Alice, who was in Alice's cabin isolated from other spaces, was given a state of suspended animation by the power of the obsession. In Bydos's view, could he be considered [dead]?

And if he was considered to have become a [dead person], according to the experience of the first round, would he be executed next?

Is the judgment mechanism of this thing a little unintelligent? !


Before Gao Hai realized that something was wrong and was about to start struggling, the movement speed of the iron bed gradually slowed down and stopped in the dark corridor.

What was going on?

Gao Hai tried to observe the strange soldiers behind him to confirm whether these things had undergone some changes, but he could not see anything special. Then he tried to observe the surrounding situation again. This time he saw a somewhat unusual man wearing a white researcher's clothes that could be called a stereotype in movies and TV, and two strange soldiers approaching here quickly.

Chapter 83: It is always faster to smash things than to repair them

"Um... woo..."

I heard a muffled groan coming from the other iron bed that was being pushed.

This voice... yes, it was Chika's voice.

I haven't heard the voices of the third and fourth people yet, so I don't know what's going on with Kuma and Goto Ichiri. With the strength of those two people, maybe they can find a way to get out of this predicament? However, considering the characteristics of this place, it's hard to say. After all, no one has successfully explored Bydos in the entire first round, and the only successful exploration case in the second round is based on the extreme situation that Yotsuya Miko, a girl with excellent vision, happened to encounter Hayasaka Ai who was killed on the side of Yeluoshan Middle School.

Tsk, the situation is not good, anyway, we have to find a way to solve the current problem.

Takahashi can be 100% sure that if he can't find a way to get out of this predicament, he will most likely face the tragic death in the first round.

No, the situation may get worse, after all, the situation in this place is obviously different from before. Gao Hai did not forget that in the rule sheet that Jian Zi saw, people wearing white researcher uniforms were dangerous targets that must be killed at the first opportunity, and such a thing was walking towards him at this moment.


The clear footsteps were still approaching.

Gao Hai on the iron bed had a physical fitness that exceeded the limits of human beings, but he had no way to break free from these restraints, and he couldn't even move his body. After entering Bydos in a state of suspended animation, Gao Hai at this time was like the first round, unable to control his body normally.

It's already in front of him.

Gao Hai could clearly see the figure who was out of tune with the surrounding black protective clothing soldiers, wearing only a white researcher's uniform like a white coat.

From the appearance alone, this thing is still human, and looks like a standard European and American white face. Although it obviously has a pale face due to being underground for a long time without sunlight, it at least does not look like the kind of distorted characteristics that only dead monsters have, and it still feels like a living person. Although combined with the current situation, this will make people more uneasy.

[Identity confirmed, test item 2212, abandoned, being disposed of, please do not interfere with the mission]

The soldier wrapped in black protective clothing stepped forward and stopped the figure in the research suit.

[No, this one is different, this one is completely different]

The man in the researcher's clothes spoke, with a weird pause in his words.

It seemed that something was speaking along with the researcher.

Something that existed here but could not be easily seen spoke at the same time as the researcher. The sound of that thing was mixed with the researcher's voice, and the sound was obviously lower than the researcher's voice, so that even if Gao Hai tried to identify the sound of that thing, he could not hear what the other party was saying.

No, why do I have to hear the sound of this thing clearly? And why didn't these soldiers attack this thing without protective clothing according to the rules? Could it be that the special situation I encountered at this moment is doubled? !

Gao Hai, realizing something, looked at the soldiers wearing full-body protective suits, and then quickly noticed that their protective suits had some minor signs of damage, which were difficult to detect if you didn't pay attention and look carefully. This also means that at this time, whether it is the strange creatures that are about to send themselves to the abandoned, or the strange creature that blocked the iron bed, both sides belong to the extremely dangerous and uncontrollable existence in the rules.

This is really a win in every sense.

{Gao Hai: Jianzi, Xiao Jianzi, help, this side is almost dead, help quickly! }

In the absence of being able to ask other people for help, Gao Hai can only choose to ask for help from a certain girl through a mental link.

{Yotani Jianzi: Huh, huh, huh? Senior? Didn't you fake your death? Can you enter this side in this situation? ! Wait, what's going on over there? ! }

It was obvious that Takami's sudden request for help scared Miko, but she quickly calmed down and continued to ask Takami while relaying Takami's words to Hayasaka.

{Takami: Same situation as in the first round, understand? I'm about to be dragged to be ground into meat paste, and there are some very wrong things blocking the way here, can you do anything? We players who came in because of fake death are trapped on the iron bed and can't move! }

{Yotani Miko: This... this, um, senior, can you confirm your current location? }

There is no need to explain the situation in too much depth, Miko herself knows Takami's final ending in the first round. After all... she was actually thrown into the meat grinder pipe not long after Takami. It's just that because Takami was in front of her, Takami died before Miko was turned into meat paste, so in a sense, this girl escaped a cruel torture. But it is also because of this that the experience of feeling the rotating blades that are constantly enlarging and approaching in front of your sight before your consciousness disappears will make people unforgettable.

However, despite this, Miko did not panic. While she continued to ask Takami, she had already explained the problem to Hayasaka, asking her to speed up the corridor to try to find Takami.

{Yotani Miko: There should be a sign on the wall. Every corridor and every room here has a clear sign. Senior, please confirm where you are? }

{Takami: Probably in a corridor? }

{Yotani Miko: ? ? ? }

{Fujiwara Chika: Well, Area 3... Checkpoint B, we are at Area 3 Checkpoint B, my position is at a corner of the corridor, and there is a mark on the wall}

The one who gave the answer at the critical moment was Fujiwara Chika, who was tied to an iron bed behind Takami, but unfortunately this answer did not bring hope.

Senior... in Area 3?

Miko, who originally wanted to try to find Takami, was stunned for a moment.

The area they were in was Area 1, while Area 2 needed to go down through an elevator in the north of Area 1, and Area 3 was deeper than Area 2. In the previous investigation, Hayasaka and Miko had tried to use the elevator, but it required a more advanced identity card to use it, and there were a lot of soldiers guarding around. Hayasaka only stayed there for a while, and then began to attract the attention of those things, and obviously began to trigger a certain secret rule.

The situation over there was extremely urgent, but it was very difficult for me to rush over here, so... what should I do...

{Pull the power switch and release all the test subjects}

At the moment when Miko couldn't think of a solution, Hayasaka decisively spoke in the mental link and took action neatly.

{Hey, doing that will only lead to the martial law blockade of Area 1 where we are? The circuits of different areas in this place seem to be separated, and the senior is still in the farthest Area 3. Can this really affect the senior? }

Yotani Miko was shocked by Hayasaka's idea. She felt that this idea was somewhat unreliable.

{This is a research institute that studies extremely dangerous things. People die every day and everyone is in danger. If a serious accident occurs in one of the research areas at this time, other areas will inevitably follow the martial law blockade. At least before confirming that the dangerous factors in the area where the accident occurred will not spread, other areas should take a cautious attitude. So if we want to save the master, we can only do this.}


During the conversation, Hayasaka had pushed open the old door of a distribution room and stepped into it with a sound like something screaming.

The process of finding circuit panels and various power facilities is not troublesome. After all, these things are placed directly in the house without any intention of covering them up. Perhaps the original designer would not have thought that someone would deliberately come to this place to cause damage?

Da Da Da Da Da——

The muzzle spewed flames, destroying those power facilities one by one and breaking the wires on the spot.

It took less than two seconds for Hayasaka to enter the room, confirm the target, and open fire. It also took only a few seconds to ensure the destruction of the facilities in the entire switch room and most of the wires. The two guns seemed to have no recoil in the hands of the girl, and the precise bursts destroyed everything in the room.

{Wait a minute, the senior asked us to throw something in the switch room before evacuating}

Then, just as Hayasaka was about to evacuate from here to another switch room, Jianzi signaled her to pause and let her take over this body temporarily. Then Gao Hai used the ability of sharing obsessions to transmit two dusk-level scalpel obsessions, let Jianzi throw them into the switch room, and then fled before the two things lost control and summoned the weird things.


The alarm sounded in the corridor that had become completely dark.

The two scalpels thrown in the switch room were also bleeding at this moment, and began to have an increasingly obvious impact on the surrounding environment.

In the darkness, something seemed to be changing.

As the light faded, this ghost place, which had no human touch to begin with, seemed to be becoming more like a haunted den.

However, neither Hayasaka nor Jianzi had time to pay attention to such details. How to disrupt everything as quickly as possible and ease the crisis on Gao Hai's side was the only issue that the two girls were concerned about now.

Chapter 84: Contaminated blood, strange talk, and confused words


The shrill alarm has begun to spread in this gloomy and humid base.

The lights are flickering slightly.

The air seems to be more humid than before.

Some changes are spreading in this underground base. Even though it seems that there is no obvious abnormality around, Gao Hai can already feel that this place is beginning to become different from before.

He looked around, and the soldiers standing around him had obvious stiffness in their bodies for a short time. It seems that with the changes in this place, these things have triggered some rules and there is a sign of launching some actions. But before these things really act, it seems that there are other rules that interfere with them, causing these things to fall into a self-contradictory state in a short period of time, so that they can't move for a while.

Is it because of what Jianzi did?

At this time, Gao Hai had not received a reply from Jian Zi, so he did not know what actions the two girls had taken to help him out. In order to prevent the other party from being disturbed at a critical moment and causing distraction and mistakes, Gao Hai did not dare to ask the other party about the situation at this time, so he just observed the surrounding situation as much as possible, tried to confirm the movements of these strange creatures, and tried to find out where he could use them.

Tsk... The body still cannot move. If the mobility cannot be restored, the current passive situation will not be resolved. What should I do, what should I do in this situation?

[Ah, the alarm sounded, level 2 alarm, is there an accident in area 1? ]

The man in the white coat turned his head to look at the source of the alarm and made an unclear sound. Then it left step by step, as if it suddenly lost interest in Gao Hai and walked away without looking back.

Faintly, Gao Hai seemed to see something else attached to that person, something creeping, twisted and deformed.

Although it was a little unclear, the thing seemed to have a faint blood-red skin, and its limb structure was similar to that of the human body. If we were to make an analogy, it might be described as a person with a shrunken body and skin peeled off. The person was lying on the researcher in the white coat, and every time the researcher spoke, the thing would speak along with him.

What was it saying?

I couldn't hear the specific content clearly before, but now I seem to be able to understand it.

What was said from the mouth of the thing... what the thing was saying...

{Yotani Miko: Senior! Hayasaka and I cut off part of the power in Area 1. Now our side is temporarily out of power, but I can hear the alarm. How is the situation on your side now? Has anything changed? Hayasaka has already pried open the elevator door, and we will be able to get down from the elevator shaft soon}

The girl's anxiety can be felt from the call.

She is really afraid that something will happen to her. They have known each other for less than half a month, but they have become so close without realizing it. However, given the current situation of this place, we can't let her come over.

{Takahashi: Don't come down yet. A strange creature with high mental pollution has appeared here. If you come down, Jianzi, you will definitely get into trouble. Stay in Area 1. You have helped me a lot. Next, you continue to collect information in Area 1. I will try to get out of trouble by myself}

{Yotani Jianzi: Eh? Hey, but, senior...}

{Takahashi: Okay, this is an order. The thing I encountered here is something that will pollute the mental world after visual contact, and gradually grow in the human consciousness in a parasitic way. My willpower can resist this thing, but Jianzi, if you come over, something big will definitely happen, so just leave it to me. Don't forget, we are now responsible for more than one life, don't show off at this time}

{Yotani Jianzi:... I understand}

I don't know whether the other party really understands or not.

However, at least Takahashi has figured out why those researchers in white coats are very dangerous and belong to the category of "must be killed on sight" in the rule table.

[Merge with us... together...]

The twisted murmur sounded in my mind.

[No distinction between you and me... merge into one... step into the abyss...]

Even if I tried to fight with my consciousness, I couldn't stop the voice from continuing to ring in my mind.

Gradually, I could feel more things.

As long as I breathe a little harder, I can smell the blood in the air.

As if it escaped from a dark and deep world, the bloody smell filled this underground space bit by bit.

There is something in the blood.

Something alive, dormant, and beyond common sense.

The original researchers did not wear protective clothing, at least not the full-body protective clothing that the soldiers wear now.

So after close contact with the blood and the things in the blood, these researchers began to change and caused the first test accident. .

Something parasitized on their bodies, grew from their flesh and blood, and slowly crawled out of their bodies.

I don’t know how Urian successfully suppressed this crisis at that time. At least now, Gao Hai can feel the horror of being parasitized by something at close range, as if something has drilled into his flesh, slowly gnawed his flesh and blood tissue, and gradually replaced himself.

It is extremely difficult to resist this infection and parasitism.

But Gao Hai didn’t really resist this thing. In fact, he had already let go of his perception to a certain extent and tried to speed up the speed of this thing infecting himself.

As for the reason for doing this, it is very simple, because Gao Hai can feel that as this thing erodes his body a little bit deeper, his ability to move is gradually recovering.

This ghost thing, who doesn’t know what it is, should be able to control it after occupying my body from the ability it has shown. Since I am unable to move and control my body due to [false death], I may be able to take this opportunity to regain control of my body and have the ability to move freely in this underground laboratory.

So, I must hold on later.

Gao Hai's consciousness became more and more concentrated.

The voice in his ears became clearer. Whether he wanted to hear the content clearly or not, he was now forced to accept the impact of these things on his own thinking.

[He is... deeper... It's not enough...]

[Open the channel... That's right... Let the two worlds connect...]

[Open the channel of the abyss... Go deeper... Come... Come together...]

In the whisper, the picture gradually became clear.

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