Xiaoheshu, the only person on the market side who did not look at the reaction of the scale, stared at Gao Hai for a while, then nodded slightly and said softly, apparently not intending to delve into the matter further.

Is it over so easily?

Gao Hai was somewhat surprised. He thought Xiaoheshu would ask a few more questions.

"Hey, Xiaohe, I haven't asked him yet how his ability takes effect. Is it an obsession or a blessing? What about the time range of its effect?"

Some people at the market seemed surprised. A player came close to the river tree and whispered to him very dissatisfied.

Considering that the player's hearing has been enhanced and is not at the same level as ordinary people, to be honest, this player thinks that the lowered voice is no different from shouting loudly.


Xiaoheshu said nothing, but gave the man a meaningful look.

The player who sensed something was wrong trembled and quickly lowered his head, not daring to say even one more word.

"This time the obsession transaction, the 'market' side will treat it as if it does not exist. We will not take the obsession items that have been delivered to Mr. Gao, and we will not accept the obsession items that Mr. Gao has recalled. This is for Mr. Gao. However, this matter does go against the trading principles of the market and has embarrassed many of our members. So, if possible, I hope Mr. Gao can agree to our request and do us a favor. Are you willing to accept it? ?”

This small episode did not make Xiao Heshu pause for too long. Soon he stood up again, bent slightly towards Gao Hai, and then spoke in a serious tone.

"This help... is to enter the Red Moon level dungeon, right?"

Gao Hai narrowed his eyes, already anticipating what might happen next.

"Hongyue? Haijun has just come out of the Hongyue-level dungeon, and you plan to let him in again?"

The true concubine who had remained quiet immediately frowned.

"The market is only one of the participants in this matter. Let him communicate with you, Mr. Gao. I believe you should know something about him."

Xiao Heshu just said indifferently, and took out a laptop from under the table. After operating it twice, he turned the computer around and the screen faced Gao Hai. At this time, a video link was displayed on the screen, and then two or three Seconds later, the video link was successful, and Gao Hai saw a man lying on the hospital bed.

The distant mountains are bright.

Gao Hai recognized the somewhat depressed man at a glance.

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Gao... Although I would like to visit in person to express my gratitude, my current physical condition does not allow it. Please forgive me."

In the video, Akira Toyama, who looked pale, forced a smile, but could not hide the fatigue in his expression.

Compared with Xiong Mi, who can return to full strength after being repaired from the doll, Toyama Akira's strength is obviously much worse, so more than a day has passed, and he still can't get out of bed and walk. , even the mental damage has not fully recovered.

But Gao Hai already knew what he wanted to do. In other words, since he determined from the "Faceless Man" that the black watch would bring him [bad luck], he was thinking that he had demolished two campuses of [Campus Mystery], and the remaining one Two campuses, will he enter soon? After all, just dismantling half of the copy cannot be regarded as a serious clearance. There is no reason to leave the remaining parts there and ignore them.

Now it seems that this [reason] should be in this place.

"You want me to enter the [Campus Mystery] dungeon, find those trapped dungeon companions who are probably not dead yet, and rescue them all, right? Did you [Red Club] lose a lot of people there?"

Gao Hai asked Zhen Fei not to get excited while looking at the computer screen.

"There are 5 in total, including the captain. In addition to Brother Toyama, 5 teammates disappeared while exploring the [Tenghua Middle School] dungeon. Except for one teammate who died from [Elephant Principal], the execution process was observed In addition, the whereabouts of the remaining four people are unknown.”

The person who spoke this time was not Akira Toyama on the computer screen, but the young woman who was dressed in a rather special way.

"Her name is Ren Nanase, and sitting next to her is Kenta Hayashibe. The two of them are the only remaining members of the [Red Club]. After we suffered huge losses in [Campus Mystery], we later encountered a further The whole team is now on the verge of collapse, and you, Mr. Gao, no matter how you did it, you actually saved me who should have been impossible to survive. So to us, you are us. The best hope.”

Toyama Akira introduced the two members of the Red Association, and then said to Gao Hai apologetically.

A team of Red Moon-level players was killed until only two people were left. This incident is quite scary when you think about it carefully. It is difficult for Gao Hai to imagine what kind of situation would lead to a large-scale appearance of a team of players at this level. The team was wiped out, to the point where the team almost existed in name only.

However, this kind of gossip can be discussed later.

"In other words, the market has reached a cooperation with [Red Society] and wants me to enter the [Campus Mystery] instance to rescue possible survivors. Is that what it means?"

Gao Hai reached out and knocked lightly on the table, then spoke in a calm tone.

"To be precise, it is led by the market. [Red Association], [Moyu Gang] and the market jointly dispatched personnel to form a team of players to assist you, Mr. Gao, in entering the dungeon to search for and rescue missing persons. In return, Regardless of whether you successfully rescue anyone, the market will provide you with 3 Dark Night-level obsessions, and the [Red Society] as a participant will pay you a Red Moon-level obsession. This is a joint operation. , and you who successfully destroyed the two dungeon areas of [Campus Mystery] are the most critical core we need to achieve this operation. "

Xiaoheshu said at this moment.

His voice became obviously respectful, and while he was speaking, he glanced at Goto Kazuri, who was sitting in the corner and was obviously very uneasy.

Red Moon-level players jointly act. This kind of thing is not something that the "market" can participate in originally. At most, it only shows up on logistical issues. But this time, if possible, he felt he had to fight for it.

He could no longer hope to reunite with his lost companions, so he should at least give the little guy who still hoped to see such a miracle a chance.

"Moyu Gang?"

Gao Hai's focus was not on any joint operations.

He looked around at the people in the conference room, and to be honest, he couldn't tell anyone who looked like a Chinese.

But it was also at this time that footsteps sounded again in the corridor, accompanied by the breath of an acquaintance.


The door was pushed open again.

And Xiong Mi, with a cigarette butt in his mouth, just opened the door and came in, followed by a cold-looking man wearing a military coat.

"I'm sorry to be late, but being late has always been a traditional performance of [Moyu Gang]. I hope you don't mind too much."

Xiong Mi, who took off the cigarette butt and crushed it on the wall, said with a grin, then turned to look at Gao Hai and Shijo Zhenfei. After noticing that the girl who was obviously very close to Gao Hai was not Yotsuya Miko, her expression obviously took on a critical tone, and then quickly turned into the old driver's silent smile.

"So you are really involved?"

Gao Hai did not hide his surprised expression.

"Because you made things too big and did things that were incredible and unbelievable, you gave many people hope."

Pulling out a chair and sitting down, Xiong Mi crossed his legs and lit a cigarette in his hand, but his voice was full of sighs.

"I hope this thing will be like an addictive poison for players. Once discovered, it will be difficult to extricate themselves."

"So whether you want it or not, you have actually become the savior in the hearts of many people, even if most of them don't even know who you are."

Interlude 3-23: Decision on joint action and upcoming date

To be honest, Gao Hai had originally considered whether Xiaoheshu would ask him to do something, issue some kind of commission to cancel it, or something like that.

After all, no matter what valid reasons he had, he had indeed broken the contract. If this matter is taken seriously, after all, it has destroyed the order of the "market" itself and is a serious provocation to this player force. So no matter what Xiao Heshu thinks about Gao Hai's breach of contract, he must do something. He must make Gao Hai compensate him so that this matter can be truly brought to light, which is good for everyone.

However, this guy directly joined forces with people from two player organizations, [Red Society] and [Moyu Gang], to organize an investigation team of Red Moon level dungeon. This was completely beyond Gao Hai's expectations.

Is it because I expected that I would not embarrass them in the market, so I deliberately expanded this commission into a cooperation between multiple organizations to seek greater benefits?

Or is it that the market only played a smooth role in this matter, and Xiaoheshu and the others were not the ones who organized this action?

"In short, the current situation is like this. We [Moyu Gang] also lost a few people in that dungeon. Not to mention the Red Society. For them now, this dungeon can be said to be the beginning of doom. So. For this operation, we will each send two people to form an investigation team with a total of 4 people. [Market] will also send two players here, making a total of six people. For Xiao Gao, it depends on how you arrange it. Well, after all, you are the one responsible for the key strategy tasks."

Xiong Mi explained the situation in a calm tone, crossed his legs, held a toothpick in his mouth and looked at him with a godly look on his face.

I don’t know if it was because of her heavy smoking habit. Although Xiong Mi did not smoke again after entering the conference room, she first ate several snacks, then took out a lollipop from nowhere, and finally He took out the toothpick and bit it in his mouth. Regardless of whether he was talking or not, his mouth was occupied.

The follower she brought with her didn't say much. He just stood behind her with a cold face, acting cool like the cold-faced bodyguard in the movie. Hmm...if you ignore the flip-flops and pink bunny slippers the other person is wearing, it's really cool. By the way, is this a trendy way of wearing something? Wearing different slippers on each foot gives it a post-modern cool feel.

"I will try to... recover before the mission starts..."

Toyama Akira spoke very seriously, even though his face was still very bad and he looked like he was about to die on the hospital bed.

"The general situation is almost like this. Whatever you think, tell me now. You don't have to think about saving face for anyone, just say what you want to say."

Finally, Xiong Mi yawned and said, she spit out the toothpick, she still seemed indifferent, but her eyes looking at Gao Hai were obviously much more serious. Obviously, if Gao Hai intends to refuse this joint operation, she will change her stance and help Gao Hai convince the market and the Red Society to give up their plan to use Gao Hai to save people.

This elder sister is really admirable and reassuring. No wonder she can become a vice-captain that convinces other Red Moon-level players.

However, how to choose this issue, he had already made a decision after hearing this.

"I can accept this mission, but I have to bring my companions with me. In addition, I also have some needs. I hope you can satisfy them as much as possible."

Gao Hai didn't hesitate in his answer.

[Campus Mystery] In fact, half of this dungeon has been destroyed by myself, and the remaining half of the area will no longer be interfered by "writers", and the rules will not be modified or invalidated. situation, but those places still exist, and that copy has not yet ushered in complete destruction. Therefore, it was not the end yet. He needed to enter the remaining areas and make a complete end.

I am afraid that the KPs who are hidden outside the world are also waiting for him to put the finishing touches on this copy, waiting for him to completely finish what the "writer" left behind.

If that's the case, then he has no reason to avoid it, he just has to face the difficulty.


Concubine Zhen looked at Gao Hai with worried eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Gao Hai, who noticed the worried look on Zhen Fei's face, just smiled slightly, with a very calm expression on his face.

"It's really refreshing as expected. Then, the next step is the issue of personnel arrangements and actions. There is still less than half a month until the dungeon is opened. There is no rush to come up with a plan immediately. You can plan slowly. arrange."

Xiong Mi nodded, and after seeing that Gao Hai was determined to participate, he directly moved the discussion topic to the next stage.

There is nothing worth paying special attention to after this. To sum up, a team of several players will first enter the exploration area from the [Yeluoshan Middle School] dungeon area. At that time, Goto will carry one of the core obsessions in the area. Yili will come in together to ensure that this regional copy can enable normal exploration in most areas of the copy area when two of the three cores are activated.

However, the other core obsession of the Yeluoshan Middle School area was taken away, and the Bydos College where one of the core obsessions was taken away, the player team it belongs to is not the same as the Moyu Gang and the Red Society. He is not close, and he is not prepared to take the hard-to-obtain Red Moon-level core obsession to participate in the adventure. Therefore, [Bydos Academy] in this mission is still a dead zone that all players must avoid with all their strength. That place is already a terrifying restricted area where no player can survive.

"[Takamagahara]? Naming something like this from mythology really feels like a second grader. But if a group of bastards from that time are still alive today, then we must not let them go. ”

After some thinking, Gao Hai gave some information related to [Gao Tianyuan] during the discussion. Regarding these remnants of the past, people in the market and the Red Society were relatively silent and did not express much opinions. On the other hand, the two people on Xiong Mi's side were obviously energetic, and seemed to have gained higher motivation for action.

In the end, Gao Hai and Zhen Fei resigned first, leaving the market and returning to the street. Zhen Fei, who had been holding back for a long time, turned around and wanted to speak.

Then Gao Hai put his hand to his lips, and what he originally wanted to say was blocked at once.

"You and Qianhua must participate this time. Of course, it is best for everyone to participate. With so many Red Moon-level players as helpers this time, it is the best opportunity for you to obtain Red Moon-level blessings and improve yourself. Definitely not to be missed. ”

Gao Hai said in a solemn tone.

"...Well, I understand."

There is no need to say anything else.

After confirming Gao Hai's attitude from his words and expression, Zhen Fei knew that the only thing she should do now was to support Gao Hai, assist Gao Hai, and seize this opportunity to obtain a more powerful weapon. Strength to ensure that the entire team can move towards a stronger future.

But, why do I vaguely feel that Haijun seems to be a lot more anxious?

It's like I have truly confirmed something that exists behind me, the pressure that has been pushing me, and confirmed something that I could only guess and estimate in the past. Therefore, I have abandoned all luck in my actions and turned to a more radical approach. direction.

It seemed that Gao Hai didn't intend to explain such a thing.

After a brief hesitation, the true concubine decided not to inquire further about Gao Hai. If he really had any difficulties that he couldn't tell, he shouldn't embarrass him any further. Follow his footsteps and help him continue walking, that's enough. For those who cannot retreat in the face of various pressures, this is what they need most.

"Then, this matter is almost over for now. Don't be too stressed, Zhenfei. Since I can walk out of the dungeon of [School Tales] alive twice, I can definitely walk out of it with all of you for the third time. Take a good rest next. Study the rules of the ghost story slowly when you have time. Don't worry now."

Finally, before saying goodbye at the corner of the street, Gao Hai said to Zhenfei with a relaxed look, and then turned and left.

The girl stood at the intersection until Gao Hai's figure disappeared on the other side of the street, then she sighed softly and turned to walk towards her home.

"It's you who should be under pressure, stupid Haijun."

Mumbling, Zhenfei first sent a message to Qianhua, telling her the general content of the morning meeting and Gao Hai's ideas, and then decided to find all the relevant intelligence information about the two dungeon areas of [Yeluoshan Middle School] and [Bydos Academy] and study them carefully.

As for Gao Hai himself, after separating from Zhenfei, he first looked at the time, and after confirming that it was almost noon, he found a restaurant to eat something to make up for it, and then headed directly towards the city amusement park.

While still halfway, Gao Hai received a message from Shinomiya Kaguya, and talked to her about the morning while walking. Then, when Gao Hai arrived at the entrance of the amusement park, he saw Shinomiya Kaguya, who was already waiting there and had obviously been waiting for a while, and had changed into new clothes.

When she contacted just now, she said that she had just come out of the house, but she was already waiting when she came over after lunch. Could it be that Kaguya had actually arrived in the morning?

Gao Hai was secretly surprised when he noticed this, and soon found Hayasaka Ai hidden in the crowd.

Without hesitation, he swaggered towards Kaguya, and waved his hand as the other party's eyes were cast over him as a greeting.

Interlude 3-24: The Love Strategy of Miss Shinomiya Kaguya


It means that two people make an appointment to meet.

It refers to an activity in which two people agree on the time and place to meet in advance to socialize. Of course, this is only a strict definition of the meaning of the word, and it has reached the stage of practical application. The word dating is often used in only one occasion, that is, a joint activity between boys and girls to understand each other and cultivate feelings. It is a selection activity between singles held by humans to seek a mate.

Well, that is to say, under normal circumstances, men who already have a girlfriend will not date other women, and vice versa. If it were the former Shinomiya Kaguya, she would have been very particular about this issue. In fact, she has been bothered by this issue until now, but she has a deep understanding of the current situation and knows that she can no longer entangle this issue, so she has suppressed it.

If I can monopolize Gao Jun... No, this kind of thing is really unlikely, it is really a pity.

Standing at the entrance of the amusement park, Kaguya sighed softly, feeling helpless about this unrealistic idea that came out of her heart.


The earphones in the cochlea made a sound at this time.

[Miss Kaguya, Master... Mr. Gao has arrived, he should have seen you]

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