"I'll go in and investigate. You should be careful outside."

Gao Hai had already stepped into the room.

Kaguya, who was standing in the classroom, blinked her eyes, and she saw Gao Hai disappear out of thin air in front of her. Even the last words Gao Hai left were because he stepped into the room. Kaguya only heard half of it before realizing that Gao Hai's voice was gone.

Is there no way for me to observe Gao Jun's state after entering the room?

Kaguya, who was waiting for Gao Hai to return from her exploration, was thinking silently in her heart, while also observing and alerting her surroundings. The little golden retriever was sitting next to Kaguya, and seemed to be aware of her unstable state of mind, so he deliberately came over and rubbed his head against her waist.

"I'm fine. Let's wait for Gao Jun to come out together."

Although he had no preference for dogs as animals, Kaguya still smiled at the actions of this half-sized puppy and reached out to touch him.

At the same time, Gao Hai on the other side had already walked around the room twice with a flashlight.

Although there is no light source in the room itself, external lighting equipment such as flashlights can still work normally, so Gao Hai can clearly see the various layouts in the room.

Well, how should I put it, it’s a very familiar place. The general shape of this entire room is basically the same as the [observation rooms] in Touka Middle School. The place where Gao Hai came in was actually a perspective window disguised as an ordinary wall, from which he could clearly see every corner of the classroom. There are various test reports and records placed in the room. Although most of them are blurred and no meaningful content can be seen, you can still imagine the researchers who were observing and recording here.

"Try, try, try...these dungeons of these broken schools all seem to be like this."

Gao Hai, who muttered something in a low voice, slowly walked along the small observation room, and soon saw a skeleton lying on the ground in the corner of the observation room.

When he first saw this thing, Gao Hai was slightly startled, and immediately made a defensive move subconsciously. Then he observed carefully and determined that this thing was just a dead man's bone. After using dozens of pistol bullets to verify that every bone in this thing was normal and fragile, Gao Hai approached the other party and immediately discovered that He picked up a diary lying next to the thing.

"This is already a common routine in horror games. You can often pick up small notes or diaries next to corpses. Well, generally speaking, the next routine is either that the corpse suddenly rises up, or the player turns around and bumps into it. What."

Gao Hai, who complained like this, did not read the diary, but just held it in his hand. He quickly stood up and looked back, carefully confirming that nothing unusual happened in the room.

Everything seems normal.

Gao Hai took a flashlight and scanned the dark room again, which was completely dark and could not see anything without using a light source. Then he looked at the other side of the transparent wall and looked at Kaguya, who was sitting in the classroom and was looking bored.

It seems that nothing has happened on her side yet.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai put the diary in his backpack into his backpack. He was not going to read it because he was worried that there might be a [name] on it. The situation he encountered in the small bedroom was enough torment for Gao Hai. He didn't want to find another [friend] immediately after reading this diary. Therefore, he decided to just carry it with him for the time being, read it when the time was right, and then move deeper into the observation room.

Soon, three or four more corpses appeared in front of Gao Hai.

These corpses were concentrated in the area not covered by the transparent glass wall, and they all fell to the ground in a mess.

Next to the body, Gao Hai saw the broken syringe, and on the innermost wall of the observation room, there was written in blood "What did we observe?" ] Such an inexplicable statement.

The situation is slightly problematic.

How did these researchers die in this place? Did they commit suicide after being trapped? Suicide with a needle?

Gao Hai, who noticed something, bent down and began to check the cabinets and drawers in the observation room. Soon, he found many reagent bottles under the table on one side. Many of the names marked on these reagents had become blurred because too much time had passed, but Gao Hai could still barely identify the names such as heptafluoride. Drug names such as alkanes, fentanyl, and propofol.

These drug names...well, what do they mean? Remember it was anesthesia? Hmm...yes, it should be an anesthetic drug. Why do these researchers prepare this drug?

Gao Hai himself does not have much medical knowledge, but because he obtained the knowledge of Lin Xusheng after dungeoning at Baichuan Apartment, he roughly remembered some knowledge about these drugs after thinking about it for a while. However, because Xu Sheng's specialty is first aid in various critical situations, Gao Hai can only judge the general use of these drugs, and there is no way to confirm more specific things.

No matter what, a large part of these drugs are used for anesthesia, and the rest of the drugs, if not anesthetics, are at least related to it.

Use this drug in Zaoli Primary School... for surgery? These researchers have been performing some kind of surgery on children? Could it be that the mechanism of turning into dogs is that there were really students who were sewn with dog skins back then? No, no, no, this is unrealistic. This operation is not very meaningful and it is easy to be exposed. It should not be for this purpose.

Then, maybe [anesthesia] itself is the purpose?

These researchers need to take some means to put students into a coma anytime and anywhere? This seems to be a little more reasonable, but it feels that there are still many things that are difficult to explain. However, at least there is a hint in the direction, and the cause of death of these researchers can be figured out, so it is not too confusing. In short, these guys should have been trapped in this place for some reason, and finally chose to commit suicide with drugs. In this case, I have to be more vigilant when I go out later, after all, I don’t know what I will encounter.

While thinking, Gao Hai searched carefully in this observation room again, but in the end he only found a few things that were already blurred, such as student school badges, and two documents whose handwriting was not particularly blurred, but the content was equally difficult to recognize.

[Test object: ■■■■]

[Reaction strength: ■■]

[Cognition: Informed]

[Memory clarity: Medium]

[Recorded abnormal matters: ■■]

[When: Dog]

[Test object: ■■]

[Reaction strength: High]

[Recognition stage: ■■]

[■■ clarity: Low]

[Recorded common things: 9 times]

[When: Teacher]

To be honest, Gao Hai still couldn't understand what was written. There were a lot of blurry marks on both documents, so it was basically impossible to identify them normally. But this was the clearest document that Gao Hai could find in this small observation room. In comparison, the rest of the documents were basically just a bunch of mosaics, and it was impossible to make any identification and interpretation.

Back to the point, these two documents couldn't describe me and Kaguya Shinomiya, right?

Gao Hai couldn't help but think of the fact that he found his own file records in the archives of Fujika Middle School before.

Turning his head, Gao Hai's toes hit a stool beside him because the flashlight did not reach him. Then the stool hit the table, and the water cup on the table began to shake and was about to fall off the table.

Reaching out his hand, Gao Hai caught the cup and put it back.

He took the flashlight and swept through the dark room for the last time. Then he turned around and looked out the observation window at Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting in the brightly lit classroom. Then he took a step and walked towards the door he came in.

During the entire exploration process, Gao Hai did not encounter any phenomenon that could be called [weird].

Everything was normal.

Although there were not many clues found, the exploration process could indeed be called very smooth.

So, was my exploration really smooth? Or was it actually not smooth? I did not find any abnormal phenomenon at all. Does it mean that I have been affected by the weird power, so I was unable to find the abnormality again?

Gao Hai, who was standing at the door, was silent for a moment, then took out the 20-sided dice.

He placed the dice on the table and gently turned it, watching it stabilize while shaking, revealing the top number.

Gao Hai stared at the number for a while, then exhaled gently, took the dice, put it back into the watch space, and then walked out of the room.


Hearing the footsteps, Kaguya turned around and looked at Gao Hai who appeared out of thin air by the wall.

"Are you back? How is the investigation going?"

[Are you back? How is the investigation going? ]

Kaguya did not approach rashly, but took two steps back and asked Gao Hai carefully.

Kaguya stood up from the chair and looked at Gao Hai and asked curiously.

"We have obtained some clues. The researchers at Zao Li Elementary School seem to be using some kind of anesthetic drugs on students on a large scale. I suspect that they may be using drugs combined with some strange power to achieve mental induction and manipulation of students."

[The investigation is going well and quite smoothly. By the way, I also found a diary, which should be someone's thing that was originally left in the observation room. Do you want to listen? There may be clues we need in it]

Takahashi stood in place and spoke to Kaguya not far away in a flat tone.

Takahashi took a step and explained to the curious Kaguya with a smile.

"Anesthetic drugs... In this case, we know something, but if this kind of drug is to be used on a large scale in daily life, injection should be unlikely. Mixed into food... I feel that this is also easy to find clues, maybe some kind of inhaled gas? In addition, did you find a diary? It is better not to read it easily. After all, once the text information in this place involves someone, it will definitely carry strange power."

[So that’s it, it’s good if it goes smoothly. After all, even if only teachers can enter, it depends on what kind of teacher they are. If a teacher who does not meet the requirements is found out, he may be punished. As for diaries, it might be a bit impolite to read other people’s diaries, but I’m really curious, so I’ll read it here, and see if I can find any clues.]

Kaguya frowned and analyzed carefully based on the clues Gao Hai found. At the same time, she frowned, feeling that the voices she heard just now seemed to overlap vaguely. When she heard Gao Hai talking about finding some diary, she reminded her again.

Kaguya said with a smile, and at the same time walked up to Gao Hai, waiting for what he would say next.

"Inhaling gas? I don't know much about this. I only know about a Maozi country rescue incident where anesthetic gas was thrown and a bunch of hostages were killed. Well, I can't read that diary. Why do you want me to read it? That diary? Wait, you said don’t read the diary? Why did I hear you saying two completely different things at the same time?

[Well, let’s read it. Let’s take a look at the contents together. Maybe we can find some clues.]

Gao Hai nodded slightly and said, then he noticed something was wrong and immediately became alert and looked around.

Gao Hai nodded slightly, took out the diary, and opened it to the first page.

Kaguya standing next to her was already ready to listen, so Gao Hai opened his mouth and started reading.

[My name is Ueki. I am a researcher. Today is my first day to report at the Hayatachi Research Institute in accordance with the instructions of the military department...]

Chapter 23: I am your friend, do you still remember me?

[My name is Ueki, and my full name is Ueki Atsuko. Well, that's right, the thirteenth child of this generation of the Shangmu family has a very ordinary name with basically no characteristics at all. Of course I’m used to this and don’t think there’s anything wrong with it]

[But, although my name is very ordinary, I am still much smarter than the other dozen children in my family. So I can learn things that they can’t understand, and I can understand things that they can’t understand. As a result, I went from being the only college student in my family to further education to becoming a researcher at a national research institution. Originally, the Shangmu family was just a small family in a remote area, but now because of the appearance of a descendant like me, the entire family's reputation in the local area has become much greater. Some people even say that I am the lucky star of the family]

[Haha, there are even people who say it would be better if I were a boy. Humph, women are not necessarily worse than you.]

[Hmm... Although I say that, I have actually just entered a national research institution not long ago. My achievements so far are just assisting those long-famous old professors to do something. I am far from being able to truly take charge of my own role. There is still a long way to go. Therefore, I must firmly grasp this [Zaoli Elementary School] project. This is a large project specially assigned by the military department and is said to be of great significance to the establishment of a Co-Prosperity Sphere]

[I originally thought so, but it turns out that this project is just a study of a group of primary school students? I have no idea what the military department is thinking. Could I have been tricked by someone? 】

[No matter what, I will still keep a daily research log. Even if the project is suspicious, my attitude must still be correct]

【--first day】

[For a whole week, other researchers and I have been observing these children, observing how they usually attend class, observing what they secretly talk about, and observing every move in their lives]

[Am I really here to do research? Or is it that I was given up by the people above and thrown here on purpose? Am I going to be a nanny mom? 】

[And the person in charge of this research group, the guy named Sato, doesn’t seem to have any formal position at all, right? Such a guy who appeared out of nowhere and had no idea about the details actually became my boss...]

[Can’t understand, really can’t understand]

[And just to observe a group of primary school students, the researchers were divided into several groups and we were not allowed to communicate with each other. What on earth are we doing? 】

[If my superiors hadn't said that I must stay here for at least three months, I would have left immediately. Tsk, three whole months. I actually have to stay under Sato for three full months. I really don’t know if I can persevere.]

[Speaking of which, the school rules in this school are really weird. I have no idea what the rules are for. Parents must check the child's facial features when they come to pick them up. If they don't leave the nap room at the right time, they must stay the whole day... What on earth are you trying to do? 】

【——Day 8】

[I have been in this experimental group for three full weeks, which is more than half a month]

[In the past half a month, I seemed to have really become a primary school teacher, constantly dealing with all kinds of children, occasionally going to class, and spending more time hiding in the observation room. Observe every move of these students]

[I still don’t understand what the purpose of this experimental group is. I don’t even know what I’m researching. There are no specific requirements or plans conveyed to me.]

[Unless I am not the researcher in charge, I am a part of the experiment and one of the subjects, so I don’t need to be told all the details]

[It doesn’t matter. Now it seems that these people probably want to conduct some kind of social experiment. Anyway, all I have to do is do my own work well, and then leave directly after the three months are up. The rest of the problems have nothing to do with me. Anyway, I just mess around during this period]

[But speaking of it, these kids are a little too keen on all kinds of weird stories, right? I didn’t have so many ideas when I was their age. Is there another research group that is deliberately instilling things in this area? ]

[I feel more and more that the experiment here is a farce]

[——Day 22]

[A student is missing]

[I don’t know much about the missing student, I haven’t had much contact with him, but I remember that he was a very ordinary little boy who couldn’t be found in a crowd]

[No parents asked about the situation, and no one called the police because his whole family was missing]

[When I learned about this, he hadn’t come to school for three days. I heard that his neighbors were worried about something and called the police. As a result, when the police entered the house, they found that the whole family had disappeared. I heard that the family’s shoes were all placed at the door, but no one was found in the house, and there was no sign of anyone entering or leaving]

[I don’t know what’s going on, and I didn’t want to care, but those children seemed to have known about this for a long time. They said that the boy and his family were taken away by "Hei Hu Hu", a monster called Hei Hu Hu who took them away]

[It’s really inexplicable, what’s the matter with this rumor? And seeing how confident these kids are, did someone specifically tell them that? ]

[Could it be that other research groups are doing this? Then the disappearance of that child...]

[Forget it, it's none of my business, I just need to take care of myself]

[--Day 41]

[More and more kids are talking about the "black thing\

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