The first effect of the Red Moon-level blessing given to Gao Hai by Koji Morihara is——

An air-dropped bomb weighing more than 500 kilograms was obtained out of thin air.

Interlude 3-40: The red moon-level blessing power of the great harvest and the awakening girl

The total weight reaches more than 500 kilograms, the explosive charge is at least 300 kilograms, and it has aerial bombs dropped by bombers.

This is what Gao Hai can summon now.

As the first effect of Morihara Koji's blessing, Gao Hai can make an aerial bomb appear out of thin air anywhere within 5 meters around him, and it can explode immediately after appearing, or launch it in a certain direction, with a range of about 600 kilometers. .

After the explosion, the shock wave radiation range is 100 meters outward from the center point of the aerial bomb explosion. All monsters within this range will be forced to stop moving, and all non-magic physical objects will suffer extremely violent impact and damage. Within a radius of 1 kilometer, there is a fragmentation killing circle of aerial bombs. All objects hit by aerial bomb fragments within this range will have their mobility greatly weakened.

As the first effect of the blessing given by the boy who destroyed Yeluoshan Middle School, this aerial bomb had both weird suppressive power and physical destructive properties. It can really reach or even exceed the explosive power of normal aerial bombs, and the key is that Gao Hai judged based on the characteristics of this blessing that the explosion of this aerial bomb can destroy items that are fixed with space. 】 produces an effect. For example, take the 45-day crushing experience in the Red Nut Gray Cave. At that time, Gao Hai was restricted by the rules and could not commit suicide or destroy the wall. But if he had this blessing at that time, he could use the ability of this aerial bomb. He forcibly defied the rules and destroyed the cave wall.

In other words, this aerial bomb can achieve forced confrontation according to the rules and directly damage entities with [indestructible] characteristics. It is a completely frontal kicking prop. Although it is impossible for this kind of attack to really damage another Red Moon-level monster in the Red Moon-level dungeon, Gao Hai couldn't help but think that if this bomb was combined with a suppression bomb, he would first give the monster a big bomb, and then If we shoot again to suppress it, it may have unexpected effects.

However, because it is essentially a blessing power, Gao Hai himself is immune to the damage of the aerial bomb after detonating the aerial bomb. Unless he voluntarily gives up this immunity effect, the shock wave and fragments after the aerial bomb explosion will be harmful to Gao Hai. It's all about tickling. At the same time, he can also designate specific personnel not to be affected by the aerial bomb explosion, or conversely, only allow specific personnel to bear the damage of the aerial bomb explosion. The upper limit of this designation depends on Gao Hai's own willpower. In other words, he can detonate an aerial bomb in a stadium where tens of thousands of people gather, turning the entire stadium into rubble, but only kills one person, and everyone else is completely unharmed by the aerial bomb.

Yes, Gao Hai realized that this [not being harmed] has a causal characteristic, including being hit by the debris after the bomb explosion, being buried alive, being affected by high-temperature air waves, and being burned by flames. As long as the damage is causally caused by this aerial bomb, Gao Hai can name people to be completely unaffected by it.

Like the pistol, the aerial bombs have the feature of automatic replenishment. When full, Gao Hai can use 3 aerial bombs. After firing the first bomb, Blessing will enter the automatic cooling replenishment state, and return to the full 3 rounds after 24 hours. No matter how much Gao Hai uses during this period, it will be restored to the maximum amount when replenished. However, if you still want to use 3 aerial bombs after using them, Gao Hai can also use his own blood and mental power to forcefully generate a fourth aerial bomb. It seems that the power of the aerial bomb can continue to increase in this way, but it will consume a lot of money. It's scary. You don't need to think about this until you are desperate.

I don’t know what the power of this fourth aerial bomb, which requires large-scale consumption to be used, is. I always feel that it might be something very scary...

Thinking like this, Gao Hai went on to feel the second effect of the blessing, and then he was a little surprised to find that Morihara Koji's second blessing effect was actually an active taunting skill.

This is a blessing effect that can be turned on and off automatically and needs to be activated by speaking. When activating this effect, Gao Hai can speak to force people with [evil] characteristics or strange attention to focus on him. If it is a living person, it will begin to have a strong hatred for his voice and will have murderous intentions for no reason. If it is a monster, Gao Hai will be adjusted as a priority attack target, and Gao Hai will be prioritized when the rules are met. Launch an attack.

"Is there such a special attack taunt?"

Gao Hai's eyes lit up. Although this unique active taunting skill seemed to have little effect, if combined with the sixth rule of suppressing bombs, it could do a lot.

In addition, with this skill, combined with the dual perception blessings of Hedar and Li Zhaodi, it can basically be said that no enemy can approach Gao Hai through disguise.

The third effect of the subsequent blessing is much simpler. Morihara Koji gave Gao Hai relevant knowledge on how to raise pet cats in mechanical maintenance, electrical maintenance and pet breeding. Among them, the maintenance knowledge was enough for Gao Hai to work as a repairman. Gao Hai's knowledge of pet breeding is enough to give eggs to cats in the veterinary hospital. In terms of practicality...well, I can't say it's not possible. In addition, this blessing also has a willpower bonus and can also increase pain tolerance, but it is of little significance here in Gaohai.

The blessing of this young man is still a bit complicated in terms of mechanism, so Gao Hai spent a lot of time to confirm the characteristics of this blessing. In the process, he had some thoughts of trying to consume blood and mental power to create the [4th bomb]. But after a little perception, uh... Although Gao Hai is not particularly sure, if he really does that, maybe, just maybe, Tokyo may become the third hottest city in Japanese history.

Can the destructive power of this thing reach such an exaggerated level? Speaking of it, the destructive Red Moon-level blessings that he has obtained so far are indeed very exaggerated. It can easily clear the population of a city, which is really scary.

After completing the confirmation of the blessing of Morihara Yukiji, the next step is to confirm the third Red Moon-level blessing, that is, the blessing of [Teacher].

"Is it really like this?"

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at his arm that had completely disappeared.

Nullification, this is the first effect of this blessing.

After activating this effect, Gao Hai can teleport part of his body or even his entire body to a different space. He can completely hide himself from the real world, or leave a corresponding phantom in the real world, a phantom that cannot be locked by the weird and cannot touch anything. Then, by maintaining this ethereal form, Gao Hai can freely pass through various obstacles to enter places that were originally inaccessible, and can fly freely regardless of gravity.

Yes, after using this blessing, Gao Hai can fly, and the alien space pointed to by this [Nullification] can ignore the gravity rules.

Even if Gao Hai himself is in a state of violating the rules and being locked by the weird, Gao Hai can weaken the influence of the rules after the void. If you want to still kill Gao Hai in the void state, it must be a weird of the same level. In other words, only the Red Moon-level obsession can continue to affect Gao Hai in the void state after he has violated the corresponding rules, but even so, Gao Hai can greatly reduce the damage he has suffered. As for the rules of the Dark Night level, Gao Hai can now ignore them.

The only pity is that this blessing cannot teleport objects into another space, otherwise Gao Hai could try to cosplay the effect of [God's Power].

"I really want to take this configuration to find a dark night level dungeon to clear. With this blessing, no dark night level dungeon can stop me. Oh... It's a pity. I was born to play high-end dungeons and can't enter low-end games to kill fish..."

Gao Hai muttered to himself, and then turned his attention to the second effect of this blessing.

Replacement exists.

This is the second function of this blessing.

It can be launched on people or monsters. After launching, Gao Hai can replace himself with someone he has seen before, so that Gao Hai in the eyes of the target of this blessing becomes that specific image. The activation of this blessing requires physical contact, and Gao Hai needs to cover the other party with his willpower. As long as it succeeds, then no matter whether the other party is a person or a monster, Gao Hai can completely replace his identity. Even if his appearance, voice, etc. do not match the characteristics of the replacement object, the other party will not recognize him. Unless the replaced object and Gao Hai are seen by the other party at the same time, the replacement will fail in this case.

It's a functional blessing. The effectiveness of this kind of blessing is not easy to judge according to the type of copy. Well... generally speaking, it should be very useful.

Gao Hai's attention turned to the third effect of the blessing, and then he was stunned for a moment.

The third effect of the blessing from the [Teacher] is [Future Transmission].

After using this blessing, Gao Hai can teleport an object that is completely wrapped by his willpower and has a volume and mass not more than 10 times his own to the future, up to one week later. The teleported object cannot change its location. Wherever it was before being sent away, it will still be in the same place when it returns.

Wrapped in willpower? What does it mean to be wrapped in willpower?

While thinking, Gao Hai looked at the abandoned house he was in, and quickly moved his attention to the half brick in the corner of the house.


Blinking, the brick had disappeared from its original place.

And Gao Hai immediately felt that his spirit had been slightly consumed. Although it was so little that it was undetectable, it was indeed a loss. Well... it's probably like the feeling of concentrating on a total power battle and getting a critical hit for 20 minutes and finally getting the first gear.

"It seems like I can really cosplay as Shenwei."

Gao Hai complained like this, and then shifted his attention to the floor.


Suddenly, under Gao Hai's gaze, a small piece of the floor was missing out of thin air, as if it was dug out by some force. But then, the missing part reappeared. And after it appeared, it was tightly connected to the original part of the floor again, without even the slightest crack.

"It can be teleported separately, but will the items return to the connected state after the teleportation is over?"

Gao Hai walked to the corner while muttering to himself, and looked at a piece of shredded paper on the wall.


A small half of the shredded paper immediately disappeared without a trace.

Then, Gao Hai stretched out his foot and kicked the shredded paper away from its original position. Shortly after he kicked the scraps of paper away, a small piece of paper appeared out of thin air where the scraps of paper had originally been, and the missing part of the scraps of paper did not return to its original state.

"I see, the part that was teleported away will [return to its original place]. If the original connection part remains still, it can be reconnected, but if it moves, it will really be disconnected. This trick If it is used to kill people...tsk, it seems a bit scary."

Gao Hai shook his head slightly.

The three blessing effects given by [Teacher] all have no limit on the number of times they can be used.

The intensity and consumption of these three blessings depend on Gao Hai's own willpower. As long as he can maintain sufficient mental activity, he can use them without limit.

The fourth effect is a simple and clear increase in attributes. [Teacher]'s blessing will enhance physical fitness, and then there seems to be a slight increase in body size. At the same time, there is a small improvement in thinking ability and luck. In addition, this blessing It also greatly improves willpower. Well, of course, because of Gao Hai himself, this very large value is basically equal to zero.

"A blessing with four effects. This is the second time I have received a blessing with four effects."

Gao Hai sighed slightly in his heart.

Finally, there is the blessing from Dean Jonathan of Bydos. This blessing is a very clear functional blessing, and its first effect is information recovery. When players encounter documents with confusing information and cannot identify the valid content, they can use this blessing to restore them to a certain extent. It is possible to restore valuable information, and it is possible to restore contaminated information that is dangerous to death. It is a small function with pros and cons.

The second effect is a very restrictive function. This effect allows users to improve their search capabilities when entering places with [information aggregation] such as libraries, and can find useful information faster, or Quicker confirmation that there is no useful information here. Gao Hai didn't think the effect was very good, but anyway, the more blessings the better, so he accepted it with a smile.

The third effect of this blessing refreshed Gao Hai's spirit. Gao Hai thought that this effect could be called [Awakening]. It allows players to turn their mental power into invisible sharp cones, which can affect themselves or others. people use. This special mental stimulation will not cause substantial harm. The only effect is to wake up the person who is stabbed by the sharp cone, temporarily stagnating his or her thinking activities. In other words, this blessing can interrupt mental pollution and force the other party to get rid of the corrosion and temporarily wake up. It may come in handy at a critical moment.

The allowed range limit of this third effect on Gaohai is about 12 meters. It is a long-distance substitute, ah no, it is a blessing that can exert its effect at a longer distance.

"Should I say that opening a school is different? Blessing doesn't feel offensive at all, it's all functional."

After muttering a few sentences like this to himself, Gao Hai finally turned his attention to the [Shape of Origin] he had obtained.

This wonderful existence that seems to be able to help Gao Hai upgrade has strengthened the blessings he already has. Among them, the enhancement of the Red Moon Blessing is very small, and no change can be seen. But those dark night-level blessings have all undergone considerable changes.

For example, the blessing effect of Li Zhaodi's little lolita in Baichuan Apartment increases the resistance to hallucinations and sensory masking, and also improves Gao Hai's self-healing ability. The cost of Hedar's Blessing of Rampage has been slightly reduced, and now this blessing can be stopped to avoid sudden death when Gao Hai's physical strength is at the bottom and he faints. Andres' Blessing has increased the number of uses, and now this blessing can be used within 24 hours. 3 times instead of only 1 time, and this blessing has the characteristics of attracting new members to establish more links.

However, Gao Hai feels that the most surprising thing is the change in Lin Xusheng's blessing. The [Rescue Team Badge] given to Gao Hai by this blessing was not strong enough at first, so the badge could not be turned into a blessing item such as a pistol, but it is still a blessing item. An obsession with residual resentment (referring to Lao Guo who cannot rest in peace). But now, with the fourth obsession residue entering the badge and becoming a new team member, and the blessing itself being strengthened, the [Rescue Team Badge] has completely eliminated the remaining resentment, and has also evolved into a blessing item similar to a pistol.

In other words, things like Alice tearing off the rescue team badge when Touka was in middle school will never happen again. Now this item has become a blessing item bound to Gao Hai and will no longer be taken away.

In addition, after the badge became a blessing item, Gao Hai was able to more clearly perceive the four obsessions in the badge.

The first member, the rescue team member Lao Guo became, after being strengthened, has a small submachine gun and can fight with a gun. After being damaged, its cooldown time is also reduced to 1 hour. In other words, Gao Hai can kill Lao Guo up to 24 times a day.

The second member, Howard, has also been strengthened. Originally, this American firefighter could only fight with his own brute force, and was completely inferior to a police officer with a gun. But now, after strengthening this obsession, it can summon a fire truck.

Well, that's right, a fire truck more than ten meters long and four meters wide, carrying various firefighting equipment. Now Howard can operate a fire truck to enter the scene, directly perform a brutal collision and then change his style to emergency rescue.

The police officer has not been strengthened much. After all, even if it is still a scrap, it is still at the Red Moon level without a doubt.

[Teacher] is a blurry figure in a black suit. As the fourth teammate that can be summoned by the rescue team badge, it can use the ability of nothingness in Gao Hai's blessing to turn itself into a non-entity.

Gao Hai carefully sensed these four teammates for a long time, thought about it, and divided their characteristics into physical strength (resistance to physical damage), combat ability (the level of combat power shown in combat), rule level (resistance to damage by extraordinary power), special ability (what special skills they have) and recovery efficiency after damage (the speed of resurrection after death), and roughly summarized a data table.

The attributes of the personnel that can be summoned by the rescue team badge are as follows:

(1) Lao Guo

Physical strength: Dusk level

Combat ability: Dusk level

Rule level: None

Special ability: Can summon a small submachine gun with unlimited bullets for use, with certain combat qualities

Cooling time after damage: 1 hour

(2) Howard Smith

Physical strength: Dark Night level

Combat ability: Dark Night level

Rule level: Dark Night level

Special ability: Can summon a fire truck, carrying a full set of rescue equipment to participate in the operation

Cooling time after damage: 6 hours

(3) Hirano Sosuke

Physical strength: Red Moon Core level

Combat ability: Red Moon level

Rule level: Red Moon core level

Special ability: Can carry a standard pistol with unlimited bullets, has a certain degree of autonomous action ability and the ability to actively track evildoers

Cooling time after damage: 121 hours

(4) Nothingness [Teacher]

Physical strength: Red Moon level

Combat ability: Red Moon level

Rule level: Red Moon core level

Special ability: Can actively become nothingness, has a tendency to actively protect students and vulnerable groups

Cooling time after damage: 104 hours

After summarizing this, Gao Hai finally took stock of his gains in this round. To be honest, the gains were greater than expected. Although he had thought at the beginning whether he could get more than one blessing or something, he was still surprised that it reached this point in the end.

I have been strengthened to this extent, so when I wait for the next round of dungeons, won’t I...

Uh, with the black watch, I am afraid I will still die a few times. I don’t want a peak showdown at all. Can’t I have a few retirement games?

{What is the Pension Bureau...? Ugh...}

A vague girl's voice sounded in his mind, as if she had not woken up yet, and her voice was full of tiredness and sleepiness, but it was enough for Gao Hai to recall a little guy who had been sleeping in his head for a long time.

After such a long period of recuperation, she finally regained her thinking ability? If it weren't for the fact that Ichiri and I spent so much time traveling through the timeline, I'm afraid I would have to fight in the [Sacrifice Game] for several years before she recovered.

{Ichiri...? Ugh... Are you talking about...Pochi-chan?}

The voice was obviously able to sense Gao Hai's thought fluctuations, so it immediately captured the name of someone he was thinking about.

So Gao Hai immediately began to control his thoughts, so that his thoughts would no longer leak to the other party. Then, he sensed the weak fluctuations of another consciousness transmitted from his thoughts, and a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he said to the other party:

{You are awake, ghost of the old times. Human civilization has been destroyed for a thousand years. Are you the survivor of that year? }

Then, after about 3 minutes of silence, Gao Hai got the girl's answer:


Interlude 3-41: The confused moment of the returning girl and the complicated aftermath

Kita Ikuyo, nicknamed Ms. Returning.

This modern girl who was very cheerful and optimistic in the original work is now in a confused state.

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