So slowly, she raised her head again and looked at Gao Hai, looking at each other seriously. The pair of aqua blue eyes were fogged up by the girl's own emotional fluctuations at this moment, and seemed to be shining with light. She leaned against Gao Hai and trembled slightly, and carefully pressed closer. Then she lowered her head out of shyness and bit her lip in embarrassment, but her hands unknowingly wrapped around Gao Hai's waist and refused. open.

"Mr. Gao, that... what just happened, please don't tell Miss Kaguya."

In the end, Hayasaka just whispered like this.

For the girl, her courage can only reach this point, and there is no way to go further for the time being.

"……Oh well."

As for Gao Hai's words, he was speechless for a long time after hearing this classic sneaking quote. He held back a lot of words in his mouth and wanted to spit them out, but he couldn't because of the girl's too shy look. He could only respond dryly.

I really didn’t expect that Kaguya and I came here to rescue Hayasaka who was in danger, but in the end, it felt like we were saving him on the bed.

Although this development is completely predictable, after all, the body was naked, clothes were changed, and they were stuck together. Coupled with the ever-tried suspension bridge effect, it is completely predictable what the protected girl will do in this situation. Uh, I always feel like I'm even worse if I think about it like this, taking advantage of a dangerous environment to capture girls or something like that.

Although he was severely criticizing himself in his heart, Gao Hai also put his arms around Hayasaka, with no intention of letting her go, and naturally enjoyed the embrace of such a young girl.

Well, how should I put it, such a face-to-face hug feels more weighty than that of a real concubine, but the difference is not particularly big. As for Qianhua, it's incomparable, and Jianzi is obviously a lot worse. It is rated as a small to medium cup, and it is estimated to be about the size of a palm.

However, this kind of thing is really not suitable to be done in this place. Let's find a way to investigate this place first, collect clues and find a way to crack the copy.

It's not necessary to delay business or anything just for the sake of Sesune.

"Okay, it's almost time to take action. We've come this far, and there's no reason to stop."

As Takahai felt that the feeling of weakness in his body had gradually subsided, he reached out and grabbed Hayasaka's shoulders to help her stand up.


The girl just responded softly, stepped back some distance obediently, then got off the bed first, and helped Gao Hai get out of bed and stand firm.

Gao Hai actually felt a bit like a docile little pet in Hayasaka at this time. He even had the illusion that this girl had grown dog ears and a big tail, and was watching him wagging her tail non-stop.

If I ask Hayasaka to change the title of me from "Mr. Gao" to "Master" here, no, no, no, I'd better not do it. We'll talk about this kind of thing later. Don't think about it now.

Suppressing the evil thoughts that emerged in his heart, Gao Hai wondered whether it was because Hayasaka had been transforming into a dog for too long that caused this sense of déjà vu. Then he moved his sore hands and feet and took steps to arrive. door.

Now his body has basically recovered its ability to move, and there are no traces of the wound on his stomach.

Although his reaction speed and strength are still slightly weaker than normal, he can already start exploration and investigation. Gao Hai doesn't think he can stay in this room forever. He must get clues as soon as possible and find the core of the crack. Only the obsessive method will do.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai's eyes fell on the door in front of him that looked very old.

Then his eyes moved all the way down, looking at the crack under the door. At this moment, there was a faint light coming from the crack in the door, but only half of the light penetrated into the room, while the other half of the crack in the door showed a dark color.


Looking back, Gao Hai made a silent gesture towards Hayasaka who still didn't know anything.

Then, he slowly bent down and adjusted his posture while keeping his feet still. Then, after adjusting for about two or three seconds, Gao Hai suddenly raised his feet and jumped forward. His whole body fell to the ground, or hit the ground heavily, and he looked directly outside the door.

Gao Hai's eyes passed through the crack in the door and met a gaze peering into the small bedroom from outside the door.


The next second there was the sound of something hitting the ground.

Gao Hai almost got up and reached out to grab the door handle. A series of hurried footsteps quickly moved away from the door of the small bedroom.


Without any time to hesitate, Gao Hai opened the door in an instant, then grabbed the arm of Hayasaka who had caught up, skillfully holding the girl with one hand and ran into the corridor.

The dilapidated corridors were no different from the orphanages Gao Hai had seen in hallucinations before, but they looked more dilapidated and messy. The floors were cracked, the ceilings collapsed, and the doors of most rooms had disappeared or only incomplete fragments remained. , and at the same time there was an unpleasant odor spreading.

But Gao Hai's attention is not on these things now.

He just looked to one side of the corridor, to the little figure running in panic at the end of the corridor, the guy who silently peeped through the crack in the door for a long time, and started running away as soon as he was discovered.

Chiyo Haeiya.

That girl is Hachiya Chiyo.

Gao Hai would not mistake the other person's appearance. Even a brief glance through the crack in the door was enough for Gao Hai to confirm the identity of this little girl.

Can we really find each other in this place? Are you finally close to cracking this copy?

During the chase, Gao Hai felt a hint of excitement in his heart.

Chapter 57: Teacher, adults like you are the most annoying

The sound of wind passed quickly by my ears.

Gao Hai's speed now exceeded the world record for sprinting. He reached the end of the corridor in two or three breaths and turned in the direction where the little girl escaped just now.

Or the corridor?

Gao Hai remembered that the end of this corridor should be the stairs. In his previous hallucination, he arrived at this location after stepping on the stairs to the second floor. But now after turning here, what he saw was another corridor, and it was a corridor full of déjà vu, as if he had just passed it.

Has a cycle formed?

Although the scene in front of him made people have some bad suspicions, Gao Hai immediately noticed the girl who was stumbling away in the corridor and immediately chased after her.

No matter how this place changes, the figure of Haeiya Chiyo appearing in this space must be the top priority. Therefore, other issues can be ignored for the time being. This girl must be caught as soon as possible, and what kind of state she is in should be confirmed as soon as possible, so as to find a way to break the core obsession.


Heavy steps fell to the ground.

Gao Hai protected Hayasaka, then activated the power of Rampage Blessing, and suddenly accelerated towards the girl in front.

He could see the little girl running away in a hurry fell to the ground after hearing the sound from behind, then quickly got up and fled into a nearby room.

The next moment, Gao Hai caught up and turned towards the entrance of the room where the door had been destroyed. Then he found that there was still a corridor in this room. It was no different from the corridor he was staying in now. It looked exactly the same no matter how you looked at it. corridor.

And the girl had already escaped into another room.

"Um...did you catch it?"

Hayasaka, who was already a little nauseous by Gao Hai's accelerated movement, saw Gao Hai stop, so he suppressed his discomfort and asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. The structure of this place is quite complicated."

Gao Hai shook his head and said, letting go and putting Hayasaka down, and then walked into the room. Unsurprisingly, every door in the corridor leads to an identical corridor, and after stepping into these corridors, Gao Hai saw that every door in the corridor also leads to identical corridors.

Including the room where he and Hayasaka walked out just now, it had turned into a corridor. It seems that although this orphanage does not appear to be dangerous on the surface, there are also strange forces inside, which cannot be easily dealt with.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy. Tsk, I thought I finally found the opportunity to end everything."

Gao Hai sighed. He had not forgotten Kaguya's situation, so when he really found the opportunity to contact the core obsession and figure out the other party's obsession, he was more or less anxious. Now I find that things are not so easy to fix. Although it is not unexpected, it is still quite frustrating.

However, even though the space had undergone abnormal changes, he still had no sense of crisis, no sense of urgency like being in a dangerous area. From this point of view, this orphanage, which is the fourth depth of the Zaoli Elementary School copy, should indeed be a relatively safe depth. Of course, this "safety" premise must be based on not seeking death. What I did when I chased the girl just now is probably some kind of bad behavior, so I have to think carefully before taking any action.

"The girl just now, she is the same as the one we met before..."

Hayasaka didn't know why Takahai wanted to chase the little girl, but she still noticed the similarity between the girl and Hachiya Chiyo who was carrying a machete in the deep space, so she hesitated but couldn't help but ask.

"Well, that's right, but this one doesn't seem to be as dangerous as the other one. If we want to crack this copy, we have to find a way to find her. Regardless of whether it's dangerous or not, we have to at least get in touch with her first, but now we see It seems like we are being treated as bad guys, and it might not be that easy to talk to her.”

As Gao Hai spoke, he carefully observed each corridor, trying to find any differences, but he never found anything worth paying attention to.

Bad guy? us?

Hayasaka couldn't help but think of the situation when Gao Hai was stabbed into the stomach by the girl's blade, and the expression on his face became a little tense. To be honest, the girl who was covered in blood and holding a machete and teleported in front of her in the blink of an eye was more like a bad guy, right? Why did she and Mr. Gao become bad people?

But the girl wouldn't say these words. Now that Gao Hai wants to find that girl, she has to find a way to help.

Well, if it's tracking, I do know some methods, but I don't know if they can be used.

"Should we go to the place where we lost her before? I'll try to find some clues. I've learned some tracking and tracing techniques, maybe I can find traces of that girl."

Thinking of this, although she was very scared of the girl who had hit Gao Hai hard not long ago, Hayasaka still plucked up the courage to raise her hand and recommended herself to Gao Hai.

"Tracking? Well, I'm willing to believe in your tracking skills."

Hearing this, Gao Hai immediately recalled that when he was dating Zhenfei Chihua before, he would occasionally find traces of Hayasaka Ai. This girl did follow him quite a lot, and he really couldn't find her every time. It can only be said that she is really good at this. Well, if I had Hayasaka's level when I helped those bosses take pictures of their wives and lovers before, you know, I was discovered several times at the beginning, and I had to fight with those adulterers and mistresses several times.

Thinking back to the messy and strange jobs he took after graduating from high school, Gao Hai couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know Mr. Gao very well at that time, and I didn't know how to contact you, so I did this. Uh, anyway, let's go to the place where you lost Mr. Gao before, and I'll try to find any traces."

Hayasaka was a little embarrassed when she heard what Gao Hai said, but she was thick-skinned, so she smiled twice and brought up the topic.

The two of them took steps and quickly returned to the starting point.

Hayasaka tied up her messy hair into a side ponytail, then squatted down, frowned, and looked carefully at the ground.

The floor of the corridor itself is made of wood, and there are many bare places on the walls on both sides with obvious differences in color. It seems that cabinets and portraits have been placed there. The floor itself has some bumps and depressions due to moisture, and there are cracks on some parts of the floor, but there is very little dust. The only little dust is basically the peeling of wall paint, so it is concentrated on the walls on both sides of the corridor.

After preliminary observation, no obvious footprints were found. This is not surprising. After all, Hayasaka knows that Gao Hai has a strong observation ability. If it is a trace that can be seen at a glance, he will not fail to find it.

However, as long as the girl is real, not an illusion or a non-substantial thing, and there is no mechanism in this place that will refresh directly after walking through, then she will definitely leave traces. No matter how secretive it is, it is impossible to have nothing.

The girl's eyes quickly noticed a slightly thinner place on the ground on one side of the wall, which was almost the same as the dust in other areas.

There were footsteps passing here. Because of the fast running, the footsteps were heavy, so although they did not step on it, a little dust was still splashed, so there was a slight difference in the distribution of dust.

"Let's try this way."

Hayasaka said as he walked slowly, looking closely for all possible clues.

Gao Hai followed the girl silently, carefully observing the surrounding situation, ready to release the rescue team members to die at any time.

The police officer who was originally left in the underground research base has entered the cooling stage. It is probably because he took away the butcher's body and entered a deeper space area. The weird form of Chiyoko Bee House, who could not follow directly, found it and killed it. It's a pity that I fell into a coma at that time and couldn't see how the police officer was destroyed, otherwise he might be able to summarize more rules.

But now, this kind of thing is not important. After all, what happened has happened and it can't be changed. It's better to protect this little maid. The tracking ability she mastered is very important in this situation. There must be no mistakes.

The dark corridor was quiet, leaving only the footsteps and breathing of the two.

Hayasaka Ai has now completely entered a state of concentration, constantly looking for all the subtle traces, and slowly outlining the whereabouts of the little girl.

Go forward, turn right to enter the third door, turn left to the fifth door, turn left at the end, and then enter the first door on the right...

Although in Gao Hai's eyes, each corridor looks the same, but Hayasaka leads Gao Hai forward step by step by observing and deducing various subtle points, relying on the tracking skills learned from her family.

Tap tap tap -

Faintly, it seems that hurried footsteps sounded somewhere in front.

Hayasaka still moves forward slowly, and Gao Hai also patiently follows her, without rashly disturbing her, and not choosing to chase after her when he hears the sound.

Then go around a few more corners, go in and out of a few doors.

Just when Gao Hai was sure that he would never be able to walk back to the starting point without someone to show him the way, a little girl's panicked figure flashed in front of the corridor and ran away quickly. After spending nearly an hour, Hayasaka's tracking really succeeded in finding this girl.

"Chiyoko Hachiya!"

Taka Hai called out the girl's name, but did not hear her footsteps stop.

He reached out and grabbed Hayasaka and chased after him, but his speed was no match for the figure that looked like an ordinary child. After chasing through several corridors, he was left far behind.

Tsk, no, this girl looks like a child, but her running speed is definitely not something a human can have. Even if I turn on the blessing of running wild, it is difficult for me to catch up with her, not to mention that this place is complicated and it is easy to get lost.

"Chiyo, we are here to help you!"

Takahashi shouted again, trying to get the other party to stop by communicating.

But the little girl just ran hard, without any intention of communicating.

"Chiyo, we are not from Hayate Elementary School, we are here to help you!"

Takahashi shouted again while chasing, but still did not achieve any effect.

"We know about your brother Ryohei Hachiya, and we also know about your family. We can help you find them back!"

Takahashi shouted again, but still got no response.

Tsk, this guy...

"Your friend is in my hands. The butcher who likes to eat dogs has been caught by me. If you run again, I will not be polite to him!"

Seeing that good words did not work, Gao Hai decided to try the villain route in desperation.

The running figure in front fell to the ground the next moment.

Getting up, the girl turned around and showed the face of a child that was obviously injured, but not as hideous and distorted as in the monster state. After hesitating for a while, the shivering girl stopped running away and just stood there silently waiting for Gao Hai and Hayasaka to come forward.

It looked like I was the bad guy bullying her, obviously I was the one who got stabbed before...

Seeing the girl's reaction, Gao Hai complained in his heart, slowed down his pace, put Hayasaka down, and walked step by step to the girl.

"We are not bad people, Chiyo, we just want to talk to you. I won't hurt your friends, believe me, I just want to help you, I'm sincere."

Taka Hai spoke as softly as possible, while slowing down his pace to approach.

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