At this place, Gao Hai could see traces of the collapsed Yeluoshan Middle School, leaving only faint points of light, and even the last faint exit was about to dissipate. As for Bydos, it was completely destroyed with nothing left there.


At that moment when the glimmer of light was about to extinguish, the world was now left with pure darkness that was about to engulf everything.

[The creator of "Takamagahara" believes that the foundation for maintaining the existence of "Takamagahara" lies in the three schools of Touka Middle School, Hayatachi Elementary School and Yoruzan Middle School. This idea is correct, but it is also wrong. They did not correctly understand the true source of power of "Takamagahara" and did not understand how their original research was successful. In fact, the real source of this "Takamagahara" that is independent of the copy space is to establish a connection with the "original shape" through a series of cognitive anchor experiments on students, thereby creating sufficient cognitive anchor points. established]

As the tall clown spoke, he pointed in a dark direction where nothing existed.

No, that's not right.

There is something there.

Gao Hai slowly opened his eyes.

That thing... that's... a school?

Gao Hai was slightly startled. He was actually not entirely sure whether it was a school. But after seeing that thing and roughly seeing the outline of that thing, he couldn't help but have this idea in his heart, and he had the idea of ​​identifying it as a [school], and he was even sure that it was probably a school. middle school.

"What it is?"

Gao Hai asked in a low voice, but in his heart he couldn't help but began to recall the various clues he had collected before, and he quickly understood what this thing was about.

[Campus Mystery] In this copy, there are four areas that have been confirmed and investigated by players, namely Fujika Middle School, Hayatachi Elementary School, Yeluoshan Middle School and Bydos College. Other than that, there are no other areas. school.

The four campuses add up to a total of 7 core obsessions. This number is already quite exaggerated in the Red Moon level dungeon, but many players who have investigated this dungeon have said that they have seen a vague and inaccessible place. School. That school was confirmed as the fifth largest campus of [Campus Mystery] after players encountered it many times, and was considered to have at least one core obsession. Therefore, all the information about [Campus Rumors] now identifies it as the core of the eight major campuses. Even though no player has actually arrived at the so-called fifth school so far, everyone has confirmed this information.

Yes, Gao Hai recalled that he had actually seen the Fifth College, and he had also seen the existence of that school area from a distance. But just like other players, Gao Hai didn't know what to do to get to that place, so he didn't care about it anymore.

But now, after seeing that place again, he vaguely felt that this time, he might be able to get there.

[That’s where the “form of origin” is]

The clown said softly, with a bit of emotion in his voice.

[The "writer" obtained the qualification to cultivate this "root form", but in the end he just produced such a rubbish script with no depth. But precisely because it has not been able to find a way to correctly cultivate the "root form", until now, this "root form" is still in a state of incomplete growth. Therefore, Mr. Gao Hai, as the person who has breached all areas of this copy and destroyed its outer shell, you are the only one qualified to obtain this "form of origin" and move towards a deeper "reality\

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