[Stop talking about this, let me read it for a few days. Recently, my family’s pocket money has become more and more difficult, and I can’t afford comics at all...]

[It’s not because you have to buy a toy belt. What’s so good about a belt? You might as well buy an Ultraman doll. The joints of the newly released dolls are movable]

[You guy, you dare to say that the belt is useless, come and fight! 】

[Do you still want to read comics? 】

【I was wrong, Dad】

Several boys on the other side also gathered together after class, talking noisily.

The language of these students is mainly Neon, but occasionally some words and usage habits are like Chinese, as if they are the result of splicing two languages.

Sometimes the content they discuss will involve some old neon comics from the middle of the last century, but sometimes they will discuss various new animation works recently, and one student will even shout out "even a moment of condolences" There is no time, the next person to rush to the battlefield is——] Such a joke.

The blessings from Li Zhaodi's little loli have been clearly reminding Gao Hai, telling him that all these students are monsters, telling him that none of these things are alive.

Combined with the strange behavior of these things, Gao Hai couldn't help but guess in his heart that the behavior patterns of the student monsters in Yeluoshan Middle School all came from the players who entered the dungeon, and were pieced together from the players' memories of campus life. Integrating subconscious products, these things will generally show the characteristics of neon students, but sometimes they will behave like Chinese students, focusing on random stew.

"I actually took a class in the dungeon. Well, this feels really strange."

Chika Fujiwara came to Gao Hai's side immediately after class, sat down on his desk unceremoniously, and whispered to him with emotion.

"That's true. Judging from this pace, I'm afraid we really have to study in this dungeon, and we also have to do homework."

Gao Hai nodded, not knowing what to say.

"...It's okay to have to go to class after becoming a player. Why do you still have to go to class after entering a dungeon? Ugh, and you still have to do homework. I just finished the recently accumulated homework last night. This is too much. Bar!"

Fujiwara Chika made a painful sound like a deflated rubber ball. Looking at her look, Gao Hai suddenly felt more like his childhood again. Well, the feeling that Gao Hai brings back here is "you have finished your homework, and after the teacher checks it and passes it, you sit in a daze out of boredom, and then enjoy the students who failed the homework or didn't finish it and were scolded by the teacher." Speaking of which, it turns out that I had a hobby of having fun when I was very young?

"After all, this is a dungeon world, and the assigned functions must be completed carefully. If anything goes wrong, you may receive special treatment."

Resisting the urge to laugh, Gao Hai said as seriously as possible with a sullen face, while looking at Yotsuya Miko and Hayasaka Ai who had already gathered.

In this way, everyone behaves according to their own rules in class, and after class, a few people gather into small groups. It feels really friendly.

Gao Hai no longer knew how to evaluate the unusual characteristics of this copy, but he soon noticed that Qianhua stared at him for a while, and the look on his face gradually became teasing.

"Master...well, there was nothing unusual during the entire class period. This copy...feels quite different from Zaori Elementary School."

Hayasaka, who walked up to Gao Hai, subconsciously wanted to call out the name that belonged to Gao Hai, but just as she spoke, the girl remembered what Gao Hai had mentioned before, that there might be something special about the [name] in this copy. It was a problem at home, so he swallowed the title in his stomach and continued talking without changing his expression.

"I haven't found any problems here. It feels like here, well, it feels very much like the school I went to before."

Yotsuya Miko also shook her head slightly and said, but because she saw her dead classmates before, the expression on her face is not very good until now.

It seems that everyone has the same result.

Gao Hai stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow, then asked about the situation on the true concubine's side through the spiritual link, and then received the reply that "everything is normal" as expected.

Is it normal?

Looking at the students in the classroom again, Gao Hai was silent, then raised his head and looked at the clock in the classroom.

There are so many clocks in this school. They are in every classroom, every dormitory, and in the corridors of every floor of the teaching building and dormitory building. It’s like who is worried that people in the school can’t confirm the specific time? Likewise, try every means to provide a place for people to confirm their time.

Then, Gao Hai thought about the timetable posted at the door of the classroom.

【Yeluoshan Middle School Student Class Schedule】


【First class 8:10-8:50】

【Recess 8:50-9:00】

【Second class 9:00-9:40】

【Recess 9:40-10:10】

【Third period 10:10-10:50】

【Recess 10:50-11:00】

【Fourth period 11:00-11:40】


【Fifth period 14:00-14:40】

【Recess 14:40-14:50】

【Sixth period 14:50-15:30】

【Recess 15:30-16:00】

【Seventh period 16:00-16:40】

【Recess 16:40-16:50】

【Eighth period 16:50-17:30】

【Evening Class】

[The school does not organize evening classes uniformly. Teachers only apply for them and provide them to students whose grades are below the average.]

【Evening class time 19:00-21:30】

[After 21:30, the school cleaning staff will begin to clean the corridors and check the closing of the doors and windows of each classroom, and the doors will be locked when leaving the school at 22:00]

As for the Neon School's curriculum, it is quite unbelievable that there are four classes in the afternoon, but the fact that there are no evening classes is considered a less than heavenly place. Gao Hai is not interested in thinking about boring issues such as comparison of education policies. What he is interested in now is the issue of time nodes.

"The rest time after the second class is 30 minutes, which is enough for us to further explore the teaching building."

Gao Hai said seriously to the three girls in front of him, and at the same time conveyed this sentence to Zhen Fei through the spiritual link, allowing her to discuss it with her teammates. The paper cup communication obsession given by Xiong Mi has also been activated at this time, so that the three parties can conduct a combat meeting.

"Three groups of people, three different goals."

"One of the groups verified the existence of the original core obsession [Eriko Asamoto]. According to the copy information we originally knew, this girl is one of the core obsessions of Yeluoshan Middle School, and the guitar is her core obsession. . Well, I remember her class was Grade 10."

This investigation task was taken over by Nanami Aoyama. The other party suggested that she go find Ichiri Goto, and the two of them were responsible for confirming whether this core obsession was still in the original class. Considering that it was these two people who completed the seizure of this core obsession, it would be appropriate to leave it to them.

"The second group of people need to be responsible for finding the existence of the core obsession [Kouji Morihara]. According to the information, he is in the second grade (3) class of high school and is one of the core obsessions of Yeluoshan Middle School. Although in theory, it is because of his core obsession After being taken out of the dungeon, he can no longer appear in the dungeon, but we still need to confirm."

After Aoyama Nanami left the team, the remaining three, Shijo Shinobi, Shinomiya Kaguya and Nanikawa Ren, took over the task. At present, it seems that the risk of this task is the least, so it is handed over to the remaining three who are currently weak without Qingshan Nanami.

"The third goal is to find the [Life Club]. You may not understand why you are looking for this club, but it doesn't matter. In short, it is important to know this matter."

Confirmation of the last goal is more troublesome than the first two goals.

Because only Gao Hai and Yotsuya Miko have seen the survival rules of the dormitory building, others have no way of knowing about the [Life Club], and because of the weird cognitive distortion of Yeluoshan Middle School, others will not believe that it is related to it. clues.

After Xiong Mi himself hesitated for a long time, he decided to investigate the patio on the first floor. She couldn't cognitively trust Gao Hai's judgment, so she couldn't take the initiative to take exploration actions, so the last task fell on Gao Hai and the others.

[Life Club] The location of this club has not been confirmed yet, but Gao Hai has seen the floor distribution map and knows that there are only a few club classrooms on the fifth floor of the main teaching building, and the remaining club activity classrooms are all concentrated in the attached teaching building. building. This means that if there is no way to find the target in the main teaching building, Gao Hai and others will have to find a way to get to the attached teaching building.

Ding dong——ding dong——

The 10-minute break is not too long, and the new class starts soon.

Gao Hai raised his head, glanced past the balding old man who entered the classroom, and looked at the clock hanging on the blackboard.


Chapter 8: The unknown lurks and the figure sitting in your back seat

I can feel the sunshine outside the window and the warmth of the sun shining on my body.

The teacher smiled and explained the content of the text to the students. After basic analysis of the text, he gradually revealed more profound things to the students through the unfolding of the author's life, and added a few sentences from time to time. A little humor ensures students' attention is maintained in class.

This is a good teacher.

Yotsuya Miko must admit that she felt quite good when listening to this teacher's class. In terms of the teaching level in this class alone, this teacher can already be compared with the famous teachers she came into contact with after entering Shuchiin. .

But the problem is, she's not here to take classes.


In silence, the girl looked around, but could not find anything unusual.

Even though I have seen the dirty rule sheet in the dormitory building, it is incompatible with the clean and tidy campus environment. Even after arriving at the teaching building, Mianzi also saw a dilapidated rule sheet that no one else could see, not even Gao Hai this time. But in fact, apart from the rule sheet, Miko didn't see any malicious things. Even the things that looked like her dead classmates before were just talking to themselves.

Compared to the place in front of her, Mianzi even felt that the strange shadows she saw in the real world were more terrifying.

What is going on in this place?

Miko felt very uneasy.

She didn't see anything scary, and there were no scary monsters swaying in front of her, but she was even more uneasy and frightened.

Perhaps, it was because she knew clearly that there would be [scary monsters] in this copy. But knowing this fact, she couldn't see where those things were, so she became more and more nervous and couldn't calm down.

Where are those things hiding?

When will they really show up?


Jianzi was suddenly stunned.

She didn't know why she thought so, but subconsciously, she had a premonition that those scary monsters that should have appeared were all hidden now.

She couldn't see those things now because they really didn't appear in her field of vision. It was completely different from the situation in the Fujika Middle School copy. The scary things that she feared were all hidden now, and... maybe they were still peeping at her in the dark, waiting for the most [appropriate] moment to show up in front of her.

When would that be?

[Student Yotsuya, please stand up and answer this question]

The teacher's calm voice sounded from the front.

"Hey? OK, OK!"

An unexpected situation happened at this time.

None of the four players in the classroom could have imagined that the teacher in class would not only teach, but also pay attention to which students were distracted and ask them to stand up and answer questions.

Yotsuya Miko, who had been thinking about the weird things, naturally had no way to answer the teacher's questions. After all, it was a math class now. Gao Hai felt a little dizzy after just one glance at the formulas and questions on the blackboard. Things like f(x)=x(1-ln x)-1 and finding the area enclosed by the image of f(x) on the x-axis were really difficult for Gao Hai, who had been away from the classroom for many years, to understand. You know, even in the university knowledge he obtained from Lin Xusheng, there was not much content about mathematics.

And is this really the content of high school mathematics? I always feel that I didn't learn this thing when I was in high school. Or is it something from science? I chose the liberal arts department back then. Oh no, I can't solve it right away. I have to find someone else to help me.

Gao Hai realized that the situation was not good and quickly turned his eyes to Fujiwara Chika.

"...Choose C."

Then the energetic pink-haired girl stared at the question for a while and whispered to Jianzi.

As players, everyone present, except Hayasaka Ai, had improved their basic physical fitness through the power of blessing or blessing, so none of them was bad in hearing. Although Jianzi herself did not like cheating, it was obviously not the time to be entangled in such problems during the current mission, so she quickly answered "C".

[Even if you can solve it, you have to listen carefully in class in the future. What you are learning now is a very critical part. If you can't keep up with the content, you may fall behind. Don't let me catch you distracted in class again, Yotsuya, sit down.]

The teacher nodded slightly, and it seemed that he didn't intend to pursue the matter, so he just warned Jianzi seriously and then continued to teach.

As for Jianzi, who had returned to her seat, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly realized that she seemed to have been able to blend into this atmosphere.

At that moment, when she got the correct answer from other students and got through the teacher's questions, Jianzi felt a little relaxed from the bottom of her heart, and completely put herself into the identity of an ordinary student, and began to identify with the identity given to her by this dungeon as a student of [Yelushan Middle School Grade 2 (5)].

Even though she immediately reacted and knew that she shouldn't have such thoughts, the feeling at that moment still left a clear trace, so clear that Jianzi would feel a chill as long as she recalled it.

This dungeon mission... If it is delayed for too long, something very bad will definitely happen!

The girl was sure of this at this moment.

The second class was already halfway through, and the teacher was still lecturing in a rhythmic manner. Jianzi turned her head and looked at Gao Hai, and the two people's eyes met slightly. Gao Hai nodded slightly after confirming that Jianzi was fine, indicating that she should stay calm. Then Gao Hai looked at Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai separately, and found that both girls were a little drowsy in class.

The two girls who came from the noble high school of Shuchiin seemed to be bored with this kind of course. But this is also normal. After all, Shuchiin looks like a high school on the surface, but in fact, as a training ground for the upper class of the entire Japanese society, the various courses and educational resources invested in it are not comparable to ordinary schools. Geniuses such as Shinomiya Kaguya and Shijo Maki are not inferior to college students or even graduate students in terms of knowledge level, but their practical level is insufficient. And girls like Fujiwara Chika who are more playful and have poor grades would also be a dimensionality reduction attack in any other high school.

However, probably only high schools in the second dimension can be so outrageous. Under normal circumstances, even noble high schools can hardly raise the knowledge level of teenage boys and girls to such an exaggerated level, right?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai's body suddenly stiffened.

Someone was reaching out to poke his junior.

The movement was very light, probably just tapping with the index finger.

What was going on?

Gao Hai frowned, suppressing the urge to run away or turn around and shoot, and tilted his head slightly, then saw a small note draw an arc in the air and fall on his desk.


A girl's low laughter sounded in the back, and it disappeared in a flash.

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