A Goto clone holding a door stood up from the bushes holding the door.

The door opened under the breath of a strange thing, and the blood-red field was released in an instant, shrouding Garisto himself who had no time to escape, and then Xiong Mi's figure emerged.

The power of the obsession was activated in an instant, slicing the neck of Xiong Mi who rushed forward.

The immortal blessing from Hirano Sosuke was activated, so the headless Xiong Mi stood firm, raised the short-barreled shotgun in his hand, and pulled the trigger.

The next moment, a piece of meat grew out of Xiong Mi's neck. As the cold breath spread, some kind of vicious force began to try to take over Xiong Mi's body with the small music box that Galisto took out.


The guide stick slammed to the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the headless Xiong Mi caught up with Galisto, who was still trying to escape from the domain area. The distance between the two of them seemed to be erased by some strange force, so that Xiong Mi himself arrived in front of Galisto in the blink of an eye.

A domino fell on the ground at this time, so Xiong Mi's figure and Galisto passed each other, and the spatial structure of both sides was disrupted in an instant.

In just a few seconds, Xiong Mi and Galisto used multiple obsessions in succession, engaging in a true life-and-death confrontation between Red Moon-level players.

This battle is not exciting, and even the scene looks strange and funny. The figures of the two people either stayed in place, or changed suddenly, and from time to time they made various movements of unknown meaning, and then showed signs of pain or were directly attacked without being attacked by anything. Severe injuries, then the injuries suddenly disappeared, and then the two began to take out strange items.

In a sense, this strange fighting method is actually like a life-threatening rock-paper-scissors game. Both sides are constantly looking for suitable props and abilities to unlock the opponent's tricks, and try to use the opponent's tricks that have no corresponding solutions. The props and abilities launched attacks, round after round, fighting with all their strength in a short period of time.

If we only look at the situation at this moment, Galisto still gained an advantage, allowing Xiong Mi and himself to stagger their positions while grabbing a blind spot in the opponent's line of sight, allowing them to attack without the opponent seeing him.

Then Galisto saw the direction where Xiong Mi had just rushed, and looked at a mirror that had been erected there for some time, and at his own image reflected in the mirror.

not good--

He thought he could wrap the stone thrown by the opponent with his own cloth, but he didn't expect that the stone would be followed by scissors. Galisto realized a key problem. That is, he is not fighting against an enemy right now. There is actually more than one opponent, but only Xiong Mi is standing in the open from the beginning to the end.


The police officer under Gao Hai's command fired a shot, shattering the mirror instantly.

The next second, the mirror was unscathed, and Galisto in the mirror was unscathed, but the real Galisto's body exploded instantly like a mirror, turning into countless tiny pieces of flesh like glass shards. piece.

The obsessive object that can replace death must be used immediately...

Garristo's own consciousness has not completely dissipated, and he knows exactly what he should do now.

But the blood-red field was eroding his body and consciousness more and more seriously. He hadn't noticed it just now, but now he felt that his thinking and actions had become slow motion, and his speed had dropped to less than one tenth. degree.

But even so, he can still do it before he really dies——

A suppressive round fell on him.

For a strange creature that Gao Hai basically didn't understand at all, the effect of a suppressive bomb was really nothing. But even if it's something you really don't understand at all, special suppressive bombs can at least cause confusion for a moment.

This kind of disorder has no meaning for the obsession itself, but for the players who use the obsession, what it means is a bit scary.


The red blood light finally exploded completely.

Xiong Mi picked up all the obsessive objects thrown by Galisto himself with ease, and at the same time he did not forget to count:

"There are 5 left."

Chapter 77: About the wonderful uses of obsessions and the unexpected

Another brother died.

Evariste stopped and looked at the black-robed figure appearing around him with a cold expression.

Not long ago, he noticed the abnormal red light, realized that the enemy had taken out the extremely troublesome obsession [Headless Buddha], and planned to return to the enemy's location to fight. This is a helpless move. After all, there is too much uncertainty for players to reach this level of battle. Therefore, after confirming their own chances of victory, how to better protect themselves is the focus.

But if the [Headless Buddha] is taken out, they will have to go back.

This Red Moon-level obsession controlled by the Moyu Gang has a name in the mouths of players who have seen this thing, called [Dungeon Shit Machine]. In a sense, this name is a quite clear revelation. The attitude of most players towards this stuff.

Its function is very simple, it is to summon monsters to the copy.

By sacrificing a certain amount of flesh and blood, you can use this obsession to open a portal and summon various monsters to the current copy. The safe area is about 10 meters around the summoner, and players here will not become the priority attack target of the monsters.

In addition, these summoned monsters will have an extremely special full-map lock feature. That is to say, no matter where you run, as long as you are not near the summoning circle when the summoning begins, you will be locked by these summoned monsters and chased for thousands of miles. The monsters summoned by this [Headless Buddha] will also have the characteristics of being ignored by other monsters to a certain extent, which will reduce the reaction speed of local monsters that would originally attack them first due to territorial conflicts, so it is difficult to use other monsters to resist them. As for waiting for the copy space to eject them, it will take more than ten hours or even half a day. Such a long time is enough for these things to go around the entire copy space several times.

Because of this feature, players who are hostile to the [Slacking Gang] often encounter a large group of monsters chasing them in the field during the fight, and occasionally some neutral player teams are affected because they accidentally get involved in the player fight.

If it were just that, it would be fine, but the key is that this obsession object can actively enter a state of loss of control under the control of the player, summoning waves of monsters. In some cases, it can even produce more monsters than the current copy, and then run around the whole copy and the whole map to kill anyone it sees, with the disgusting and dangerous levels all maxed out. The main thing is to shit everywhere and pollute the environment, and then everyone will die together.

Especially considering that these players have been cursed and will die soon, when the [Headless Buddha] loses control because of the loss of the priest, Evalist dare not imagine how chaotic the forest will be when a large group of monsters are summoned.

Damn, why do these guys start with such a trick that they can't afford to play? Did they already know from Pusid that the cursed core obsession in their hands? Even so, they wouldn't use this thing right away, right?

When Evalist was thinking this, he noticed a connection disappearing.

One teammate was killed.

According to the connection of fate... it was Garristo, the radical member.

How could it be so fast? It hasn't been long since they decided to retreat. Wait, I see. First, they showed their difficult side, which made them subconsciously adopt the strategy of retreat, thus dispersing their personnel to a certain extent. Then, they exposed the existence of [Headless Buddha] to force them to come back, but also used their back and forth changes in action to further disperse their personnel, and then seized this opportunity to find the lone enemy and kill them directly. There must be a very powerful person among these guys. The [Slacking Gang] that was seriously injured in [School Tales], is there still such a character now?

Obviously, due to the geographical distance and the fact that the forces they belonged to were extremely unpopular, these fanatics did not know that Xiong Mi himself had returned alive from Fujika Middle School, so they had a huge misjudgment of the strength of Gao Hai's team.

[Everyone, gather around me! The opponent intends to defeat us separately. They must have some kind of obsession with space movement to pursue us. From now on, we must act collectively! ]

The next moment after the mental communication was sent out, Evalist saw a pink-haired girl carrying a door coming out of the bushes.

They came so fast, how could they find the next one immediately after getting rid of one of us? !

Evalist could not understand. He naturally could not know that Goto Ichiri's guitar had the ability to [interfere with the timeline], and he could not know that this pink-haired girl could use the guitar to launch one individual after another as a pursuer to continuously track the fleeing fanatic players. If this one is not caught, cancel its existence and replace it with another one. If the trace is tracked, keep the corresponding individual, so as to make a small adjustment to the current situation and ensure that the target of tracking cannot escape.

As the first tracking target, Garristo, according to the intelligence, the number and strength of the obsessions he has are insufficient, and he is weak in this player team. So he must be taken down first. While reducing the combat power by reducing one member of the enemy, it is also paralyzing the remaining enemies, making them think that they are not the first target, and that there is still room for the current situation.

Then, the second target is the key at the moment.

The blood-red field spreads instantly with the opening of the door.

Evalist quickly retreated, but was still covered by the field before he could dodge. However, the field that caused serious erosion to Garristo could not hurt Evalist at this time. It seemed that there was an invisible barrier on his body, making all the forces against him unable to work.

"Have you chosen me as your second target? This is probably your biggest mistake. It is impossible for an attack of this magnitude to hurt me."

In a cold voice, Evalist took out a scepter from somewhere and placed it on the ground. Coupled with his kind and compassionate face, he seemed to be a high-ranking priest or even a pope.

"Of course I have to choose you as my target. After all, your ability looks very interesting. This characteristic of not being selected, let me think, is it related to the third core obsession of Yeluoshan Middle School, Evalist?"

Gao Hai's voice sounded from the blood-colored mist.

The expression on Evalist's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the source of his obsession would be easily seen through.

The strange obsession he obtained, which could prevent him from being selected by the power of strange things and strange stories, did come from the dungeon area of ​​[Yeluoshan Middle School], and according to the investigation, it is very likely to be related to the third core obsession that has not been explored in this dungeon.

He didn't tell anyone about this matter, not even his companions knew, but this guy pointed it out in one sentence.

The blessing of the Red Moon level, the source of seeing through his trump card... will it be here, the target that fate guides them to find?

When thinking about this, Evalist saw a figure slowly walking out of the blood mist.

He immediately used his existing obsessions and prepared to fight against the hostile players. Although his teammates had not yet come to support him, Evalist was confident that with his powerful obsessions, no matter what kind of player it was, it would be impossible to defeat him.


Then he saw Kita Ikuyo walking out of the blood mist with a smile.

It seemed that there was some abnormal aura spreading, and it seemed to be a bit strangely familiar.

The aura of this player... No, she doesn't seem to be a player at all! ?

Evalist's eyes widened. He clearly felt the aura of a weird creature from this girl. And then, he was even more horrified to find that the aura of this weird creature directly broke the unselectable effect of his obsession and locked his existence right away.

Chapter 78: The so-called deterrent props and another risk of life

"Huh... This thing is really hard to control..."

Gao Hai took a breath, looked at his fingers that had just grown out, and then looked at the dirty blood and handprints all around him, and shook his head.

【Headless Buddha】Not only does it require a troublesome ritual to use it, but it is also very difficult to interrupt the effect of this thing. Even though there is already a black watch that can unconditionally suppress obsessions as long as it is touched, Gao Hai also spent a lot of effort to get that thing into the watch. Moreover, this thing can basically no longer be used next time. If you want to summon a weird thing by sacrificing flesh and blood next time, this thing will require a whole living person to be sacrificed, otherwise it will immediately go out of control.

"Just now I almost thought this thing was going to eat us."

Fujiwara Chika, who was also moving her newly grown fingers and had a bit of curiosity in her expression, also complained after hearing Gao Hai's words.

The existence of the rescue team badge ensures that limb injuries can be healed at a very fast speed, and even without leaving a scar, but the process of suppressing the [Headless Buddha] is not smooth. Although this obsession will not prioritize attacking living people within 10 meters of the obsession after summoning the weird, it will identify it as the summoner. But once the player tries to recover this thing, it will immediately show its aggressiveness and will attack its summoner together.

Fortunately, Lao Guo's CD has been refreshed, so Gao Hai summoned Lao Guo first to send him to pieces, and let him be torn apart by several headless weirds. Then he summoned Howard and used a clone left by Goto Ichiri to act together, and finally succeeded in taking back the [Headless Buddha] and suppressing it successfully.

Even so, Goto Ichiri's clone was also torn alive on the spot during the suppression process, and those things performed a fresh cut beautiful girl in front of Gao Hai. As for Howard, he stubbornly persisted and was not torn off, of course, he was more or less injured.

"I really don't understand. Such an extremely dangerous and easily out-of-control obsession doesn't have many applications, right? I have a black watch that can suppress all obsessions I come into contact with, but other players' space props have more or less side effects and limits. Don't they feel nervous when they carry this thing?"

After suppressing this thing, Gao Hai endured and endured, but finally couldn't help but complain.

"Of course I'm nervous. To be honest, every time I carry this time bomb, I feel uneasy, but as long as I carry this thing, even players who have grudges against each other will have to smile when they see us in the dungeon. As long as this thing is carried, no player dares to explode with us in the dungeon, and even in the real world outside the dungeon, few players dare to show off their bravery in front of people with this obsession. This is its greatest function."

Xiong Mi's voice came from afar, and several clones created by Goto Ichiri had already run into the abandoned dormitory building in the ruins and dismantled several doors from inside.

"Like a nuclear deterrent? I understand. Then, let's move on to the next step."

Speaking in this way, Gao Hai had already picked up the blood key and inserted it into one of the doors.


The door opened, revealing thirty or forty expressionless students inside.


At this moment, the police fired continuously, making the monsters that wanted to approach the classroom door stagger. Then Gao Hai closed the door very quickly and turned the key to open the door again. This time, after the door opened, a dimly lit corridor appeared. Students could be heard laughing, but no one could be seen.

On one side of the corridor, Kita Yuyo stood in front of a window, facing a figure reflected in the window mirror. Both sides were motionless, as if they were fixed in place.


Gao Hai took a deep breath.

He knew very well how dangerous and uncontrollable the next thing to do was, but at the moment, he thought there would be no better chance.

The pistol that could suppress the monster was not in Gao Hai's hand now.

At this moment, Yotsuya Miko, who was standing in the Baidos underground research institute, was holding the pistol and had adjusted it to the suppression bullet mode with 4 bullets left.

The second core obsession of Bydos is called [Lord Urian]. His real name and appearance have been cracked by Jianzi. Some of his experiences in his life have been known by Jianzi. He was a villain who harmed innocent people in his life, and until now, this thing is still locking on Yotsuya Jianzi to kill her, and...Bydos Research Institute is the [key place] for this core obsession. It can be said that except for the relevant rules of this core obsession that have not been discovered, the rest of the rules have been met, and the most critical rule [was a villain in his life], which is difficult for the core obsession to meet, has also been met.

Therefore, Gao Hai's plan is very simple. He wants to break the confrontation between Kita Ikuyo and Lord Urian, let Jianzi shoot in the Bydos Research Institute, and suppress this core obsession with four bullets. Then he will take this opportunity to let Kita Ikuyo contact Evalister among the fanatic players to confirm whether this old man has obtained the relevant obsession objects of the illusory core obsession, and confirm the specific status of Kita Ikuyo himself.

There are many uncertainties in this plan. Apart from other things, it is completely unknown how long the bullets can suppress the strange creature. After all, the opponent is a core obsession of the Red Moon level. Even if he has basically exposed him under the unreasonable spiritual vision of Jianzi, it will not change the fact that this thing is extremely dangerous.

However, let's take risks.

The combat power that can be active on their side is Gao Hai himself, Goto Ichiri and Kuma Mi. Fujiwara Chika has little combat power in PVP, and Yotsuya Jianzi's body will even become a burden that must be protected by distraction. Even if a small trick is used to successfully kill a single player of the opponent, and then drag another player into a single fight, as long as this group of people gather again and rush back, Gao Hai will face a dangerous situation again. In the final analysis, the disadvantage of numbers and equipment is still difficult to change, and the blood domain he released cannot exist forever. Once it returns to the stage of head-on confrontation, they will definitely suffer.

So there is nothing wrong with taking a gamble, after all, luck has been seen.

Before deciding to act, Gao Hai had already thrown the twenty-sided dice once, and the number that came out was 17, a very auspicious number.

{Gao Hai: Go ahead, just think about the target you want to hit in your heart, you don't need to see the other party, follow the connection that the other party has locked you, and hit it hard a few times}

{Yotani Miko: Yeah, I understand}

In the corridor with cold lights that Gao Hai couldn't see, Yotani Miko raised her pistol and pulled the trigger.


The gunshot sounded, but no bullet came out.

At the same time, in the glass that Kita Yuyo was facing, the figure of the old man suddenly staggered and half-knelt on the ground.


After the second shot, the old man lay directly on the ground.


The third and fourth shots arrived immediately and sank into the old man's body.

It completely stopped moving, as if it was really a living person shot by a gun, and the movement was frozen and no longer moved.

All the suppression bullets were used up at this moment. According to the time when the kitten was shot, Gao Hai now had to wait about 23 hours to restore the number of bullets.

The sealing time was... 40 hours.

Feeling the feedback of the blessing power, Gao Hai finally confirmed the length of time that the core obsession was sealed.

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