Little by little, Jianzi can already recall what happened.

The key issue in the second round is the second round, and the thing she saw at the end.

At the moment when the senior was eaten by the monsters transformed by Shijo and Shinomiya, I shared his senses through the mental link and saw something.

That thing has an extremely strong information shielding effect, so that after entering the third round and starting again, neither I nor the senior can recall what it is, and cannot recall the thing we once worked together to try to see clearly at the end.

It is the existence of that thing, and it is because I have the experience of looking at that thing that caused the accident that happened to me in this round.

What is it?

I have to recall it, I have to remember it.

That crucial thing that represents the truth in the [Blood Pool], which is lost and needs to be returned.

I must recall it quickly. If the reason why I am in this state now is related to that thing, I must recall it now!

The memory gradually cracked under the condensation of consciousness.

Things that were blocked, forgotten, and ignored became clear again.

The fragmented picture was pieced together bit by bit.

The first color that appeared was blood-red.

It was an extremely large pool of blood covering the entire central area of ​​the underground research base.

Area 3 of the Bydos Research Institute... No, that's not right, it's deeper, it's located further down, it's really submerged in blood, the deepest part of this underground research institute, that's the 4th area of ​​Bydos, or to be more precise, that's...


This word emerged in Jianzi's memory.

She understood that this place was the real abyss in the Bydos Research Institute.

As the original etymology, the word abyss refers to very deep water, and later it was abstracted and referred to as a difficult situation. But later this word was associated with mythology. Whether it was regarded as an unintentional choice in the translation process or a destiny, the abyss began to be used to refer to a special environment, a place close to the death of [Hell] and [The Underworld], but different.

With the development of human cognition and thinking, the word "abyss" has been given a more abstract and complex concept in philosophy. In a sense, the abyss can be regarded as one side of "God", a certain height and depth that human cognition, thinking and technology cannot reach, representing a new world that human civilization has not yet truly entered.

Bythos, the name of this research institute, is taken from the meaning of "abyss". For Lord Urian, who built this research institute, studied the power of strange things at all costs, copied the blood of God, created various strange things and monsters, and finally led to the complete destruction of this place, this research institute is himself, and it is also the bridge for human civilization to enter the abyss and enter a new world that has never been reached.

[I must reach that place]

Jianzi heard the persistent tone of the old man with a bit of morbidity.

[I must really reach that place, that place beyond the cognition of human civilization, that place beyond the limits of our current technology and thinking, a place never seen before]

Those were the words he left standing here before the blood pool was truly formed and before this nightmare-like place was truly established. At that time, he was not particularly old. Although his hair was a little gray, his voice and momentum seemed quite powerful, just like a young man.

[Whether it is human nature, law, or morality, the bottom line of the so-called civilized society should not constrain scientists like us. No, to be more precise, that kind of confinement should not be compared with us at all, and it is something that does not need to be discussed]

He seemed to be talking to someone, expressing his views to someone, so he seemed very passionate.

[We are the guides, we are the guides to explore the unknown, we are the explorers holding torches and going deep into the misty forest, we are Prometheus trying to seize the fire]

[There are very few people who can have our intelligence and wisdom, and there are only a handful of people who can reach our height. In this case, we still have to explore the unknown areas that even people like us cannot be sure of or determine]

[This is not a simple thing. To do this, we need national-level financial and human support, we need a lot of assistants to act with us, and we ourselves need to do our best, even exhaust our lives, to be able to truly succeed in this completely unknown new field. Even more, it is possible that what we have exchanged for our lives is just that the path we chose is wrong. We chose the wrong direction from the source, and we just found a wrong path for the development of civilization]

The man slammed his cane on the ground with force, making a crisp sound.

[We have paid too much. In order to explore the unknown field and reach the height and depth that human civilization has never reached, it is something that we must do everything we can to achieve. So we don’t need to consider anything else]

[Pain or sacrifice, it has nothing to do with us]

[Killing the old, killing the young, killing the children, it doesn't matter, even if more people die]

[As long as we can reach the path we are pursuing, as long as we can truly prove and truly understand the new truth. Then the price paid in the process, no matter what the price is, as long as it is not us who die, as long as we are still alive before proving success, it is enough]

[This is what a true scholar should look like, abandoning all impurities, just to pursue the absolute truth, this is what people like us should look like]

At the end of the words, the man stretched out his hand forward and said sincerely.

[So come with me, Jonathan]

[You have also witnessed such power, and you have also longed for that mysterious and unknown new world. You must be able to understand me. I believe that with your assistance and the contributions of those idiots who jumped in without even knowing what this thing is, we will definitely succeed]

In front of the man, on the other side of the brand new underground space without any blood, there was another figure standing there.

Jianzi didn't hear the man's answer, but saw the man standing in the shadows, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, shaking his head slightly, expressing his refusal with body movements.

The man named Urian begged again, and his tone became more sincere than before.

But the man still shook his head.

The man named Jonathan, who was regarded as the same kind by Urian, still chose to refuse.

[Urian, I am not like you, and you can't deceive me with any great principles]

[I know very well what kind of person you are. We have known each other for such a long time, Urian, you can't deceive me no matter who you deceive]

[You just want to see it]

[It has nothing to do with any scholars or any truth]

[You just saw that kind of existence in the past, and you have the idea of ​​wanting to master that power yourself, you are just like this]

This time, Jianzi finally heard Jonathan's voice.

At the same time, she also saw it, saw the smile on Urian's face, saw the intoxicated smile that this man showed, which made her feel unspeakably horrified.

She suddenly understood the meaning of that sentence.

Urian, who has the name of Lord, is the source of the Bydos Institute and one of the masterminds behind [Campus Tales]. This executioner who started human experiments and killed countless innocent people is actually very simple in nature.

He does not need fame and fortune, and does not crave wealth. He just wants to try to use and control that power after truly reaching and witnessing the power beyond human cognition, and wants to see what it looks like when that power is combined with humans.

This man does not even want to use such power to gain anything for himself. He really just wants to see if he can do this kind of thing. Just for this purpose, he deceived others to organize this test base, so he killed and harmed people at will.

Of course, he also has a less pure side. Although Urian's ideals are very simple, he is still very afraid of death, so he stays in a safe place for any truly dangerous tests that may cause harm to the test personnel, and just watches those researchers die from a distance because of various unforeseen accidents.

He just wants to live to see his ideals become a reality, and he is indifferent to everything else. Just like a machine with a human skin and a set goal, it is so cold-blooded that it terrifies the onlookers.

But in the end, Urian still failed.

According to the relevant information of the Bydos Institute that the players have explored, after Urian failed in the experiment at the Bydos Institute, he chose to occupy Bydos University to continue his research. But at that time, he was under close surveillance because of the failure of the previous experiment, and the content of the experiment was also controlled more strictly, and he could not continue what he wanted to do.

Then, one day in an unknown experimental accident, Urian was killed by the weird things that broke out in the academy, and the academy, which had actually become a concentration camp, was completely destroyed, and no one was left alive. Since then, this crazy man has become a weird thing, and has become a dead person who will only repeat the past forever and no longer have a future.

But even so, this man's obsession is still so strong that he is crazy and insane, so that as a pure perpetrator, he actually has the status of a core obsession and has become one of the two cores of the entire Bydos area. As long as this man still exists, the Bydos area cannot be completely destroyed. As long as his obsession is not realized, Gao Hai, who cannot free himself from this copy, will never be able to leave.

The obsession that prevents this man from dying is what Yotsuya Miko sees and understands at this moment, that is, seeing with her own eyes the new existence of the combination of humans and weird things, and seeing with her own eyes that the unfinished nothingness created by Bydos and Yeluoshan Middle School has become truly complete. It's just that simple.

It's incomprehensible, how can there be such a crazy person in this world.

Miko sighed subconsciously in her heart.

As the picture the girl saw at the end of the second round became more and more complete, as Miko recalled the scene at that time step by step, the two figures in the venue began to slowly disappear, and new things gradually emerged.


The girl held her breath and blinked unconsciously.

She realized that the culprit that caused her memory to be blocked, causing her to become delirious from the moment she entered the Bydos area, and eventually fell into a coma, was about to surface.

The picture became blurry again.

Her consciousness repeatedly fell into a state of confusion, and various noises echoed in her ears and in her mind, irritating Miko and making it difficult for her to concentrate.

She could feel that as she continued to recall, something became active in this invisible nightmare world and began to search for her traces. If she couldn't speed up her exploration a little bit, she might be caught by a monster at some point and become brain-dead on the spot.

Blink, and take another deep breath.

Completely focus your awareness again.


Then, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and realized that he had a body in this place at some point, and became a physical existence.

And he was sitting on a very common, familiar-looking white plastic chair with a backrest.


The unexpected situation stunned Miko. She subconsciously wanted to get up, but she quickly became aware of a line of sight staring at her.

Then, she raised her head and saw a chair not far in front of her, directly opposite her. And that sight came from that chair, from a figure sitting on that chair.

That person... looks exactly like Yotsuya Miko.


Chapter 118: Fragments of mirrors reflected in the dead universe

In the vast, empty and dark underground space, two identical girls sat on two chairs facing each other.

One of the people with a nervous expression was Yotsugamiko. Although she tried her best to appear calm, she somehow saw a thing that looked exactly like her and didn't look like a human being sitting opposite her. My heart still couldn't help but beat wildly.

Very panicked.

I have absolutely no ability to fight against monsters. The only blessing I have is Hirano Sosuke's blessing, which can only survive for 10 minutes and find an escape location. The former can only be beaten, and the latter has no effect at all at this moment, which proves that it has no effect at all. There is an escape point, which means that if the opponent wants to attack her, she has no way to escape.

Then it was discovered that the spiritual link could not get a reply for some reason, which meant that Gao Hai had no way to communicate with Jianzi at the moment and could not get blessings or help from his obsession.

So I panicked even more.

Sweat was already forming on Miko's forehead.

Although she has the determination to not be afraid of death in order to pass the level, she definitely still wants to live unless it is time to die. Just like Gao Hai has now become more or less numb to the pain after experiencing many painful deaths, he will not just play self-abuse. Although it is very powerful to die and come back again, the pain is really painful, right? Who would want to experience painful things more often?


The girl who looked exactly like her sitting opposite Miko just looked at Miko with a blank expression.

One minute, two minutes.

One of the two girls was scared to death, and the other sat still, staring at each other for a full five minutes.


Miko blinked, hesitated, and tried to wave.


The other party was still silent, just sitting in his seat and watching her motionless.

It doesn't seem like it's going to attack me?

The girl was a little hesitant. The thing in front of her was probably the reason why she and Gao Hai lost their memories. This kind of strange thing that could continue to have effects after turning around was undoubtedly very scary. Why are you following such a good baby now? Still sitting still? It feels so weird.

However, in any case, since no attack has been launched, it means that there is still room for maneuver.

After a brief hesitation, Yotsuya Miko decided to try to contact the other party to see if he could understand the other party's situation.

"...Um, hello?"

So she raised her little hand and waved to the girl.


There was no response. The girl who looked exactly like Miko was still sitting blankly in her seat, staring at her motionless.

It feels like a doll, but why is it a doll that looks just like me? Could it be that the ability of this thing is to copy the appearance of the people it sees? Hmm, I don’t understand...

"Well, can you speak?"

After a brief hesitation, Mianzi tried to speak to the girl again.


Still no response.

There was not even a blink of an eye, so there was no feedback at all.

This... what is going on? Is this weird thing a statue?

After two attempts at communication, he failed to get a response, and Miko began to cringe a bit. But right now, she couldn't find a way to get out of here, and she didn't dare to run around. After all, this thing is always staring at me. What if she runs out of the opponent's sight or runs a little further and triggers the rules immediately, causing the opponent to chase her? She didn't think she could escape being hunted by monsters of this level while acting alone.

Then, the next step is to try physical contact.

After a brief hesitation and thought, the girl decided to choose the bravest path.

She stood up slowly and approached the girl cautiously, one step at a time, slowly shortening the distance between them.

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