And it was not until the figure disappeared that Gao Hai slowly came back to his senses and saw clearly the room in front of him, which was covered with a thin layer of dust.

Why would such fragments remain in the location of [Life Club]? Who exactly is that mysterious teacher, and why is he so close to Asamoto Eriko, who is the core obsession. And the previous investigators have never found any trace of this teacher? And, could it be that... the role I was assigned to play this time is that teacher?

Playing a teacher in Fujika Middle School is fine, but after coming to Yeluoshan Middle School, do I have to play a teacher again?

After realizing the possibility of this, Gao Hai's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"Is this place the classroom used by the [Life Club] club?"

Yotani Miko, who seemed to have seen something as well, murmured softly, took a step, and walked around the large table in the middle of the room.

Her expression was filled with unconscious sadness. It was difficult for Jianzi to describe what she felt in words. The vague figures that once existed in this room came and went, leaving all kinds of traces, but finally disappeared without a trace.

Although the figures that once stayed here can no longer be seen now, Jianzi can feel that those who once stayed here may have been hurt in some way.

As for Goto Ichiri, the only one who did not trigger the spiritual vision and saw nothing, she first stared at Gao Hai and Jianzi nervously for a while, and then she was slightly relieved after confirming that her two companions would not suddenly become enemies, and then carefully explored the room.

As a mobile classroom, this place is not big, after all, it was originally just a transformation of a dormitory room. However, although it is a small place, it has everything that should be available as a mobile classroom, just like a small sesame ball with all the internal organs.

After spending some time, Goto Ichiri found a club activity record of the [Life Club], and found that this so-called [Life Club] has only one club activity, that is [Dazing], which is just literal daze.

Is there such a club?

Goto Ichiri, who was a little shocked, searched carefully again, and soon found a new member recruitment poster of the Life Club in a desk drawer.

This thing, which was so simple that it didn't look like a poster at all, gave Goto Ichiri a feeling that was as if the worldview was refreshed, which was difficult to describe in words.

[Life Club Recruitment Page]

[The so-called "Life Club" is a club composed of students who live their own lives. We don't have any interests that are so strong that we need to join the corresponding club to realize our self-worth, but we don't want to be regarded as the so-called "homecoming club" because we don't join any clubs, and be despised and looked down upon by other students who join the clubs or feel that they are easy to bully. Therefore, the essence of the Life Club is to give students who don't have any particular clubs to join a place to waste their time.]

[If you think it's boring to join a messy club like football, basketball, badminton, literature, geography, etc., but you don't want to be isolated because you don't have a club, then join the Life Club. You can just put your name here and never participate in club activities for the rest of your life.]

[If you think it's crazy that the president and vice president of a student club really put on a leadership posture and ordered you to do this and that, or that they have to organize team-building activities on a good weekend, but you don't dare to really refuse, then join the Life Club. This club has no activities except for being in a daze, and no one cares whether you come or not, and no one here will force you to do anything. We don't play that game.]

[If you feel that you are very lonely and are bullied and excluded every day, and you don't dare to resist, so you want to find some like-minded friends to rely on to keep warm, then join the Life Club. Although we probably won't stand up for you and fight against those who bully you, at least in the Life Club, no one will bully you. Of course, if you want to bully others here, I advise you to weigh your own weight.]

[If you want to join, come to the club classroom, leave your name on the club member roster, and then it's gone]

[Yes, that's right, this is the Life Club. A club that was created casually, joined casually, and had casual club life. In short, everything is casual, that's it]

[President: Masaki Ebisaka]

Unlike the "Kaidan Club" which is very detailed and comes with a very dangerous way to join, the recruitment content of this Life Club is full of a sense of perfunctory and bad-tempered, and even directly reveals its true nature without any disguise, as if it is deliberately targeting something.

I kind of want to join such a club.

Goto Ichiri, who had always been helpless with the "atmosphere" and could not blend in with others smoothly since childhood, could not help but have such thoughts in his heart after seeing the notes on this recruitment page.

Although he had not really come into contact with the members of the "Life Club" and had only begun to investigate the remaining traces of this club, after just reading the introduction on this piece of paper, Goto Ichiri strongly felt a sense of meeting "like-minded people", as if the members of this club were all his own.

Yes, it is this kind of association that has a clear and straightforward purpose without any cover-up, which is a truly good association. There is no need to worry about what other people are saying, and there is no need to worry about this or that. The development of learning guitar just to make friends and then being completely useless would definitely not happen in a club like this. Hmm, that's right. People who can enter this club and choose to expose their inner club in such a straightforward way must be people who can make good friends with each other, right?

If you enter such a club by yourself, maybe you can...

Wait, wait a minute.

Could it be that I recognized it a little too quickly? In this case, could it be that my perception has been affected? No, I have to do a self-examination immediately.

The very cautious pink-haired girl immediately used the obsessive object to test her mental state. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her thinking ability, she breathed a sigh of relief.

However, if there is nothing wrong with him, could it be that the two of them suffered from some kind of cognitive distortion?

But then Xiao Boqi became a little worried again, so he secretly gave Gao Hai and Miko another test. Among them, Mitsuko didn't react at all, but looked around with some doubts. Gao Hai immediately reacted and turned to look at Goto Kazuri, but after confirming that she was just doing a mental state test, he didn't think much about it, so She didn't know that this girl had just imagined a lot of messy things in her mind.

He just threw a golden die and watched it tumble on the table, spinning, and finally stopped, with the number 19 showing on the upward side.

Well, that's a good number.

Gao Hai raised his eyebrows slightly, letting go of the uneasiness in his heart for the time being.

He could feel that the room itself was very safe. Although he didn't know the specific reason, it seemed that the power of strange things in Yeluoshan Middle School could not enter the activity classroom of [Life Club] for the time being. Then, maybe he can perform some potentially dangerous operations in this place.

"Miss Goto, please help me look at the surrounding situation. What I am going to do next may lead to some dangerous changes. And Miko, stop investigating for now, stand closer, but don't look at me. If you draw something on the table, just be careful around it.”

As he spoke, Gao Hai stretched out his hand, and then a pencil appeared in his hand.

One of the obsessions from [Red Club] player Akira Toyama, it can be activated after the user comes into contact with the power of a certain monster to draw the opponent's appearance or key things related to it. This obsessive object is called "the pen of the obsessive", and you can be sure that there must be some story behind it. However, Gao Hai has no intention of understanding this in detail. What he needs now is just the power of this obsession.

Yeluoshan Middle School has a dangerous blocking effect because the information in the copy has a dangerous blocking effect. The more you know, the more likely it is to trigger bad things. Therefore, Gao Hai had not used this pen before because he was worried that he would accidentally attract something and kill him on the spot with a click.

But now, after confirming it with 20-sided dice, Gao Hai believes that as long as he is in the [Life Club Activity Room], he will never trigger some kind of chain information reaction after drawing the pattern with a pen.

As for what will happen after walking out of the activity room...that can only wait until later. He can't think about such far-term things now.


The tip of the small pencil fell on the table and automatically began to draw the appearance of a female student without Gao Hai's special operation.

What Gao Hai drew was the appearance of [Eriko Asamoto], who is the only core obsession of Yeluoshan Middle School that he has come into contact with now. As for the focus of the drawing...

A thin girl's face can be seen on the table, as well as the somewhat dirty school uniform she is wearing.

She reached out her hand as if to grab someone.

But in the end, she gently hooked her fingers, hooked them with another person's little finger, and shook it gently.

Yes, that's an agreement.

This girl, who suffered from severe mental illness, seemed to have made an agreement with someone during a waking moment, making a certain agreement for the future that they did not know at that time.

That promise...could it be the promise made by Eriko and the vague teacher to see each other again?

Gao Hai closed his eyes.

He already felt a strong sense of suffocation again.

It was like being buried in a mound of earth.

He felt the layers of soil falling on his body, burying himself and oppressing his body until he couldn't breathe at all, until his nostrils and throat were filled with dust and mud.

There were sounds of laughter all around.

Are those students laughing? Wearing school uniforms, they gathered in groups of twos and threes. There was no trace of flinching or reluctance on their faces, and they took everything for granted.

Twisted emotions are spreading quickly.

The extreme pain at the moment of death, as well as the intense emotions tearing apart at this moment, seemed to completely mince Gao Hai's brain tissue.

Falling into complete madness, a rage that devours everything; falling into despair, a fear that only subsides after stopping breathing; confusion that cannot understand what happened, and remains unclear until the end, and …No, no, that’s not right.

At this moment, Gao Hai felt something even more profound.

The players who investigated Yeluoshan Middle School thought that Eriko Asamoto was a person with split personality and had five different personalities.

But no, that was not the case.

The girl that he saw in his perception did not show any signs of split personality. She did suffer from some mental illness, but that was not split personality. From beginning to end, there was only [Eri Asamoto], and there was no second will in that body.

She did hear some voices, and suddenly had emotions that she could not control, and she might even fall into a hysterical state. It seems not impossible that she would be suspected and spread rumors that she had a disease such as split personality.

So that's it...

Gao Hai understood, and understood that it was probably the original information hidden by the [writer].

In other words, in the original version of the Yeluoshan Middle School area, the personal information of the core obsession [Eri Asamoto] had been completely distorted because of the girl's ghost story. What the players investigated was just various things that later generations exaggerated the story of the girl, and the real information of the girl herself was almost impossible to investigate at that time.

After all, the so-called [ghost story] is something that was forcibly added by later generations and has nothing to do with the person, right?

"It's really a very vicious handwriting. If you were still here, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to figure this out even if I died a few times."

Takahashi said this and looked down at the black watch he was wearing. It seemed that he could see the bloody city through the watch, and the figure burning in it, who could not escape no matter how he wailed.

The place of death of the real [Eriko Asamoto] has been confirmed, and the cause of death has been confirmed.

When a simple drawing of a girl drawn in blood was left on the table, Takahashi took a deep breath, and his mind slowly recovered from the distorted and chaotic illusion.

How this girl finally became a ghost story and how she became the guitarist with split personality later, this has not been confirmed yet. However, her regret, the last remaining wish of this girl before she turned into a ghost, Takahashi has confirmed it.

Now, he has got the correct answer to get rid of this obsession.

Takahashi put away the small pencil and let out a long breath.

What the three people in the house didn't see was that not far from the abandoned school building, in a patch of grass, a skinny kitten silently wandered by. Then, a figure came through the woods and looked up in the direction of the school building.

Chapter 36: The invisible and inaudible [atmosphere] and the destroyer


Silence permeated.

There seemed to be something strange flowing in the air.

Something invisible, untouchable, and unsmellable has spread all over this place.

As long as you step into it, as long as you are here, you can clearly feel this strong presence, but it can't be described.

This suffocating feeling, no matter what you want to say, seems to encounter a strong resistance, as if your whole body is wrapped in something, forced to crawl inside the body of something, and crowded as if all the bones in your body are about to be crushed.


Unconsciously, even the sound of breathing became heavy.

Shijo Shinki turned her head and looked around.

All the students sat in the classroom in an orderly manner. Although no teacher entered the classroom, none of them came out. This was because Jianbing managed to hack into the broadcasting system of the teaching building after receiving Xiongmi's order, and forged the identity of the principal to order all students to stay in the classroom. Although none of these students walked out of the classroom, when Zhenfei and others passed by the classroom, every student immediately turned their heads and stared at them expressionlessly.

This teaching building is gradually becoming wrong.

Zhenfei can already strongly feel the invisible and intangible [atmosphere].

Even though nothing has appeared in front of her to attack at this moment, even though all the weird things are still silent, Zhenfei has realized that the three of them who are still walking outside have all been marked by these things.

No matter what the results of the investigation are, I am afraid that the three of them must leave the teaching building, or even leave the campus of Yeluoshan Middle School. These students who are incarnated by the weird things may have completely regarded them as hostile objects, and will immediately attack them as long as they catch the opportunity to have normal activities. In other words, now Zhenfei, Qianhua and Xiongmi can no longer move around the campus like other players.

They can only hope that this action will be effective. No matter what is in that class, as long as it can break the current situation, it will be enough.


Clear footsteps echoed in the silent corridor.

Xiongmi, who was walking in the front, held a guide stick in his hand and was ready to fight. Zhenfei and Qianhua, who were walking side by side at the back, also kept quiet and followed behind without saying a word.

The rest of the players stayed in the classroom at this time. With all the students sitting still in the classroom, they did not dare to leave the class rashly. In addition to the cognitive blocking mechanism that has been confirmed now, at this moment, they can only rely on the three people on Zhenfei's side to continue to act.


The last footstep fell.

After arriving at her destination, Zhen Fei raised her head and looked at the classroom door number diagonally above.

Grade 2 (10) class.

Yes, this is it.

According to the information collected by Haijun, this class is where the core obsession of [Eriko Asamoto] lies.

After Goto Kazuri brought the obsession belonging to this strange creature back to the dungeon, the obsession that had been dormant should be reactivated. However, during the first day of investigation, the core obsession corresponding to the guitar [Eriko Asamoto] was never found. It was not until Gao Hai and others visited the main teaching building at night that the location was finally completed.

It's just... that the timeline of the entire dungeon has been changed, it sounds really unbelievable. What kind of existence is the KP that Haijun mentioned? If these dungeons full of monsters can be changed arbitrarily by them, then what is the fate of us players... No, now is not the time to think about this kind of problem. Haijun is still fighting, and everyone is still working hard. No matter what, now It’s never the time to stop, you have to keep moving forward!

The little uneasiness and fear in her heart were suppressed by the girl. She forced herself to focus on the half-open classroom door in front of her and the faces of the students in the classroom who were looking at her indifferently. She took a step forward, He walked to the classroom door.

Qianhua, who was on the side, walked up with the same caution, and stood on both sides of the classroom door with Zhen Fei. They lowered their heads and looked at a piece of homework paper in their hands.

As for Xiong Mi, she has already stepped directly into the classroom.


For a moment, Xiong Mi felt as if the sounds around him had completely disappeared.

She suddenly couldn't hear any sound, whether it was breathing or heartbeat, everything fell into a death-like silence.


Then, when the sound reached the ears again, it was hazy, as if blocked by something, like a muffled sound like the ears were filled with cotton.

There was an extremely uncomfortable feeling of wanting to vomit immediately.

Even though nothing had happened, this intense discomfort swept through his body, almost tearing his senses apart in an instant.


Xiong Mi exhaled.

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