And these things obviously won't let her go.

She could even hear the whispering of these things.

[Cut off her tongue, make her speechless~ hehe~]

[Pry open her mouth, feed her ants and bugs, spit and plastic garbage bags, let her eat them all~ hehe~]

[Pry her, throw her off the rooftop, throw away all her things~ hehe~]

[Dig out her ears, dig out her eyes, make her deaf and blind~ hehe~]

[Bury her, bury her in the mud, bury everyone with her~ hehe~]

Amidst the laughter, Xiong Mi could feel the dizziness enveloping her mind.

She knew that she, who had gone deep into the danger alone, was probably unable to leave now.

But she would not complain about this. Although it was a pity, she had been prepared for this from the moment she entered the classroom alone.

After all, isn't this what exploring the Red Moon-level dungeon is like?

Someone has to sacrifice, so why can't she go first?

[Run quickly, run quickly while the Gui from other classes can't get out! Leave the teaching building and find a way to meet up with Gao Hai. All the information I exchanged my life for is now in your hands, so you must survive! ]

The tone may be a little intense, but there is no way. At that time, her tongue was torn off alive. Although she could hold back from screaming, it was still very painful, and her psychological activities were a little intense.


Two figures have already run out of the teaching building and are moving quickly towards the woods behind the campus.

And after finally confirming that Zhenfei and Qianhua have escaped safely, Xiong Mi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked up at the [students] who gathered around him.

Then, the next question is how long it can be delayed.


The heavy footsteps suddenly fell and stopped.

Gao Hai slowly turned his head and looked behind him, looking at the school that was hidden in the woods and could not be seen at all.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Zi noticed that Gao Hai's expression was a little strange and asked with concern.


Gao Hai did not speak, but just closed his eyes and breathed a little faster, and then quickly returned to normal.

He had been receiving real-time information from Zhen Fei, so he knew what was happening over there.

It had only been less than an hour since Zhen Fei adjusted the broadcast.

The core obsession existing in Class 10 of Senior 2 was successfully confirmed, and some important information that could not be investigated in the original Yeluoshan Middle School dungeon area was also confirmed through direct contact between Xiong Mi and the core obsession through spiritual vision.

As a price, Xiong Mi had already sacrificed himself.

Even if a Red Moon-level player with full equipment and perfect condition got into trouble, would the result still be irreversible?

Gao Hai didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that the first teammate to be killed in his third official mission was the elder sister he had rescued in Fujika Middle School.

Even if you are a good person, there should be a limit. You actually ran into the classroom alone to face the core obsession alone... Oh, didn't I explain the danger of that classroom in detail through Zhenfei? How stupid! I owe you a favor again.

In this case, this round is ruined. In other words, from now on, there is no need to think about the worries.


"I say, are you not going to show up? You have followed us for so long, you should be tired, right? Or do you enjoy the feeling of hiding in the dark and staring at people? I personally don't think this is a good hobby. Why don't we have a good chat face to face?"

In a calm voice, bullets swept away with Gao Hai's gentle wave of his hand.

But in the blink of an eye, three figures walked out of the darkness, all wearing black robes and veils, covering their figures like the standard villains in the second-year Japanese animation, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

"Huh, huh, huh?!"

Goto Ichiri was startled. She didn't find any trace of these people at all. The blessing of sensing maliciousness had no response at all, which made the girl panic.

As for Gao Hai, he just held a pistol in one hand, and was ready to release the domain and Alice's cabin at any time, watching the three black-clad men who appeared in the dense forest with an expressionless face.

His malicious perception blessing also did not take effect, so Gao Hai also had no way to judge the enemy and the goodwill through maliciousness.

However, this did not prevent him from considering these three people as enemies.

After all, his second blessing, the blessing from Hedar, was frantically warning him at this time, warning him that the three people in front of him were all antisocial [abnormal humans].

Chapter 38: The abnormal players encountered in the woods


The sound of the wind passed through the grass, through the bushes, and lifted the scattered fallen leaves.

In the woods, the six figures were divided into two teams at this moment. Gao Hai and his three companions stood on one side, and the other three people in black stood on the other side.


No one spoke. At this moment, everyone remained silent, just silently watching the people on the other side.

However, Jianzi and Goto Ichiri have been informed by Gao Hai through secret gestures that the three people on the other side are all enemies.

Do you want to fight?

Yotsuya Jianzi felt that her heartbeat was a little out of control.

As an ordinary Japanese JK, Jianzi has experienced the training of Fujika Junior High School, but she has never seen fighting between players, especially fighting between high-level players.

In contrast, Goto Ichiri calmed down and stopped shrinking. Instead, he frowned and looked at the three figures.

If it was a teammate, Xiao Boqi would probably find it difficult to communicate normally. Even friends who have known each other for a while may stutter.

But if it was an enemy, this problem would not exist at all.

As a Red Moon-level player, Goto Ichiri, who has experienced many dungeons, can clearly understand one thing, that is, there is a kind of people in this world who can never communicate and can never understand each other. Such people cannot help each other with other players, cannot trust each other and work together to overcome difficulties, and will only become an obstacle to more people's survival.

It is meaningless to try to communicate with such people and try to understand their difficulties, because no matter how much you understand them, they will not understand and accept you. There is no way to change such people anymore, and the only way to change them is to die!

Goto Ichiri paid a price to understand this. If it weren't for Aoyama Nanami and Kita Ikuyo, she was sure that she would not be alive until now. As a feedback from learning this fact, Goto Ichiri will no longer be soft-hearted when encountering enemies who cannot understand each other.

Her fingers have already touched the strings of the guitar.

As long as the opponent shows even the slightest movement, the girl will immediately activate this red moon-level core obsession and apply its power to the three people.

The air seemed to become heavier at this moment.

Except for the unprepared Miko, Gao Hai and Goto Ichiri both entered the battle preparation mode instantly.

In response, the one walking in front of the three men in black just stretched out his hand and slowly pulled down his hood to reveal his face.

It was a distorted human face.

The dense black stains almost covered the entire face. The hair, eyebrows, beard and other hairs were completely gone and were all covered by the black stains. From a distance, Gao Hai felt disgusted that the man's face was completely parasitized by mold spots.

The man's eyes also had obvious abnormal characteristics. His two eyes bulged like frogs, and the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshot. He looked very strange, as if he had some rare disease. Not only that, when the man's eyeballs moved, it was obvious that the whole eye was trembling, giving people the feeling that it was a festering blister that could burst on the spot at any time.

It was an obsession to transform the body.

Gao Hai, who had come into contact with the [Female Face Gang], quickly made a judgment and confirmed that this man must have a special obsession that was directly fused with the flesh, and it was likely that there was more than one.

The [Substitute Flesh and Blood] that could transform the players of the Female Face Gang was already a very strange thing, and the number of fused obsessions on this player was even greater, and the impact on him would probably be even more serious. Plus, my blessing keeps telling me that these three people are [abnormal] people, so the situation is probably quite bad.

Gao Hai's brows are getting more and more furrowed.

I didn't find any trace of these people when I was inside the campus before, but they appeared outside the campus. Well... and unlike the people from [Takamagahara], the abnormal aura is not strong enough to be close to the level of a weird creature. In other words, are these other players?

That clown KP threw another group of players other than our team outside the campus, so we won't run into this group of people in the early exploration? Tsk tsk, is this a way to reduce the difficulty for us? I don't know if I should say thank you.

Well, although they are ugly to the point of being deformed, their facial features look like white people. Could they be the group of players who took away the second core obsession of [Yelushan Middle School]? In this case, could the lame cat, the core obsession of Morihara Koji, be nearby?

If Gao Hai hadn't known that the black watch would definitely give him a life in the dungeon mission, he would not have realized the true identities of the three opponents so quickly.

However, even if he knew who the other party was, it didn't mean that the current situation would change. After all, Gao Hai at this time didn't even know what obsessions these three people had and what abilities they had.

In short, they couldn't keep confronting each other like this. If the other party had an obsession that could be activated by sight, they might be hit immediately.

Out of caution, Gao Hai had begun to consider whether to retreat and keep a distance. But on the other hand, because his teammates had already suffered casualties, Gao Hai also considered whether to try to kill these three people, and then activate the self-destruct function, and try to make a bloody rain for them to take away a few obsessions.

The latter seems to be a feasible strategy, but it is best to do so after the lame cat shows up. After all, the core obsession is extremely important to the core obsession. The cracking of Shirakawa Apartment was achieved by putting Li Zhaodi's core obsession into 309. The core obsessions of the Red Nut Gray Cave and Zaodachi Elementary School are also the same. Only Fujika Middle School is a little special. No one can take away Hirano Sosuke's core obsession. Even if you dare to think of snatching it, you will be killed.

However, no matter what kind of idea it is, you have to look at the plans of these three people first.

"You have been following us all the way, it must be hard, right? What's the matter, why don't you tell me what your plan is?"

Gao Hai said in a relaxed tone, and his spirit was tense to the extreme at this moment.

"I will accompany anyone who fears you and keeps your words."

The next moment, the man with a smudged face and bulging eyes slowly spoke, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but his tone was a bit inexplicably obsessed.

What the hell is he talking about?

Gao Hai didn't understand what the man was saying at all, and couldn't help but frowned.

"It seems to be the Bible?"

Jianzi blinked and whispered to Gao Hai.

The language used by the man with a stained face sounded very strange, but because of the cognitive ability given to all players by the sacrifice game, Jianzi and Goto Ichiri could understand what he was saying. As for Gao Hai's words, as long as there was a normal logical sentence, he could understand it even if it was a lost language. However, among the three people present, only Jianzi vaguely realized what the man was saying and knew what the other party might be talking about.

The Bible?

Although I thought that the other party might not say anything normal, it was unexpected that the first sentence he said was about this thing.

But this matter is no longer important.

Because after the man said this, Gao Hai immediately felt something strange spreading in his body.


The cold wind swept up in an instant.

Blood-red light instantly filled Gao Hai's pupils. Under the powerful blessing of the runaway blessing, he clearly felt that some twisted and vicious curse was being peeled off from him.


The next moment, a scarlet field was released.

The blood-red light covered the three people on Gao Hai's side in just a blink of an eye, and quickly spread to the three black-clothed men on the other side.

Bullets exploded one after another in the roar, and in a blink of an eye, they completely covered the three people.

Goto Ichiri had already plucked the guitar, and as the music sounded, a vague figure suddenly emerged.


Gao Hai turned his head and saw Yotsuya Miko falling down.


The one who fell down was a pink-haired figure who had just emerged and was standing next to Miko.

Goto Ichiri created a clone at the critical moment and inserted it into the past a few seconds ago, blocking a fatal attack for the defenseless Miko.

But then, the three figures standing opposite disappeared without a trace.


No, this feeling... they are still around. Is it the power of some obsession?

"You must kill the inhabitants of the city with the sword, and kill everything in the city, including the livestock."

The pain sounded along with the chanting. Gao Hai lowered his head and found that there were traces of blade cuts slowly emerging on his hands and all over his body.

Even with the dual defense of the runaway blessing and the scarlet field, he was still inevitably injured. This seems to be the power of some kind of curse, which will stick to the body once touched, and there is no way to completely eliminate it.

"You must pile up the spoils of the city in the streets, and burn the city and its spoils with fire before the Lord. The city will be a heap of desolate wastes forever, and it shall not be rebuilt."

The chanting continued, and the intense pain continued.

Without any warning, Gao Hai's skin appeared with black marks of burning, and quickly spread all over his body.

Goto Ichiri let out a suppressed cry of pain. Although she immediately used the power of some obsession to resist, she was still inevitably hurt.

As for Miko... Gao Hai no longer heard her voice.

The second voice was followed by a full attack on the three people present. Even if Goto Ichiri created a new clone, would it be able to successfully share the damage with Miko?

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