It is exactly as expected. In this case, we can try to proceed to the next step.

Maki thought secretly in her heart.

Go to Class 10 of Senior 2 and divide the students there secretly, so that the hidden Eriko Asamoto will emerge.

In addition, Class 03 of Senior 1 also needs to be investigated and explored to see if Koji Morihara will be in this class.

I don’t know what is going on with Kai-kun now. Well, it is better to contact him again.

While thinking, Maki activated the mental link and sent a message to Takami.

{Shijo Maki: Kai-kun? How is your situation now? Is it convenient to contact? }

After the message was sent, it took about half a minute to get a reply. From the voice of the reply, it can be clearly felt that Takami’s spirit is a little depressed.

{Takami: No investigation results have been obtained yet. There was a small accident, but the current situation is fine. I need to rest for a while}

{Fujiwara Chika: Hey, what happened to Akai? Is everything okay? }

{Yotani Miko: Senior, he's fine. He's with me now. He encountered something in the dormitory building before, but he wasn't in danger}

Before Shinki could ask about the situation, Chika and Miko's voices rang out in the mental link one after another, causing the girl to frown.

Although I know that linking more people is good for increasing the survival rate and information exchange efficiency, but this feeling... ah, it's really unpleasant, as if something that originally belonged to me was taken by someone else.

The girl, who was a little bit irritated in her heart, sighed, quickly suppressed this dissatisfaction, and didn't continue to dwell on this issue.

{Takahashi: To be precise, after running out of the dormitory building, I was hit hard by a female ghost who jumped down from the building. I can only say that the ghosts in this place are quite creative in their tricks. Oh, by the way, if you want to investigate Class 10, you must be careful. The information about [Eriko Asamoto] may be a little problematic...}

{Shijo Maki: What is the connection between the female ghost you mentioned and the core obsession?}

{Takahashi: Yes, how should I put it, they both... look like the same person...}

In the grass behind the dormitory building.

Takahashi lay on Jianzi's thighs, taking a break from the impact of the ghost that fell from the sky at the last moment.

He recalled the pale face again, and compared it with the girl's appearance drawn on the homework paper provided by Xiong Mi in the first round, and the appearance of Eriko himself drawn with the obsession pencil. Finally, he came to the conclusion that the female ghost who jumped from the dormitory building and Eriko Asamoto, one of the three core obsessions of [Yeluoshan Middle School], are exactly the same.

But, this doesn't make sense, right?

The mentally ill girl named Eriko Asamoto should have died by [buried alive].

Its obsession exists in the teaching building, and it has been confirmed that it is located in the class of Grade 2 (10). In order to confirm this information, Xiong Mi even died in the classroom in the first round. It is certain that this information is correct.

But now, the female ghost who jumped off the building has shown an appearance exactly like Eriko Asamoto.

When he was dealing with that thing in the dormitory building in the first round, it appeared in pieces. At that time, it was impossible to tell what it looked like before it died. As a result, this time it inexplicably appeared from above his head, but it showed the appearance of Eriko... Tsk, what is the principle behind this? Could it be that there is more than one Eriko Asamoto?

Gao Hai felt a headache.

The situation in this copy seemed to be becoming more and more complicated and more and more difficult to understand.

Ding Dong-Ding Dong-

In the distant teaching building, the bell for class has already rang.

In the end, during the end of the first class, the bullying behavior of those ghost students finally stopped at verbal ridicule.

But according to Fujiwara Chika's observation, those weird students may start to use physical violence before the end of the fourth class in the morning. The evolution of bullying in this place is much faster than that in normal schools, probably because this ghost place itself has been purified many times.

As for the police officer on the rooftop, Gao Hai has now lost contact with it. But it's not that he was eliminated or something, but simply can't contact him. Gao Hai can feel that the other party still exists somewhere in the copy, but for some reason the signal is extremely poor, and it is completely impossible to complete the positioning, unable to perceive the other party's current state, and there is no way to give orders to the other party. He can only barely confirm that the police officer is still there.

However, this can also confirm one thing. The rooftop that seems to be normal will be sent into another space immediately after entering. But next, we can only hope that the automatic mode of this summoned police officer is smarter and can find a way back by itself.

"Huh... It's almost time to continue..."

Although he was attacked by the female ghost who jumped off the building at the last moment, the power of that thing did not seem to cause real damage outside the dormitory building, so Gao Hai was only dizzy for a while and then recovered and could continue to move.

"Hey, are you okay now?"

"Of course, this little thing is nothing."

Waving his hand to Jianzi who was still a little worried, Gao Hai reluctantly gave up his knee pillow, stood up and walked out of the woods, looking at the campus that had become deserted because of the class time.

His eyes quickly turned to the direction of the teaching building, to this place that had not been formally explored.

That was where he decided to go next.

Chapter 50: Incomprehensible pursuit behavior and two people moving forward together

Ding Dong-Ding Dong-

With the ringing of the bell, the third class of the morning has begun.

After the second class, as Qianhua expected, the students' isolation behavior towards those special individuals began to become more and more serious. At this time, it has developed to the point where they leave insulting words on the desks, stick notes with insulting words on their backs when they are not paying attention, or stick chewing gum on the chairs.

After discovering these anomalies, the tricked students usually just silently cleaned up the stains on the table or on their bodies, and then became more cautious and timid. Apart from that, they did not react at all, or it would be more appropriate to say that they did not dare to react at all.

However, what is even more puzzling is that although there are quite a few students who are bullied and excluded, these students have no intention of uniting to fight against others. Even when one of the students is insulted, other tricky students who are also excluded will laugh together and join in the mockery of those students who are playing pranks.

Such things are simply unbelievable to the bystanders, especially Xiong Mi and Jian Bing who are from the Celestial Empire. You and others are bullied by others, and now he is being laughed at for fun. As a person who is also excluded, you don’t help this person who is actually in the same situation as you, which is fine. At least it can be said that you are doing it to protect yourself. As a result, you follow those who look down on you and hate you to laugh at the humiliated person. What kind of logic is this?

The words and deeds of the strange creatures are ultimately just repeated imitations of the behaviors of the living people who are the source of the obsession. Therefore, it can only be that such things really happened in the past when there were still living people in this school, that the behavior patterns of these strange creatures today will appear.

But this is even more puzzling. Xiong Mi and Jian Bing thought about it for more than half an hour, but they still couldn't figure out what was in the minds of the students who went to this school back then, so that they would do such incredible behaviors.

{Fujiwara Chika: This kind of thing is actually not that strange, because these excluded people, their hearts always desire to "return to the atmosphere." Therefore, even if they are as humble as dogs, even if they completely abandon their faces, they will not hesitate at all}

{Fujiwara Chika: Compared with being insulted, tortured, and laughed at for fun, being abandoned by most people is a more terrifying thing. Although it is impossible to reverse this matter from the day when they were excluded by the atmosphere, those people will not give up and will try again and again. For this reason, they can do many irrational things, such as laughing at other victims with others, which is just very basic~}

As a social expert, Fujiwara Chika can be said to be the one who sees this most thoroughly and can explain this kind of thing most clearly. Well... although her explanation will only make Gao Hai more confused, and feel that he can't understand the brain circuit of this kind of person.

Of course, this kind of thing is now being paid attention to by other players, so Gao Hai doesn't need to care too much.

In comparison, the next step of exploration and investigation is more important.

"Really not taking a break?"

At the junction of the attached teaching building and the main teaching building, in a small pavilion, Jianzi looked at Gao Hai, whose face was still a little pale, hesitated for a while, and then asked in a low voice.

The process of moving from the dormitory building to this small pavilion is not easy. Although it is morning, most students are in class in the main teaching building, but in fact there are still a few students taking physical education classes on the playground, and some teachers walk on the road from time to time.

There are very few of these weird things, and it seems that there is no need to care too much, just a little bit of attention to avoid it. But in fact, as long as there is a little movement, both students and teachers will quickly notice and come to check immediately, even if they are in class, they will stop immediately. If it weren't for the black cloak that reduces the sense of presence, Gao Hai estimated that he and Jianzi would have several tails following behind them.

Aren't we too vigilant? Could it be that because Jianzi and I have become specially marked as [Hate Objects], as long as we make a little noise and are heard, even if we can't see our figures, we can attract their attention?

If this is the case, Gao Hai doubts whether he can stay in the main campus for a whole day. In fact, the reason why he looks bad now is because he has spent too much energy in avoiding these things, which has caused his already somewhat depressed mental state to not recover.

"It's almost time to rest. After all, we haven't attracted the attention of those things now. Overall, I personally feel that it is quite relaxed. Hmm... But you are an ordinary person after all. Even if your physical fitness has been strengthened to a certain extent, this kind of everywhere It may be a little difficult for you to hide and move forward. If you are tired, you can rest here for a while, and I can go in and investigate the situation first."

At this time, most of Gao Hai's thinking ability was focused on analyzing the situation. He did not notice that what Mianzi asked just now was actually to let him take a rest.

The more you explore, the more you feel how complicated and changeable the situation in this copy is. The more urgent you want to obtain more information, but you have to be careful and restrained because of the many dangers in the copy itself.

It's really troublesome, but at this point, this level of difficulty won't make me choose to back down.

"I, I'll just go with you. I'm not tired, so I don't need to take a special rest."

Mianzi next to her almost immediately answered after hearing what Gao Hai said, and she raised her chest and raised her head nervously, as if she was a little afraid of being left here by Gao Hai.

"Don't force yourself. This is not a trivial matter like going out for an outing. A little negligence may lead to death. I dare to go in because I still have some ability to save my life. Even if I encounter danger, I still have a chance. Escape, but your words can easily cause problems when facing those things, so if you want to follow up, first determine whether your own condition is okay."

Seeing that the girl looked very nervous and couldn't calm down, Gao Hai thought about it and warned her seriously to prevent the girl from forcing herself too much.

"Well...I'm fine. Although I really can't help if we encounter a battle, I will use my ability to help find hidden clues. I'm just watching...Ahem, I'm just watching I noticed that you looked very bad, so I just asked you if you wanted to rest."

Miko subconsciously curled her lips when she almost called out "Senior" again. Because of the [name-stealing monster] that might exist in the ghost place of Yeluoshan Middle School, it was now very troublesome for her to even call Gao Hai. I have to bear not being able to address each other by name every time I have a conversation, which is really annoying. Even with Jianzi's good temper, he still felt inconvenienced every two weeks.

"Don't worry about me. In this state, well, it's just a warm-up exercise."

Realizing that Mianzi was worried about him, Gao Hai smiled, thought for a moment, and reached out his hand to gently touch the girl's head.

Touch, touch, touch~

Just like petting a cat, Gao Hai gently stroked Miko's head.

A blush appeared on the girl's cheeks almost immediately, and she lowered her head subconsciously and let Gao Hai touch her head.

This feeling... ah, are you treating me like a child?

Although I don’t hate the feeling of being touched.

The intimacy was very short, but in less than half a minute, Gao Hai withdrew his hand and turned his eyes again to the empty attached teaching building.

"Well, it's now the 4th minute of the third period, and there are still about 36 minutes until the end of get out of class. Let's go in. This time we will go in together."

Gao Hai spoke in a deep voice, walked out of the small pavilion, and took the lead towards the door of the attached teaching building. Behind him, Yotsuya Miko followed cautiously. The two people quickly crossed the lawn and stone road and entered the dimly lit building.

Chapter 51: Exploration that went smoothly and exploration that failed


Very cold.

From the moment he stepped into the attached teaching building, Gao Hai felt a very obvious sense of coldness.

Just like the dormitory building, because there were no students or teachers staying there at this time, there were no lights on in the entire attached teaching building, and it was pitch dark everywhere.

The shadow shrouding the interior of the building seemed to Gao Hai to be something alive, as if it was breathing slowly. There was actually a cold current inside the already gloomy-looking building. The temperature had dropped to at least below 5 degrees Celsius, and Gao Hai even suspected that it might have reached subzero.

If he entered such a place in the real world, Gao Hai would probably turn around and leave without hesitation. He would never run in there on purpose, right?

But there is no point in thinking about this kind of thing. He is just thinking randomly with his habitual divergent thinking.

Put the door that was removed before in a hidden location not far from the attached teaching building, and deliberately placed it a little further away from the building, so as not to be like in the dormitory building, if you open the door and run out, you will be punished by justice from the sky. . Then Gao Hai chose Gate A as the entrance to the attached teaching building. It was relatively far from the canteen where staff might be busy, making it easier to respond to unexpected situations.

Although in terms of distance, entrance C is actually the most remote area where people may come in and out, but if you come in from there, you have to go through the toilet to explore the building, and there is not a single door in the entire corridor. , in Gao Hai's view, there are hidden dangers.


Jizi, who followed behind him, shrank a little, obviously not used to the abnormally low temperature in the building. However, when Gao Hai looked over with some concern, Jianzi immediately smiled at him and said there was no need to worry, so the two continued to move forward.

Well... As expected, the lights were on in the library.

While rubbing his hands and breathing out, Gao Hai looked at the entrance of the library on the first floor of the attached teaching building, which actually almost completely occupied this floor. Although there was no one in the library at this time, it was still brightly lit, and the lights were not turned off like other places. It seemed that there were many people going back and forth in it, quietly flipping through books.

If I turn off the lights in the library, will it attract some weird things?

Thinking about this possibility, Gao Hai did not rashly approach that area, and he did not really intend to do anything. He just observed from a distance, and then quickly took Jianzi up the stairs opposite the entrance of Gate A and went to the second floor of the attached teaching building.


Jizi, who followed Gao Hai all the way, also learned to blow air on his fingers like Gao Hai, and the two people rubbed their hands together unexpectedly.

The stairs of the attached teaching building are relatively narrower than those of the dormitory building, probably because there is an elevator in this building to divert the crowd. In addition, the stairs here are also dirtier than those of the dormitory building. There are many strange and unrecognizable graffiti and messages on the wall, and there are also some scraps of paper, pen caps and other debris on the ground.

This time, Gao Hai's goal is very clear, that is, the [Student Archives] on the second floor of the attached teaching building.

In the previous round of action, although the archives were discovered by the players, the players who investigated the attached teaching building at that time did not go deep into the archives to investigate for some reason, and everyone including Gao Hai did not doubt this. Looking back on this incident now, Gao Hai still feels a little uneasy. However, considering the cognitive blocking effect in this copy, it is also possible that the players who investigated this place at the time could not retain the relevant memories, so Gao Hai has a reason to come here anyway.

After going up the stairs, well, the toilet is right next to it but you don't need to go near it, and then you need to pass by an elevator and a multimedia conference room. According to the first day's class schedule of the previous week, the multimedia conference room is not in use at this time, so there should be no need to worry about the presence of students in it. So the only problem is that the broadcast that may appear on the second floor is weird. The strange story that was successfully exiled by Miss Xiongmi in the previous week may not be so easy to deal with with her current blessings and props.

While walking up the stairs, Gao Hai carefully analyzed and thought about the way to act after going upstairs based on the map he knew.

Behind him, Jianzi followed obediently without saying a word. She stretched out a hand to grab Gao Hai's hem, carefully observing the surrounding environment, and trying to use her eyes to search for anything that could be called abnormal.

At present, it seems that everything is normal?

Jianzi really wants to draw such a conclusion in her heart, but recalling the investigation process from entering Yeluoshan Middle School to now, she always feels that this feeling of "everything is normal" indicates a more dangerous and terrifying situation, so she became more nervous.


Muffled footsteps spread in the not-so-spacious corridor.


In a dark environment, the shadows of the two people trembled and moved on the wall, like two balls of jumping flames that were about to go out.


Jianzi moved closer, almost sticking to Gao Hai. In this dangerous place, it seems that only this way can give her enough sense of security.

Slowly, the two arrived at the staircase on the second floor. The lighting in this corridor is slightly better than that on the first floor, so the brightness around is still good. Gao Hai first poked his head out of the staircase and looked around, and then asked Jianzi to stick his head out to observe the surrounding situation first. The two heads stopped for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing bad wandering around, the two walked out of the staircase and officially stepped into the corridor on the second floor.


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