The real concubine also followed immediately, paying close attention to the blind spots of Kaguya's sight. The two girls moved forward step by step, moving in this completely twisted building.


Kaguya suddenly whispered.

Three porcelain dolls walking side by side came out of a door not far ahead.

"it's here."

Zhenfei spoke immediately and took the lead in taking action. Kaguya followed without hesitation. The two of them immediately hid on a cabinet that Zhenfei had discovered just now and remembered in her heart.


After the dolls were gone, Kaguya immediately turned over and jumped down, and the real concubine followed suit and landed steadily, and the two of them continued to move forward.

After walking for another distance, Gao Hai noticed a doll approaching from behind quietly this time, and immediately patted the real concubine on the neck. The other party quickly turned around, noticed the porcelain doll, and immediately whispered to Kaguya: "Behind!"

Then Kaguya quickly moved forward and led the real concubine to a cabinet that she had noticed during the exploration 3 seconds ago.

Quietly, Kaguya bent down slightly, jumped up to a height of nearly two meters, jumped directly onto the cabinet, and then stretched her hand back.

The real concubine who was following her took off almost at the same time, reached out to grab Kaguya's stretched out hand, and then smoothly landed on the top of the cabinet. Her speed and smooth movements made Gao Hai, a bystander, stunned and didn't know what to do. evaluate.

"'s a bit crowded..."

However, because the cabinet was so small, Kaguya and Zhenfei had to hug each other, and the doll controlled by Gao Hai "accidentally" fell between the two of them, being squeezed inside and unable to move.

What does this feel like?

Gao Hai, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

sponge? Pillow?

Like being gently hugged.

There is also a touch of hot temperature.

But it seems that the depth is not very deep, and there is still a feeling of knocking.

How to describe this kind of touch?

This question is full of philosophical depth.

Gao Hai couldn't find the answer for a while, so he could only sit there and meditate, and once again scared Maeda Miwa, who was shrinking on one side of the room, who mistakenly thought that Gao Hai was thinking about something terrible and was fascinated by it.

Soon, the crisis was over. The real concubine jumped down from the cabinet with an expressionless face, took the doll in her hand, stared at it for a while, and then put it back on her shoulder.

Gao Hai touched his shoulder, and there was a bloody mark there, which was the result of the true concubine's unintentional exertion when she was holding the doll.

When this doll reacts to an external force, it seems to double the force and feed it back to the user.

Sure enough, it's not that easy to use the obsession, isn't it? There are always pros and cons to this kind of thing.

"When grandma and Haijun came up to take action before, were they stuck together on the cabinet like this?"

The real concubine looked around and saw that there was no danger for the time being, so she asked Kaguya who jumped out of the cabinet unhappily.

"...Is this important? Focus on action."

Kaguya's expression did not change after being paused by this question. She just replied indifferently, and then continued to move forward.


The true concubine, who was choked by this rhetorical question, couldn't think of a response, so she had to calm down and move on.

Indeed, does it matter?

The other party is just a boy she has known for four days. Does he have any important relationship with her?

I don't quite understand this vague feeling of discomfort.

However, when this guy was squeezed between himself and his aunt just now, it was definitely intentional, right?

The real concubine glared at the doll sitting obediently on her shoulder.

If the current situation was not inappropriate, she would definitely teach the other party a lesson.

Concubine Zhen, who quickly calmed down her complaints, followed Kaguya, and soon the two of them found the gate of 304. Compared to when Kaguya and Gao Hai acted together, the speed was shortened by almost half. The efficiency was extremely high, and the number of times he was discovered by dolls and had to be avoided was only 3 times. Several times, even the dolls that walked without making a sound were not noticed. Kaguya and Princess Kaguya, they had already discovered each other first and took a detour in time to avoid it.

The two of them didn't even need to find a room to rest for a while, and their physical energy was basically not wasted.

Their action efficiency seems to be many times stronger than mine...

Gao Hai felt quite embarrassed at this moment.

I always felt that in the first round of exploration, compared with Kaguya's partner, I looked a lot better.

No, no, this is not called food, this is called each having his or her own strengths.

It can only be said that the position I was assigned to before was actually not suitable. The current situation of sitting at the rear may be better.

Gao Hai, who comforted himself in his heart, redirected his attention to Zhen Fei.

Kaguya took out the key and opened the door of 304 again.


After a clear sound of the door opening, a dark corridor appeared behind the door.

The corridor was empty, piled with garbage bags and wine bottles, and filled with the smell of alcohol.

This time, even Gao Hai, who was observing through the doll's perspective, did not see anything unusual.

Chapter 51: Do you like the first-person Little Nightmare?

Carefully, Kaguya stepped into the corridor in front of her.

Makoto followed behind Kaguya, observing the surroundings with equal caution, and closed the door to prevent anything from following in through the open door.

Both girls knew very well that after entering here, they might not be able to return alive.

Therefore, they had to collect as much information as possible from all aspects before the situation deteriorated completely, and find valuable clues.

"This looks like the corridor on the second floor."

Makoto lowered her voice and said to Kaguya.

"Don't talk for now, there may be something here that can be activated by sound, use code words."

Kaguya gestured with her hands a few times to remind Makoto, and continued to move forward after seeing Makoto nod.

Gao Hai silently observed the surroundings through the perspective of the doll. He had called Sun Dajun, Green and Mamer back to the house. Because he was not sure whether there would be any problems, he needed these three people to be present together to ensure that Maeda Meiwa dialed the clock to go back to time at the critical moment.

And he was ready to disconnect from the doll at any time and stop observing the inside of 304.

But at least now, he didn't feel anything wrong. Perhaps it was because he was observing from the perspective of an obsession. The characteristics of the obsession itself blocked the transmission of the curse to a certain extent. It was just that Gao Hai had no idea how long the effect of this obsession could last, and he could only say that he hoped to hold on as long as possible.

Kaguya, who was walking in the front, had already reached the end of the corridor at this time.

After turning the corner of this corridor, a room that was so huge that it was unbelievable appeared in front of him.

It was like coming to the kingdom of giants.

The towering table, the leather boots as huge as trucks, and the rice grains as big as basketballs scattered on the ground.

At a glance, there was no way to see the end of the room.


No, this room is an enlarged room!

This incredible and wonderful scene made Kaguya stunned. But then she was grabbed by the collar by the real concubine behind her and pulled back to the passage behind her.

A pair of huge feet in slippers fell to the ground at this time, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

Then, a gloomy female voice fell into the ears of the two.

[There are mice in the house again...]

Amidst the dull roar, the huge foot slowly moved away, revealing the face of an old woman wearing a dirty apron and ugly clothes like an old woman, with acne all over her face, messy hair, uneven teeth and several broken teeth.

The woman was holding a huge bowl, mumbling something while walking slowly in the house.

[Are you done yet? Where's the wine?]

From the other side of the table, a man's irritable voice sounded.

Kaguya and Shinki heard the muffled sound of a porcelain bowl being slammed on the table, and then a wine bottle rolled off the table, smashed to pieces with a snap, and rolled all over the floor.

[If you want wine, just drink it, why are you throwing things?]

The woman's voice became unhappy the next moment.

[Bullshit, bring the wine to me! 】

The man's voice became even more irritable, like an angry beast.

[Wine, wine, wine, all you know is drinking all day]

The woman's footsteps moved slowly, she bent down, opened a cardboard box placed by the wall, took out a bottle of yellow beer from it, and then threw it to the man.

It seemed to be an ordinary, not very harmonious family getting along.

If it weren't for the outrageous height and body shape, Kaguya and Shinki would probably just think that such a scene was very boring, but now, they had to be on guard and think about how to face the current situation.

"This should be what Haijun mentioned, the [Replay] in Sanchez's diary. In this room, the family of 304 will keep repeating a past segment like replaying a movie. We can't be discovered by them. Although these two people are repeating the past like a script, as long as they find us, the situation will definitely change immediately."

Through sign language and eye contact, Shinki quickly explained her thoughts to Kaguya.

"I know. The question now is, where should we go? Since this is Room 304, then we are looking for a certain place in this room."

Kaguya also calmly cooperated with Zhenfei to communicate with gestures and eyes, and the speed of communication between the two people soon began to increase.

So after a while, the communication between the two people turned into a quick seal practice of two ninjas in Gao Hai's sight.

This narrow corridor exit looks like a rat hole on the edge of this giant house.

On the right side of this hole is a huge dining table against the wall, with three large chairs and a small stool. The man is sitting on the chair farthest from the rat hole, and seems to be drinking while watching the TV in the house. Although the TV is just a blurry snow screen in the sight of Kaguya and Zhenfei, it is not playing anything at all.

The right side of the hole is close to the wall, and you can see an old-fashioned water dispenser placed in the corner of the wall, and there is also a low stool not far from the water dispenser, which can be used to cover the body. And if you go further forward from this box, there is a passage next to it that can lead to the bedroom.

Continuing forward from the low stool, there is a box in the corner with wine in it. After a while, the woman who was mopping the floor in the living room would take a bottle of wine out of the box and hand it to the man while the man was cursing. Then she would mop the floor in the area from the door to the old TV, and would After mopping the floor for a while, enter the half-open door directly opposite the hole, which is theoretically the kitchen, rinse the mop inside, and then come out.

Although they seemed to be real people, in essence, these two people were just repeating the empty shells of the past. Therefore, after observing the place for a while, Zhenfei and Kaguya confirmed their movement trajectories and concluded that The rules come.

"Try to enter the bedroom first. Neither of these two people will go to the bedroom. Maybe the bedroom is a safe place to stay and search temporarily. Then it will be easier to enter the kitchen from the bedroom. Walk along the left wall, there is a place that can help The things we block should be able to avoid the sight of those two things as long as we time it well.”

After saying this, Kaguya quickly took action and took advantage of the moment when the woman turned around to hide in the gap behind the water dispenser.

The real concubine did not hesitate, and took action immediately after, hiding in the gap behind the water dispenser with Kaguya.

[Don’t stop me from watching TV. Damn it, you have to mop the floor while I’m watching TV, right? 】

The man cursed again.

[Yes, yes, I won’t block you from watching TV, please keep your voice down, and don’t disturb the children while they sleep]

The woman's voice was almost numb. She muttered, moved some space, and continued mopping the floor near the door.

Concubine Zhen and Kaguya had already moved forward and hid behind the low stool, using the legs of the stool to hide their positions.

This a first-person Little Nightmare series.

Gao Hai, who was observing all this through the perspective of a doll, sweated and complained about the current situation.

For some reason, room 304 turned into such an exaggerated house of giants. The two behemoths mechanically repeated the conversations they had during their lifetimes, while the petite girl carefully moved forward inside, avoiding the sight of these long-dead things.


Gao Hai felt the sight.

A line of sight clearly coming from the doll in a certain direction.

So the doll on the true concubine's shoulder slowly turned around and looked behind, looking at the mouse hole-like place where the two girls came out.

Then, he saw a vague figure standing at the entrance of the mouse hole, looking at him silently from a distance.


A drop of hot water fell on Gao Hai's face, causing him to shrink in pain.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room on the second floor, he raised his head and looked above him. He saw the man standing upside down on the ceiling, his head turned in an almost broken position, facing him. sighting figure.

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