"Well, I'm embarrassed, but it's true. I have four girlfriends now. In the future, there will be at least five. I'm not sure if there will be more."


"What, do you think I'm a scumbag? If you call me a scumbag and irresponsible, I admit that this is right and I accept it. But I have such a relationship with them. Even if I am scolded, I can't abandon any of them."

"Wu... I feel so great."


"Keeping close relationships with so many people, not quarreling, and being able to live in harmony, such social skills, wow..."

"Can you still envy me from this perspective?"

Her brain circuit is also amazing. Anyway, Gao Hai can't think of envying the social skills of opening a harem. But then again, most of the credit for his opening a harem should be attributed to Fujiwara Chika, the social master. Without her handling the relationship with the real concubine, it is hard to say what would happen.

Time passed by little by little.

In this small space outside the world built by the power of obsession, the two of them walked forward from the front of the timeline little by little.

Students who were persecuted to death innocently.

Parents of students who came to the school to seek the truth and were executed.

Family members who were wiped out with the students

Innocent people who were affected and dealt with for various reasons.

Fujika Middle School, Hayate Elementary School, Yeluoshan Middle School, Bydos Research Institute... All areas that the power of obsession can reach have been stepped into by the two. Except for some obsessions that no longer want to stay, such as Hirano Sosuke's obsession, Gao Hai had no way to stay after liberation. The other party had been completely satisfied and did not want to live again. The rest of those who could be restored were restored by Gao Hai and Goto Ichiri.

In order to ensure that these people can be successfully resettled, Gao Hai adjusted the memories of all of them through the power of obsession objects, and also spent a lot of energy on the issue of how to resettle them. After all, in modern society, there are suddenly tens of thousands of people from decades ago. Even with the cognitive erasure characteristics of weird objects, it will still cause a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the two can now use the power of multiple red moon-level core obsession objects and the strange mirror fragment.

Especially the mirror fragment, Gao Hai discovered that this thing, which is similar to an obsession, but seems to be somewhat different from an obsession, has the ability to modify reality.

Whether it is creating a town out of thin air, or modifying historical records so that people who have never appeared before have complete identity records, these things can be achieved through this mirror fragment. The researchers of the Baidos Institute and Yeluoshan Middle School used this fragment very superficially. They only discovered the characteristics of [copying reality] and failed to find the most important ability of [modifying reality]. However, considering that they are not extraordinary beings like players, it is estimated that even if they find this feature, they can't use it.

Unfortunately, this mirror fragment seems to have established some kind of connection with the blood city. After the obsession is released, it will be sucked into the blood city forever and can no longer leave. Otherwise, after possessing this level of divine objects, Gao Hai really can't think of any other copies that can hold him.

Tsk, this sentence seems to be suspected of flag, just ignore me, I didn't say it.

"It has been basically confirmed that all victims have been properly modified and resettled. Well, the Neon part is all concentrated in a secluded area outside Tokyo, and the German part has also created a new town. Is this okay?"

"We have done our best. At least we can be sure that they will not be troubled by official personnel. But as for the players... well, we can only think of a solution after we return to reality. With Sister Xiong Mi's connections and [market], it should be no problem to keep these two towns safe."

"It always feels like a miracle, changing a tragedy that has already been doomed..."

"Miracle? Isn't this good? This is a miracle created by our own hands. Speaking of it, I actually feel it's a pity. If I can save more than just the victims in the [School Tales] dungeon... Forget it, everything is not truly perfect after all, and we can only do our best within our capabilities."


Gao Hai has also seriously thought about how great it would be if this power could go a step further, such as extending to the Red Nut Gray Cave and Shirakawa Apartment. Unfortunately, the source of this power is the obsession of this copy, and there is no way to escape from this copy. Only the victims who died because of this copy, whether they were ordinary people back then or players later, can be saved only if they have a deep causal relationship with this copy, or more precisely, if they have a causal relationship with one of the three core obsessions of Yeluoshan Middle School.

In fact, even so, there is one person who is destined not to be saved, a person who has never really existed from the beginning.

Even because Gao Hai has merged with that person's existence, even the last trace of it will be completely erased.


I can already recall such a memory, recalling the memory of talking to Asamoto Eriko and the other party chuckled and called my name.

Gao Hai knew that this was not actually his memory, but after he completely integrated the existence of the [Teacher], starting from the past timeline, everything about the [Teacher] had begun to transform into Gao Hai's own behavior. In this regard, Gao Hai could only repeat the actions of the [Teacher] in his memory without any difference.


The laughing children walked by.

[Teacher! ]

The boy with scars on his face raised his head and showed a firm look.


In the dilapidated campus, the confused figures continued to wander around.

All the precious memories, whether painful or joyful, are so clear that there is no way to forget them.

But only this non-existent, illusory figure can no longer exist.

This person without a shape, no gender, no clear appearance, no entity that can be touched, and no name, is the only one that Gao Hai can never save, and will definitely perish with the destruction of this copy.

The children who have suffered will open their eyes on a new day, hazily thinking that they had a miserable dream of being humiliated and dying, and then go to their families to act like spoiled children.

Students who have experienced painful bullying will be confused and come to a strange school. After a few days of not adapting, they will get used to their current life and naturally think that [it was like this from the beginning] without any doubt.

Those adults who have also been persecuted and the good people who have not gone along with the crowd will also return to their daily lives. Although it is their daily lives decades later, they will not remember that there is anything wrong with it, but will continue to spend every ordinary day in the daily life of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

The orphanage has been reopened, and no one will be sent to that demon-like elementary school this time.

After returning home, Xiao Chiyo will be scolded by her mother not to run in the corridor, and her brother who likes to follow her the most will cheer and run behind Chiyo. At this time, the new chef will come out with a silly smile and a small cake in the shape of a dog, and then all the children will surround him excitedly.

At this time, Eriko will go to set up the table. After cleaning, Koji will usually hide in the corner and be lazy. He will not come out until others call him several times. Of course, if you let Xiao Meow Nai go to find Koji, this clever, active and healthy kitten will quickly find the hidden Koji.

Players who have been tortured in the copy will also return to the real world and return to where their team is. However, they will not remember anything. Gao Hai is not interested in helping to find the obsessions that have returned to the copy after losing control. After all, he is not the nanny of these people and it is almost impossible to get the obsessions back after they return without affecting the timeline. The operation is too difficult. As for those classmates of Yotsuya Miko, they will think that they are just seriously ill, and their families will think so. The reason why Miko transferred to another school will change a little, but it is not a big problem to cover up such things.

Gao Hai can already see such a scene.

As he and Goto Ichiri floated up faster and faster in the light, and gradually returned to the real world from the copy world, he began to follow the power of this resonance and see the miraculous ordinary lives of those people after his and Pochi's hard work.


This is indeed a miracle.

However, the starting point of this miracle, the beginning of all this, is actually just the last wish of an unknown person.

It was just because he heard the last voice left by the non-existent person.

Hearing the last wish left by it at the last moment of its life to the later person who it didn't know whether it existed.

So, Gao Hai decided to respond to the other party.

That's all.

"Your students... leave it to me."

"I will let all of them get the ordinary happiness they deserve."

He responded to this last wish, so he did it.

It's a pity that even so, even with such a powerful extraordinary power, even if a miracle that almost reversed all tragedies was achieved, some people still couldn't be saved.

However, if you still have self-awareness left, and you can still answer me, I think you will not regret it, but will be happy that this responsibility has finally been fulfilled.

In the soft light, Gao Hai can already feel the boundary of the real world.

The footsteps of pedestrians, the noise of children, the sound of cars driving and honking, the sound of housewives quarreling and the sound of stoves lighting... Those sounds that continue in the city, in life, and in various places, the sounds of daily life, have fallen into Gao Hai's ears again.

And the darkness that buried the nameless person has completely gone away at this time and can no longer be seen.

Then, he saw the trance flickering picture at the end.

[Teacher, I also spent today happily, without any worries left]

Eriko gently licked a bite of sweet ice cream and whispered to herself.

[Teacher, today is also a boring and ordinary life like before]

Koji sighed softly while combing the hair of Xiao Meow Na.

[Teacher, although I can no longer see you, please take care of me today just like yesterday]

There are other children who have also received help from that unknown person, and students who have also been cared for in difficult times.

Their whispers reached Gao Hai's ears, some gentle, some emotional, one after another, gently ringing.

Ah, speaking of it, I did not completely erase their memories of the [teacher], so more or less, they will remember that there was such a person who accompanied them through the most difficult days of their lives.

Although until the end, this teacher could not save them, and could not change their fate.

Although this self-proclaimed useless teacher could only stay by their side, talk to them, and could only clumsily try to comfort them, enlighten them, and teach them to find beauty and happiness.

But they did remember this teacher, this nameless teacher who had truly accompanied them in their growth.


[Thank you for accompanying me]

The last voice fell gently, leaving only a tranquility.

At this moment, Gao Hai's consciousness finally broke away from the white light and returned to the real world.




Volume 3 (Part 2): The Nameless Man


Conclusion of Volume 3 Part 2

Volume 3 Part 2 has officially ended here.

This ultimate long dungeon of eight cores and four regions that I created in the past, which was much longer than expected, has finally been completely declared over here.

The entire volume 2 has a total of 152 chapters and more than 610,000 words, and the 91 chapters of the first volume have more than 350,000 words, and the 70 chapters of the middle volume have more than 270,000 words. The final result is 313 chapters, a total of 1.25 million words... To be honest, the entire volume 3 is enough to be written into a book. And the 300 chapters I estimated at the beginning are not much different. If I had not chosen to divide it into volumes and wrote it all at once, I really don’t know what the scene would be.

In short, it’s finally over.

Oh my God, it’s finally over.

To be honest, this is really the most stressful dungeon I have ever written. There are many participants in the dungeon, and the setting is that all the players are good players and cannot be used casually. The dungeon itself is a high-difficulty dungeon with two different areas interconnected. Even if there is a setting of [writer], which can reduce the rigor and reduce the difficulty of dungeon design to a certain extent, it is still the most difficult and troublesome dungeon I have encountered in terms of writing difficulty, and it is also the longest single-volume dungeon I have written so far.

Moreover, from the middle of this volume, about 70 or 80 chapters, the number of readers who urged updates and asked about progress began to increase. Compared with the number of people who urged progress in the second volume, it has increased by at least three times. It is the first time that I have felt such a strong sense of pressure from readers, especially during that period, my ideas were not very good and I could only update once a day. As a result, the pressure became more and more and my brain became more and more confused, but fortunately, I persisted and completed this volume well. I can only say that I am really tired. This is the first time I feel so tired after writing books for so many years. To be honest, it is quite novel. In order to finish this volume as soon as possible, I have not even touched the game for almost two months. I almost forgot when I last pushed myself like this (laugh~)

Now when I think back to the me who dug a hole for myself... well, I really want to beat him up, but it's a pity that there is no possibility of going back to the past in reality.

So, the entire third volume has really come to an end here. The next daily life part is expected to be around 30 chapters. In order to learn the feeling of daily life, I have been studying in the Azure Archives for a long time. I hope I can create a slightly different feeling this time.

In addition, this time from October 23 last year to the end chapter on February 6, it has been almost 4 months. If the third volume is counted, it will start on June 18, which is more than 7 months. In other words, the third volume has been written for more than half a year, which is really terrible. To be honest, I am a little curious. How many readers have continued to follow the update? How many readers have followed the update one by one? And how many readers have really kept up with the book for more than half a year and only started to read it after the whole volume is finished?

1. Book-chasing party, occasionally keep up with some but basically follow the book

2. Follow the book in volumes, wait until the upper, middle and lower volumes are finished to start following the book

3. I have sealed it for more than half a year and only returned to it after the third volume is finished

For this long-lasting and long-lasting volume, which has undergone many changes in the middle, such as the cutting of the upper and middle volumes of the third volume, and even the rewriting of the middle volume, and the deletion and modification of the lower volume due to some reasons, it is really touching to look back now.

If I want to say what I thought in my heart when I first designed this volume, it was probably to show the characteristics of [heterogeneity] and [high difficulty]. This was mainly used in the first volume, that is, to create Alice, a villain who is still very popular until now. The pressure on Takahashi from this alien being in the story, and Takahashi's struggle to fight against this existence, are successful designs, judging by the readers' feedback. Of course, I am somewhat surprised that Alice is still so popular. It seems that my understanding of the culture of female ghosts is still insufficient.

There is nothing much to say about the middle volume. The split between the early and late stages of this volume is indeed a black history, and it is also the biggest problem left when designing the dungeon. The cognitive blocking mechanism was offline too quickly. I should have put more effort in this aspect earlier, but there is no if in this world. As for the [writer] part, I actually thought about confronting the writer in the next volume at the beginning. But after careful consideration, I think I still have to solve this problem in advance. As a result, beating the [writer] seems to have become the biggest highlight of the middle volume, which makes me feel funny.

As for the second volume, to be honest, I still felt guilty when I first started this overly complex dungeon. This is also the most luxurious dungeon in Gao Hai so far. The teammates are either caring wives or powerful players, and none of them are really dragging their feet. Even for teammates with insufficient strength, at least the awareness must be in place, and they cannot be randomly padded, and they must also give highlights. On the basis of this configuration, the high difficulty and danger of the dungeon itself must be shown, so that readers can feel that the protagonist is struggling to overcome extremely difficult levels. To be honest, it really makes people lose their hair.

Fortunately, the protagonist of the replay system can divide different roles in different rounds, so as to ensure that everyone has a certain role and can play their own abilities. However, for this reason, some characters who performed well in the previous round disappeared in the next round, which is another issue worthy of attention. I don't know how everyone feels after reading this copy, and whether they are satisfied with this volume. If the reading experience can get 70 points out of 100, then I can rest assured.

Then again, I have seen many readers mention that as the protagonist's strength increases, the horror of the copy is gradually decreasing. Well, this problem... To be honest, there is no solution. Supernatural horror and upgrading and becoming stronger are inherently conflicting. One requires the protagonist to be unable to resist threats, and the other requires the protagonist to be able to overcome difficulties. The reason why I only set up 7 copies in the whole book is to avoid the development of the Great War of the Gods, but even so, as Gao Hai becomes stronger little by little, the decline in horror is inevitable.

After all, for the protagonist who can become stronger, when the protagonist encounters difficulties, readers usually think about how the other party will overcome them, rather than the feeling of being so scary and terrible. Of course, supernatural horror stories without upgrade elements can avoid this problem to a certain extent, but it is difficult for that type of novel to reasonably complete the happy ending of [all members survive and even save the deceased], and the possibility of casualties putting pressure on readers is greater. And now everyone's life pressure is already high, and we can't go in this direction, so we can only make choices and adjustments as much as possible.

By the way, because all the attention was on the ending of this volume, I forgot to mention the previous vote. Some readers may have forgotten that, that is, about the cat girl encyclopedia on the site, I am going to try to put it up. Because this recommendation position requires a background illustration and at least four character portraits, I held a vote at the end of Chapter 106. I will now show you the results:

(1) Gao Hai: 63 votes

(2) Lin Xusheng: 93 votes

(3) Li Zhaodi: 8 votes

(4) Howard: 14 votes

(5) Alice Weird: 103 votes

Prototype: 36 votes

(7) Hirano Sosuke: 133 votes

(8) Hachiya Chiyo: 39 votes

(9) Xiong Mi: 42 votes

The top four are Hirano Sosuke, Weird Alice, Lin Xusheng, and Gao Hai. Xiong Mi missed this option in the vote and added it later. Then she ranked fifth. Considering that Prototype Alice can appear in twin form with Weird Alice, maybe we can get these two characters to appear together after we start soliciting articles. As for the remaining ones with too few votes, there is nothing we can do.

Finally, let’s talk about the preview of the new volume, which is the upcoming fourth volume.

Readers who have read the storyline I gave in the preface probably already know that the plot of the fourth volume will take place in the village. We currently estimate that the number of chapters in this volume should be around 180-200. Well, this time it will not be divided into volumes, it will be written in one go, and we will not do this again for the third volume. At most, it is possible that the seventh volume will be divided into two parts, and the fourth, fifth and sixth volumes will definitely be connected as a whole volume, and there will be no more regional divisions.

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