"Is it really okay?"

Before leaving Sigong House, Zhen Fei still hesitated to stop, looked at Gao Hai and asked softly.

"If I want to say that there is no problem at all... Well, to be honest, I really don't dare to say that, but at least I am more confident than when I went to Touka Middle School. After all, at least this time I was not completely unprepared. Got involved."

Gao Hai looked at the worried girl in front of him, smiled and said.

"Well, no matter what, you must be careful. Haijun, I know that with that ability, you often have to endure the torment of failure and the pain again and again. I can't help you with this kind of thing. But, Haijun, even so, I...I don’t want to see you get hurt, nor do I want to see you go through all kinds of pain.”

"Even if some things are unavoidable, at least don't take them for granted, and don't put too much burden on yourself. Haijun, I hope you can cherish yourself more and care about yourself more. At least, don't get used to this pain. , don’t have the idea that “I can do it all over again”, and don’t take it for granted that you exchange your own pain for opportunities.”

"Maybe this is just me thinking too much, but I always feel that if you rely too much on this ability, you may distort yourself and gradually become less like yourself. I don't want this to happen..."

Stretching out her hand, the girl hugged Gao Hai and spoke softly to him.

No matter how arrogant or arrogant she usually was, after knowing that Gao Hai was about to set off at this moment and step into danger again, the true concubine still exposed the softer side of her personality and whispered her advice to Gao Hai.

"Well, I know, don't worry, nothing will happen. Just struggle to survive. This is my creed."

In response, Gao Hai just reached out his hand, hugged the girl gently, pressed his ear gently, and whispered back to her.

I will never be twisted.

Because in this world, there is a girl like you who truly cares for me.

As long as there are you, Qianhua, and those people I have known since I came to this world, and all the people who are willing to treat me sincerely, I will definitely not distort myself, and I will definitely cherish myself. I will cherish everything I have.

After all, this is the most real reason why I persisted all the way.

Gao Hai did not say these words from the bottom of his heart. After all, some of them involved his side as a "traveler".

But what he must admit is that since traveling to this crisis-ridden world, the beauty and love he has experienced are as profound as the madness and darkness he has seen. It is precisely because of the existence of these ties that he can gradually integrate into this world and have the real feeling that "he is part of this world" in his heart. If he hadn't met Zhenfei and Qianhua, Gao Hai estimated that he would never have the mentality and situation he has now.

In that state... he might be more like a lonely and indifferent loner or something. Maybe he would be stronger than he is now, maybe even more powerful? But if the current Gao Hai is asked to make a choice, he would definitely rather choose these current ties, even if he may not be strong enough because of it.


The car gradually faded away in the rain.

The private driver of Kaguya's mansion drove away Concubine Zhen and Qianhua. From an increasing distance, Gao Hai could still see Concubine Zhen who had been watching him through the car window and waved her little hand to say goodbye. Qianhua two people.

So he stretched out his hand and waved it gently a few times, then turned back to the mansion and walked towards Kaguya Shinomiya, who had been waiting for him.

"Are you nervous? Are you scared?"

Gao Hai asked the girl in front of him.

"No... I'm still a little scared. Are we leaving?"

The girl with long black hair tied with a red ribbon shook her head at first, but after hesitating for a moment, she still spoke the truth with some nervousness.

After listening to Gao Hai's story about her experiences in Fujika Middle School, Kaguya knew how difficult the Red Moon level dungeon was. She couldn't calm down when she thought about going to such a scary place next. However, when she thought of Hayasaka being trapped in a place like this, no matter how scared she was, Kaguya had no idea of ​​flinching.

Hayasaka must be rescued.

Kaguya strengthened her belief in her heart.

For the last time, Gao Hai took out his mobile phone to confirm the time. It was still within the optimal entry time given by Xiong Mi. Although the strange attack and the arrival of the true concubine Qianhua delayed a little time, the former was tested by Gao Hai. They were successfully eliminated the first time, and it didn't take long to convince the latter, so the situation was not bad.

Because Kaguya had a strange experience of using mobile phones to interact when they were in Shirakawa Apartment, both Gao Hai and Kaguya left their mobile phones in the mansion.

After confirming the supplies he was carrying again, Gao Hai took out the weird graffiti and motioned for Kaguya to come forward. The two of them stretched out their hands and pressed their fingers on the weird figure drawn on the graffiti. superior.

【I want to enter Zaoli Elementary School】

Gao Hai said in his heart.

The cold atmosphere gradually gathered in the next moment.

The lines on the graffiti seemed to come alive at this moment, and began to gradually squirm and slowly change.

The surrounding scene became blurred and became increasingly difficult to see, as if the whole world had entered a low-pixel state from a high-pixel state at this moment, and even faintly collapsed.

The dark light began to spread.

And on the graffiti, the dark red color suddenly emerged from the black lines.

Gao Hai saw a smiling face.

The blood-red smiling face graffiti was somewhat similar in style to the graffiti at the beginning, but it gave him a more uneasy feeling.

He felt that the face on the graffiti seemed to be looking at him and smiling at him.

But then, the graffiti changed again, and the black lines and red lines gradually twisted and blended, and turned into another look.

This time, he saw a strange thing that seemed to have blood-red teeth.

The mouth of the thing seemed to be dripping blood.

The thing seemed to be laughing gently, making a weird laugh.

The thing turned its head. It seemed to have no eyes, but it seemed to have seen Gao Hai, the person who was observing it.


A dull sound spread in the room.

Gao Hai and Kaguya had disappeared from the room.

Together with the graffiti, they disappeared out of thin air and went to the darkness outside the real world.


The rainstorm outside the window still did not stop.

Gao Hai could hear the thunder, accompanied by the faint flashes of lightning.

He slowly sat up from the single bed with a stale smell.

The light in the room was very dim, and the surrounding environment could only be barely recognized.

This was a small bedroom. The small single bed was placed in the corner, and the sheets and quilts had been washed to a white color. Next to the single bed was a small bedside table, and the wall opposite the end of the bed was a row of bookshelves. When Gao Hai sat up from the bed, he could see an old wardrobe and an old wooden door.

He looked around the room, and finally looked at the desk next to the bedside table not far away from him, and a desktop computer on the desk that looked a bit old.


Gao Hai was stunned.

The copy of Zao Li Primary School was from the 1940s, how could there be a computer here? And it was a home computer that only became popular in the 1990s and 2000s? !

Gao Hai looked around again and confirmed that he had not seen anything strange and needed to be vigilant.

So after carefully confirming that he had not seen any rule tables or anything like that, and there were no strange sounds around, he moved on the bed, touched the ground with his feet, and then got up from the bed and walked over to check the situation.

[Brother, brother]

Then he heard the "knock knock" sound of knocking on the window behind him, and the anxious voice of a girl who sounded very young.

Turn around.

Gao Hai himself actually had no intention of turning back.

But after hearing that voice, an extremely strong urge to "look back" forced him to turn around, to look at the window next to the single bed, to look at the figure standing outside the window, who was reaching out to knock on the window.


Amid the thunder, pale lightning illuminated the dark outside the window.

And the figure knocking on the window grinned at Gao Hai, smiled gently, continued to reach out to knock on the window, and spoke to Gao Hai.

[Brother, I'm back, open the door quickly]

Task 3 (middle): Closed room

Chapter 1: The opening time of the two in the dark rain curtain

Hua La La——Hua La La——

The heavy rain that seemed to never subside was still rolling down at this time.

The air was damp and cold, and you could even feel the stickiness in your throat when you breathed.

Shinomiya Kaguya opened her eyes hazily and found herself lying on a very large bed with many dolls placed on it.

The room was dark with no lights on. Only a little light came in from the windows on both sides of the bed. At this moment, it seemed to be night time. There was almost no sound except the sound of rain. There was only a street lamp flickering outside the window.

Kaguya turned around and looked at a monkey doll lying diagonally next to the pillow, which seemed to be smiling at her.

She slowly sat up from the bed.


Then Kaguya felt something hit her forehead and heard a crisp sound like something colliding with each other.

Is this... stars?

The girl observed with the weak light outside the window and saw crystal-clear, crystal-like decorations hanging from the top of the bed and hanging in the air. Most of these things were in various shapes such as stars, crescents, balls or snowflakes. They would shake as long as they were touched lightly, and collide with each other to make a crisp sound.

She looked back at the bed she was sitting on, at the various toys piled on the bed, such as stuffed animals, dolls, and some typical Japanese dolls, which were obviously for young children to play with.

Kaguya lowered her head and looked at the bed she was in. The quilt and pillow were obviously smaller than those used by ordinary people. It seemed that the place where she woke up seemed to be a child's bedroom?

Gao Jun was not seen.

After carefully observing the surroundings, Kaguya was sure that she did not see Gao Hai.

仫 He was not in this bedroom.

...In other words, were he and I separated?

Kaguya's expression gradually became solemn.

She had encountered such a situation in the Red Nut Gray Cave. At that time, she and Zhenfei appeared in the research base after entering the dungeon, while Gao Hai was thrown into the depths of the cave alone. Although she and Zhenfei did not encounter any dangerous situations in the research base that time, Gao Hai on the other side was in danger again and again. And now she encountered the situation of being separated at the beginning again, and it was in such a Red Moon-level dungeon, which made Kaguya have to be extremely vigilant. After all, who can be sure whether something terrible will appear on her side this time?

However, it seems that at least for now... there is no abnormal situation for the time being.

Sitting on the bed, Kaguya looked around vigilantly for several times, but never saw any phenomenon that could be called [abnormal], nor did she find anything like a rule table that could be referenced.

Therefore, after a brief hesitation, she slowly moved to the bedside, intending to get off the bed and conduct further investigation of the room.


It was at this time that Kaguya vaguely heard a sound, like something breathing softly, coming from under the bed.

At this moment, under the bed where she was sitting.

It was like the even breathing of a sleeping person, so subtle that it was difficult to hear clearly.

All Kaguya's movements stopped at this moment.

From the moment just now, from the moment she heard that strange breath, the room suddenly changed and began to become different from before.

She seemed to be able to feel the faint laughter in the room, a child whispering something, and someone running around in the room at will. Even if there was no way to see clearly, even if there was no trace of the other party, Kaguya could still feel this feeling of [someone is staying with her].


Her breathing became heavy uncontrollably.

Even though she had explored the dungeon twice, the strange sense of dislocation at this moment still made Kaguya feel quite uncomfortable.

She tried to calm down, looked around, and finally fell on the dolls on the bed.

In any case, after entering the dungeon, the player must be able to find a rule table that can be used as a reference for action at the beginning. Regardless of whether the rule table itself is true or false, whether the content is outdated, etc., the rule table itself must exist.

Moreover, the place where the rule table can be found must be safe at the beginning, or at least relatively safe. Although there are players who have investigated the wrong direction at the beginning of the dungeon and have not found the rule table, in most cases, players can successfully find the rule table at the beginning.

As for why this rule that is always used in the third-level copies of Dusk, Dark Night, Red Moon, has always worked, and no copy has violated this rule so far, even in the Fujika Junior High School copy where the unconventional and weird monster [Alice] exists, Gao Hai also got a set of rules at the beginning, although it was a rule that [Alice] made up herself to lead people to death.

So, I should be able to find the rule table here.

Then, when I tried to [get out of bed], this room changed abnormally, that is, on this bed, can I find the corresponding rule table and find the clues that I will definitely get after entering the copy?

Kaguya moved carefully on the bed, moving to the front of the pile of dolls as quietly as possible.

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