Open your eyes.

There are words written on the desk.

[Why don't you die? ]

A low mocking voice came from the side.

There was a piece of chewing gum stuck on the chair and stuck to my clothes.

A page was torn from the book, and several pages were scribbled.

Someone stuffed a piece of paper into my schoolbag.

[Go back to the mental hospital! ]

The teacher called my name.

When I stood up, everyone's eyes were cast on me.

[Yo, the good student is going to answer the question again]

[Will she cry again soon? ]

[Trash, you just pretend every day, die soon! ]

[I heard that she had a relationship with that teacher, is it true? ]

[It must be true, this kind of bitch likes to find mature men to flirt with]

[Hate, it makes me feel dirty when I hear it]

[Why does this disgusting guy have to stay in our class? ]

[New laws should be introduced to put this kind of people in jail! ]

[Go to hell! Die now, you rubbish! ]

[Die! Die! Die! ]

[Die! ]

[Die! ]

[Die! ! ! ]

I don't know when everyone stood up.

I don't know when everyone's eyes turned to me.

The whispers became louder and louder.

Someone was crying behind me, and someone was laughing.

The window was also full of onlookers.

The vision became blurred in an instant.

Everything was covered with a dark red filter, then turned blue, green, and finally completely confused, and I couldn't even recognize up, down, left, and right.

It was as if someone slapped me hard in the face.

It was as if someone fell to the ground and struggled to get up again.

The laughter became louder and louder.

The crying became more and more obvious.

The only thing that remained unchanged was the increasingly distorted surrounding environment and the figures who were still watching this side.

Their voices mixed with the harsh buzzing, turning into an extremely noisy noise, which almost instantly made the people who heard the sound feel a strong sense of mania.


It was like a sharp needle piercing the skull and piercing the entire brain.

The body seemed to have been torn into pieces and had completely lost its original shape.

Garbage bags fell from above.

Foul-smelling garbage continued to pour in from all directions.




No... No...

This is not... me... This is...



Bang bang bang bang bang--! ! !

Struggling to wake up, Gao Hai summoned the third member of the rescue team badge in the gap.

Fierce gunshots roared in the next moment, and at the same time, even more intense and piercing noises were heard that really penetrated Gao Hai's eardrums and made him lose his hearing on the spot.

The picture in front of him was blurred, and his vision seemed to no longer work properly.

I could only feel my body being dragged forward, being dragged in a certain direction by the police officer I summoned.

A strong sense of turbulence suddenly hit me.

It was like I had rolled down the stairs and fell heavily to the ground.

The sounds of crying and laughing came one after another.

Then there was the sound of the pile of soil loosening.

It was like someone was digging the soil shovel by shovel.

It was like someone was filling something with soil bit by bit.

The crying became more and more dull until no sound could be heard.

The laughter became louder and louder, and everyone was so happy, so happy.


The gunshots were still ringing, but it seemed to come from a very far distance.

It seemed that I saw something again.

In the deep darkness.

In the silence where nothing existed.

There was a figure, slowly crawling towards me.

What was that?

It seemed that I heard a sound.

It was so blurry, how could I not understand what was being said?

That thing was getting closer and closer.

The sound it made gradually became louder.

But I still couldn't hear it clearly.

After his eardrum burst, Gao Hai could no longer hear the surrounding sounds.

He could only feel that this thing that was gradually approaching him seemed to have been opening its mouth to say something.

Even though it seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

Even though Gao Hai no longer had the ability to listen at this moment.

But at this moment, in the chaotic and blurry sound, Gao Hai could still feel that this thing that was constantly approaching him, which was definitely not human, was trying hard to express something and wanted to tell him something.

What did it want to say?

Gao Hai could gradually feel his body and gradually regain control of it.

Is this the consciousness space? Or somewhere else? Why did I suddenly come to such a dark environment?

There was a feeling of being squeezed in the body.

At this moment, Gao Hai was a little out of breath.

The fear from the Red Nut Gray Cave was awakened at this moment. Even though Gao Hai immediately gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down, his body still subconsciously trembled a few times.

Calm down.

Calm down quickly!

I am still alive, I am not dead yet.

I can't just give up the struggle, I can't just surrender.

He tried hard to move his body, trying to move in this dark world where he could see something approaching him.

In fact, Gao Hai couldn't even confirm which direction he was moving in. He just struggled with his breath and strength, and refused to give up.

Everything disappeared in the next moment.

[Old ■...■■■...■No■■■■certain...]

Before the voice subsided, it seemed that someone was whispering.

Still couldn't hear what was being said.

It was just that I felt numb.

It was not sadness, pain, or despair, but a numb emotion with almost no emotional response, nothing at all.

It was like falling into a dark dead sea, and even if I sank into it, I couldn't stir up a wave.

I couldn't feel anything anymore.

So be it.

It didn't matter.

Anyway, that's the result.

Everything has disappeared.

Including myself, it seems that I can't find my way.

No one will notice.

No one will care.

Just like a completely transparent person, even if a position is vacant, everyone will pretend not to see it, pretend not to know anything, and continue to live the same life as before.

So just disappear like this.

Just like that...

[No, I can still see you]

[No matter what happens to others, I can always see you]


Gao Hai's body fell heavily to the ground.

"Cough... uh..."

He spit out a mouthful of blood, and blood kept coming out of his nose and ears, and the whites of his eyes almost turned red.

At this time, almost all the capillaries inside Gao Hai's eyeballs burst, and the load on his brain had reached the mechanism, and he could die suddenly at any time.

The repair power of the rescue team badge at this moment couldn't even keep up with the speed of his body's damage. Even if it was running at full power, it could only barely ensure that he wouldn't die immediately.

"Ahem... Heh... Um..."

Unable to speak.

As soon as he opened his mouth, blood began to flow out.

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