So, the first thing to do after rebirth is to run for your life.


Gao Hai jumped up from the bed almost instantly and rushed to the window of the washroom in the blink of an eye. Then he easily climbed over and landed on the ground below.

At the same time, Yotsuya Miko, who was on the fifth floor, had also started running. Although she was so nervous and scared that her heart was pounding, she still ran faster to the washroom and the window in the dormitory.

Unlike Gao Hai, whose speed was instantly enhanced to the extreme through blessing and blessing, Miko's running speed was still a beat slower, so those weird students took action and came up to stop her expressionlessly.

Bang! Bang!

The gunshots were particularly loud in the campus in the early morning, adding a bit of American style to this Japanese school.

The girl's footsteps finally reached the window sill. She stretched out her hand to grab the window sill, and suddenly turned her body out with force, falling to the ground below.

The next moment, Gao Hai, who jumped in the air, caught Jianzi and held her back to the ground in a princess hug.

This process took only 5 seconds in total. Before Gao Hai came out of the bloody city, he had already approached Jianzi and discussed with her what to do next.

As for why there were gunshots, it was related to the gradually disappearing pistol in Jianzi's hand and Gao Hai's last wish.

Because the blessing given by Chiyoko Beehouse completely replaced one of the functions of the watch, Gao Hai deleted the blessing of shared spiritual power that he had obtained by wishing before after the replay, and instead made a new blessing, which was to establish a deeper connection between himself and others' bodies, so that others could become an extension of his own power.

In layman's terms, it allows Gao Hai to use his blessings and obsessions through other people, so that those girls who have a close connection with him can gain stronger self-protection capabilities.

This blessing was responded by the black watch, and the conditions were quite harsh. Only those who had exchanged body fluids with Gao Hai deeply, established a spiritual connection with the black watch, and had an extremely close emotional connection with each other could activate this function.

When this function is activated and released, it can function permanently like a spiritual connection. Through this function, Gao Hai can not only make his blessing effective on others, but also remotely transmit his obsession to the other party. In contrast, the person who established this connection with him can also directly transmit the obsession in his hand or the strange story items he found to Gao Hai's black watch through contact, and can also make his blessing power effective on Gao Hai. It is an extremely powerful function that works on both sides.

Of course, only blessings that can work on others can be used in this way. For example, Hirano Sosuke's immortal blessing can only work on Gao Hai himself, and there is no way to activate it through this function. But Gao Hai can send the pistol to Jianzi's hands. Although Jianzi cannot activate the judgment mode of the pistol, at least he can temporarily repel the students who pose a threat with unlimited bullets.

To activate this function, you need to consume 2 rewind times.

After careful consideration, Gao Hai activated this function for Jianzi, who had no ability to protect herself. Because Zhenfei and Qianhua could still be protected by other players, and because the number of rollbacks consumed by activating the function was too many, Gao Hai finally decided not to risk activating all of them.

Therefore, the 3 grids of energy voluntarily provided by [Writer] have been completely exhausted, and the pointer of the watch itself has moved from [1] to [2]. In other words, even if he never uses other functions of the black watch again, Gao Hai only has 10 chances to try and error to confirm how to conquer this two-in-one high-difficulty dungeon.

[Asamoto Eriko] who barely solved part of the mystery, [Morihara Koji] who has no clue for the time being, and [Rootless Obsession] who can't even be found now.

[Bydos] who is extremely mysterious and difficult to determine what he has been modified into, and who can't move freely at all after entering twice.

And a team of fanatic players who came out of nowhere and have no use except to mess up and increase the difficulty of the dungeon.

Of course, we must not forget the remnants of [Takamagahara] who are still dormant in the darkness.

Just by taking a brief count of the problems that need to be solved, Gao Hai felt his blood pressure rising a little bit.

But this is nothing.

Compared with being cheated by Lao Guo and that bastard from the [Female Face Gang] in Shirakawa Apartment, this kind of thing will not make Gao Hai have any emotional fluctuations.

What's more, he has already taken away some of the treasures in the hands of those troublesome players.

After all, the only one who is protected from being selected by the power of the black cat is the old man himself. His clothes and the things he wears and holds are not within the range of [not being selected].

Gao Hai lifted the black cloak casually and danced with it.

He put the cloak on his Miko, and the students who were watching the two of them soon showed confused expressions, and then began to look around constantly, but they could not find the hiding place of Gao Hai and Miko.

"A cloak that reduces the sense of presence, um, it's really a useful obsession. No wonder it took me a long time to confirm that someone was following me. It turns out that this cloak full of middle school feeling has this function?"

Takahashi sighed softly, and just trotted with Jianzi in his arms.

"Wow, that..."

The girl's cheeks were flushed in the embrace. She was a little shy about this kind of intimate behavior and wanted to say something in a low voice, but seeing that Gaohai was unmoved, she could only choose to accept it with great discomfort.

Of course, this discomfort was only temporary. Jianzi's mentality adjusted quickly, and she had recovered completely and began to be alert to the surrounding situation.

The two of them did not leave the main campus immediately, but went around to the back of the dormitory building, looking for the possible [open space] and the place where the [teacher] might be buried.

Unfortunately, there was no valuable discovery. As Gaohai had guessed before, this kind of thing that really involved the secret past of the copy would not be so easily discovered by them. So Gao Hai and Jian Zi searched the open space and lawn behind the dormitory building for a long time, but they didn't find anything unusual in the end.

Then, because more and more students became active, the shielding effect of the obsession began to deteriorate. Some students gradually stopped and turned to look in the direction of the two of them with doubtful eyes. Gao Hai and Jian Zi had to retreat temporarily and hide in the woods to stay away from these strange things.

Xiong Mi and others who had no memory of what happened, and Zhen Fei and others who obviously felt that something was wrong, had gathered downstairs of the dormitory building that Gao Hai couldn't see, and began to discuss the action plan for the first day.

As for those players who were in the woods after entering the dungeon for some reason and couldn't pass through the woods to enter the main campus, they were also in danger at this time.

After all, as one of the leaders of the organization, the old man who was worshipped by many believers, had lost several obsessions inexplicably just after entering the dungeon. In the absence of finding the reason for the loss, everyone was afraid that they would become the next victim who violated some special rules and lost their obsessions.

Chapter 44: People with different thoughts and people who act in unity

"What on earth is going on... What kind of power can silently take away my obsession?"

"Is this also a test from the Lord? But there is no sign at all, it doesn't make sense..."

"What happened to this copy? Why is it completely different from when we came here before, and we encountered such a thing..."

In the woods, several figures in black robes gathered together and were chattering.

One of the old men who was obviously of some status did not wear a black robe, and the expression on his face was very ugly. Obviously, this was the man who appeared in front of Gao Hai in the previous round. However, compared with the previous posture, the old man's eyes were full of doubts. He couldn't understand why he lost the important cloak prop inexplicably, and he was the only one among so many people present who was targeted by an unknown force and lost his equipment.

And it's not just the cloak, his gloves and his boots, these two props that are also obsessions are now missing.

It was like someone stripped him of his clothes as soon as he entered the dungeon. It was inexplicable and extremely humiliating. He was a religious leader who was several decades old, but he was actually wearing underwear in front of his subordinates and colleagues. It was really humiliating.

The rest of the players were also in danger at this time. Although they all looked like religious lunatics, they could reach the Red Moon level and get the core obsession of the Red Moon level. Naturally, there would be no real idiots among them. Even if they shouted slogans louder and louder, their business ideas were louder and louder. Therefore, after they found that the dungeon had changed drastically and their companions encountered inexplicable strange situations, they had already started to think about how to run away.

These players who could unite and act together in the first round, now that the second round has just begun, there has been a faint turmoil among them.

However, although some of them fell into chaos, at least so far, they have no intention of splitting up. After all, they still need to find the opportunity they have been looking for, which is guided by [Destiny].

Some people see that opportunity as a chance to find the promised land, an opportunity to reach the land of milk and honey given by Jehovah.

Some people say that it is a test from God, but in fact they think it is an opportunity to become a god, a way to truly break away from the ranks of fragile humans and move towards the noble eternity and supremacy.

These guys with ulterior motives are not stupid. Although they are united in the name of believers, if they really want to split among them, I am afraid that they can be divided into several different forces. It’s just that everyone has reached the Red Moon level after all, and knows how terrible this level of dungeon is, so unless there is a problem of principle, everyone will still maintain the superficial mutual help. After all, what will happen if you face this level of dungeon alone has been verified time and time again.

Of course, no outsiders know the little thoughts of these people. Although Gao Hai was already being targeted by the students at this time, he did not leave the main campus immediately. On the contrary, he was even swaggering around the campus at this moment. With.

{Shijo Maifei: In other words, Haijun, have you already gone back once? Wow, I didn't feel anything unusual at all. If Sea Lord hadn't used the spiritual link to talk to me, I wouldn't have realized that there was no one missing. This dungeon is really scary... No, it should be said that every dungeon we have entered is not a situation that can be easily passed. When will this situation of being forced to face a difficult situation end...}

{Fujiwara Chika: Well, so this is the spiritual link used by Zhenbi-san and Ah Hai. It feels really magical. Hey hey hey, it feels good to join in. Well, in short, as long as Ah Hai stays in a place without people and makes sure not to appear in the sight of any students, there won't be any big problem, right? It's just that the students who have seen Hai Hai in the past will remember his location and try to track him. As long as they can find a way to eliminate these students, Hai and Miko will be safe. That's pretty much what it means, right? }

{Gao Hai: Well, yes, that’s true. Miko and I have now moved to a secluded passage behind the conference venue. In theory, no students will pass by here throughout the day. So until now, except for those students who found us when they escaped from the dormitory, the rest of the students who did not "see" me and Miko will not be triggered to track us. For now, see your son? Can you feel the specific amount? }

{Yotani Miko: I can feel those eyes, um... 1, 2... seventeen, a total of seventeen students' eyes are now locked on me and the seniors. I can feel them moving towards us. However... they seemed to have called more people, and the trickster students seemed to have brought over other people in the small circle to which they belonged. So the number of students who come to arrest us will definitely exceed seventeen}

After the mental communication changed from the original one-on-one between Gao Hai and Zhen Fei to a chat group of four people, Gao Hai suddenly had a strange feeling that his mind was very busy.

But you can get used to this kind of thing after a while. After all, it's just as simple as having other people's voices ringing in your head. In contrast, the key is to think of solutions and solve the current situation with your smart girls.

At this moment, Gao Hai and Mianzi first went to the back of the dormitory building, but as expected, they did not get any valuable clues. Then in order to avoid being discovered by more students, the two had to hide in the dormitory. At the back of the venue, there is a quiet corner where students are rarely seen, in order to avoid being discovered by more students.

Although both of them have become unpopular in the school, the main campus is not a dead place where they cannot survive. Based on the experience of last week, the first thing that can be determined is that as long as they do not show up in front of students, those students who have never seen Gao Hai and Miko will not be triggered and will not target and hunt them down.

Think about it, even if you are a bully who is being bullied by the atmosphere, at least you have to see the person being bullied before you can take action, right? If they haven't even met in person, it would be difficult for even a guy who just follows the crowd to do any real harm.

It's just that those students who have already met the two have their own rules triggered at this time, and begin to slowly approach in the direction where the two are avoiding.

If they were really found, something bad might happen, so Gao Hai did not hesitate to summon the rescue team members, ordered them to enter the attached teaching building, sneak into the broadcast room on the second floor and ring the bell in advance, and call everyone Called into the main teaching building to delay time.

But it is a pity that the rescue team was not able to lock the students in the classroom for as long as Zhoumu Zhenfei and others and Xiong Mijianbi. After all, it was really weak and its mobility was not very strong, so Gao Hai soon I lost the consciousness of this rescue team member and witnessed its sacrifice once again.

No, in fact, there wasn't even a witness. Gao Hai knew from the time he called the rescue team that this guy would definitely not come back alive, and the radio monster he was likely to provoke was very troublesome. Therefore, he directly cut off the sensory link between the two parties, and he didn't even know how the rescue team member died.

Despite this, Gao Hai and Miko did get some breathing time, and Zhen Fei and Qianhua also obtained a lot of information from Gao Hai during this period.

Different from the first episode, this time Zhenfei and Qianhua only received some information and did not take any actual actions. Therefore, although the students around them gradually began to pay attention to them, the two girls were still able to stay safely in the classroom. , will not be attacked by anything.

{Fujiwara Chika: The key issue now is how to stop those sneaky students from chasing Ah Hai. Although he can avoid these things by stepping out of the main campus, Ah Hai must enter the unknown forest ruins area and face those who have no clues at all. Intelligence of hostile players. After all, those players are Red Moon-level players. They have all kinds of obsessive objects in their hands that are hard to guard against, and they will die if they are not careful. Therefore, Ahai must not leave the campus easily to contact those players. He must find a way to allow Ahai to stay safely. On campus}

{Fujiwara Chika: Well... the atmosphere... the atmosphere, I may have a way, but it may be a bit risky, and I'm not sure if it will work}

Qianhua's voice was ringing in the communication, and the girl herself stood by the window of the classroom after the broadcast was restored, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

She did see a small number of students slowly moving towards the conference venue, and the number was definitely not as many as the 17 people that Jianzi said. However, there was a similar situation last week. At that time, Gao Hai and others were almost chased by all the students in the school, but Zhenfei Qianhua on the other side could only see a few students. This also shows that the time and space on both sides are no longer completely unified in a sense.

We have to find a way to help Ah Hai out of trouble. Now Ah Hai is targeted by students because he knows too much, and this situation will not be eliminated with the replay. Just like being locked after knowing Li Zhaodi's real name in Shirakawa Apartment, this kind of strange talk triggered by the information the player has must find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise it will be useless even if the replay is repeated, and it will only make the situation worse and worse.

Atmosphere, atmosphere, um, is the key to the actions of the weird things in the school the atmosphere?

Now those students are chasing after Ah Hai because he has become a person who is not sociable and does not fit in with the atmosphere after knowing too much secret information. In other words, he is targeted because he has become a minority.

So, if the students chasing him become a minority, will the problem be solved?

Qianhua exhaled lightly and hurriedly left the classroom to find Xiongmi in the next classroom.

"We need help. Something has happened. If it is you, you should be able to find out what is wrong, right? You see, a player of my level should not appear in a copy of this level, right? Think about it carefully, where do you think the problem lies?"

It was easier to convince Xiongmi than expected.

Qianhua just reminded Xiongmi of the reason why he found something unusual in the last round, and the veteran player frowned quickly, and then realized the problem.

Jianbing on the side had not experienced the investigation of the Zaoli Primary School copy, so he did not have a personal experience of the extremely disgusting mechanism of [cognitive blocking]. So although Kumai tried to remind her indirectly, Jianbing himself was not able to break the blockade and notice anything, and as for Nanakawa Ren and Hayashibe Kenta from the [Red Society], it was even worse. So in the end, the only helper that Qianhua successfully asked for help was Kumai.

On the other side, Zhenfei was not idle either. She went directly to find Goto Ichiri and asked for help without explaining the reason.

"Please, help me. You will go down with me later. You have to create as many clones as possible to ensure our numerical advantage, okay?"

"...Okay, okay, leave it to me."

From her expression, Goto Ichiri didn't seem to want to agree at the time, but the girl always found it difficult to refuse the request of the friendly party. As for Aoyama Nanami, who followed after discovering a hint of unusual elements from Zhenfei's actions, although Zhenfei couldn't say anything because of the information blockage, she also used the reason of [this is a necessary action to test a certain rule] to convince the other party, but Nanami followed because she felt uneasy.

On the clock on the roadside in the sun, the hands have already pointed to 8:00.

There are still 10 minutes until the class starts, and it is time for the [students] to return to the classroom and sit in their seats.

In the last round, Gao Hai did not return after leaving the campus, so it is unknown whether his missing the class time will trigger any dangerous rules. And this time, although he does not really want to take such a risk, he has decided to give it a try after solving those weird students who are following him.

The premise is that if the current situation can really be solved...


Those weird students have left the cement road and walked onto the weed-grown path, approaching Gao Hai.

There is no point in hiding. From the moment they [saw] it, these things have always locked the positions of Gao Hai and Yotsuya Miko.

However, before they can really reach the position where the two are, many figures chased up from behind and blocked them in front of them.

Those figures were Goto No. 1, Goto No. 2, Goto No. 3, and more than a dozen people dressed in hip-hop clothes, with hair color and appearance slightly similar to Goto Ichiri. They danced hip-hop and stood in front of these weird students.

Then, Zhenfei and Qianhua arrived and stood among the dozen strange figures. Xiongmi himself took out a spoon and blew it, summoning a blood-stained puppet to fill the number, blocking the trembling Goto Ichiri and Aoyama Nanami who came to confirm the situation at the back.

Chapter 45: The bully atmosphere in this twisted and deformed place

"Hey, what are you doing here? What grade? Which class? Lend us some money to spend?"

A Goto clone with a fierce expression of a gangster spoke.

"What's that expression on your face? What, do you want to be beaten?"

A Goto clone holding a cigarette butt said coldly with a cold face.

"What are you doing standing here? You are just a bunch of useless people who only cause trouble to others. Why don't you just die?"

A Goto clone with a slicked-back hair and a suit spit out a mouthful of saliva in a proud manner. Well, judging from the action, this clone should want to spit, but Goto Ichiri himself does not smoke and has no throat problems, so this clone cannot spit out real spit, so it can only use saliva instead.

More Goto Ichiri stood arrogantly in the back, each of them looked arrogant, and each of them acted like a gangster.

Xiong Mi stood in front of more than a dozen clones, standing still with her hands folded and a cigarette in her mouth with the bloodstained puppet she summoned. She really looked like a gangster boss. However, Zhenfei and Qianhua in the back were obviously the type who came to make up the numbers. Their temperament was different from those arrogant clones. Goto Ichiri, who was further behind, was playing the instrument while trying to imitate the movements of the clones, but he couldn't imitate them no matter how hard he tried. Aoyama Nanami looked at Goto Ichiri's movements helplessly, just like a mother watching her own child playing role-playing games.

If they were real school hooligans, they would probably be able to tell at a glance that this team was not a serious "gangster", but just a temporary gathering. But those weird students who were still looking for Gao Hai and others who were hiding expressionlessly just now seemed to tremble at this moment, and each of them showed extreme fear and shrinking, as if the twenty or so figures standing in front of them were their natural enemies.

[Yes, I'm sorry...]

[Please... don't bully us...]

[We will be obedient... We won't offend you...]

Those weirdos lowered their heads, bowed deeply, and almost knocked their heads on the ground.

Their voices were full of fear.

Obviously, the players were just trying to pretend to be powerful. In fact, because there were too many clones, Goto Ichiri couldn't even control them to move normally. Just making the clones walk over neatly and stand in place to talk would take all his strength.

However, due to the disadvantage in numbers, these students showed panic expressions, as if they had encountered something very scary.

"The so-called atmosphere, although I did think there would be such an effect, but after seeing it in person, I really don't know what to say."

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