Those things standing outside the kennel door that had never come in spoke to her at this moment.

Those were the voices of Kaguya's familiar friends. They were... no, they were hoarse and weird. They were non-human things imitating human voices. People would gradually get lost in it and not realize it. Dangerous sounds.

"...Come in a few of you, I need your help."

After Kaguya hesitated, she turned to look at those things and spoke to them.

Since these things are now playing the role of [friends], using this status as a reason should allow them to do something. As long as they can be guided appropriately, the current situation may be solved. Anyway, Kaguya would never go into the depths of the kennel alone. She had an intuition that if she did this, she would probably be doomed.

[Do we have to come in? We can just stay here, why do we say that? 】

But the response from those things was not what Kaguya originally imagined.

"Then, you can divide a few more people and help me look at the other doors below. This way you can better remind me when someone comes, right?"

Kaguya hesitated for a moment, and seeing that those things seemed to have some strange changes, she tried to give another suggestion.

[We can help you right here. Why go to other doors? Why do you say this? 】

But those things gave a negative answer again, and the doubts in their voices became more obvious.

Oops, the logic of their behavior doesn't seem to be exactly playing "friends", but there is some kind of internal code that I don't understand.

Sensing something was wrong, Kaguya's expression remained unchanged and she closed her mouth and stopped talking to avoid triggering another abnormal situation.

It's just that when she realized it, it seemed to be more or less late.

【Why do you say this? Why didn't you speak again? Don't you want to talk to us? 】

The things outside the door did not become quiet because of Kaguya's silence.

Instead, their voices gradually began to get louder and louder, with increasing hoarseness and distortion.

Kaguya still didn't speak, but when she realized something was wrong, she turned her head and looked at those things.

[Why are you still not talking? Aren’t we friends? Why not talk to your friends? 】


Vaguely, something seemed to be cracking, and a sound like it was shattering was heard.

Something is wrong.

Something is very wrong.

Are they... using dialogue to get rid of their identities?

"Of course we are friends. I was just thinking about the problem, but I didn't pay attention for a moment. What I said to you just now was just asking for help from friends, but friends also have their own things, don't they? So asking friends for help doesn't necessarily mean It’s normal to get something in return, but you are all my friends.”

Kaguya said as she slowly walked towards those blurry figures.

She could feel the dangerous aura gradually emanating from those things.

But it was more dangerous to stay in the room now, so she had to get closer, closer to the door to the kennel entrance.

[So we are friends, so it’s okay for us to stand here and watch. Then why don’t you go explore this room and come to us instead? Don't you believe us? If you don't explore the room, don't you trust us to stand guard for you? Aren't we friends? 】

The voices of those things are still hoarse, and they are still gradually producing bad changes.

"I believe you, I just want to be close to my friends. It's normal for friends to want to be closer to each other."

Kaguya, who felt a strong sense of distortion more and more, just continued to get closer and continued to speak to those things.

[But we are here to help you, but you didn’t explore the room, you don’t believe us, you don’t believe us]

But the sounds of those things have slipped to the stage of sharp and harsh noise.


Kaguya saw large and small cracks appearing on the bodies of these things, and saw these cracks shattered, revealing messy black lines on their lower hair.

Black lines, and blood-red twisted lines mixed in among those black lines.

She also heard the last sounds these things made before they changed.

[Friends need to trust each other, but you don’t trust us]

[You don’t believe us, so we are not friends]

[Then if we are not your friends, what are we? 】

The next moment, what Kaguya saw were people with twisted smiling faces, weird shapes like children's graffiti, and things that exuded strong malice.


The sound of the door shaking slightly sounded.

On the other side, Gao Hai has opened another door at the entrance of the corridor.

This door leads to a small toilet, a small area with a urinal and toilet cubicle. Well, it's a men's restroom. In that case, the place where there were only toilet stalls that I looked at before is considered a women's restroom, right?

While thinking, Gao Hai carefully entered the toilet, and then he noticed vague noises coming from every stall in the toilet.

He lowered his head slightly and looked towards the gap under the compartments. He saw that there were shoes left in each compartment. They were all different in shape and size, but at first glance they were the size of a child.

【Want to open it and take a look? There might be someone there who can communicate with you]

The friend behind him suggested.

"……never mind."

But after Gao Hai frowned and thought for a while, he shook his head and did not adopt this idea.

He had checked his bullets many times. After looking down and seeing the writing on his hand many times, he woke up and checked the bullets. After repeating this action many times, Gao Hai had vaguely noticed something was wrong and could no longer Instead of just following the advice of your friends, you will have your own thoughts and reflections.

[Why don’t you listen to your friends? Aren't we friends? Why don't you want to listen to what we have to say? 】

But then, the friend behind him asked suspicious questions.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. We are here to save people, not for sightseeing. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better not to provoke a troublesome enemy in this kind of place. "

Gao Hai frowned and said with some displeasure. At the same time, he had a strange feeling in his heart. When did he have such a sick friend who talks nonsense?

[So why don’t you listen to your friends? Why don’t you want to listen to your friends’ opinions? Don't you think we are friends? 】

The things behind him were much closer at this time, and their voices took on a hoarse and weird tone.

What the hell, is there shit in your head?

Gao Hai began to feel that his teammates in this game might not be mentally normal, and began to wonder if he was ranked as a mole.

"You are a fool to listen to what my friend says regardless of anything. Can you use your brain? If you see a problem in a place like this, you are seeking death. Don't talk nonsense here. If your brain is not good, just be quiet. Don't It’s causing trouble for me.”

Gao Hai, whose tone was much rougher, looked around carefully as he spoke, and found another door on the side of the toilet. He hesitated and thought about whether to go and investigate.

The things inside these compartment doors, well... the power of blessing can judge that they should be strange objects, but they are basically inactive. It should not be triggered as long as you don't open the compartment door. In that case, it's okay. You should be able to bypass them and investigate the other door.

Gao Hai was thinking about his next move, and the next moment he heard the sound of the thing ringing directly behind his head.

【Why should I be quiet? Why am I talking nonsense? Why are you so rude to your friends? Could it be that we don’t——】

The thing couldn't say the next words.

Because Gao Hai turned around and slapped the thing directly in the face, causing the thing to spin in circles.

【What are you doing——】

The thing still wanted to speak, but Gao Hai, who stepped forward, reached out and clamped its head, almost deforming its head.

Then, he kicked him out, knocking him to the ground with a muffled sound. He rolled out of the toilet door and onto the corridor outside, crashing into the corner of the wall in a mess.

In Gao Hai's opinion, there is nothing wrong with such behavior.

If there is something wrong with your friend's brain, you need to correct it. If your teammate's IQ is wrong, you need to correct it. He is obviously exploring a very dangerous place, but here is a lot of nonsense to interfere with his thoughts. If it weren't for being a teammate, he would have shot him. .

Yes, this is normal, this is a completely normal behavior, so Gao Hai does not need to hesitate or feel sorry for this.

In his opinion, there is nothing strange about beating his teammate to his knees. Anyway, this teammate is not a beautiful girl. What's more, none of the beautiful girl teammates he has seen now are useless, and they are not on the same level as this guy who only knows how to talk.

"Next time you talk nonsense here, I will pull your tongue out. Just be glad that you are my friend. If you were not my friend, I would have thrown you directly into the toilet cubicle just now. You idiot. Son."

Gao Hai cursed casually and turned back to the toilet cubicle.

And those vague humanoid objects following him seemed to be stagnant for a brief period of time at this moment. It seemed that because of Gao Hai's unconventional way of playing cards, he was unable to give a standard response for a while.

As for Gao Hai, he believed that his teammates were normal and his behavior was normal, so there was nothing to be concerned about. He continued to explore and found Hayasaka quickly.

Chapter 17: The stench and bloody scene in the dark and filthy place


Something was heard.


I can't tell what the sound is.


Hoarse and harsh.

A sharp ringing sound at this moment.

The consciousness is chaotic.

Unable to think clearly.

Where are you now?

Have you experienced anything before?

Can't sleep anymore...

No matter what, I can't sleep like this...

Wake up... wake up quickly... wake up now...


I have to……


In confusion, Kaguya finally opened her eyes.

It was very dark, very dark.

She couldn't see anything.

In the pitch-black darkness, Kaguya couldn't see anything, she could only feel the stuffy and hot feeling, and a strong stench.

This stench... seems familiar, have you smelled it somewhere before?

Where is it... It's... It's a place I've been to, it seems to be a place I just went to...

I'm... still there... Haven't I escaped?

The girl could hardly organize clear thinking ability, as if her brain function itself had degenerated, and even her own memory began to become blurred, disappearing from her consciousness bit by bit.

What's wrong with me...?

Struggling, Kaguya wanted to stand up, but she felt that there seemed to be heavy forces pressing down from all directions.

In the strong squeezing feeling, she even couldn't breathe.

What's... wrong?

Her body couldn't move, and there was almost no room for movement.

Those around her should be some kind of living things, because she could feel the warm body temperature and the touch of hair.

The touch didn't seem to be human, but more like an animal, a touch that only animals with thick fur could have. What kind of animal could it be? If it was about the same size as a human, maybe a cow? Or a sheep or something like that?

And this feeling...did something change in my body?


Between breaths, Kaguya let out another short cry of grief.

She found that she seemed to be unable to speak, and could only make some simple, ambiguous sounds.

Have I been deprived of the ability to speak?

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