Gao Hai heard the voice speaking.

The voice sounded from beside him, from around him.

The sound came from his mouth.

He stood on the podium.

He was facing the students.

The children were smiling as usual.

Everything today seems to be no different from usual, everything is as it should be.

But no matter what he said.

No matter what he is telling.

The kids were just smiling the whole time.


Not even a trace of sound or movement.

Just sit in your seat and watch him smile.

So the teacher asked:

[Why aren’t the students talking? The teacher is in class, everyone should speak enthusiastically and participate in the teaching process]

And the children then moved together, spoke together, and spoke together:

[I know, teacher]

Their voices were in unison.

Their tone is lively.

There is no difference in their expressions.

The teacher couldn't be happy with such a response.

Although he was very reluctant to describe his students in this way, he really had the illusion that he was teaching to a group of puppets and machines.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

The sunshine outside the window was extremely warm, and everything seemed so normal.

But the teacher who was giving the lecture felt more and more abnormal, and even felt creepy under the gaze of the students.

Why do you feel this way?

The teacher was confused.

Then he noticed that the eyes of those students were not actually looking at him.

They were looking at his side and smiling in a certain direction beside him.

But isn’t there nothing there?

The teacher turned around and looked around him. He saw nothing.

[Classmates, what are you looking at? 】

The confused teacher could only ask.

[Teacher, we are looking at our friends, looking at Hei Huhu standing there]

The students answered happily, all the voices were uniform, and only one voice answered.


Isn't that just a rumor spread among a few children?

[But there is nothing around the teacher]

So the teacher turned around again.

So the teacher saw the thing standing on the podium, standing next to him.

Mismatched red lines spread.

Dark scrawls spread everywhere.

He tilted his head.

The thing and the teacher looked at each other.

Then he grinned and smiled.

So Gao Hai raised his head and looked towards the front of the classroom, which was full of twisted graffiti, and towards the podium.

The teacher who had lost his head was standing there, and surging blood was constantly emerging from his neck, like a small fountain.

And the teacher's figure and clothes didn't seem to be any different from Gao Hai's current appearance?


Amidst the harsh and sharp sound, Kaguya had already sat up from the grass.

She rubbed her head and felt a vague headache.

She couldn't recall when everyone was separated from each other like this. She only vaguely remembered hearing the sound of a door opening, and then a strong attraction forced her to turn her head and look towards the other party.

There is no way to remember more things.

But, where exactly is he now?

Kaguya stood up carefully and walked through the grass under the rain. She found herself in a patio in a construction area, covered by high walls in all directions, with only a small amount of light shining down from above, and the cold A steady drizzle was falling.

Why are they separated like this? Is it because something happened in the classroom just now? But Gao Jun didn't mention these things in Alice's cabin before, so there has been some kind of change in the [classroom]? Or are we not able to discover all the hidden mechanisms that exist in that place?

While thinking, Kaguya's eyes noticed a very inconspicuous line of writing drawn with crayon in the corner of the wall.

[Student Code Article 6]

[Do not enter any empty classroom during non-school hours when the "butcher" is not in the teaching building. If you have already entered, quickly find a familiar-looking place to escape. Do not trust any friends you meet at this time. You are here. no friend】

Although the handwriting itself looks childish, it can be seen that the person who wrote this rule was very serious and worked very hard to write the handwriting neatly.

And just when Kaguya was observing this line of text, footsteps sounded from behind her, walking over step by step.


The footsteps stopped beside you.

Something slowly leaned down and spoke slowly:

【What are you looking at? 】

Chapter 31: Towards a deeper twisted world and reunited teammates

Stretching out his hand, Gao Hai gently wiped his neck, wiping away the remaining traces of blood.

He looked around, at the room that was so chaotic that it was almost impossible to recognize its original appearance. Everything was torn and twisted into shapeless rooms, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The power of the rescue team badge was gradually repairing his body, restoring the huge wound that almost cut most of Gao Hai's neck and the bloody scratches on his body.

At the moment of looking at the headless [teacher], an invisible force almost tore Gao Hai's neck. But at the critical moment, Gao Hai put the pistol against his chest and fired hundreds of bullets in an instant, causing the superimposed recoil to hit his chest hard, and he was forced to fly backwards, barely avoiding this fatal attack.

Of course, in fact, he was still severely injured. The attack cut Gao Hai's skin, cut off his trachea and arteries in his neck, and blood flew everywhere in an instant.

But in the face of such an attack, Gao Hai just stretched out his hand to press his head and the broken end, forcibly pinched the wound, and then the power of the rescue team badge was quickly activated to restore his injuries. Whether it was the lost blood or the cut trachea, everything was restored to its original state within a few seconds.

Then, Hayasaka and Kaguya, who were originally behind him, disappeared.

"Space teleportation? No... Is this, the superposition of space?"

Gao Hai felt a physical sensation similar to the transformation process between the surface and the inner layer of Fujika Junior High School, but it seemed a little different. He realized that he should not be in the original space now, but had entered another layer of space, entering a new area of ​​Hayate Elementary School.

Is it like the surface world and the inner world of Silent Hill? Or are there more than two, but multiple different overlapping spaces?

Speaking of which, the records left by Ji Gang mentioned that the Hayate Elementary School in his cognition would change constantly, and there was no way to summarize the effective terrain environment. Could it be that the man started switching between different spatial levels not long after entering Hayate Elementary School?

If that's the case, why didn't I encounter this situation after waking up in Ji Gang's room?

Could it be because I didn't open the window and didn't try to touch the thing outside the window? If that's the case, then it seems that Ji Gang, who unfortunately strayed into this place, was a bit of a jerk, although it might not be polite to say that to a dead person.

In any case, the situation has changed.

Something new began to appear in front of Gao Hai, unprecedented, and it is very likely that other Red Moon-level players who came to this dungeon have never really seen it, belonging to the deeper secrets of this dungeon.

Well, of course, there may be Red Moon-level players who have seen these things, but considering the strong malice of this place that he feels now, Gao Hai feels that it is unlikely that those Red Moon-level players who can get to this point are still alive. In fact, he thinks that it is also very likely that he will suddenly die somewhere next. After all, he has been through this every time in the dungeon. Only the inner area of ​​Fujika Middle School can be beaten in one go because Hirano Sosuke is less aggressive and has received various assistance. And the core obsession of this dungeon, if that child is indeed the core obsession, I'm afraid it will not be a guy who can get along well.

"The terrain has changed."

While sighing softly, Gao Hai stood up and slowly looked around him.

Everything around him has changed.

The headless teacher and those ghostly figures have disappeared without a trace.

On the wall beside him, the classroom graffiti he had seen before appeared again, but the content on it had changed.

Every child's head was covered with chaotic black and red lines, and meaningless smears like venting appeared in various areas of the graffiti. Gao Hai could even smell a little bit of blood from those red lines.

Most of the tables and chairs in the classroom have basically lost their original appearance. Part of the half-melted chairs have merged into the floor, and the others look like crushed debris reassembled. Only the last table and chair remained intact, as if waiting for someone to check it out.

The podium has completely disappeared at this moment, replaced by a passage that looks like a sports field runway. At this moment, Gao Hai can vaguely see a few black blurry shadows looming on the red plastic track.

The ceiling disappeared after extending to the runway area, replaced by a dark sky and a drizzle of rain.

The door that was originally entered had disappeared, replaced by thick walls with all kinds of messy graffiti on the walls, most of which were blurry human figures drawn with black and red crayons.

The door on the other side that Gao Hai had not had time to investigate turned into a high-end wooden door with a window, and it seemed that there was some light flickering outside the door.

Gao Hai took a step and quickly walked to the only intact table in this dark classroom, and saw the line of words carved on the table with a knife.

[Student Code Article 1]

[Stay away from any room or area with a "red smiley face" painted on it. If you hear something making a "hehe haha" laugh approaching you, do not try to run away or find the source of the sound. Crouch down, close your eyes, cover your ears, and you will be safe after a while.]

The handwriting itself looks childish, and it may have been written by a child.

But the content of the text seems to be the result of careful consideration, and it is unlikely that the child came up with it himself, or even if the child came up with it himself, it should not be described in this way. In other words, was it an adult who instructed the child to write it like this?

While thinking, it seemed that something began to gradually approach.

Before turning back, Gao Hai sensed the existence of that thing. His blessing, the blessing that could judge people and non-human things, and judge maliciousness, produced an extremely strong reaction at this moment, making Gao Hai quickly aware of the approach of that thing.

If the existence of [Alice] would weaken the power of the blessing, making it difficult for him to make a judgment without looking directly at it, then the thing that appeared now seemed to have a characteristic of [strengthening its own existence]. This made Gao Hai feel strong malice even before his subjective consciousness discovered the other party.

Almost even his breathing became heavy, and every hair on his body stood up at this moment.

That thing seemed to be deliberately emphasizing its own existence, deliberately letting others perceive it, and making people fear it.

Even if you don't watch it, even if you don't pay attention to it, when it approaches someone, this feeling is still clearly transmitted to Gao Hai. And immediately, Hirano Sosuke's third blessing began to take effect, letting Gao Hai know what he must do now.

[Hehehe... Hahaha...]

Squat down.

Gao Hai reached out and covered his ears.

He lowered his head, closed his eyes, and shrank in place without moving.

The sound of a child running passed by him.

The sound of someone laughing in a low voice surrounded him and refused to leave.

The noisy sound soon quieted down, and then there was a faint breathing sound passing by his ears.

[Hehe... Haha...]

The laughter seemed to come from Gao Hai's head.

But it seemed that it was right in front of him, in front of him, looking at him.

The footsteps gradually became messy.

The breathing and shouting became more frequent.

And Gao Hai just squatted on the ground as usual, still silent, as if he could not feel these movements at all.

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