I was saved again.

I told her not to act rashly, but it's really troublesome to have a girlfriend who is so active.

{Takahashi: Thank you for helping me. You should leave there quickly. The time doesn't match the class schedule now, and there might be big problems. If you find that some students are paying attention to you, go to the woods behind the school. Remember, you must do this after the strange students you and Chika saw start to become abnormal, otherwise there will probably be no change if you come here.}

While conveying the information, Takahashi took another step and ran towards the woods.

"Just now, was there anyone helping us?"

Kiko, who was carried on Takahashi's back and was also frightened just now, took a breath at this time, and then realized something and asked.

"Yes, that's right, she is a good helper who is always trustworthy. Ms. Goto, let's hurry up, those things may come back at any time."

Takahashi nodded lightly and said with a bit of emotion.

Is it Shijo and Fujiwara?

Jianzi vaguely guessed who Gao Hai was talking about. After all, only those two could make Gao Hai look so relieved.

Really amazing.

Although both parties were unable to see each other and even their cognitive memories were affected, they could save the three of them from the crisis at the critical moment just through a little communication in the mental link.

It seemed a little... a little envious.

Jianzi exhaled lightly, not paying too much attention to the little awkwardness in her heart, but continued to observe the surroundings vigilantly, trying to use her perception to help Gao Hai.


As for Goto Ichiri, she had no idea about Gao Hai's interpersonal relationships, so after hearing what he said just now, she just felt that Gao Hai became like a riddle man, and his words made people completely confused.

Then, the three arrived at the green forest area at the edge of the Yeluoshan Middle School campus and stepped into this place where almost no students would visit.

Chapter 31: The broadcast time of the deep forest and the ghost story club

The light is gradually dimming.

As the three people stepped into the woods, the trees around them became denser and denser, and the sunlight began to be blocked and gradually dimmed.

Because Zhenfei and Qianhua had rang the bell earlier, the students all returned to the direction of the teaching building, so they did not chase the three people who were fleeing here for the time being. But how long this could buy was completely unknown, so at this time Gao Hai carried Jianzi on his back and speeded up as much as possible with Goto Ichiri, intending to pass through this area as quickly as possible.

Although that was said, what exactly was waiting for them ahead was completely unknown to the three people at the moment.

But there was no other choice now, so let's talk about the next step when we get there.


The grass and dead branches made a light sound with the footsteps.

In a silent forest, the clear footsteps seemed to be amplified a lot invisibly, and there was a little echo in it.

The breathing seemed to become a little heavy.

As the surrounding environment became darker, Gao Hai began to feel that there seemed to be some disturbing changes in the forest.

Moreover, from the time they came in till now, the three of them have been moving forward for at least 5 minutes. With his and Xiao Boqi's enhanced physical fitness, they should have passed through the green forest and reached the outer wall of Yeluoshan Middle School in 5 minutes. But the reality is that after they ran fast for 5 minutes, there were still dense trees in front of them, and they could not find the location of the outer wall at all.

Is it really okay to continue moving in this direction?

Such thoughts could not help but arise in Gao Hai's heart, and he could not get rid of them.

At the same time as he was moving forward, in the attached teaching building on the other side, two girls were hiding in a room, hiding carefully, and they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

[■Hee... Hee ■ Hee Hee... Vomit...]

There was a sound, and it sounded in the corridor outside the house.

It was like something was dragging slowly on the ground, and it seemed to be mixed with some kind of vomiting sound.

That thing seemed to be far away from the studio, but if you listen carefully, you will find that the sound suddenly became much closer, as if the other party was just outside the door. But as they listened, the thing seemed to move away from here again. Every time they listened, it seemed that the other party's position would change greatly, and there was no way to make an accurate judgment.

Can't be discovered.

Now they must not be discovered by the thing outside the door.

Even though they haven't really faced that thing, the two girls in the house can clearly feel a strong chill, and understand that once they are discovered by the other party, once the strange thing wandering outside faces them, then what will greet them next is probably unavoidable death.

What should I do next?

Zhenfei gritted her teeth, and her heart was faintly anxious.

At the beginning, when Zhenfei and Qianhua felt something was wrong, they broke into the attached teaching building and violated the rules posted on the door and walls of the studio, including the rules that "non-studio personnel are not allowed to enter, let alone operate the broadcasting equipment", entered the studio and adjusted the time for the class bell to ring. When this series of actions was completed, the abnormal changes did not appear immediately.

However, after confirming that Gao Hai was out of danger through the mental connection, and then the two of them were about to end the action and leave here, some changes suddenly appeared.

It was a harsh noise coming from the radio station in the studio. Then, soon, the noise began to change, and the harsh and noisy sound began to be mixed with the voice of a teenager, but the voice was still vague and could not be identified.

Then, first Zhenfei found that the door of the studio suddenly could not be opened for some reason. No matter how she pulled the door handle, it would not open, and she tried to force the door open but still failed. Then, Qianhua, who was watching from the side, looked back and noticed that the rule sheet on the wall had changed.

[Basic Rules for the Use of the Broadcasting Studio]

[1. The broadcasting studio can only be entered and exited by authorized broadcasters, control personnel and school management personnel. Non-studio personnel are not allowed to enter, let alone operate the equipment]

[2. The audio files and broadcast content used in the broadcasting studio must be confirmed by school personnel before use, and cannot be changed privately]

[3. The studio must be cleaned after each use, and equipment failures must be reported immediately to ensure the sanitation of the environment and equipment safety in the broadcasting studio at all times]

This is the original rule sheet pasted on the door of the broadcasting studio and the walls inside the room. Compared with the rule sheets with seven or eight or more than ten items that I have seen before, the rules of this place seem much simpler.

But now, under the original broadcast content, I don’t know when two more rules have appeared.

The two rules are like those added with crayons, the text is very crooked and distorted and difficult to recognize, and at the same time, it also makes people feel a little uneasy and weird.

【4. When necessary, the "Kaidan Club" will use the broadcasting room to congratulate new members who have successfully passed the test and join the club, and accept their existence】

【5. The "Kaidan Club" should tell each newly added strange story through the broadcasting room, and vote on whether the strange story is established or not after the story is finished】

After seeing these two rules, clear voices were heard in the broadcasting room.

It was as if someone invisible was sitting in this broadcasting room, sitting in front of the radio station, and suddenly started to tell the story.

The person's voice was very young, sounding like a young man of about 17 or 18 years old, but when this voice sounded, both Zhenfei and Qianhua clearly felt a chill spreading in the room.

【Welcome to listen to "Kaidan Night Talk", I am Kenichi Etani, the vice president of Kaidan Club】

【This time, I bring a proposal from an interested person who has not yet joined the Kaidan Club. It is a new strange story written for us by this young junior who loves strange stories. Her name is "Shijo Zhenfei", let's applaud Shijo classmate】

Shijo Zhenfei?

The voice on the radio made both girls stunned for a moment, and what was even more strange was that the voice of Shijo Shinki herself was heard on the radio.

[Hello, listeners. I am Shijo Shinki from Class 8, Grade 2, Yeluoshan Middle School. I have wanted to join the "Kaidan Club" for a long time. Although I have not passed the recruitment test yet, I will try my best and not give up]

[Today I brought a ghost story I wrote myself, a short story about the "radio station". It may be a little short, but I will try to make the story more interesting]

[Are you ready? Then I will start~]

The voice of the lovely girl full of vitality is very different from Shinki's usual slightly calm voice. It doesn't sound like the same person.

But the voice of the speaker is exactly the same, that is, Shinki's voice.

How could it be... No, I have to leave here! I have to leave this place immediately!

Realizing that the situation was becoming dangerous, Zhenfei began to try to force the door open with brute force, but found that the door seemed to be welded shut and could not move at all. With her strength, she could not even make a mark on the door.

Her own voice on the radio began to slowly narrate.

[The protagonists of this story are two students who sneaked into the studio out of curiosity. When they left, they found that the door lock was broken and could not be opened, so they anxiously twisted the door handle to force the door open.]

[But at this time, they suddenly heard a sound outside the door, as if someone was passing by the corridor outside.]

[Would that be someone who could help them escape? Maybe they could try to knock on the door for help at this time. If it was other students, they would definitely find a way to help them escape from the studio, right? ]

Along with the leisurely voice on the radio, Zhenfei and Qianhua really heard footsteps coming from outside the door.


It seemed that there were also faint voices, as if two students were walking and chatting outside.


Makoto and Chika turned their heads and looked at each other.

No one spoke.

The two of them chose silence at this moment. They just stood there quietly, listening to the sounds outside without saying a word.

[However, maybe asking for help is not a good idea. After all, they entered the studio in violation of the regulations. If they are discovered, they may be punished, or even ask their parents. So the two girls trapped in the broadcast room just listened quietly to the sounds outside, waiting for the passing students to leave]

[And this choice seemed to save their lives, because immediately they heard a very scary sound coming from outside]

The voice of the true concubine on the radio suddenly spoke again.

Immediately afterwards, students' screams suddenly sounded in the corridor outside.

The two students passing by seemed to have seen something terrifying, and they ran away crying and howling.

A student fell to the ground.

His cries quickly turned into screams, into pitiful wails of intense pain, and then suddenly fell silent, completely losing his voice.

Another student ran forward while crying, sprinting forward with all his strength.

Then the student's voice soon became quiet. Without any warning, there was suddenly no sound.


The silence outside the door lasted for a long, long time.


Until someone seemed to be laughing in a low voice, until there was a vague voice whose content was difficult to distinguish.

There was a sound of something being dragged on the ground and scraping against the floor.

A slimy sound like someone vomiting was also heard.

[What is that outside? What's happening outside? The two girls inside the door knew nothing and could only feel deep fear]

[The only thing they can be sure of is that that thing has not discovered them yet]

[What will happen to them if they are discovered? What happened to the two students who suddenly lost their voices? 】

[All the mysteries are behind that door. As long as you open the door, you can see the truth]

[But now they cannot open the damaged door, so they can only continue to listen to the sounds outside, but they have no way of knowing what is going on]

On the radio, the voice of "True Concubine" continued to narrate.

For Zhen Fei, who was in the broadcast room at this time, listening to her own voice telling strange stories on the radio was an experience that was difficult to describe in words. In particular, what this thing is talking about is obviously describing the current situation she is facing at this time, which makes people even more uncertain about the situation.

I obviously didn't feel any danger at all before, but things started to happen immediately after I helped Haijun. Is it because my actions [contacted] Haijun who had penetrated deep into the other side? Or is this just because I broke the rules?

The broadcast that is ringing now seems to be a broadcast from [Ghost Talk Club]? This club is really... yesterday they sent me a new poster, and today they turned "me" into an interested member. If I survive today, will this thing turn me into an honorary member?

Maybe you have to try to stop this broadcast. This thing keeps talking in my voice. Maybe it is this thing that caused the abnormality in the corridor outside the door. If we let this nonsense continue, I’m afraid Fujiwara and I will really die here.

Thinking of this, Zhen Fei exchanged glances with Qianhua who was standing beside her, and then pointed at the location of the radio station.

Qianhua thought for a while, and soon understood what the real concubine wanted to do, and gave a thumbs up with a serious look to express her approval. Then the two people took careful steps, moving in the direction of the radio station as silently as possible, and were ready to use blessings and [Market] support obsessions at any time.

One step, two steps...

The radio station was quiet, and the "true concubine" who was telling the story seemed to have stopped temporarily.

Seven steps, eight steps...

The distance has become close, and it is enough for Zhen Fei and Qianhua to see the open console button on the radio station.

Fifteen steps, sixteen steps...

The two finally walked in front of the radio station. Zhen Fei reached out and turned off the controller of the radio station, cutting off the power supply to the thing.

Will this work?

Zhen Fei stared at the radio station in front of her nervously. After waiting for a while, she was sure that this thing did not make any more noise.

The subsequent sound came from the door of the broadcasting studio not far away.

[The two girls thought they might be able to lower their voices and avoid being discovered by turning off the equipment in the studio, but what they didn’t know was that their location was actually known from the beginning]


The door of the broadcast studio, which was originally unable to be opened, slowly opened.

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