In the dead silence, Gao Hai noticed the changes of these strange creatures.

The pale face that had been staring at him seemed to tremble briefly, as if it felt something was attracting it.

The wet long hair behind him stopped dripping, and there was a faint sign that the hair was curling up.

The reaction of the red shoes was the most obvious. It had been pointing its toes at Gao Hai, but now the toes were facing other directions. And as long as you blink or look away from time to time, you will find that the direction of the shoes is constantly changing, as if it is searching for a target.

And if you observe from Howard's perspective, Gao Hai can more clearly distinguish the restlessness of these things. Regardless of whether their original target was Gao Hai or Qianhua, at this moment these things were attracted by something new, and the target of their strange talk rules has begun to shift.


The elevator stopped again.

This time, this strange elevator finally arrived at the place where Gao Hai wanted it to go, which is the area where [3rd floor] is located.

The elevator door with a cold metallic light opened silently.

The next moment, all the weird things in the elevator moved. Except for the weird thing that was almost close to Gao Hai's face, the others either disappeared directly or stepped out of the elevator like a living person. Then, after more than ten seconds, this big face seemed to feel a stronger attraction, and finally "reluctantly" moved away from Gao Hai, and then floated out of the elevator like a balloon.


A crisis was finally resolved at this moment. Gao Hai did not hesitate and rushed out of the elevator with Qianhua.

It was still a familiar corridor, which was no different from when he came with Jianzi before, except that there was no weird red light.

There were faint abnormal noises downstairs. It seemed that the "friends" that Goto Ichiri had created had been found. I don't know how those things will treat the little cannon fodder who worked hard to read the materials.

As for the fact that the first floor is now occupied by those things and it is likely that it cannot escape, this has never been a problem for Gao Hai. He only needs to take out the blood key and then find a random door on the second floor and insert it into the keyhole.

{Shijo Shinki: Kai-kun...something is wrong...}

Shinki's unusual voice sounded at this time, and the fatigue in the voice could be clearly heard.

{Shijo Shinki: The "corpse" we dug out from the mud before is gone, and even if we placed a sensory obsession beforehand, no abnormality was detected. After we investigated here and came back, we found that the two bodies disappeared...}

{Shijo Maki: And I have a very strange... very bad feeling here. I seem to be able to hear someone talking to me all the time, but when I listen carefully, I can't really hear whose voice it is... Not only me, but other people also have this feeling, and those who have been looking down from the window... Auntie said she seemed to see Hayasaka-san...}

{Shijo Maki: If an accident happens, I will transmit everything I see, hear and feel while I can still transmit information... I can vaguely feel that the rules in this [atrium] are different from those in the teaching building. We may have come to the wrong place... I don't know how to say it. This is indeed the [atrium], but it seems... It's not the [atrium] we should be looking for. We went to the wrong place...}

{Takahashi: I understand, hold on for now}

{Fujiwara Chika: Maki-san, and Kaguya-san... Please try to protect yourself. We are also trying our best to investigate the situation}

The girl's confused and somewhat painful voices came into Takahashi's ears one by one.

In silence, he had already twisted the door with the blood key, opened it, and looked at the dark swimming pool lobby on the first floor behind the door.

The blood key cannot open the patio door, and trying to jump into the patio from the classroom window is undoubtedly a suicidal act. The number of active monsters in the main teaching building does not allow players to enter.

There is no way. Gao Hai cannot support Kaguya Maki now. He can only try his best to do his own things and not let this round end too early.

Gao Hai's mood can't help but become a little heavy.

"Oh, here you come, huh, you can do it."

And then, as he stepped into the dark swimming pool, Xiong Mi's voice sounded from one side, and at the same time, Jianzi could hear the sound of relief.

Turning around, Gao Hai saw a man holding a cigarette butt, fiddling with tools such as pliers, fine needles, small drills, and more tools whose specific uses were hard to say, and the black-clothed player who was hung up and whose means of resistance were obviously blocked by the power of the obsession.

Chapter 65: Mental problems of the player group and the "interrogation" method


Accompanied by a suppressed sob, the girl with long black hair threw herself into Gao Hai's arms.

Standing aside, Fujiwara Chika's pupils shrank slightly, and she subconsciously shouted "Wow", while Goto Ichiri was stunned for a moment, and her expression quickly became awkward. She stood there at a loss, not knowing what to do. Judging from the distressed expression on her face, this girl probably began to wonder whether her standing here in the shadow corner would affect the couple's sweetness, and began to have deep doubts about the meaning of her existence.

As for Gao Hai himself, he just put his arms around the girl in his arms and patted her shoulder gently. After letting Miko hug him for about a minute, he pushed Miko away with a little force, who still refused to let go, and touched her hair with a smile.

"An Xin, An Xin, do you think I'm back intact with no arms or legs missing?"

As he said this, Gao Hai deliberately made a muscle-flexing movement, which made the girl with tears in her eyes couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry, it's just... we were separated all of a sudden, and I heard you say that the situation there is so dangerous, I really can't help but worry."

Yotsuya Miko, who took a while to calm down, reached out and rubbed his eyes as he spoke.

Although he is the only teammate who can retain his memory with Gao Hai without paying any extra cost, Mianzi knows very well that even if Gao Hai really encounters an accident in the previous elevator, everything can still start again. But in the first week of Yeluoshan Middle School, after truly experiencing the pain of struggling with death, the girl's fear of "retrospection" became more intense, and she became even more afraid of Gao Hai encountering a situation where he had to turn back.

Gao Hai couldn't understand this idea. After all, in the Red Nut Gray Cave mission, he was afraid of the pain because Hedar squeezed toothpaste out of him and refused to use this method to commit suicide when he was trapped in the cave. . Of course, it later turned out that he thought too much. At that time, even if he called Hedar immediately, he still wouldn't die, but this is not the focus right now.

Maybe after you have experienced life and death a few more times and experienced the touch of death more deeply, you won't be so repelled and afraid anymore, right?

Gao Hai subconsciously had such an idea, and then couldn't help but be stunned that he actually started to imagine what kind of tragic death Yotsuya Miko would experience. This mentality, this kind of thinking, seems to be slightly different from the past self?

"Okay, okay, now is not the time for romance. It's almost time to get down to business."

Xiong Mi's voice sounded not far away at this moment. Gao Hai, Mianzi and Qianhua turned their heads simultaneously at this moment and looked at Xiong Mi who was leaning against the corner and smoking. Xiong Mi's face was full of embarrassment, and it seemed that she didn't like being shown affection by others.

"Have you tried that person?"

However, Gao Hai himself has always had a thick face, so he changed the subject without changing his expression, and walked up to Xiong Mi with a serious expression as if the hug just now did not exist. At the same time, he also turned the side of the room that had been alerting the surroundings [ Hirano Sosuke] took back the badge.

"Not yet. I planted some cursed obsessions on him first, so that I can kill this guy's willpower in advance. Having said that, this guy is very strange. Judging from the strength of his body and the smell of strange things, he is obviously the red moon. A super player, but I just searched his back and found that this black robe is an obsession. Do you know what’s going on?”

As Xiong Mi spoke, he walked towards the half-dead man in the corner, whose hands were chained and hanging in the air.

"He was searched by his teammates. Those people have a very mature method of stealing teammates' obsessions. After the police officers I summoned knocked down this player, the rest of them tried to find ways to remove their obsessions. Things were moved away.”

By recovering the information obtained by the police, Gao Hai roughly explained what happened before.

"There is still such an operation..."

Xiong Mi, who was careless at first, soon fell silent as Gao Hai spoke.

She looked down at the rescue team badge that Gao Hai was still wearing until now. She hesitated for a while, and finally just shrugged and sighed. The envy in her eyes could not be suppressed.

"Although I knew about this obsession that can summon monsters when we cooperated with Tenghua Middle School before, it is too outrageous that a dungeon output from the sky to the dark night level can actually absorb the residue of the core obsession of the Red Moon level. Even if these two Anxi's obsessions do have something in common with each other, the probability is too small. Are you really not a great male protagonist in the Internet? How can you be so good? How lucky you are to get such a subversive obsession..."

"Well, in short, don't let others see the use of this thing. Although this thing should have the greatest effect in conjunction with the blessing you have obtained, even if there are huge side effects, your special obsession with great growth potential The Nianwu is enough to make people jealous. Even a strong Red Moon level player would have a hard time resisting the temptation of this thing."

With a long sigh, Xiong Mi finally just warned Gao Hai not to reveal his wealth easily, and then turned his attention to the groggy player.

[Shepherd], [Cultist], [Seeker]...this group of mysterious players has multiple divisive names. If it weren't for the huge survival pressure of the sacrifice game itself, this group of madmen would probably fight each other. Torn apart. However, it doesn't matter what they call themselves. For other players with normal brains, the name for this group of people is very unified, that is, "cultist".

In the extremely dangerous sacrifice game, every copy faces the threat of death and all kinds of crazy weird stories. In this environment, it is normal for crazy people to appear in the player group. In fact, there are quite a lot of players with brain problems in the dusk and night level player groups. Even some players who seem normal and can get along normally basically have some mental disorders, and may even be cursed by some power, like a time bomb that can explode at any time.

Under the management of Xiaoheshu and his [Market], the players in the Tokyo area have not encountered any major problems so far. Even if a madman appears, he will be suppressed quickly. However, the absence of [Red Society] has begun to have a negative impact on the player community environment of Neon. Without the overwhelming management of the upper players, those middle and lower players are likely to do extremely terrible things. As far as Xiong Mi knows, two or three uninhabited villages that are not cared about by ordinary people have appeared in Neon in the past month, which may be the work of some players.

Of course, even if this kind of crazy behavior is difficult to completely ban, in the more than two years since the birth of the Sacrifice Game, there has been no real large-scale incident. Those crazy players often cause casualties of more than ten to dozens of people before they are stopped. On the one hand, it is maintained by the efforts of those powerful players who have stood out from the beginning. On the other hand, it is because these crazy players often have lost control of themselves. They find it difficult to form a group. Without a firm will, it is not certain whether they can normally control their obsessions. Some players will even be killed by their obsessions because of the collapse of their will before they go crazy and cause damage.

As for those bad players who are not bad in will but are evil and vicious, these people can only survive in the Dark Night level at most. After reaching the Red Moon level, they can't survive. After all, players who reach that level can more or less perceive the malicious goodwill of others, and the dangerous situation of the dungeon makes it impossible for people who are wary of each other to successfully pass the level together. Lone wolf players have no case of passing the Red Moon level dungeon except Gao Hai, a unique strong man, so they do not pose a threat.

Perhaps the peace on the surface can be maintained until now, and there is a miraculous lucky factor in it. But no matter what, most of the players standing at the top are still relatively normal, at least they can still recognize the current civilized order and will not do anything to destroy the world.

But this group of [cultists] is an exception.

With strong will, firm belief, and a distorted self that is completely opposite to the cognitive morality of secular society, this group of madmen united with each other and became the [outliers] in the Red Moon-level player team, and it was like psoriasis that was difficult to cure.

"I didn't expect that one day I could catch such a guy for trial."

Xiong Mi grinned, with a twisted expression.

"Good kid, stay away now, what will happen here later is very bad."

Then, Xiong Mi turned his head and looked at the three girls in the house. After seeing the twisted smile on Xiong Mi's face, Goto Ichiri immediately turned pale and walked out the door tremblingly holding the guitar. Yotsuya Miko and Fujiwara Chika didn't figure out the situation for a while, but Gao Hai had roughly sensed what was going to happen next, so he persuaded the two girls to go away, asked them to follow Goto Ichiri to ensure their own safety, and told them not to peek at the interrogation process here.

As for Gao Hai himself, he would naturally stay here. After all, this player was also Gao Hai's trophy, and he felt that it was necessary for him to obtain relevant information about the other party as soon as possible.

"I still suggest you go away. The scene here will be very ugly in a while."

Xiong Mi looked at Gao Hai more and persuaded him.

"If it is ugly in the bloody sense, believe me, there will be no scene in the world that will make me feel uncomfortable. Of course, if you want to conjure a shit man to strengthen this player, I admit that this kind of work will make me blind."

Gao Hai shook his head and replied to Xiong Mi very calmly.

"A strong game for poop people... It seems like something that can be used as a reference, but forget it now. Well, although I don't like to show this side of me in front of others, you who have survived in the sacrifice game until now should also understand that [every old player must have a certain degree of personality distortion], right?"

Xiong Mi did not insist on driving Gao Hai away, but just took out a small pair of pliers from the pile of tools she had placed.

Cruel emotions flashed across the eyes of the old player, and Gao Hai, who witnessed this scene, just nodded slightly and said, "Try not to play this person to death", without showing any surprise at all.

After all, he himself has been troubled by [claustrophobia] for a long time, and now even seeing the cave scene on TV will make him feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Gao Hai knows the mental distortion of players very well. Moreover, he has not forgotten that when Xiong Mi first met Yotsuya Miko during the operation at Fujika Junior High School, he showed a similar expression. This enthusiastic and reliable elder sister may be completely different when facing an unfriendly object.

Perhaps next, through observing Xiong Mi interrogating this fanatic player, he would be able to have a deeper understanding of what kind of people the so-called Red Moon-level players are.

With this thought in mind, Gao Hai, who was standing guard, watched Xiong Mi walk towards the drowsy man.

The sky outside the window was gloomy.

It was already afternoon, and it was getting dark.

Goto Ichiri stood in front of the swimming pool gate, looking back at the closed door behind him from time to time, with a very ugly expression on his face.

This door could not actually block Xiao Boqi's perception. She was at least a serious Red Moon level, and considering the information blocking mechanism of this copy, she had to make sure she could hear the voice inside, so as not to accidentally miss any important information and cause the team to be scattered again.

Therefore, not seeing that scene with her own eyes was already a helpless choice.

"The scene inside at this moment will probably be ugly, well, I can't imagine what it will look like."

Fujiwara Chika was really a little curious, and she even thought about whether to peek through the crack of the door. But Goto Ichiri blocked her tightly, so the energetic girl could only turn around helplessly in the open space at the entrance of the swimming pool.

Yotsuya Miko's face turned pale. She didn't hear any movement inside the door, but... she felt the decline of vitality. It was very strange and hard to describe in words, the feeling of someone's vitality being cut and decomposed bit by bit.

Speaking of which, whether it is a cooperative or hostile player in the dungeon, it is necessary to prevent the other party from dying in the dungeon. Because in the world of ghost stories, people who die often become weird things, so even enemies who are fighting to the death will try not to be separated in the dungeon.

In that case, if it is determined that the other party cannot be killed, how can we interrogate and get information?

Miko, who did not really see the cruel scene, could not imagine the picture.

And Gao Hai, he saw it directly.

The brain in the glass jar seemed to have traces of wriggling. There is no doubt that the player is still alive.

Sharp needles pierced into the brain, and the turbid liquid quickly covered it. Then, something seemed to be transmitted into it along the needles.

Xiong Mi waited for a while before letting out a long breath and putting down the various tools in his hands that were stained with blood.

"The cognitive function is confirmed to be completely destroyed, the self-personality is confirmed to be completely destroyed, and the memory function is completely preserved and undamaged. Well, we can get information next, but we can't let go for now, after all, the information itself may carry some danger."

After completing the [interrogation], Xiong Mi used the power of the obsession to continue to explore carefully.

As for Gao Hai, who was watching all this, well, he could only say that it was quite delicious.

Chapter 66: People who seek [destiny] and alienated cognition

For players whose willpower is far beyond that of ordinary people and who will inevitably cause huge troubles once they die, conventional interrogation methods are often difficult to work.

After all, players of this level have more or less endured inhuman torture, have extraordinary tolerance for pain, and have various trump cards that can turn the tables if they are not careful. Not to mention that if someone is killed by accident, the dead player will be connected to the copy itself, and the chain reaction will cause a huge mess. Therefore, how to ensure the acquisition of intelligence and the survival and powerlessness of the players at the same time has troubled many people.

The solution adopted by the [Moyu Gang] where Xiong Mi is located is to "interrogate" the enemy's brain directly and ensure that the opponent only retains the basic "survival" characteristics.

The specific method is to use a jar of obsession that can ensure the activity of internal things, and put the brain of the player that has just been dug out into it, so as to ensure that the opponent is still alive and well with only a brain left, and will not become a weird thing.

Then, with the direct destruction of the brain organ function itself, the direct destruction of the sharp needle obsession of mental power, and the use of the obsession of manifesting reading memory, the player's self-personality can be almost completely destroyed, and the complete memory that can be extracted and read can be retained.

Such an approach is obviously completely contrary to humanity. It is no exaggeration to say that this method does not treat the interrogated person as a human being at all. The intensity of the torture is no less than that of various horrific tortures, and it has even reached a point of insanity. Therefore, although the [Moyu Gang] had to refer to other player organizations and choose this method to deal with the enemy, in fact, the members of the organization, including Xiong Mi, have rarely used this method.

However, there are exceptions to everything. For example, this group of players who do not regard themselves as human beings, are so arrogant that they compare themselves to the messengers of God, and even want to become fanatics of God, do not need to consider any bottom line issues. At least in Gao Hai's view, there is no problem in using such methods on them.

After all, even such cruel methods, compared with what these people have done to other players or ordinary people, can be said to have reached a somewhat fresh point.

"What is the result?"

Gao Hai asked after confirming that Xiong Mi had stopped the "interrogation" process.

"I have obtained a lot of intelligence. Well, these guys are actually coming for you. Although it seems that they themselves are not sure who their specific target is, I am sure that the person these cultists are looking for is you. Humph, the man of predicted destiny, you have this side to you."

Xiong Mi's face showed a very emotional expression, it seems that she seems to have obtained some very special information related to Gao Hai.

"The person of destiny?"

Gao Hai was stunned for a moment, he felt that Xiong Mi was speaking in a riddle.

"This group of cultists has an extremely rare obsession with the function of [prophecy]. Through the power of that thing, they determined that they could find an existence that could change the fate of the entire world in the copy of [School Tales]. They have different attitudes towards this prophecy. Some think that there may be some opportunities lurking here, and some think it is a test and gift from God. But no matter what the different members of them think, they are the same in action, that is, to find this key existence and try to control it in their hands."

Xiong Mi put the container soaked in the brain on the table on one side of the room, and then spoke leisurely.

"Huh, although there is no direct evidence. But among the players participating in this mission, I think only you may be able to match this [prophecy]. I really don't know how to describe it. You can actually be treated like this, but compared to what you have done, this title is not impossible."

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