
In the sound of no unusual response, Gao Hai squatted down, took a deep breath, and then lay on the ground completely, crawling into the hole in the wall. With his body size, he could only enter the hole in the wall in this way, and even so, the hole in the wall would block Gao Hai tightly, and every step forward would take considerable effort.


With heavy breathing, Gao Hai took about half a minute to get into the hole, and then Kaguya followed him in, and before entering, she carefully dealt with the traces of the two entering the room, put the cabinet back in place, and prevented the enemy who might be tracking from discovering this place too early, and then continued to follow Gao Hai and crawled in the dark cave.

This seems to be a natural cave, the cave itself is very dry, and there are many small pieces of gravel in the passage.

Kaguya then used the flashlight she was carrying to identify the cave, confirming that it was probably formed by geological movements such as earthquakes. Then she soon noticed that Gao Hai, who was crawling in front of her, was breathing a little too quickly.

"Hu... Hu..."

His body seemed to be shaking a little?

The blessing that sensed maliciousness did not notice anything approaching, but Gao Hai's not-so-obvious abnormality still made Kaguya quickly alert. She suspected that the other party might have been eroded by some kind of rule power. But at the moment, Gao Hai himself did not say anything, and Kaguya did not dare to do anything without authorization. She was not sure whether taking action without knowing it would lead to worse consequences, so she just followed Gao Hai and continued to crawl without saying a word. She crawled in silence for about three minutes before finally reaching a larger area.

When crawling out of the cave, Kaguya could see that Gao Hai's movements were a bit impatient. He crawled out desperately as if something was chasing him, so that the shoulders on both sides of his clothes were worn out a lot, and one shoulder was completely worn out and the skin could be seen.

"...Finally out."

However, Gao Hai himself didn't care about this minor injury at all. He just said to himself with some relief, and then turned around to pull Kaguya out from behind.

[Meow~ You guys are so slow~]

Kaguya really wanted to ask Gao Hai what happened. It was not difficult to see Gao Hai's emotional problems at this point. But the voice of the kitten had already sounded from a distance, and Gao Hai's attention was immediately diverted. In this case, Kaguya would not say anything else, and silently used the flashlight to illuminate the surroundings and observe this new area located underground.

"This is it. Even the players who have explored [School Tales] many times have rarely reached the underground base area."

Gao Hai, who also held a flashlight, said while shining the flashlight around.

Various slogans composed of neon language and numbers spread on the wall.

There were already some cracks on the wall and the ground, which seemed to have been damaged to a certain extent due to the earthquake.

The place where the two appeared at this time was a gloomy corridor. The temperature here was very low, and taking a breath would feel like ice water in the lungs. And because it is a closed underground area, there is no light source except for the two people's lighting equipment. As long as the lights are turned off, it will be pitch dark.

And the little cat with a lame leg is waiting for them on the side of the corridor.

Chapter 100: Hayasaka Ai's escape moment and smooth meeting?

{Yotani Miko: In other words, the senior is also in an underground base now? Well, it feels that our current situation is very similar, both in a military base. Although Hayasaka classmate has not found a way to get out of the cage yet...ah, she has already started to act, I won't say it here}

Because she is not in the group chat of Gao Hai's girlfriend group, Hayasaka Ai does not know that Yotani Miko, who temporarily controls the same body as her, is still chatting at this moment. She just pretends that nothing has happened and sits on one side of the cage. She looks like she has fallen asleep, but in fact she has been paying attention to the situation around her. Her body is always tense and she can jump up and act at any time.

She is waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for an opportunity to escape from this place.

Her eyes swept across the cold iron fence in front of her, the iron fences that stretched all the way, divided into small cages, distributed on both sides of this large room, and the things that patrolled silently here.

Jianzi had already recognized that this place was the [Test Subject Detention Area] that they had investigated in the second round, located next to the [No. 1 Human Experiment Area]. However, this place is different from the second round. There are obviously more people detained here, and the number of patrolling soldiers has also increased. Although it may be a bit strange to describe a copy area like this, this place is actually more lively and more humane at this moment.

However, because of this, it is much more difficult to escape from this place.

The cages in the entire detention area are made of solid iron fences as thick as two fingers. There is no thin wire that can be torn off here, and there are no other handy tools. Therefore, Hayasaka has no way to use the lock picking skills she used before to escape from the cage, and can only continue to wait quietly for the opportunity.

We need to find the blind spots in the movements of these things. After all, they are the remains left by living people, and as long as they are human, it is impossible for them to have no flaws.

Thinking in this way, Hayasaka observed the actions of the soldiers over and over again, silently memorizing the rules of their patrols, recording the intervals between the soldiers entering and leaving the room, and their possible purposes for entering and leaving here each time.

[Hehe... Hehehe...]

Across the cage, there was a dirty old man who was laughing in a low, neurotic voice, looking at Hayasaka from time to time.

Unlike the other [experimental subjects] sitting in the cage with obvious marks of craniotomy on their heads, those [experimental subjects] all looked stupid, as if their souls had left their bodies and went to other places. But this thing was obviously still conscious, and strangely paid attention to Hayasaka's situation from time to time. Hayasaka and Miko were alert and carefully observed the old man, but did not find anything abnormal. It seemed that he was just a neurotic old man. Therefore, in the absence of being able to confirm more information for the time being, Hayasaka had to temporarily turn a blind eye to the old man.

I hope this thing will not interfere with my actions.

After observing for a long enough time, Hayasaka reminded Jianzi, who was linked to her, in her mind, and her originally lazy sitting posture began to slowly adjust to a sitting posture.

She had already held a small box in her hand hidden on the side of her body.

[Mysterious Toy Box], this was one of the three Dark Night-level obsessions that Gao Hai and Xiao Heshu had traded. Because this obsession never really showed any strength, Xiao Heshu advised Gao Hai to consider it again after learning that he decided to choose this obsession. In fact, during the entire Zao Li Primary School copy, this strange little thing really didn't play any role at all, and it completely became a toy.

But Hayasaka had a different view on this. She asked Jianzi to get this obsession through the link between her and Gao Hai, and then hid it under her body, waiting for the right time.


A group of patrolmen opened the door and walked out of the cell.

Another group of patrolmen not far away turned around and didn't look at Hayasaka.

This was the only time to ensure that she would not be watched by any soldier, the only chance to make a move, and there was only about 0.7 seconds. Once this time passed, the patrolmen who turned their heads would turn back, and then a new patrolman would enter here in another 3 seconds. In that case, as long as she made a little unusual movement, the muzzles of these soldiers' guns would immediately turn around, aim at her and put their fingers on the trigger.

Hayasaka would naturally not miss this opportunity.


A small toy was taken out by Hayasaka, thrown out of the cage and thrown into the passage outside, and the action was so fast that the arm left an afterimage.

[Patrick, let's go catch jellyfish together! ]

Then a SpongeBob SquarePants toy about 5 cm tall stood up, holding a net bag and ran with laughter.

Ah, it's this toy.

Although she confirmed that the size of the toy was just the right size to throw out of the cage when she caught the toy, it was impossible for Hayasaka, who had no childhood life, to confirm what kind of toy she caught. But this toy is suitable, after all, all she needs is something to attract attention, nothing more.

[I'm ready! I'm ready! ]

The little toy shouted loudly while accelerating towards the side of the road.

The soldiers quickly found this little thing, raised their guns and aimed, and chose to fire without hesitation.

Bang bang bang bang bang--

In a series of gunshots, the little toy was smashed to pieces on the spot, turning into flying plastic debris.

Like other toys taken out of the toy box, these wonderful little toys with mobility have no combat power at all. In terms of materials science, they are real toys. They can't cause any damage to the weird things at all, and they can't resist the power of the weird talk.

But this short distraction was enough for Yotsuya Miko, who temporarily took over Hayasaka's body, to take out a pistol, hide it under her body and fire a shot.

The gunshot was very small, completely covered by the gunshots of the weird soldiers, and was not discovered by those things.

And that bullet (not a suppression bullet) had already followed the memory of Miko herself in the second round and directly hit the power distribution room in Area 1.


The light disappeared in an instant, and darkness enveloped everything.

In the absolute darkness where one could not see one's hand in front of one's face, Hayasaka and Miko heard more wanton laughter and the sound of something starting to move.

The alarm began to sound, and in the quiet cage, something full of malice began to walk out of it.


But then, the light came on again.

It was only a power outage of less than a few seconds, and everything returned to its original state.

This was not something worth surprising, but it was within the expectations of the two, and it was the choice made by Miko and Hayasaka after exchanging the intelligence of the second round. The girl only used the locking function of the pistol to destroy the main power circulation path, and did not activate the emergency backup power system.

The soldier came forward, squatted down, and reached out to pick up a small piece of the broken SpongeBob toy. It picked up the arm of the toy that was still barely intact. This hand was still holding a small net bag and waving it constantly, as if it was really catching jellyfish.

And Hayasaka in the cage had disappeared without a trace.


Only the figure in dirty striped pajamas locked opposite the cage continued to laugh hoarsely.


The gentle footsteps sounded slowly.

The soldiers seemed to have not noticed Hayasaka's disappearance at all, but continued to perform their tasks mechanically and continued to patrol here forever.


In front of the dark passage, there seemed to be some light, but it was not clear.

Gao Hai could already see what appeared in the light.

Scarred people.

Depressing atmosphere like death.

The silent man kept smoking one cigarette after another, filling the room with the smell of smoke.

The boy with scars on his face just lowered his head and ate his extremely simple breakfast in small bites.

It was just like this, a very common scene in life.

But the strong feeling of suffocation had already made Gao Hai and Hui Ye, who were watching, deeply feel it.

There was no mistake.

Gao Hai was 100% sure.

The boy who looked young and pretended to be fine despite being depressed was [Morihara Koji] himself.

Chapter 101: The stage with gray colors and the deep "abandoned" base

The gloomy sky was filled with gray colors that seemed to never dissipate.

The dirty and messy rental house was full of garbage, and the unkempt man just continued to smoke silently, one cigarette after another, letting the smoke and dust float into the sky and blend with the gloomy colors in the sky.

The boy lowered his head and did not dare to look at the man.

There were still bruises on his face, and dark red wounds were faintly visible on his arms. He was thin and pale, and one could tell at a glance that he was malnourished.

The lights in the house flickered slightly.

Faintly, it seemed that the noise outside the window could still be heard, as if there were children running through the street laughing and joking. The sound of car horns and the hum of planes passing through the sky also sounded together.

The dirty calendar on the wall showed the day of [Sunday]. This time should be the time for children to play around, but the boy with the wound on his face just continued to sit there in silence, and the man just smoked silently, both of them maintained this almost suffocating silence.

At the bottom of the picture, there was a small card with the word [home] written on it.

"This is..."

Kaguya vigilantly observed the picture in front of her, or was it a stage play? It was difficult for her to describe what she saw in words. The two people sitting on the table not far away seemed to be just two sculpture dummies. They were motionless, without any vitality, and the whole room was just a simple set, like a filming site for a movie or TV series. But standing in this place, Kaguya could really hear all the sounds coming from the background of the stage, and deeply felt the indescribable heavy suffocation coming from the two people.

"Is everything okay?"

Gao Hai looked back at Kaguya and asked.

"Well... I'm fine, how could there be such a thing in this place?"

After taking a deep breath, Kaguya shook her head and answered Gao Hai, then looked around with some doubts.

This is indeed an air-raid shelter base hidden in the mountains. It was a hidden base set up by those crazy Japanese military departments to fight against their imaginary landing army. But this base, which was theoretically completely abandoned and no one knew about, has now undergone tremendous changes. Gao Hai and Kaguya did not see any of the various guns, ammunition and war supplies that were originally in the player's exploration record. Instead, there were stage settings spreading all over the base, one frozen stage scene after another, and a small figure in it.

On the first stage, the boy looked only five or six years old.

The background of the stage was lit, outlining the general appearance of a man and a woman, and the sound of fierce quarrels continued.

Amid the garbage and various dumped furniture and debris, the boy gently waved his toys and covered the teddy bear lying on the bed with a blanket, as if he was coaxing the teddy bear to sleep.

The title written on the card posted under this stage was [Child].


Despite a lame leg, the kitten named Meow Nai still moved quickly, jumping between stages in the dark and cold underground base.

The second stage that appeared later was an enlarged doll, which was grabbed and torn by the hands of a man and a woman.

The doll itself had been torn apart, and the cotton stuffing inside it had leaked out, and it looked like it was about to be torn apart on the spot.

But even so, the man and the woman had no intention of letting go of their hands. Instead, they pulled harder and harder, as if they were competing with each other.


The sound of the doll disintegrating sounded in the background.

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