle School. Many things will go wrong if I explain them to you a little bit. Well, anyway... be careful. With the curse on you, to be honest, I don’t know what to do after you enter that ghost place. But, well... try to consider the problem from the perspective of a child, that may help you, that’s all I can say. "

Xiong Mi said a series of words in a serious tone.

And Gao Hai remembered all these contents firmly in his heart, and only said "thank you" after the other party stopped.

"You don't have to thank me. You saved my life after all. But to be honest, you are amazing. You just came out of a place like Fujika and now you have to go to Zao Li without stopping. This is a Red Moon-level dungeon, it's not a joke. You should pay more attention to your life, young man."

Xiong Mi's attitude was very free and easy, and he even teased Gao Hai.

"According to the level classification of the Sacrifice Game, I am actually participating in the Dark Night level, and I haven't reached the level of contacting the Red Moon-level dungeon."

Although he felt a little heavy, Gao Hai smiled and joked after hearing Xiong Mi say this.

"Huh? If you believe in that stupid thing called the Sacrifice Game, you might as well believe that I am Qin Shi Huang. Well, that's all I have to say, but I remember you have a lot of Dusk-level obsessions, go to the player market to exchange them, low-level obsessions are not very meaningful in that kind of dungeon."

"I know Xiao Heshu, I saw him enter the Sacrifice Game. Although this guy is a bit ruthless and dirty, he is generally protecting the interests of the majority of players. He will definitely strongly support players like you who have potential and ability, and are not perverted or antisocial. In addition, if I guarantee my reputation, there is still hope that I can exchange you for 3 pieces of Dark Night-level obsessions."

"As the old saying goes, it is better to prepare in a hurry than to prepare in vain. But when you change the obsession, you have to make your needs clear. In my opinion, you'd better get storage, auxiliary and life-saving obsessions, and don't put attacking ones first."

After the conversation ended and the phone was hung up, Gao Hai turned around and saw Kaguya, who was already dressed and wanted to go to the market in a hurry.

The loss of Hayasaka was obviously a great blow to the girl. She had completely lost her usual calm and rational appearance, and didn't even consider the problem that the player market had stopped business at this time.

"Don't get excited, sit down, sit well."

With multiple blessings, Gao Hai, whose physical fitness has surpassed Kaguya, reached out and pressed the reluctant Kaguya back to the chair.

Then, he took out Xiaoheshu's phone and called the other party.

The other party did not answer the phone immediately when the phone rang, so Gao Hai stood in front of Kaguya, sighing secretly in his heart as he watched her fidget.

Using superficial strength to disguise the inner fragility, seemingly cold and unkind, only calculating the gains and losses in a cold-blooded way, but this is actually just a superficial disguise. Once the weakness is really poked, it will become a child at a loss, and it will be so confused.

It can only be said that once there is a problem with family education, it is easy for children to have big problems. I guess even professional psychologists would shake their heads when they see Kaguya Shinomiya's situation.

"Calm down, we will rescue her."

Gao Hai lowered his head, came to Kaguya, looked at her scarlet eyes and said seriously.

"She still has four days. What we have to do is to find her and bring her out of that place within four days."

"It's meaningless to waste time thinking about her current situation and whether we can successfully rescue her. Use your IQ. What's coming next is no joke. Even if I take you in, it's a dangerous dungeon area. We must do our best to get through it."

Along with these words, Gao Hai slightly activated Hedar's blessing, releasing the mental shock attached to the runaway blessing to help Kaguya calm down.

The girl with long black hair took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and opened them again.

Her emotions calmed down little by little, and she regained her composure at this moment. Although the confusion in her expression that could not see a clear future still did not dissipate, at least now she has gotten rid of the previous state of confusion.

"Gao Jun, you just graduated from Fujika Middle School, and you have to..."

And she also realized the decision Gao Hai had made, and looked at him with a bit of worry.

Although Kaguya felt somewhat happy after knowing Gao Hai decided to participate, she still had a basic conscience. It was not easy to get out of the dangerous dungeon of Fujika Middle School, and now she has entered the second dungeon of the same specifications after only one day of rest. Even if it is for herself and for her own good Hayasaka, Kaguya can also think of how much burden and pressure this will bring to Gao Hai.

"Yes, so have you thought about how to compensate me? I am willing to do this, but because of you, I would not work so hard for other people I am not familiar with."

Gao Hai said with a smile, and then noticed that the call on the phone had just been connected.

Adjust the phone to hands-free mode.

Before Gao Hai could say anything, Xiao Heshu, who seemed to have known Gao Hai's plan in advance, spoke in his hoarse voice.

"Mr. Gao, you need to replace the obsession in your hand with a more powerful Dark Night-level obsession, right? As the market manager, I can directly obtain various Dark Night-level obsessions for you from the obsession warehouse in the market. Have you decided which obsessions to choose?"

It seems that the reason why he didn't answer my call immediately just now is probably that Xiong Mi went to communicate with Xiao Heshu first after contacting me.

This is good, it saves a lot of trouble.

Gao Hai began to think about the type of obsession he needed.

The intelligence information of Zaoli Primary School is rarely circulated to the outside world, which means that there must be information with strong pollution or extremely dangerous weird things with information perception ability in the copy, but relatively speaking, according to Xiong Mi, the mortality rate of this copy is not high, and players who pass the level often suffer from mental illness, which means that this copy is probably more inclined to mental destruction and torture of players, right?

Then, the types of obsessions I need are:

1. Combat obsessions that can help me fight against weird things

2. Investigation obsessions that can assist me in effective exploration

3. Protection obsessions that can protect me from contamination during investigation

4. Auxiliary obsessions that can assist me in investigation and judgment

5. Life-saving obsessions that can protect me from fatal threats

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