The other party's words were quite impolite.

The woman who understood what the other party meant became more and more ferocious, and a scalpel had silently fallen into her hand.

It can be seen that all this was done by the other party, but she was not a pushover. She actually dared to get close to her. Did she really think she was easy to control?

"Alas, it seems that I have fallen this time, but I am just a newcomer. You are a great man and don't remember the mistakes of a villain. We can completely-ah ah ah ah ah!"

The woman pretended to be weak, but she had just said half of her words to show weakness when she screamed and fell to the ground.

A human head with its face cut off opened its mouth and bit off the woman's thigh in one bite, swallowing the whole leg into its mouth like a bottomless pit.

While she was still thinking about how to show weakness to the enemy and find an opportunity, the other party took the initiative without hesitation and planned to kill her directly.

"Ah ah ah ah--"

The broken thigh spurted out an astonishing amount of blood.

The woman in severe pain wailed and struggled, waving her hand holding the scalpel as if she wanted to do something. The next moment, the young man who came close raised his knife and cut off the woman's hand holding the knife. It was neatly cut off from her wrist, just like the woman cut off his wrist in the last round.

The body under the bed had already crawled out, and the target was directly locked on the woman with broken hands and legs.

Gao Hai had already picked up the head and picked up the woman's scalpel. Then he signaled to follow him, and ran quickly with the frightened Maeda Mei and Green on his back. On the way, Gao Hai also took the wall clock of 205, and then they ran out of the room and returned to the corridor. At this time, Zhen Fei was already waiting at the door of 206, carrying Lao Guo's backpack in her hand, and got all his pistols and explosives.

Everything from beginning to end was just a few minutes.

Without any explanation, Zhenfei just said to Kaguya, "Believe in Haijun as you believe in me," and then took action to persuade Sun Dajun back to his own room. Gao Hai went directly to Green. When the faceless head, a strong visual obsession, was displayed, and the words "Help me or die", Green, who was still observing in secret, bowed his head and immediately took Gao Hai to unlock the door of 205.

As for Lao Guo, this man certainly noticed that Gao Hai took out his obsession. But before he could shoot or take any other action, Gao Hai over there had already thrown out the blood doll in advance, causing Lao Guo to be entangled by his obsession and trapped in the corridor.

As for the black guy, although Gao Hai still doesn't know the name of this guy who has been a bit player for two weeks, why did he follow Lao Guo's actions and run to be his sacrifice at his random words. However, Gao Hai, who was in a hurry at that time, naturally would not waste time talking to him. He directly scratched the wall with a scalpel, and then pointed at the other party. Seeing the wound easily cut on the cement wall, the black guy said in surprise, "Oh man, I will listen to you no matter what you say", and then ran to 206 to hide.

The knocker had gone downstairs at this time, but Gao Hai went into 205, and the others went into 206, leaving only Lao Guo trapped in the corridor. So this thing was attracted by this overly obvious target of ridicule and ran directly to him.

When Gao Hai and Green came out again, they could just see Lao Guo's body disintegrating bit by bit, and his mouth opened wide but could not make a scream.

The strange knocking did not stay in the corridor. Although Gao Hai could not see the other party, Zhen Fei, who had been at the door of 206, had been helping to monitor. After confirming the footsteps going downstairs, she opened the door and tore open a rule book, and stuffed half of the rule book into the door of 205 through the crack of the door, telling Gao Hai as a signal so that he could confirm the safety of the corridor. After confirming that Lao Guo was in the process of transformation, Zhen Fei plucked up the courage and went straight forward to strip the guy of his remaining equipment.

The next step was the most dangerous step. Gao Hai, who came out of 205, took out the badge of the rescue team, put a small nail on it, and nailed it directly on the chest of Lao Guo, who was about to be completely transformed into a knocking ghost story.

He waited in the corridor for a while, and after seeing that Lao Guo's body began to break and his clothes began to turn into a life jacket, he recovered the blood doll obsession, and then hid in 206, locked the door, and closed the living room door.

When the door was opened a few minutes later, Lao Guo was no longer in the corridor, leaving only a row of wet footprints extending all the way to the stairs.

The assimilation effect of the rescue team's obsession has a very high priority, which is stronger than the assimilation of the invisible knocking ghost story. It is likely that its effect strength is second only to the core ghost story of Shirakawa Apartment.

Although the process of trying this out was really unpleasant and extremely painful, in the end all the pain turned into experience and became Gao Hai's advantage in the new round, and finally helped him to complete the annihilation of the two old players.

Gao Hai finally relaxed at this time and gave a thumbs up to Zhen Fei.

From the preparation for the action, he and Zhen Fei simply discussed some ideas, which took less than ten seconds. And it took only two or three minutes to complete all this, and the cooperation between the two sides was also flawless.

"Finally... the two biggest tumors have been eliminated."

After this series of actions, Gao Hai, who was a little exhausted because he had used several obsessions in a short period of time, took a deep breath and spoke with great emotion while sitting on the floor of the living room.

As for the others present, except for Zhenfei who knew everything and actively cooperated, almost everyone was confused and frightened, and didn't understand what happened in the first few minutes.

Chapter 44: Can we really rest easy now?


Change the wet shoes.

Gao Hai put the key and tape of 304 on the table, then put down the badges of the three rescue teams, and then lay back on the chair and let out a long breath.

The exploration of the first floor was very smooth. With experience, he went down and found a way to tear off a badge and stick it on himself, then went into 109 to get the key and tape, and this time he was not watched for turning over the key core information of Shirakawa Apartment, and there is no trace of that little thing around him so far.

However, he felt that if he tried to recall what he saw in the last round, he might attract the attention of that thing just by recalling it, without even saying it out loud. As the real danger of the entire Shirakawa Apartment, if he dared to underestimate the other party because of the flashback, the result would be quite miserable.

"This badge can be temporarily identified as a member of the rescue team when worn on the body, which is a very useful obsession. However, this thing is very terrible for the erosion of willpower, so Miss Shinomiya, Zhenfei, I will only use it for the two of you. Be careful when using it, and take off the badge immediately if you realize that your mental state is not right. Miss Shinomiya will know this by asking Zhenfei, she knows very well what will happen if this thing is worn for a long time."

Takahashi spoke to the two girls in front of him with a serious face.

Among them, Kaguya hesitated to speak, and her eyes kept circling between Zhenfei and Takahashi, but in the end she just nodded silently and didn't say anything.

In comparison, Zhenfei's eyes were much sharper, her cheeks slightly reddened, and she just said "I know" to Gao Hai's words and didn't say anything more.

As for Sun Dajun and Maeda Miwa, well, this time it was the real Maeda Miwa, not the traitor. Although she was still a waste, this woman at least understood what people said and knew when to be quiet, which was very rare. In short, the worldviews of these two people changed easily, and the way of change was very simple. Gao Hai directly used the blood puppet, an obsession, on them once, allowing them to experience what it felt like to be caught by a group of corpses and dragged into the mud (of course, they were gagged before doing so), and then Sun Dajun and Maeda Miwa both became honest.

After the scene where Gao Hai directly threatened with a human head, Green had already regarded Gao Hai as the kind of cruel player who was decisive and would chop him if he didn't obey, so he was ten or even nine times more obedient than the previous two rounds. Gao Hai was very satisfied with this point, but even so, he would not trust this thing at a critical moment.

As for the black guy, Gao Hai finally knew his name, Mamaier, and he was an avid fan of Chinese fantasy online novels. He also gave himself a Chinese name, Mamaipi, and he said that it was a trendy and cool buzzword he saw on the Internet. He was very proud of this name and even tattooed it on his body. Well... Anyway, regardless of these very slotted places, this black guy is quite obedient. At the beginning, he directly stated that he wanted to be a younger brother of the infinite flow team, follow Gao Hai on an adventure, get enhanced from the main god to break through the genetic restrictions and become a superman... Anyway, regardless of these very slotted places, this guy named Mamaier is quite reliable.

The things that the group harvested, those that once belonged to the two old players, now all belonged to Gao Hai and others, and are now on the table in 206.

Two scalpels, with extremely sharp power that can easily cut bones, and extremely strong and will not wear out. But when using it, a strong impulse to attack will gradually arise in the heart, and it will become more and more bloodthirsty, and will inevitably lose itself in the end. It is a weapon that requires a determined person to use carefully.

A red rag doll. Gao Hai has never figured out how to use and what effect it has, but he always feels that the eyes of this thing are alive, and it is constantly peeping at the surrounding situation. Without figuring out the exact method of use, he decided to put this thing into the different dimension of the watch. After all, obsessions are related to ghost stories, so they must be treated with caution.

The blood doll is a very intuitive obsession prop. Its function is to restrict activities. It can only target a single target at a time and will drag the other party. If the dragged party is not able to resist enough, it seems that it will be dragged into a mud pit. It is estimated that the person dragged in at that time will be completely dead. If this thing is to be recycled, the blood doll that was thrown out at the beginning must be recycled, otherwise this thing will not stop moving. It is a dangerous item that is easy to get out of control.

The faceless head is also extremely dangerous. After trying to use this thing once, Gao Hai confirmed that as long as it is released, it must eat meat, and it must be the freshest flesh and blood. Otherwise, this thing will definitely bite back on its owner. Even if the thing eats meat, you must be careful when recycling it. If you are not careful, you may be bitten. And this thing is purely an anti-personnel prop. After Mo Gaohai was partially transformed into a rescue team in the second week, this thing immediately stopped working and would not react to weirdness at all.

Gao Hai hesitated about whether to keep this thing. He felt that this thing was useless and dangerous, but considering the two old players, Lao Guo and the traitor girl, the overall quality of the players in the sacrifice game has been Gao Hai, who had pessimistic expectations, finally kept this thing and positioned it as a self-defense weapon.

Finally, Gao Hai got a small box of ashes. He remembered that this thing caused some inconvenience to his actions after his transformation. However, this thing was not defined as an obsession by the watch, so it could not be contained, so he gave it to the true concubine for safekeeping.

In addition to these obsessional props, two semi-automatic pistols, two boxes of ammunition totaling 60 rounds, and four explosives detonated through homemade circuits were found in Lao Guo's backpack.

This kind of dangerous weapon is also useless against weird things, but it poses a serious threat to people. In the end, the two pistols were handed over to Zhen Fei and Kaguya respectively, and the explosives were also managed separately by each person.

By the way, during the process, Gao Hai asked the real concubine Kaguya if she could shoot. When she got a negative answer, Green walked up and said with a smile that he knew how to use a gun. Then Gao Hai, who knew how unreliable this guy was at the critical moment, responded by handing the gun out with a smile on his face, and then when the other party was about to take it, he asked, "I'll give it to you, do you really dare to ask for it?" ", which successfully frightened Green so much that he changed his face and apologized repeatedly, not daring to come forward again.

"In short... you have actually experienced what happened in this apartment once, but we failed in the end because of those two people, and then you moved back the time by pulling the strings of the wall clock, so you knew what to do. Take action……"

After listening to the explanations of Zhen Fei and Gao Hai alone, Kaguya took a deep breath, sat down and thought for a long time, and finally finally accepted it all.

But then, when Zhen Fei and Gao Hai were alone, things were not so easy to fool around.

"It has nothing to do with the wall clock, right? This is your own trump card, Haijun."

In the second-floor corridor illuminated by pale lights, Concubine Zhen, standing against the wall, locked her brown-purple eyes on Gao Hai in front of her and said seriously. It was clear that the words and sentences were in the form of a question, but the girl's tone was clearly a statement.

"That's right, I just didn't expect that you would remember what happened this time."

Gao Hai glanced at his watch, which had reached the third mark, then looked at Zhen Fei and answered.

"Including the last operation, what you said about backtracking is also a lie, right? You are actually starting from scratch for the third time."

Zhen Fei sighed softly, and then asked again. It was obvious that this smart girl had understood everything.

"Well, that's the case. It's just that instead of coming up with something completely baseless, it's easier to understand and explain it. That's why I didn't choose to tell the truth at that time."

Gao Hai didn't hide anything from the girl in front of him and answered very solemnly.

"I know, I can understand your thoughts, but... you are really not simple. What kind of ability is that, and why does it have such a magical effect?"

The true concubine held it back again and again, and finally couldn't help but ask again.

"I don't know if you ask me this kind of question. I can only say that I am trying to explore the ability of this thing again and again. As you know, it is not an easy process to figure out the function of this thing. "

Gao Hai's expression became a little helpless. He could only reach the bloody city if he died. It had only been twice so far. What could he figure out?

"...Will it bring you danger? Is this ability as dangerous as an obsession?"

Seeing Gao Hai's appearance, Zhen Fei was silent for a while and then asked again worriedly.

She can still clearly recall how ugly and terrifying Gao Hai was lying on her knees at that time. The completely twisted and miserable appearance made people feel extremely distressed whenever she recalled it. Especially even after reaching this point, Gao Hai still did not succumb to the pain. This kind of will made the girl unbearable. In her opinion, having the talent to endure pain has never been something worthy of praise, so she was as gentle as possible to Gao Hai, hoping that he could show more of his emotions.

Being able to resurrect after death and make everything happen again.

Such power sounds incredible, almost like a god.

Even though there is already a retroactive prop like a wall clock in Shirakawa's apartment, this thing is part of the ghost story after all, and it has obvious limitations. In contrast, the unknown power in Gao Hai was really disturbing, and Zhen Fei was really uneasy.

"Don't worry. Although I don't know the specific situation, as long as I don't face the same desperate situation as last time, this ability shouldn't hurt me."

Gao Hai, who knew nothing about the bloody city, couldn't say anything against his will at this time, so he had to comfort the girl in this way.

As long as he didn't die, this thing shouldn't hurt him before he died of old age. At least so far, Gao Hai thought that his judgment should be correct, but whether it can be done in actual operation is not certain.

"Is that so..."

Knowing that she couldn't say anything more about this matter, Zhen Fei nodded gently and calmed down.

"Well, anyway, it's really great that you can remember. I thought I could only face you who didn't remember anything this time."

Gao Hai smiled again and then said what was in his heart.

At least in his opinion, there was nothing wrong with this sincere expression of his heart.

But for some reason, Zhen Fei's cheeks almost immediately flushed, and she subconsciously avoided Gao Hai's gaze, and her posture became more restrained from a relaxed look.

Hmm? What's wrong with her? Could it be that what I said just now was a bit corny? !

Gao Hai, who reacted belatedly, realized that something was wrong, but he didn't know how to remedy it. He suddenly felt a little hot on his face and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"By the way... you know you can start over, so what did you say last time... you haven't been kissed by a girl, you guy, you didn't just want to take advantage of that opportunity, right? At that time, you deliberately put on that kind of life and death farewell..."

Then, Gao Hai heard the very low, almost whispering voice of Zhen Fei.

He didn't see the expression on the other person's face, because Zhen Fei had lowered her head, but he could see her slightly red ears, and he could imagine that the girl's mood was probably not very good at this time.

"No, it was the truth at that time, it couldn't be truer. For me at that time, it was indeed a life and death farewell, Zhen Fei."

So Gao Hai just thought about it for a while, and then spoke to Zhen Fei in a firm tone.

However, what he thought of was to prove the sentence [I didn't just want to take advantage]. What Gao Hai didn't expect was that what Zhen Fei wanted to ask was not this sentence at all. She was now thinking about another sentence, which was the sentence "I like you very much" that Gao Hai said with a smile at the end.

What? Confessing to someone you have only known for three days is just as bad as a scumbag!

No, he has known me longer than I have known him. Maybe it has been many days for him, and he said that he saw me die in front of him. No, no, this is not the same thing at all. This annoying guy is too frivolous! Moreover, I obviously did, I obviously did...

"Humph, I never believe what you say, who knows if you are lying, you have already lied to me once."

Finally, Zhen Fei, whose mind was a little short-circuited, raised her head and snorted at Gao Hai. Her tone was very bad, but the blush on her cheeks was equally conspicuous.

Is this... triggering a tsundere reaction?

Gao Hai saw Zhen Fei's look and had to admit that his heart was beating several times.

Although it seems a bit strange to create such an atmosphere in this dilapidated and weird apartment, he actually enjoys it...

Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the end of the corridor.

Zhen Fei, who reacted earlier than him, also turned his head and looked at the end of the corridor.


The children are laughing happily.

The children are walking step by step.

Hey, they are children I don’t know.

Do you want to play together?

Play together?

Play together?

Play together~ Play together~ Play together~~


The footsteps of the children are getting closer and closer.

The children are laughing happily.

The children are inviting you to play.


The body reacted before the mind and took action.

Gao Hai grabbed Zhen Fei's shoulders almost instantly, lifted her up and threw her into the cabinet on the side of the corridor.

Then Zhenfei reacted and endured the strange voice that kept ringing in her head, trembling and climbing up the cabinet, hiding on the top layer of the cabinet.

Then Gao Hai jumped up suddenly, turned over, and landed on the top of the cabinet, breathing hard, trying to divert his attention from the laughter below.

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