Sitting on one side of the room to rest, Kaguya watched Gao Hai's expression change and spoke slowly.

"I just thought of something very disturbing."

Knowing that his expression was exposed, Gao Hai let out a long breath, then looked up and looked at Kaguya.

Red eyes.

Like rubies, they emit a dazzling light. It should be impossible to find such eyes in the real world. Should I say that they are indeed in the second dimension?

It's just a pity that the sight emitted from these eyes now is like dying, and there is no way to find a trace of normal human emotions from them. Ice Kaguya, a girl who grew up under the twisted education of the Shinomiya family's [absolute selfishness], a [girl in the box], such a girl is now in a weird and terrifying ghost story area with me, risking her life to investigate the situation together, I have to say it's quite strange.

"Anything to say?"

Kaguya, who was looking at Gao Hai, didn't know what he was thinking, but when she saw the man fall silent, she asked again.

"…What are you going to say? What should I say? Well, Ms. Shinomiya, do you still remember the four tips about this game? The message from the predecessors, the happiness of dust, the door of reopening, and the place that cannot be visited. Do you have any thoughts on these things?"

Closing his eyes, Gao Hai leaned against the wall and spoke slowly, his voice hesitant.


Kaguya was not sure why Gao Hai suddenly asked this question, but she still calmed down and thought for a while before she spoke slowly.

"The messages left by our predecessors are actually quite clear. Whether it's Xusheng's message, Sanchez's investigation records, or other records left by survivors who lived here in the past, they all hide various clues, and the basis for our exploration so far is these dead predecessors. They left us a way to live and guide us forward."

"The happiness of dust, maybe this idea is not necessarily accurate, but in my guess, maybe, it refers to a toy? Although I may not know much about the childhood of normal children, don't they say that children like toys? In addition, I think you should also know the places you can't go to. That place is probably inside a wall of 304."

"You and Zhenfei brought back a lot of intelligence information from the last, um, last round, which is basically enough for us to piece together what happened in this apartment. All kinds of clues can basically match, and only some details need further investigation."

Probably to regain some of her face and self-esteem, Kaguya said a lot and in detail.

Before going to the third floor to explore, Gao Hai had already talked to Kaguya about the situation of the family in 304. Gao Hai didn't say anything at this moment, just sat there and listened to Kaguya's analysis. At the same time, he was thinking silently in his heart, of course, on the premise of trying not to think about the key taboo, and limiting his perspective to the extreme parents. He tried to use various reference methods for all the content related to that thing, and used this method to delay the curse as much as possible.

The way of death was sewing the mouth and pouring boiling water. Before that, it should have been just a beating or something like that. After all, with the physical fitness of a child, it is impossible to survive if the mouth is sewn and poured with boiling water. Then after that, was it built into the wall? But the rescue team smelled a strange smell. Maybe it was the kind of temporary earth wall? Or was it a situation where a hole was dug in the wall and stuffed in directly and then filled up, which was a hasty way of dealing with it?

The family also has a second child, a son. He was sent away before the alienation of Shirakawa Apartment. Perhaps it was because after that incident, the parents knew that they would be caught if they were exposed, so they sent the child away. Then according to Sanchez's investigation records, the child who was sent away should have died strangely within a year of the disappearance of the apartment, just like other residents of the apartment. Maybe he was pulled back to the apartment after his death?

Perhaps the turning point was that after the second child was born, the man fulfilled his wish of having a son, so the first one was even less valued and more annoying. Therefore, when they acted, the bottom line of the parents would become even lower.

The neighbors should have helped, but that must have caused the revenge of the parents. For such a child who they hated so much, once they found someone willing to show her love and help her, it was absolutely unacceptable for these two people who had completely lost their bottom line of humanity. 309... Maybe it was the resident of 309. The resident of this room had a conflict with 304 and probably left the apartment after the conflict.

Then the reopened door...

"Maybe it's 309. If we open 309, maybe we can get something very important. I think the reopened door may refer to this room 309."

When Gao Hai thought about these things, Kaguya, who was sitting opposite him, also said Gao Hai's inner thoughts in a calm tone.

"Indeed, it's a pity that this place is too chaotic. Except for 304, there are still some clues. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find other rooms."

Gao Hai sighed softly and slowly stood up from the ground.

Until now, he still doesn't feel the gaze of that thing anytime and anywhere like in the last round.

But this situation will not last too long. As the curse deepens, he will inevitably face death sooner than others.

However, it should be enough.

To verify his own ideas, there should be enough time.

"What ideas do you have?"

Seeing Gao Hai's expression change, Kaguya realized that he should have an idea, so she asked.

"I have experienced the process of being transformed into a member of the rescue team little by little, and my self-consciousness was destroyed by that badge."

"That process was more uncomfortable than death, but after surviving, I realized something. I think I have roughly figured out the essence of some of these weird characteristics to a certain extent, but I have never had any ideas to summarize them before."

Gao Hai nodded slightly, carefully observing the outside through the crack of the door, and answered Kaguya.

"The key to the operation of these inhuman weirdness should be [obsession], and the specific way of operation is [memory]."

"The rescue team is repeating the rescue operation and will block people who try to return to the room from the corridor, because 'rescue' is their obsession. The weird places where the rescue team exists show the scene of flooding, which is repeating their past memories."

"I am not saying that they still have feelings. Although I admire these rescue team members, I can confirm that after becoming a weirdness, the rescue team no longer has such a thing as [emotion]. They are just a reverberation of the past in a distorted way under the influence of [obsession] and [memory], unable to move towards the future."

At the end, Gao Hai, who seemed to have a figure looming in the corridor outside, retracted his gaze and slowly spoke to Kaguya.

"But this does not mean that they are unsolvable tragedies. Because the foundation of the existence of these rescue teams is still [obsession]."

"The rescue teams that have fallen into a dead loop cannot fulfill their obsession, so they will always stay on the first floor, but if there is a way to let them fulfill their obsession when everything reappears again and realize the action of rescuing the people in Shirakawa Apartment, they will be freed from the cycle and can stop this meaningless repetition and get real rest."

"I think this principle is also applicable to the most core taboo of this apartment."

Using his experience of assimilating with strange stories, Gao Hai summarized the real method that countless players finally summarized with their lives at this moment, which is to completely end the strange stories.

The operating foundation of strange stories always lies in [memory] and [obsession].

For them who are no longer human and have no emotions, [memory] will only become more distorted in repetition, just like the deformed distortion of Shirakawa Apartment from 304 to the entire third floor.

But [obsession] is engraved on the foundation of these things when they were born, and is the most fundamental original rule of their existence. As long as you can find the key point of breakthrough in the [memory] that is constantly repeated and distorted in the ghost story, so that the [obsession] that has never been completed and realized can be realized, the ghost story can collapse from the foundation.

This is not a way to pass the dungeon.

For players who only need to survive in the dungeon, they just need to find the [way out] in the ghost story.

This is actually a way to destroy the dungeon, to eliminate a formed rule ghost story, a ghost story that will continue to devour more people's lives and create countless tragedies, so that everything will return to silence and rest.

For Gao Hai, who has no reliable old players and can only rely on himself to think and guess, the method he accidentally came up with leads to a more difficult method.

But it is precisely because of this ignorance that he can be full of confidence at this moment.

"In this case, the rules of passing the level may already be in our hands."

After confirming that there was no figure outside, Gao Hai pushed open the door, turned around and said this to Kaguya, and then continued to move forward.

"I hope you are right."

Kaguya, who did not have such a memory, naturally did not know Gao Hai's feelings, so she could only nod slightly in agreement, and felt a little frustrated in her heart.

Now I always feel like an apprentice led by him.

With this thought in mind, Kaguya followed Gao Hai's steps, and the two of them once again moved forward in this twisted and chaotic building.

And this time, it didn't take too long. After passing a half-collapsed staircase, passing through a dilapidated barbecue stall full of wine bottles, and a mahjong hall with a seal-off sign, and then passing through a dilapidated corridor full of various garbage, the two finally saw the end of the road, a rusty door under the dark red light.

The door of 304.

Chapter 48: People with too high a clairvoyance will encounter invisible attacks

"Hai-kun, and Auntie, I don't know if the exploration is going smoothly now..."

2nd floor, room 206, sitting on one side of the living room, Zhenfei sighed softly, unable to hide the worry in her heart.

She didn't remember the events of the first round, but just through Gao Hai's description of [she and he died on the third floor], she could already understand how dangerous the third floor of Shirakawa Apartment was.

Now, Hai-kun and Kaguya have been on the road for an hour.

There are still about two hours before the agreed return time for the two of them.

Please make sure everything goes well.

Please make sure everything goes well.

"Don't be in trouble... Auntie... Haijun..."

Subconsciously, she reached out and touched her lips.

Zhenfei was in a trance for a moment, and then she remembered the last touch between her and Gao Hai in the previous round.

Her heartbeat seemed to be a little unstable again.

What is this? Could it be that I really... No, no, this is impossible. This is just a suspension bridge effect. It has nothing to do with personal feelings. I just experienced intense emotional changes in a critical moment because he saved my life, causing my heartbeat to accelerate and other phenomena, and thus misunderstood it as a change in my own feelings. But in fact, this is just a psychological illusion. I don't actually have this idea. Yes, I actually... Alas, what's the use of thinking about these things...

Feeling a little hot on her face, Zhenfei reached out and patted her cheek gently, and then she couldn't help but think of her good friend, that is, Kashiwagi Nagisa, her best friend. Well, and the boy she once had a crush on, the boy who is now with her best friend.

For Shijo Maki's love history, tragedy is probably the most intuitive adjective. Because she couldn't express her inner thoughts directly, she instigated her best friend Kashiwagi Nagisa to ask and ridicule the boy, wanting to ask if he had a boyfriend. As a result, the other party didn't know what was wrong with him, and ran to her best friend directly. The two became boyfriend and girlfriend at the speed of light. It only took about two months from holding hands to kissing to indescribable things, and her first love that had not yet begun was ruined by her own ideas.

Of course, now I'm almost indifferent to it. What's not yours is not yours after all. But how to say it, when I think of my most trusted best friend having fun with the boy I once had a crush on, and I was inexplicably sent to a death game theater, Maki felt like I couldn't laugh at all, and tears kept rolling in my stomach.

Well, and, actually, if you think about it carefully, Gao Hai is a pretty good person.

He is very reliable, and has been actively exploring and taking on the most dangerous things.

He has a decisive and cruel side, and can do great things. After confirming the problems of Lao Guo and the fake Maeda, he took action without hesitation and eliminated them at the fastest speed. A strong man with such character who married into the Shijo family might be appreciated by the whole family and even become a pioneer against the Shinomiya family... Why should I think about it based on his marriage to the Shijo family! ?

Zhenfei shook her head violently, feeling sincerely unhappy about her instinctive thoughts in her heart.

However, Haijun also has a generous side. Even though Green, a man, has committed such a serious betrayal, he is still willing to give the other party a chance to make him loyal. Although there are also considerations of value, this cautious thinking and action side does show that he is a powerful guy.

And, he actually has a gentle side, especially when this guy found out that I could remember the things in the previous round, his reaction at that time was almost like crying.

Obviously very smart and powerful, standing firm as steel, but occasionally showing a childish and fragile side. What a confusing guy, what was this bastard thinking when he said he wanted me to kiss him?

Shijo Maki couldn't think of the right answer, or even if she thought of it, she would avoid it at this moment.

In any case, the only thing she could do now was to pray that the two of them could act smoothly.

Speaking of which, Auntie is not a person with a good personality. It might be very difficult for Haijun to act with her?

Maybe it's difficult for the two of them to get along now, and they can't cooperate well.

Thinking of this, Shijo Maki prayed silently in her heart again.

At the same time on the third floor.

Kaguya's figure of more than 1.5 meters shrank between Gao Hai's 1.8 meters body. The contrast of their body sizes was like a big cat, which made Gao Hai subconsciously want to hug her in his arms. Of course, it was just a thought, and it was impossible to really put it into action.

As for Kaguya herself, even in the state of Ice Kaguya, her cheeks inevitably flushed slightly, and she felt extremely uncomfortable with this close contact with men.

However, neither of them dared to take any action.

Because hundreds, or even more than a thousand densely packed porcelain doll children, were marching through this corridor. And the cabinet where Gao Hai and Kaguya hid was surrounded by these dolls.

What on earth is going on with this number?

Gao Hai wanted to curse.

To be honest, just before arriving at the gate of 304, when he was ready to open the door, in this situation, when he saw the densely packed porcelain dolls like a legion rushing over, Gao Hai suddenly felt like [the dog planner made an inhuman operation to prevent players from entering the non-open area].

But no matter how much he cursed in his heart, he still had to run, so Gao Hai and Kaguya quickly found the nearest cabinet to hide in, and then because there was not enough space on the top of the cabinet, they had to keep sticking together.

This is so indecent...

Feeling extremely embarrassed, Kaguya couldn't help but think in her heart.

It took three minutes for the group of dolls carrying school bags and holding small flags to completely disappear.

Gao Hai, who jumped down from the cabinet, recalled the dolls' costumes and couldn't help but think of the spring and autumn outings that were often held in elementary and junior high schools.

Is it a way for children to recreate their memories?

Does it have to be recreated in such a horrible way? With so many dolls, if he doesn't run fast enough, he will be scalded by boiling water many times. I'm afraid he will be cooked all over, and he can say that I am your acquaintance when he sees anyone in the future.


After jumping down from the cabinet, Kaguya took a breath after landing, and then calmed down.

"What's wrong, Miss is tired and can't hold on?"

Gao Hai teased Kaguya, then took a step and walked towards the blood-red door first.

"Boring provocation, I just don't like this feeling of dodging again and again."

Kaguya Shinomiya, who quickly followed, said coldly, and the blush on her face quickly faded and returned to a calm state.

Unlike when she was with Zhenfei, Kaguya was not a girl who could understand others very well. Therefore, to cooperate well with such a woman, it is best to put on a slightly strong or even impolite attitude, so that she can get into the state more easily and participate in the action more seriously.

Because I have read the original work, it is not complicated for Gao Hai to summarize such a mode of getting along, but... it is quite awkward. After several conversations, Gao Hai always felt that he was about to become a strange character who smiled evilly and then started to provoke.

"Be prepared, there is a possibility that I will encounter extremely dangerous situations as soon as I open the door."

Insert the key of 304 into the keyhole.

Gao Hai turned around and said to Kaguya seriously.


Kaguya, holding the wall clock in her hand, has placed her finger on the pointer of the wall clock, ready to dial the clock at any time.


The next moment, there was a crisp sound, and then the key was gently turned, and the dark red door slowly opened.

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