"Why are you still standing there? Leave after class, or do you want to stay here and cause trouble for me?"

As Chika said this, the students all showed relieved expressions, and one after another carefully moved, trying to escape from the classroom as quickly as possible. That action did not look like what students should do after class. Chika even felt that she seemed to have been regarded as something terrible by these dead people, equivalent to a ghost story, so she was so obedient.

However, it is not surprising to have such a reaction.

After all, in a sense, Fujiwara Chika at this time is indeed [extremely terrifying] to these students.

You know, the wailing of those students whose legs were broken on the spot and thrown outside the building is still heard from time to time.

The first action taken by Fujiwara Chika against the weird students was to divide the weird student group so that they could not establish a unified position to attack the player. This step was based on the experience of the second round, and it was essentially just a repetition of existing actions, and there was nothing to say. But for the second step, she had no experience to draw on, and could only act based on her own thinking and judgment.

The result of her judgment was to let Goto Ichiri create several clones, and together with Nanakawa Ren, beat a student from Chika's class when he entered the toilet, causing injuries to the extent of limb fractures and throwing him near the first floor door. During the whole process, the player did not use any extraordinary power, but only used pure physical fitness to achieve this step. After the success, he ran to Chika's class and declared that the beaten student looked at Chika for a second time, which was very rude, so he had to teach him a lesson, and also warned everyone not to help the injured students, and those who dared to help would be beaten.

To be honest, when carrying out this step, the three players had already prepared for the gang of weirdos to go berserk directly under strong stimulation, and even prepared for the possibility of casualties if they did not have time to escape. But in the end, whether it was beating students, throwing injured students around, or even threatening the whole class in front of the teacher who came to class, no weirdo riot was triggered. This kind of violent action, which would have been dead in other copies, did not encounter any obstacles here.

These things, which had been dead for many years and could make players feel like they were facing a great enemy if they just ran wild, did not have even the slightest sense of resistance. Instead, they all showed terrified expressions under the scolding of Goto Ichiri's clones, and they were as quiet as cicadas and did not dare to refute at all. They were as obedient as little white rabbits.

With the successful verification of the second step, the three players did not hesitate and took the initiative to go to each class to cause trouble after each class. Sometimes Qianhua took the initiative to hit the student's shoulder, and then immediately called a few Goto clones to beat the student up. Sometimes Qianhua deliberately blocked in front of a student, and when the other party tried to avoid her, she immediately asked the clones to come and beat the student up. In short, more than a dozen weird students were beaten with blood on their faces and broken hands and feet, and could only lie on the grass outside the teaching building and wail.

Still no resistance appeared.

Even though Fujiwara Chika's actions had clearly gone beyond the usual school bullying, and were about to go from a gang to a psychopath going crazy in the street, there was no obstacle, and nothing to resist them appeared.

All the weird students who witnessed all this remained silent, pretending not to see it, and showed an indifferent attitude of "It has nothing to do with me".

None of the students who were beaten and attacked dared to fight back, but instead cried and shouted that they were wrong and asked for forgiveness, and some even kowtowed and licked feet. However, Chika did not let the weird students who did the latter succeed. Compared to being licked by these dead people, Chika would rather wear black silk stockings and let Gao Hai lick them, or vice versa.

Those teachers were also standing by and watching, and they would not react even if they beat people in front of them. As long as it did not affect their teaching, these teachers would not react, just like they could not see those students begging for mercy and help.

The second class was over... the third class was over... the actions continued, and the three became more and more bold and unscrupulous.

Gradually, the students began to show obvious fear towards Chika and the other two. Even when most of the players left and the three players were alone in a classroom, no student dared to bully them, and no student would try to bully the players by taking advantage of the temporary advantage in numbers. Even at the end of the fourth class, during the lunch break, the class had to ask Chika herself to speak before these weirdos dared to leave their seats.

Although Fujiwara Chika felt quite lucky about this development, she was not surprised. After all, although everything shown in this world of ghost stories is extremely distorted and extreme, there is still a corresponding real scene, and the girl herself knows very well what that scene looks like.

{Shijo Maki: We have all entered the [Life Club] area in the abandoned dormitory building. We will rest here for a while. Those fanatics have a tendency to surround in this direction, but the previous confrontation has made them more cautious, and they dare not attack at present. Although we have taken many precautions, we really have no way to confirm whether those fanatics have split their forces to other places. Haijun, if you can hear it, you'd better speed up your actions and be careful. Those fanatics are likely to find you.}

After a few minutes, Maki sent another mental communication, so Chika did not rush to leave the class, but waited.

{Fujiwara Chika: Is it really too difficult for three people to stop seven people? Well, I have begun to try to use the atmosphere rules of these weird students to try to guide and control their behavior. At present, it seems that there is no big problem. As long as the degree of violence is controlled so that no one will really die, these things are quite cooperative with us. Next, I will try to use this rule more deeply. You should be more careful, little Zhenfei~}

{Shijo Zhenfei: Don't call me little Zhenfei. You think being "big" is great? Uh, forget it. This communication link is not for such things. Yotsuya and Kai-kun still didn't respond. What's going on with them now...}

Zhenfei, who couldn't calm down, kept muttering in the communication. It can be heard that she was still a little nervous. Qianhua didn't have any good way to comfort her. After all, the fact that Gao Hai and Jianzi's two teams lost contact one after another was really worrying. Just like Zhenfei, in the case of insufficient hard power, Qianhua really couldn't think of any way to turn the tide, so she could only use the knowledge and abilities she had as much as possible to try to ensure that there would be no problems on the side she was responsible for.

As a student who stayed in Yeluoshan Middle School and was appointed by Ahai as the temporary captain of the third team, the only thing she needed to focus on was how to dig deeper into the secrets of this school and find things that other players failed to find in the first two cycles.

Qianhua believed that even if Ah Hai did not speak in the mental link now, since his spirit had not disappeared, it proved that he was still alive and conscious. Then, as long as she said all the results of the investigation in the mental link, even if he could not reply at this moment, she would definitely remember clearly what she said. Then, if the next exploration failed and she sacrificed herself, in the next round, Ah Hai would definitely be able to summarize these problems and avoid the mistakes of the last time to find a more perfect way to pass the level.

Then, the next step is the third step.

Dividing students and deterring students, only after completing the first two steps can it be considered to be able to protect itself to a certain extent. But if you want to investigate in a campus full of students, the next third step, that is, [using and driving students], must be completed no matter what.

When thinking about this, Qianhua slowly took a step, ready to leave the empty classroom and join her teammates, and then stopped suddenly.

Something was looking at her.

In this classroom where everyone had left and there should be no students, she was the only one left. Something else was watching her.

That thing was standing in the dark corner of the classroom, in the darkness where no light could reach.

Even though the other party did not make any movement at this time, but just stood quietly, after feeling the strong sense of being watched, Qianhua still felt a breathless and indescribable strong palpitation.

That thing was not a person. The thing that was watching her was a strange thing that had already shown its own form.

Why now?

Is it because I was left alone in the classroom that I encountered a strange thing?

Speaking of which, I have indeed heard of similar sayings, that kind of strange talk that there is actually something in the empty classroom.

Goto Ichiri and Nanakawa Ren should be here soon. As long as I don’t encounter a strange thing that triggers sudden death, there is still hope. So, what should I do next? Should I pretend that everything is normal and walk out of the classroom, or try to confirm what that thing is?

While thinking, Chika's movements remained natural, as if she felt nothing and walked slowly towards the classroom door.

However, her hand had already grasped a small women's handbag hanging on her waist, which was the same type as Hayasaka's, just like the scalpel seized by Gao Hai from the women's gang. By the way, the cosmetics in this handbag were directly searched out and forcibly taken away from a strange student dormitory. At that time, Goto Ichiri relied on his clone to stand on the scene and directly robbed the cosmetics. The strange student who was robbed cried on the spot.


Coming to the corridor, most of the students had left the teaching building, and only a few students were still active here.

Goto Ichiri walked over carefully with a guitar in her arms. She was able to talk and laugh with a few strange students before she saw Fujiwara Chika, but now she was shrinking and at a loss when she saw a living person.

Then, Nanakawa Ren from the Red Society came over from the other side of the corridor, yawning as he walked. It was obvious that the high school classes this morning had provided a very good hypnotic effect on this player.

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria and we can proceed to the third step."

Chika Fujiwara whispered to her two companions, then took another step, and then suddenly stopped.

The strange creatures in [Yeluoshan Middle School] have the characteristic that they must be recognized first before they can harm the player. If sufficient awareness cannot be established first, there is no way for those things to show themselves in front of players.

But what I felt in the classroom just now didn't seem like this?

That thing, what is it?

Chapter 107: The profound fragments of nothingness and the appearance of [Takamagahara]

It seemed like a dream.

I dreamed that I was standing in darkness, unable to see my fingers, no matter where I looked, I could not see the way out.

No, am I really standing in this place?

Or am I floating in the air, floating in a void where there is nothing?

Consciousness gradually became blurred.

It seems a little unclear whether he is dreaming or in reality.

Nothing at all……

There is nothing here...

The only thing that can be felt is boundless nothingness.

There is no color, no sound, no matter, only absolute nothingness covering everything, and nothing else can be felt.


Nothing at all……

Not even emotions, not even feelings, not even self, not even consciousness...

What is this place?

Why am I here?

Why am I aware that I am in this place?

In the end...I in the end...

[I still can’t understand your thoughts. Please, such an opportunity will never come again in the future! 】

[We can get countless amounts of money, we can get status that we never thought of before, villas, luxury cars, servants, women, we can get anything. This is our best chance to become a master, and our best chance to get rid of the nothingness we have now! 】

[Why did you take this opportunity to do such a thing? Are you out of your mind when you study something that you don’t even know what it is, something that you can’t even know exists? 】

There seemed to be a sound.

It sounded like a man's voice, which sounded angry, incomprehensible, and full of helpless emotions.

[I am sober, I know what I am doing, this is my choice]

[I understand your choice, Sato. If you need my help, I will do my best, but I will not follow your path]

[From the moment we walked out of that place alive, I had already decided to explore this path. I think you can't understand the fragility of life and the starry sky that we may not be able to touch in our lifetime. After I saw those things, after I knew those things existed, and understood things that I had never understood before, I had no way to return to human life, no way to continue pursuing money, wealth, and material happiness]

Another man's voice sighed at this time, a little confused, but also a little firm at the same time, and he spoke slowly.

Compared with the previous person, this man's mood seemed much more depressed. He seemed to have been stimulated by something a long time ago. This pain in his soul has always remained, and it has not subsided from the man's body to this day, as if it had given him Leaving an everlasting mark.

【crazy! It's crazy! After finally surviving, why should we continue to torture ourselves? 】

[Listen to me, Jiang Gu, give up. Just do what I said at the beginning, fool the military and build "Takamagahara" properly. As long as this road to eternal life is in our hands, no matter how this country changes, our status will be eternal. At that time, no matter what the military, emperor or nobles are, they will have to look at our faces. Isn't it good that we can live the life we ​​dream of? 】

[Please give up, don't try that road, we have already walked out of the hotel, we are no longer in that place, don't stay there any longer. What do the things left by those great men and philosophers have to do with us? Let’s just take what we need, right? 】

The man named Sato spoke again, his voice full of pleading.

His emotions became more excited, and for some reason, underneath the intense emotions on the surface, there seemed to be some hidden fear that could not be restrained from showing out.

[I think that hotel has indeed taken away my soul. The arrogance and self-confidence I once had were completely crushed there]

[Everything we have done so far, no, human civilization so far, the millions of years of history, the rise and fall of hundreds of millions of people, are too insignificant to mention. Sato, you cannot understand this feeling. This kind of struggle for a lifetime, for a hundred years, and finally dies and turns to dust. It is just a dust in the vast universe and cannot make any waves]

[So, even if it is just a madman's delusion, I will try. Even if I fail, it doesn't matter. At least I will try to prove that this civilization has such a possibility. I will definitely die in front of you, Sato, I have this feeling. After I made my choice, I thought I would definitely get this result, and I would never regret it. If there really are unattainable gods in this world, I must try... As a human being, holding the power of gods in my hands is the only meaning I can find for my life]

But there was no room for redemption in the other man's voice.

They continued to argue, one arguing loudly and the other responding calmly.

Eventually the sound subsided, leaving only a leisurely sigh that echoed in the darkness.

[Oh, apart from me, are there any other madmen who try to control the true power of God and wish to exercise divine power as a human being? 】

[Welcome, welcome, since my only companion abandoned me, I thought I would only become a lonely seeker. Unexpectedly, I got a new traveler. So, since you have chosen this path, you must be ready to fall into hell, right? What we are going to do next is a sin that even Satan may not be able to forgive.】

An older man's voice, whose neon language was obviously very stiff, joined in, causing the darkness that was about to subside to boil again.

This person's emotions are more intense and more crazy.

He seems to have an extremely strong desire to achieve something, and for this he is willing to abandon all bottom lines and do whatever it takes. And this demonic emotion was as contagious as a virus. It began to infiltrate the depressed man's emotions little by little, causing him to transform into a more cruel side despite his already distorted situation. .

【Fall into hell? It sounds quite vivid]

[Then, let’s give it a try and see if our dreams can become reality]

The last voice had become cold.

In the darkness, the screams and wails of the victims could no longer be blocked.

The dream is not over yet.

Although he was still in a dark world, he could vaguely feel that he was falling downwards.

Going deeper and deeper into the darkness, it just kept falling.

【what is it? 】

someone is asking.

【It is a new existence】

Someone is answering.

[What is it not? 】

Someone kept asking questions.

[It is not human, it is not a monster]

Someone is continuing to answer.

[Where does it exist? 】

【It exists in our world】

【Can it talk? 】

[Of course it can talk, it should have the ability to communicate]

[Can it think? 】

[Of course it can think, it should have enough wisdom to know itself, the world, and make its own choices, so that it can be called a great creation]

[Does it have a body? 】

[It may not have to have a physical body. Its form of existence should not be limited by our cognition. We should not set shackles for it. It should exist in this world in the posture it wants.]

[Where will it come from? How will it reproduce? 】

[It will use the prototype of the experimental body we created as its initial material base. Its existence essence will be filled with things we extract from the power of God. It combines the dual nature of humans and monsters. It cannot be classified. Whether it is a human being or a strange creature, its nature cannot be completely described by our current knowledge system. How it will construct its own existence and whether it can reproduce are also questions that we cannot answer in advance]

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