So Xiong Mi's third and fourth lists were broadcasted.

[Announcement list three: Maseru, class: Senior 2 (Class 05)...]

[Announcement list four: Zoma...]

The names of the three fanatic players were broadcasted to the whole school. Under Xiong Mi's control, they were forcibly given the identity of students of this school, and they were given the highest punishment right from the start.

Of course, Gao Hai could also hear clearly the true content of Xiong Mi's broadcast, or the internal content accepted by the copy rules of Yeluoshan Middle School.

[Sacrificial list two: Miotiad]

[Depth: 3]

[Handling opinion: Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous! Gather all forces immediately to wipe out the sacrifice, this is the highest alert! This is the highest alert! ! ! ]

It sounds quite exciting.

Gao Hai, who has already completed the killing of the two fanatic players, couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

As for the school that completed the broadcast, well, now the school is boiling.

The students have stopped attending classes.

Whether in the main teaching building, the annex teaching building, or anywhere else, every student stopped, every teacher stopped, and every weird creature pretending to be a living person in the Yeluoshan Middle School campus stopped moving at this moment.

Then, they turned their heads expressionlessly, no matter how far away they were, no matter if there was anything blocking their sight, they just locked the direction of the three fanatic players.

However, as the first person to be broadcast, a small number of weird students also locked on Xiongmi. This is unavoidable, but the situation is not that bad.

{Takahashi: Chika, you are going to catch the people on the list with the students, right? }

{Fujiwara Chika: That's right, these bad students can't be left running around, they must be caught, Ahai thinks so too, right? }

{Takahashi: ...Well, then, how are you going to catch Xiongmi? }

{Fujiwara Chika: Well, for Miss Kumame, we will send, um, two students to catch her. That's right, let Goto and Nanakawa catch her. These two students will go around from the back of the annex building and from the pavilion. The other students will start from the main road connecting the main and annex buildings, as well as the side road of the indoor court. They should not be able to see these two students, right? Of course, we have to move quickly. After all, everyone is very excited. If we can't catch anyone, they may run around everywhere. At that time, even the forest will be very dangerous.}

{Takahashi: I understand. Thank you, Chika, and... um, sorry...}

{Fujiwara Chika: There is nothing for Ahai to apologize for. What Ahai needs to do is to win, win to the end, and laugh to the end, right? I will always cheer for Ahai. Ah, and don't miss classes for too long. I can help Hayasaka-san take sick leave, but Akai definitely can't.}

{Shijo Maki: Fujiwara...}

{Takahashi: I will win in the end, and I will bring everyone with me, so don't worry.}

After the brief mental communication, Fujiwara Chika smiled and stood up from her seat, clapped her hands, and said to the students present:

[Everyone, let's catch the bad kids together and present them to the "sky well". The first good kid who catches someone can get an extra reward~]

All the students started moving.

In the excitement, joy and vicious smile, all the weird students in the whole school started moving.

According to the situation of 25 people in a class and 13 classes in a grade, the number of students in the whole Yeluoshan Middle School should be close to 1,000. But at this time, as all the weird students began to run wild, Chika estimated that there were probably nearly 10,000 weirds starting to move, and they were like an army from all directions.

Goto Ichiri and Nanakawa Ren, who suffered less assimilation and could still break free from control, wanted to stay and help Chika, but they had no way to disobey the order to capture Kumami, so they had to leave.

Then, Chika was the only one left in the entire teaching building.

"Observation process... um... observation process, if you want to observe a student, you can't leave the main teaching building anyway, right? After all, surveillance was not invented in that era. Although Gao Hai is very smart, he can be stupid sometimes. How could such a large main campus be full of smoke bombs to mislead students?"

The girl walked out of the classroom, mumbling to herself, with a slightly empty look in her eyes, and looked at the quiet teaching building with a little sparkle.

"Then let me look for it and see where the secret is hidden. After all, I love playing games the most."

As if she were still a carefree little girl, Chika skipped through the empty corridor, looking at each classroom, and slowly walked to the outside of Class 10 of Senior 2.

Then, she stretched out her hand to open the door and walked directly into the classroom.

Chapter 132: The key node that was cracked and the road ahead

Fujiwara Chika knew that she could not hold on for much longer.

She didn't have Gao Hai's extremely strong willpower, and it was impossible for her to last too long under the Red Moon-level mental pollution. If it weren't for the gradual and gentle assimilation mechanism of the main campus of Yeluoshan Middle School, Qianhua would have been transformed into a pure weird student and completely lost herself from the moment she took the initiative to bully.

But it is precisely because this transformation process is gradual, slow and silent that the girl can truly understand this deep-rooted horror.

Who am I?

Am I Fujiwara Chika?

Am I still Fujiwara Chika now?

The girl couldn't stop asking herself.

It was as if she would forget her name in the next second, forget how she was born in this world, forget her parents, family, friends and lover, and forget all the traces she had left in this world as Fujiwara Chika.

Consciousness was being replaced bit by bit, replaced by something strange, cold, cruel and crazy.

She felt like a Ship of Theseus, from the mind to every corner of the body, from every cell, from every neuron, step by step, being replaced by something else, being transformed into something different from the past.

In this process, she was always awake.

As long as she didn't pay attention, she couldn't feel the replacement at all, and she always felt that she was still herself, and that nothing had changed.

But she couldn't ignore it, and couldn't pretend to ignore it. So she knew very well that it wouldn't be long before she would no longer be herself.

Qianhua didn't know how to describe this horrible feeling. She could only endure as much as possible, repeatedly confirm those things that were very important to her as much as possible, and try to slow down the transformation in this way to ensure that she would still be herself for as long as possible.

But she couldn't keep it up for long.

Qianhua could gradually feel that the time when she completely became another person was coming soon.

But there was nothing to be afraid of, right?

After all, this was just a dream that would be forgotten after waking up.

No matter how painful or desperate it is, everything will return to the time when nothing has started as time goes by.

As long as she goes back, everything she has experienced now will become a dream that will be forgotten completely after waking up.

So there is only one thing she has to do now, that is, to find the important information that cannot be forgotten before waking up from the dream, and tell it to the only person who can remember every dream, the one who is extremely important to her.

[Where will you hide? ]

Qianhua said in a low voice, reaching out and gently touching her lips, and then smiled.

Her sight slowly swept across the empty classroom. As expected, there was no place here that looked like an observation point. Considering that Xiong Mi had investigated this classroom and died in it once but still failed to find any problems, it is certain that even if this hidden observation point exists, it must be extremely hidden.

[Clang, it's time for the great detective to solve the case! ]

Qianhua said this and took out her detective hat and decorative pipe. Hey, why did I bring such things into the copy? Or are these things based on my memory? Forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm destined to be completely assimilated and can't leave. I'll just do whatever I want while I still have some consciousness left.

I searched through the desks one by one, flipping through the textbooks and notebooks.

I opened the drawer of the podium, knocked on the blackboard, and tried to write various words on it.

The girl looked very carefully, but her movements were not slow at all. In less than a few minutes, she basically walked through the entire classroom.

I didn't find any valuable clues, but this was expected. After all, if it was so easy to find clues, Xiong Mi, who entered this classroom at the beginning, would not have found nothing. So Qianhua did this now just to cover up.

After all, her current abnormal behavior will definitely be observed by [Takamagahara].

And these guys who have been trapped in the dungeon for many years must know more than their line of players. If there is indeed a secret observation point in the teaching building, [Takamagahara] cannot be unaware of it. There is even a possibility that these scum can observe all aspects of the copy because of the observation points that exist secretly in the school. If this is the case, perhaps their sight is now staring at me through an invisible observation point.

Then the question is, how to find this observation point now, how to find the [Observation Ritual Process] that has not yet been started through this observation point, and ensure that Ah Hai in the next round can reproduce the operation and do it again as soon as possible?

Qianhua stretched out her hand and gently wiped the chalk dust on the blackboard.

She walked out of the classroom slowly and came to the next classroom. Her eyes stayed on the wall between the two classrooms and roughly determined the thickness of the wall.

Well, this thickness, unless there is a spatial distortion phenomenon, it is impossible to provide researchers with hiding in it like Fujika Middle School and Hayate Elementary School. And that kind of simple and crude observation method should be commonly used by researchers in the Sato department, and the Jianggu researchers in Yeluoshan Middle School should not use this method.

Then, let's think about what alternatives are there?

Is there anything that can continuously observe everything that happens in this school, no matter when and where?

In that era when computers had not yet been invented, what could these researchers rely on to observe [Eriko Asamoto]'s every move and ensure that this experimental subject was always under their control?

There is only one answer.

The girl turned her head and looked around, looking at this empty classroom.

No, this classroom is not empty.

There are still students sitting in their seats, staring at Qianhua who came here motionlessly.

Although she can't see the existence of those students, Qianhua believes that there must be such students watching here.

Obey the teacher's instructions, observe everything around, and report at any time. In this way, students who are experimental subjects can also act as observers, which can save time and effort and kill two birds with one stone. As for how to find students who are obedient enough and can follow orders, it must not be a problem for researchers of that era. After all, such ugly guys like them can really do anything for their own desires.

Drug control? Threats to family members?

No matter what specific means were used, the researchers' "eyes" should have been left in this school. Those special students were mixed in with the ordinary students. They seemed to be just drifting with the flow, but in fact they had always been the eyes of the observers. Even after these students died for various reasons, they were controlled by the researchers and turned into some special weird things, and were ordered by the researchers to provide various observation results.

Qianhua felt that this conjecture should be very close to the fact.

The only problem now is, after having a conjecture, how to prove the conjecture. After all, if this kind of special student weird thing really exists, then with my current student status, I should not be able to communicate with them.

Unless I become one of them.

The girl's eyes lit up.

{Fujiwara Chika: Ah Hai, among the obsessions you robbed, are there any obsessions that can attract hidden weird things or confirm the existence of special weird things? I have some conjectures here that need to be verified (speak out your own ideas)}

{Takahashi: Let me see... There is an obsession, a kind of white candle. After this thing is lit, it will be temporarily regarded as the same kind by the surrounding monsters. It can be used to protect oneself and to investigate intelligence. However, if this thing is used for too long, it will cause the user to gradually become the same kind of monster, and change from its own existence. Also, don't let this thing burn out. If this thing burns out in one breath, the user will be in trouble.}

{Fujiwara Chika: It seems that we have to thank these fanatics who entered the dungeon to attack us. Give me this obsession, Ahai}

{Gao Hai: OK}

Because the two sides have established a deep connection, Gao Hai quickly passed this obsession to Chika's hands.

A small white candle about 10 cm high and as thick as a thumb appeared in Chika's hands.

It felt a little cool, and there was a faint smell. Hmm, this thing... Could it be made of human fat?

Some unharmonious thoughts emerged in Chika's heart, but she quickly put aside the distracting thoughts, lit the candle, and stood there holding this thing.

Normally, after the broadcast just now, all the weird students should have gone to hunt down the players on the list. So even if I light this candle now, it is impossible to attract any weird. So if my guess is wrong, then nothing will happen.


A harsh noise sounded in the radio.

Fujiwara Chika frowned slightly, and then she found that the mental fragment that Gao Hai left in her consciousness to prevent pollution suddenly broke.

I almost forgot the existence of this fragment. After all, in the long-term assimilation process of this copy, this kind of protection measure that can reach instant high-intensity mental pollution is useless. But that shouldn’t be a weird attack just now? It happened that the person who took action at this time, couldn’t it be someone from [Takama-hara]?


Continuous noise sounded from the radio, as if something was making a shrill howling sound.

The spiritual fragments protecting Qianhua's consciousness began to break continuously. It was obvious that under this continuous and strong spiritual impact, it would not take long for her to lose protection and her consciousness would be directly shattered in the impact, turning her into an idiot without self.

It seems that my guess is indeed correct.

Otherwise, there is no need to attack myself with such intensity. Humph, this is because she found that the game is going to be lost and she is completely furious.

Qianhua can already sense the breath gradually emerging around her.

She held a white candle and turned around to look around.

Pale faces, obvious suture marks on the head, blood stains all over the body, and students full of torture marks stood around her.

These silent figures have been here.

In the teaching building, in the dormitory building, on the sports field, all places where students are active, there are traces of them.

It's just that no one will pay attention to them, no one can see them, even if occasionally a careful student finds something wrong, there will be researchers responsible for managing them to clean up the hidden dangers. After all, they are very important as observation ports, so anything that may reduce their work efficiency, anything that may interfere with their work, will be quickly eliminated.

They are also the earliest batch of test subjects, used to test whether they can screen out individuals who can understand certain instructions and still obey orders after death. Therefore, they cannot escape this hell after death, and can only become part of this hell, continuing the never-ending cycle.

However, it has been a long time since anyone has come to wake them up and let them continue the previous work reporting process.

It has also been a long, long time since there has been a new [Eriko Asamoto] for them to observe.

The flame of the white candle flickered gently.

Fujiwara Chika closed her eyes, feeling the rapidly deepening assimilation speed on her body and the gradually dissipating self, and finally spoke through the mental link:

{Ahai, remember to draw me better}


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