Then, the trio, who were already certain they would not sleep tonight, had to do something.

“Two choices, the main teaching building and the auxiliary teaching building.”

Gao Hai held up two fingers.

"At present, my companion and I have each received a [Ghost Story Club Recruitment Poster], corresponding to the main teaching building and the annex teaching building respectively. Since the ghosts in the dormitory building become active after the lights are turned off at night, theoretically, the ghosts in the main teaching building and the annex teaching building may also have begun to become active, and the recruitment process mentioned in this recruitment poster may also be possible."

"Maybe the contents of these two recruitment posters are actually traps, but the information we have collected so far is too little, even if it is a trap, we have to try it. But relatively speaking, there is a very key difference between the main teaching building and the annex teaching building. That is, we already know the survival rules of the main teaching building, but we did not find the survival rules of the annex teaching building during the day. In other words, in a sense, it can be considered that the three of us have not [triggered] the ghost stories in the annex teaching building."

Why are the players who are active at night in the dormitory building and have not fallen into a complete sleep just the three players who can see the survival rules of the dormitory building? Gao Hai thinks that this may hide some crucial clues.

Therefore, he suspected that the main teaching building, where the survival rules had been solved, and the auxiliary teaching building, where the survival rules had not been found, were likely to be very different in terms of the degree of danger for the three explorers.

Which side is more dangerous, which side can get better clues, and even further understand the current situation, this is a question worth thinking about in depth.

As for the indoor stadium, swimming pool, and conference venue where no clues were found at all, although there may be something in these places. But compared to this unfamiliar area that has not been effectively investigated, Gao Hai thinks it is more appropriate to investigate the two teaching buildings with relatively more intelligence clues first.

"We are the only three players who are awake and can still act at this time, so we have to make up our minds and what to do next."

Gao Hai looked at the two girls in front of him with a serious tone and put this multiple-choice question in front of them.

1. Go to the main teaching building for investigation (the basic rules have been explained, and the survival rules have been triggered)

2. Go to the attached teaching building for investigation (part of the basic rules have been explained, and the survival rules have not been triggered)

3. Maybe you have other ideas?

Perhaps, this choice will be related to whether the three of them can live to see the sun tomorrow.

During the conversation, Gao Hai couldn't help thinking this in his heart.

Chapter 23: Entering the main teaching building late at night

As for how to leave the building when there are dangerous monsters wandering in the corridors and stairs, this question did not stump the three players present.

First, an avatar created by Goto Ichiri jumped from the 6th floor as a test. After confirming that the avatar was not targeted by the strange power and landed safely, Goto Ichiri and Gao Hai jumped from the window one after another. Gao Hai jumped down with Miko in his arms.

It is impossible for ordinary people to jump down from the height of 6 floors without any damage, but for players like Gao Hai and Goto Ichiri whose physical fitness has surpassed that of humans, it is nothing at all. It was just that the degree of strengthening of Jianzi's body was not high enough, so Gao Hai needed to hold him.

Of course, in order to avoid triggering the rule of "Don't look out the window" in the survival code, the three of them closed their eyes during the jump and opened them only after landing.

The soft moonlight shone on the ground.

Unlike before in Fujika Middle School and Zaodachi Elementary School, Gao Hai did not see the blood-red red moon like the blood curse, but a very normal, ordinary moon that did not look abnormal.

This is not normal.

The blood moon is a special landscape that only the red moon-level copy can have. As long as you are in the red moon-level copy, players can always find the blood-red ominous moonlight.

But now Gao Hai can't find the moon.

I must be in the red moon-level copy of "Campus Tales", there is no doubt about this, no matter how many changes the clown KP makes, it will not change this. So if I can't see the blood moon now, does it mean that the school I am in at this moment is actually a "false" existence, a fake like the abandoned campus on the surface of Fujika Middle School?

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Gao Hai couldn't help but think about this question in his heart.

However, such thinking will not change the current way of action, after all, the situation they face is still the same from beginning to end.

"It seems that there is indeed no..."

Before entering the teaching building area to investigate, Gao Hai first came to the back of the campus, to the place leading to the abandoned campus in the original Yeluoshan Middle School area.

Of course, there was no discovery, just like they have not been able to find any underground area until now, this place that was originally connected to another area of ​​Yeluoshan Middle School, no usable passage was found.

Is it that the extent of the change in this copy is too great, so that the original data is really completely invalid.

Or are they missing some prerequisites, so they can't enter those places that have existed in the history of Yeluoshan Middle School, but are more hidden and mysterious than normal campuses?

Gao Hai didn't know what the correct answer was. All he could do now was to use this time point to conduct an investigation, even if the danger he experienced might cost him his life.


"The main teaching building at night, well, is indeed more gloomy than expected."

Gao Hai opened the window of Class 9 of Grade 1 while muttering to himself.

Just as described in the recruitment notice of the Ghost Story Club, after the needle passed 1 o'clock, the classroom window that was originally unopenable and indestructible suddenly became openable.

Looking back, Gao Hai observed the surroundings again, and the campus at night was still as he had seen before, quiet and silent. No figures other than the three of them could be seen, and there were no insects or birds singing.

There was nothing but the dead silence.

Thinking in this way, Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the window that had been opened in front of him, and the chaotic darkness inside the window.

"I, I, I will do it."

As before, Goto Ichiri first used the obsession to create an avatar to enter the teaching building for testing.

Although this girl is very similar to Chika in terms of hair color, eye color and figure, her personality is really different. With two teammates, Jianzi and Gao Hai, she is obviously more timid and even speaks hesitantly.

However, despite this, she is not like the previous encounters with Gao Hai in the real world, where even normal conversations are almost impossible to establish. I don’t know if it is because Gao Hai’s previous praise of her has made this little lonely feel good, so she has reduced her rejection of the two.

This time, Goto Ichiri created an individual wearing comedian’s funny clothes, star glasses and a big hair.

From the moment he appeared, this individual was shaking all over his body like he had the fever, and then he walked towards the open classroom window while walking in the moonwalk, and then ran to open the door while dancing to Michael Jackson’s criminal master dance.

Does this kid have to make so many strange settings for the cannon fodder he created?

Gao Hai wanted to complain, very much, but Goto Ichiri was a social phobic who might die if he was complained about, so he could only hold it in, and it was very uncomfortable.

About 10 minutes later, the individual summoned by Goto Ichiri walked through the corridor on the first floor of the main teaching building and confirmed that except for the door of Class 9 of Grade 1, all other classroom doors were locked, there were no classrooms with lights on, the plants placed in the corridor were not dead, there were no piles of garbage, and there were no strange things in the toilet. Overall, it seemed quite safe.

Considering that entering the stairs in the survival rules seemed to trigger abnormal phenomena, after Goto Ichiri finished investigating the first floor, Gao Hai decided to climb into the classroom and start investigating the main teaching building.

Of course, Gao Hai had a premonition in his heart that this investigation would never be smooth sailing.

After all, after encountering the [jumping ghost] in the dormitory building before, he vaguely realized that the dangerous ghosts in Yeluoshan Middle School may require players to trigger certain rules in advance and get the corresponding rule sheet before they can act. They may first [violate the rules], violate some rules that will not be attacked by ghosts immediately, and then use this to obtain the qualifications to see the deeper rule sheet, see the rules related to these deadly threats, and then these things will become active and can really hurt the corresponding players.

The survival rules of the main teaching building have been seen by the three people present. Among them, Gao Hai violated a rule, and Jianzi was born with the strongest spiritual vision, and Goto Ichiri became able to see the survival rules after deleting his memory. Then, all the dangers mentioned in the survival rules should have been activated for the three people now.

However, despite this, Gao Hai still gave up going to the auxiliary teaching building, giving up the auxiliary teaching building that did not activate the survival rules, so those dangerous ghosts may not have been active yet, which may be relatively safer. After all, even if the survival code has not been activated yet, Gao Hai estimated that after entering the auxiliary teaching building, most of the things that should be activated will be activated. By then, he may not have time to finish reading the survival code. It is better to choose the main teaching building where at least he knows where the danger comes from.

In short... I hope I can walk out of this building alive.

Gao Hai could only say this in his heart at the end.


Even though he had carefully restrained his strength, Gao Hai still clearly heard his footsteps.

In the dark corridor, even if there were no strange creatures, the extremely depressing atmosphere made Gao Hai's breathing heavier.

It didn't take too much time to investigate the first floor. The three of them did not try to open the locked classrooms. They just searched the flower pots and some corners in the corridor to see if there were any keys mentioned in the recruitment notice.

By the way, Gao Hai also tried to use the blood key to open the door to the patio during this process, but the effect of the blood key could not be activated this time. The key that can cause the blood key to fail must be the core obsession of the copy or the key obsession close to the core obsession. This directly indicates that the patio area is extremely important in the Yeluoshan Middle School copy, which makes Gao Hai, who has just started the investigation, a little excited.

"Did you see or hear anything?"

When he came to the stairs on the left side of the first floor, Gao Hai asked Jianzi again.

"...No, I didn't see anything. It's very quiet here."

Mianzi shook his head slightly and replied a little nervously.

"Okay, then let's go to the second floor."

Gao Hai did not hesitate, nodded and stepped directly into the stairwell.


The next moment, he heard two footsteps that almost overlapped.

Chapter 24: Footsteps and visions in the stairwell, and preliminary explanations of strange stories

There is something else in the corridor.

Gao Hai felt like this the moment he stepped onto the stairs.

Although the footsteps were so slight that it was impossible for ordinary people to hear them, for Gao Hai, it was enough for him to immediately discover the problem.

The thing was closing in on him.

It was approaching him from somewhere upstairs, from a floor above this stairwell.

A vague chill spread in my heart.

Even if Gao Hai just heard the sound of footsteps falling, he could already foresee the crisis after this.

"Move quickly, something is coming!"

Gao Hai, who was the first to exert his strength, rushed up the stairs in one swift step, while Mianzi was carried on his back. At this time, the girl subconsciously buried her head on Gao Hai's back to avoid Gao Hai's acceleration. The wind picked up when sprinting.

Goto Ichiri sprinted after him, arriving first and was one step faster than Gao Hai. The avatar she summoned with her guitar was even faster. At this time, she was already running ahead of the two of them toward a higher floor, actively facing the thing that was going downstairs.

1.7 seconds.

This is the time it took Gao Hai and the three of them to go from the stairs on the first floor to the stairs on the second floor.

Arriving at this place, Gao Hai could clearly hear that the footsteps coming down from upstairs had reached the stairway on the third floor. The avatar summoned by Ichiri Goto immediately broke off contact after rushing to the third floor. The girl did not even notice when the avatar disappeared.

Of course, Gao Hai didn't know this. After all, he was not the controller of the incarnation. What he noticed at this time was another problem.

The footsteps upstairs almost completely overlapped with my footsteps.

By judging the sounds upstairs, Gao Hai realized that the thing took as many steps as it went downstairs. And, even though he was already quite fast, the thing still seemed to be going down the stairs faster than him. That weird thing probably came down from the stairs on the fifth floor and arrived at the stairs on the third floor within two seconds.

Maybe this thing in the corridor will be fixed to move at twice the speed of the player entering the corridor?

Wait a minute, if this thing coming down from upstairs is going to keep the same pace as me, what about Gotou Kazuri? Is there a strange thing on Little Boqi's side that is synchronized with her and is approaching her? The same goes for Miko who is carrying me on my back. Although her feet have not touched the ground, she has already entered the stairwell. Will she trigger the magic in this state?

There was no time to think more.

The pink-haired girl took the lead in entering the corridor area on the second floor with a sliding shovel.

Gao Hai immediately stepped forward and stepped out of the stairs.

Only Yotsuya Miko, who was lying on Gao Hai's back, felt something at this moment. She subconsciously turned around and looked behind her, at the section where the three of them came up, which extended downwards to the first floor. stairs.

She saw something crawling out from around the corner of the stairs.

Is that... a person?

In the dark corridor where everything is blurred, at the end of the staircase corner.

A pale face poked out from the corner, looking upwards, towards Miko who was looking over at this moment.

There is a dark red color spreading in the stairs.

She heard a faint cry, falling into her ears from the depths of darkness.

The next moment, Miko's whole body suddenly tensed up.

She saw something.

She heard the students whispering.

They were discussing absurd and bizarre stories, telling bizarre stories that even they themselves did not believe.

[Hey, have you heard? Is that the weird story about chasing the footsteps of people passing by on the stairs? 】

[I know, I know, it seems that if the person being chased doesn’t run out of the stairs quickly, he will see a girl covered in blood and wearing a school uniform catching up. Then she will ask this person for help, but it seems that regardless of whether she agrees to save the person or not, she will be killed, and it will be disemboweled.]

[Hey, is this the version you heard? What I heard was different. What I heard was that a baby would follow you. A baby covered in blood and dirty would follow you silently. If you don’t run out of the stairs in time, it will catch you and you will never be able to leave.]

[Oh——~, it sounds really scary, but where did this strange story come from? How could there be both a baby and a high school student at the stairwell? 】

[Who knows, but I heard someone say that there seemed to be that kind of unlearned guy who got pregnant and didn’t dare to go home and wander outside. As a result, he ran into the teaching building in the middle of the night and gave birth to the baby at the top of the stairs. It’s down]

【Why? Is it so disgusting? 】

[Yes, yes. Not only that, after giving birth, I heard that she had a heavy hemorrhage. It seems that the woman was bleeding while walking, and the child fell to the ground with the umbilical cord and was dragged behind her. She seemed to have lost too much blood at the time and could no longer feel obvious pain. She thought that she had left the child there, so she wanted to find someone to help. As a result, after walking on the stairs for a long time, she looked back and saw blood and the child on the ground. She was shocked and thought that the child was crawling behind her and following her, and then fell down the stairs and died.]

[Oh, what a disgusting story. Can anyone really walk up and down the stairs after a heavy hemorrhage? The person who made up the story is too ignorant. So from then on, there will be a girl covered in blood and a baby chasing people in the stairs. Is this the ending?]

[Of course, isn’t this the case with all the ghost stories in Yeluoshan Middle School? Anyway, no matter how it starts, the ending must be that something will linger somewhere and at a certain time, and as long as you pass it, you may lose your life or something. But this strange story is a bit bizarre, I think the people from the Strange Story Club might include it in the next issue of the Strange Story Magazine]

[Ah, that's enough, I feel so sick just listening to it, don't keep reading the magazine of that club, I always feel that the people in that club are a bit abnormal]

[Hehehe, just to kill time]


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