Gao Hai, who had already fallen into an extremely serious state of suffocation, could not even think at this time. He could only reach out randomly to grab the thing that touched him, trying to push the other party away and stay away from this terrible existence.


It seemed that something was pulled off by Gao Hai.

And in his peripheral vision, a black figure seemed to step into the kitchen at this time.


The next moment, there was a heavy and loud noise, as if the whole room was shaking in a violent earthquake.

Gao Hai seemed to hear a sharp scream.

It was like the voices of many people mixed together, and the indistinct screams at the last moment when they were trapped in the quagmire.

The corrosion on the wall quickly faded at this moment.

The accumulated water on the floor also dissipated suddenly, leaving only a few wet traces.


Gao Hai, who regained control of his body, got up immediately and then spit out a large mouthful of muddy water.


The same thing happened to Kaguya and Shinki who were in the same room. A lot of muddy water appeared in the throats of the three of them. At this time, as the abnormality in the kitchen subsided, everyone began to vomit.

Sun Dajun ran into the kitchen at this time. He was startled by something in the kitchen at first, then gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to run forward and help Gao Hai, who was kneeling on the ground and vomiting muddy water, to stand up, so that he could support the stove beside him. Then he wanted to help Kaguya, but Kaguya pointed to the hole in the kitchen floor first. Sun Dajun was stunned for a moment before he understood what the other party meant. He hurriedly grabbed a piece of wood he had nailed before and covered it up to seal the hole again. Then he turned around and Kaguya and Shinki had already stood up.

"What happened just now?"

Although she wanted to maintain a stern image, after vomiting, Kaguya looked extremely embarrassed, with tears and snot all flowing out. She could only wipe her tears while staring at the thing standing in front of the hole in the floor that was sealed again.

It was the charred corpse.

The incomplete charred corpse in Sun Dajun's room broke into the kitchen when the three people were in a deadlock.

It's not clear how the two monsters fought, but from the current situation, the charred corpse of Room 206 obviously overwhelmed the thing on the first floor and knocked down the thing that followed Gao Hai up.

"Huh...Brother Burnt is awesome..."

Gao Hai, who finally vomited out the mud in his stomach, recovered at this time, wiped his mouth, and gave a thumbs up to the charred corpse standing in the kitchen.

"Just now, I was outside the door, trying to use a wire and a bell to make an early warning or something, and I came in when I heard a loud noise from the room (the sound of the concubine hitting the ceiling). As soon as I entered the room, I heard something coming from the living room, and then I saw you like this in the kitchen..."

Sun Dajun, with a pale face, roughly explained the situation on his side. It seemed that the charred corpse in the living room took action to drive away the things in the kitchen after Sun Dajun entered the house. From this point of view, the charred corpse should have moved because Sun Dajun entered the house and wanted to protect Sun Dajun from being hurt by the things coming up from the kitchen because of its own rules of action.

In any case, a life was saved, and it was saved by an abnormality.

"Concubine Zhen, are you okay? Hurry up and treat the wound."

Gao Hai, who had recovered, walked towards Concubine Zhen, but the girl just shook her head to indicate that she was fine, stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from her forehead, and then sat on the ground directly without any strength, and didn't care about the dirty water on the ground.

Suddenly she thought of something and turned to look at the covered wooden board beside her. After thinking for a while, she reached out and lifted the wooden board a little and looked down.

Looking at the densely packed pale faces standing in the kitchen who looked up and looked at her, Zhenfei covered the wooden board again without saying a word, and then covered another wooden board, and then let out a long breath and wiped away the tears that almost flowed out of her eyes.


On the other side, Kaguya, who had also recovered, stepped out of the kitchen and walked directly to Green in the living room.

At the critical moment just now, Green, who should have dialed the clock in time, did nothing.

The man huddled in the corner of the living room and looked frightened. Although he was not attacked by abnormal power, he heard the sound in the kitchen clearly, and he knew that extremely bad changes must have happened inside. Of course, he also heard Kaguya's shouting, and knew that he needed to dial the clock next, and knew that he needed to pay at this time.

However, after dialing the clock, it seems that not very good changes will occur.

The man named Gao Hai did not say that there would be any abnormality after dialing the clock, but Sun Dajun was a little afraid to get close to the wall clock, and Sun Dajun had no such tendency before the recollection. Therefore, Green could not help but wonder whether the wall clock, which has strange power, would bring harm to the user after using it, and whether he would be cursed by something because of using the wall clock, so that he could not leave and had to die here even though he found a way to escape.

With this idea, Green did not make the move to dial the clock in the end.

He just quietly walked to the direction of the living room door, intending to escape from the living room and find Maeda Miwa who was locked in 205, and let her dial the clock.

And Green also deliberately delayed a little time. After knowing that the wall clock can go back in time, Green speculated that Gao Hai might have gone back in time, and suspected that people who died before the time was reversed would not be able to retain their memories. This can be seen from the performance of the black guy and Maeda Miwa before and after the time was reversed.

Then, if he waited until Gao Hai, Kaguya, and the other two were killed strangely before letting Maeda Miwa dial the clock, wouldn't he be able to conceal his disobedience? Anyway, the woman who could only howl and looked like she had taken too much hallucinogens and her brain was broken would not attract attention.

Green was complacent about the idea he came up with.

Then he was blocked by Sun Dajun who rushed in from outside.

Although Sun Dajun, who was almost fifty years old, was not very strong in combat, his body width was definitely enough, and Green himself was a big man with a height of more than 1.9 meters, so he was blocked in the corridor and could not rush out for a while, but was pushed back by Sun Dajun.

If he was a little more aggressive at this time, and directly knocked down Sun Dajun before rushing out, Green's idea would actually have room to play. But he first heard a loud noise in the living room and realized that the charred corpse had started to move. At the same time, because of his petty theft nature, once he was discovered when he was making these crooked ideas, Green would instinctively fall into a state of panic and confusion. As a result, he was pushed back to the living room by Sun Dajun, and stupidly watched him rush into the kitchen. Then, after a while, Kaguya with a cold expression walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry! I was too scared! I was too scared at the time!"

Realizing that his idea had completely failed, Green knelt directly on the ground and apologized desperately.

Reached out and grabbed Green's collar.

Although she looked petite, Kaguya, who was unreasonable in physical strength as a two-dimensional person, exerted force suddenly, directly throwing the 1.9-meter Green in the air and slamming him hard on the floor.

Amid Green's screams, she twisted his right hand, pressed the man head down to the ground, and pulled out the knife from Green's waist with her left hand, stabbed Green's side face with the knife, and cut a bloody wound on his face.


Frightened to death, Green thought that this knife would kill him. He trembled all over and wanted to scream, but just as he opened his mouth, Kaguya punched him in the head. He couldn't scream and knocked out a tooth.

"That, what is..."

Sun Dajun was at a loss when he saw Kaguya's anger, and he didn't understand what was going on at all.

At this time, Gao Hai helped Zhenfei and walked out of the kitchen. After seeing this scene, he just shook his head, then helped Zhenfei sit on the sofa, and then looked at the fingers he had been holding since just now.

When trying to push away the thing that was holding him, Gao Hai tore a small thing off the other person.

I didn't have time to check it before, but now I can see what it is.

Spread out my hands.

A faded, brownish-yellow cloth badge that Gao Hai guessed was originally red.

Because it was embroidered, even after a long period of soaking, the words on it can still be recognized.

And that line of words is:

[xx Special Flood Rescue Team]

Chapter 33: Trust is not so easy to get back after being betrayed

For the exploration of the first floor, it can only be temporarily suspended for a while.

The reason is very simple. As long as the wooden board is lifted, the people present can clearly see the pale figures standing downstairs, looking up and looking at people.

Those things stood in the kitchen downstairs without saying a word. Even if they looked again after several hours, they still did not disappear.

The subsequent investigation of the first floor can obviously only be temporarily suspended. Several people had to suspend their actions and deal with some discord in the team.

After all, the reason why they were trapped in such a dangerous situation and left hidden dangers just now had a lot to do with a disobedient guy.

"Please... please... I was just too scared at the time, I was wrong, I was really just too scared... don't do this..."

The trembling Green begged humbly, but Kaguya just stared at him expressionlessly, and next to her, Sun Dajun, with a complicated expression, handed the door lock of the 209 gate to Zhenfei, and then left the room without seeing it.

Green naturally understood what it meant to lose the door lock in this horror apartment.

He also knew very well what he had done before, what kind of betrayal it meant to Kaguya and others.

As a gangster who has been hanging around at the bottom and has accomplished nothing in his 30s, Green has some little wisdom and cleverness for survival, but just like his social status at the bottom that he can never change, his little cleverness is ultimately a little cleverness that cannot be put on the table. He knows that he is a loser, so he tries hard to curry favor with others, but he does not have the awareness to work hard for his own survival. Therefore, when the situation is really critical, he does not realize what is the right thing to do. The result is just like before, he refused to set the clock at the critical moment and tried to run away, followed by the current reckoning.

Just like when he was a young man, he managed to get into a gang and become a low-level steward, but in the end he couldn't help but steal part of the protection money he had to pay. Obviously he knew that after handing over the money, there would be dividends that would fall into his hands, but he couldn't help it when he saw the money. As a result, he was beaten to death and expelled from the gang. It wasn't because some friends he had known before couldn't stand it and quietly protected him. , maybe he was directly beaten to death at that time.

After that, Green never found a good position again, and he originally thought that the lesson he learned that time was enough. But the reality was another critical moment, and it was still at a critical juncture of his life. He still couldn't make the right choice, and instead committed an even greater death.

At this time, the wire used by Green to open the lock had been confiscated, and the majestic-looking knife had also been placed on Kaguya's body.

The man's proud strength was easily shattered by the powerful power of Shinomiya Kaguya's unreasonable two-dimensional muscle queen.

At this moment, he knelt down on the ground in extreme embarrassment, without even a trace of courage to resist.

"I thought you were a little clever, a smart person who knew what to do to survive. But now it seems that your cleverness is just a little clever. When the critical moment comes, you can't distinguish the importance and act on your own initiative. What a disappointment.”

Kaguya played with the knife in her hand, and looked at Green with a gaze that was so cold that it bit the bones.

"Sorry, I……"

Green, who didn't even dare to raise his head, spoke tremblingly, wanting to defend himself again.

"Did I ask you to speak?"

But then he was heartbroken at Kaguya's next words, and could only lie on the ground shivering.

The aura is really terrifying, this so-called Ice Princess Kaguya.

Gao Hai, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Gao Hai would never have believed that a 17-year-old girl could have such an aura.

However, considering that the other party is a one-in-a-million genius, and that the other party comes from the extremely twisted Shinomiya Zaibatsu, it is understandable that Kaguya would be cultivated with such a character, although it still looks very twisted. .

"Mr. Gao Hai, although you are not from Neon, but from what you said before, you also settled in Neon. So, I am very curious whether you are aware of Neon's underworld culture and whether you know that you cannot complete the tasks assigned by your superiors. How should my subordinates apologize?"

Kaguya turned her head at this moment and looked at Gao Hai aside.

Why did you come to ask me specifically? Is it because the real concubine is relatively gentle and not suitable for such words?

Gao Hai, who thought he just needed to watch, was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and gave his answer.

"Put it in a bucket, fill it with cement, and then sink it into Tokyo Bay?"

This answer scared Green almost immediately. He almost collapsed on the ground, thinking that he might be killed soon.

"Just kidding, I remember cutting off my finger, the little finger, right?"

But Gao Hai's next words made Green feel slightly relieved, and then he couldn't help but feel fear after thinking about it.

"Very well, let's do this. Mr. Green, you also know that we can't kill you. Dead people will turn into weird monsters in this place. However, you have made a very serious mistake. This mistake makes us Can't be trusted, so now you have two choices. Either you go into your room alone and we will break the lock so that even if you can pick the lock, you can't open the door for the rest of the time. In the house, you either have to destroy your own door, and of course, no one will repair it for you.”

Kaguya said as she stood up and walked to Green's side.

"Either, you have to prove to me that you won't make another mistake. This proof cannot be done with words, it must be done with actual actions. So, stretch out your left hand and hand over your little finger. If you can not shout out If you come, then I believe you still have some courage and are qualified to be used by me. "

At the end of the sentence, Kaguya's cold voice already sounded a bit suffocating and dangerous.

Knowing what would happen next, the real concubine frowned, covered her head with gauze, turned around and left the living room, hiding out like Sun Dajun, out of sight.

Gao Hai, who has a strong taste, sighed in his heart about Kaguya's queenly temperament, and at the same time began to regret that he didn't have popcorn in his hand. He felt that it would be great to eat dessert while watching the gangsters cut their fingers. Of course, Gao Hai himself is not a pervert who likes blood and violence. You must know that even when he visits Heba, he always chooses pure love. Just thinking about this guy's previous tricks that almost led to the destruction of everyone, seeing this guy is unlucky makes him happy. The sea will be in a good mood.

What follows needs no elaboration.

Green, who knew that there was no third way, stretched out his left hand with a pale face.

The sharp knife swung down suddenly and cut off Green's little finger on his left hand.

Of course, although the man wanted to hold back his screams, he still opened his mouth to scream out due to the severe pain.

But before he could cry out, Kaguya had already kicked the man in the neck with such force that it almost broke the bones, suppressing Green's screams back into his throat.

"We have bandages and iodophor. Wrap it up yourself. The next exploration will be in an hour. This time you must guard the door of the kitchen. If you encounter a situation where you need to set the clock again, you'd better not let me down again."

After leaving these words, Kaguya turned and left, and also walked out of 206's living room.

Gao Hai, who had been eating melon the whole time, also left because he disliked the smell of blood and Green's own whimpering.

"I really cut off my finger. My aunt would really do that..."

Seeing Kaguya's expression when she came out, the real concubine had already guessed what she found inside, and couldn't help but shake her head with emotion.

"Zhenfei, are you sure your injury is okay?"

Gao Hai, who followed behind, asked about Concubine Zhen's injuries again, and then received a repeated "no problem" answer from the other party.

Gao Hai walked to the door again. At this time, Sun Dajun walked out of the toilet. It looked like he had just gone to relieve a wave of stress, but the expression on his face was still depressed. Maybe the pressure today is really not easy to release. .

"That foreign devil, is he really going to kill you?"

Sun Dajun, who was a little scared, endured it again and again, and finally asked Gao Hai in a low voice.

"Yes, they have done such stupid things. It would be a big problem if we just let them off lightly."

Gao Hai didn't shy away from anything, and he didn't have any moral obsession. He didn't feel any discomfort with Green's cutting off his hand to apologize, and he even vaguely felt that if the cut was too short, he should add two more.

"Oh, how could it be like this? It's obviously hard for everyone to get together and try to survive and escape..."

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