In Gao Hai's opinion, the scene at that time was a famous scene that could be compared with Fujiwara Chika's chest wrap seal.

It didn't look special when she was wearing sportswear, but as soon as she took it off, she could immediately see a clear arc. It was really magical.

The so-called two-dimensional world is really incredible in many ways. Perhaps this is also one aspect of the end of the world.

Recalling the girl's strange behavior that seemed to be frightened and prepared at the time, Gao Hai couldn't help laughing.

After taking a shower, drying the water and changing clothes

Gao Hai came to the dining room. Hayasaka didn't prepare breakfast today. For this reason, she contacted Gao Hai yesterday to say that she couldn't come this morning because of something. However, even so, Gao Hai still ate the breakfast made by Hayasaka herself. To be precise, he ate the breakfast made by Hayasaka yesterday with a special obsession.

[Copy Magic Box], this is the name Gao Hai gave to this dark night-level obsession. This obsession is two iron boxes welded together. Each box is 40 cm long, 30 cm wide and 30 cm high. The boxes are painted with gorgeous patterns, and both boxes have opening and closing mechanisms.

This strange obsession has the ability to [copy]. Just open one of the boxes, put an item that is no larger than the box itself, and then close the box. When the box is opened again, there will be an identical copy in the other box that was originally empty. Relying on this obsession, Gao Hai copied all the breakfast that Hayasaka made for him yesterday, and today he only needs to heat it up to eat.

Of course, since it is an obsession with the power of copying, it is natural to try to put an obsession in the box. But unfortunately, according to the test results, no matter what level of obsession is stuffed into the box, this thing can only copy a fake that is superficial and has no extraordinary characteristics. But according to Jianzi's judgment, although the extraordinary items copied by this thing are actually fake, they are very similar in aura. If used properly, they may produce unexpected effects.

In addition, according to Jianzi's observation, the source of this obsession seems to be a down-and-out and disrespected magician. Therefore, if you do things such as putting things in two boxes at the same time, deliberately damaging and dirtying the boxes, or other behaviors that disrespect magic performances, this obsession will quickly go out of control, and it can also curse the user. It is an obsession that needs to be treated with caution.

However, judging from the fact that Gao Hai used this thing to copy food without being attacked, the situation of [disrespecting magic performances] should be quite limited, and it is not the kind of sensitive thing that will trigger the judgment if there is something wrong in normal times.

After eating and drinking, it's time to go out.

Today is the weekend, and even if you go to school, it's estimated that no one will be there, so Gao Hai plans to go find his girls to see if he can spend a happy day.

But when he was about to go out, a message suddenly came from the mental link.

"Hmm? You guys are at Kaguya's place."

The one who sent the message was Maki. She and Chika were both at Kaguya's residence at the moment, training with Kaguya and Hayasaka on the control of obsessions.

The purpose of this communication to Takahashi was to ask for help.

It seemed that something happened to Kaguya during training.


Andres's transmission blessing was quickly activated.

Realizing that it might be a problem, Takahashi did not hesitate and immediately rushed to Shinomiya's house in the most efficient way.

Opening his eyes, Takahashi saw Maki who was somewhat at a loss, Chika and Hayasaka who were obviously trying to hold back their laughter, and Kaguya herself who was stunned for a second after seeing Takahashi, but retreated without saying a word.

"What happened?"

Takahashi looked at Kaguya and asked.


The girl did not answer, but just shook her head.

Then, as if she could not hold it back any longer, Kaguya's body suddenly trembled slightly.

The next moment, a pair of furry cat ears suddenly appeared on both sides of her head.

Interlude 3-71: Proposal on the candy and maid game of the cat girl who has changed a lot

[Animal Candy Box], this is an obsession item that Jianzi confirmed after identification, which is not very practical, but very interesting.

In terms of appearance, this dark night-level obsession item is a candy box that looks very old. If you open it, you will see many hard candies wrapped in paper in the box. It is worth mentioning that all these hard candies are cut into different shapes, and the paper wrapped in the hard candies is painted into cartoon images of various small animals.

This extraordinary item that looks like a child's obsession is very complicated to use. It can only be opened once every hour, and only three candies of different shapes can be taken out at a time. After eating the candy, the user will gain some special abilities in the next half an hour.

For example, after Hayasaka ate a dog hard candy, her sense of smell increased by more than a hundred times, and she clearly felt that her energy became more vigorous, and she couldn't help but want to run around. After eating a fox candy, Qianhua's face immediately turned red, and her tone of voice softened uncontrollably. She also became particularly clingy, and without caring about other people's eyes, she forcibly dragged Gao Hai to the bedroom on the spot...

In short, every candy taken out of this thing has a completely different effect. The strangest thing is that even if it is the same shaped candy, different people will have different effects after eating it. After seeing the child, he tried to eat a dog hard candy that was the same as Hayasaka's. As a result, seeing the child did not achieve any improvement in sensory abilities or energy, but instead became very hungry, so hungry that he almost grabbed it on the street. Walked by the little girl's takoyaki. Gao Hai had to buy a lot of snacks for her, but he pounced on her before she could even open the package.

As an obsessive object with great limitations, strange effects, and extremely outrageous features with no rules at all, this thing was directly regarded as a toy. Of course, for something with too much uncertainty, no one really expected what use this thing could have in the dungeon.

By the way, not only is this thing extremely effective, it is also very punitive. If the interval between opening the candy box is less than an hour, or if more than three candies are taken out at one time, the user will be cursed with IQ, and will easily enter a state of reduced intelligence and be unable to correctly judge the form and think. For players who need to act in extremely dangerous dungeons, this side effect is obviously extremely fatal.

Why this obsession has such strange characteristics, Miko himself has not been able to draw a clear conclusion. She can only roughly determine that the source of this obsession is not a single artifact, but the result of the mixed thoughts of many deceased people. Moreover, the effect of this obsession itself can change with the user, so it is extremely rare. [No fixed effect] Obsession.

It's just a pity that rarity and usefulness cannot be completely equated with extraordinary items such as obsessive objects. Moreover, according to Miko's own testing, in addition to the special function that is triggered after eating candy, this strange obsession seems to have some kind of hidden effect. It cannot be said to be bad, but it is difficult to judge whether there is any beneficial effect. As for what kind of effect it is and how to trigger it, Mianzi has not been able to come up with an answer. Although her extraordinary perception is powerful, it is not a magical tool that will definitely get the desired results. There is no way.

But now, Gao Hai already knows what the hidden function of this thing is.

", don't stare at me anymore, nya."

Kaguya's face was full of embarrassment, and she stretched out her hands to cover her head with some force, trying to cover the pair of black cat ears.

However, even if the characteristics of the cat ears can be covered with hands, the oral habits in the words cannot be easily changed. Including the red eyes that have turned into vertical pupils, and the tail that is always swaying behind her, these are features that Kaguya cannot hide at this moment.

Yes, after taking this strange [animal candy box], in addition to its original normal function, there is a special possibility with a small probability, that is, the person who takes the candy will temporarily grow animal characteristics, and The duration does not seem to be fixed and does not return to normal in half an hour like the first effect.

In other words, Kaguya has now become a cat girl.


Gao Hai calmly stared at Kaguya Shinomiya, who had cat ears and a cat tail, and after a brief silence, he gave this evaluation.

"What's great? It's great! I'm very troubled right now, Meow. I've become like this for no reason. How long will it take for me to change back to Meow!?"

Kaguya said angrily, and then her voice couldn't help but take on a meowing tone as she spoke, just like an angry kitten. No, a cat of this size should be considered a big cat. That's right, this cute big cat is a little bit ready to rua you.

"The eldest lady, her classmates, and Chika, and I tried a total of 36 different candies in 3 hours, but only the eldest lady had such a change after taking a cat-shaped candy. I originally hoped that the eldest lady would The young lady can be calm and collected, but she was really too panicked, so I asked Zhen Fei to call you, the master."

Hayasaka on the side spoke calmly, but his steps unknowingly circled behind Kaguya.

"Originally, we just wanted to try to record the effects of each candy on different people to see if we could find out the use of this thing in the dungeon. But we didn't expect that my aunt would still behave like this after eating candy. This effect has not happened to any of the rest of us. It has to be said that it is really strange and we are all a little envious.”

The true concubine turned her head and said to Gao Hai while suppressing a smile. Obviously, Kaguya heard the strangeness in her tone, so the girl immediately became furious and said "What are you envious of, meow?" she said back. Well, the hair was fried in the literal sense, and the tail immediately became fluffy. I felt more like rua than before.

Gao Hai's fingers trembled slightly, ready to move.

"It feels very interesting. Can you let me touch it, Kaguya-san?"

As for Qianhua, she couldn't help but want to get started now.

"Absolutely impossible, this kind of thing... Such traces of humiliation... In short, I have to isolate myself alone. I will not come out again before this effect disappears - ya meow!"

Before the menacing Kaguya could finish her words and take action, her voice turned into a scream.

Hayasaka, who had stood behind her at some point, stretched out his hand to grab Kaguya's tail, pressed his other hand on Kaguya's back, and pushed her onto the sofa next to her.

Subconsciously, Kaguya stretched out her hands to support the sofa, landed on all fours like a real cat falling to the ground, and lowered her body slightly.

Hayasaka, who made this move, already looked at Gao Hai with an expression asking for credit.

"How is it, Master, do you think the eldest lady is a little cuter?"

To this kind of question, Gao Hai's answer is naturally yes.

"It's great, it feels so good."

"It's not a nice feeling, nya! No matter, I'm leaving first - Hayasaka is not allowed to pull my tail anymore, nya!"

Gao Hai's admiration sounded together with Kaguya's furious voice, but this time Kaguya still couldn't walk away. As soon as she got up, Hayasaka grabbed her tail again. In pain, tears appeared in the corners of the girl's eyes, and her sharp nails stretched out.

"So, does the master have any solution to her current situation?"

Hayasaka didn't care about his young lady's embarrassment, he just looked at Gao Hai and asked again.

"I'm afraid it won't work. This thing doesn't seem to be a curse, and it can't be dealt with with the obsession to break the curse. But Miko said before that this kind of situation will happen, so don't worry about it. This effect is not permanent and should be gone after a while. will return to normal.”

Gao Hai shook his head, and while resisting the urge to go to Rua, he spoke out some of the key points of the issues that Jianzi had mentioned to him before. certainly. The girls present all knew these things, and he repeated them mainly to make Kaguya feel relieved.

"So how long will it take after a while? What if it is one month, two months, or even several years? I can't even go to school with such things. No, I have to contact the doctor for surgery to remove these things. Just cut it off.”

However, Kaguya didn't appreciate it. She was already very suspicious, and she was so anxious that she wanted to tear off the animal features with her bare hands.

"Instead of this kind of thing, why don't we try the maid game. I mean, all of us put on maid costumes and try to serve the master to see whose service effect the master likes more? I think this is a very interesting idea. pretty good idea."

Then, when Gao Hai was about to say some words of comfort, and when Zhen Fei and Qianhua were also about to say something, Hayasaka, who was standing behind Kaguya, changed her tone and suddenly turned to another topic.

What, a maid game?

Hayasaka, is this maid game you are talking about healthy or unhealthy? Something doesn’t sound right to me, and what’s more, I’m talking about a maid game at this time...

Gao Hai was a little confused, Zhen Fei was also confused, and Kaguya was completely stunned, not knowing what kind of act this was.

However, Qianhua's eyes lit up. It was obvious that this fun-loving girl had found a new way to play the game and was ready to take action.

As for Ikuyo Kita, who had been floating behind Gao Hai watching the show, his expression became wary.

Are these guys planning to perform some bastard show like "Battle of the Five Armies" in front of me?

Damn it, I have finally calmed down a bit in the past few days, but if it starts again now... Well, why suddenly I have a strange curiosity, and I want to know what the maid costume version of the Battle of the Five Armies will be like... No. ! Why do I have such thoughts? I've obviously never been interested in this kind of thing. Could it be that some force has contaminated me?

Hayasaka Ai's face was still expressionless. While wearing a maid uniform, the girl always maintained a cold appearance.

But for Gao Hai, who already has a deep understanding of Hayasaka, he has already seen the other person's hidden thoughts from the other person's cold face.

I see, is it obvious that I'm in a bad mood these days? I actually wanted to seize this opportunity and let Cat Kaguya wear a maid outfit to try to heal me and help me get back into a good mood. Huh, there are so many things on my mind. This kind of thing is just a cat lady maid. I simply...can't refuse it at all!

"I have no opinion."

Gao Hai sat down on the sofa and said calmly.

"Ah, is that really the case?"

"It seems like a very interesting new game~"

Zhenfei and Qianhua had different reactions, but there was no doubt that neither of them meant to refuse.

Seizing the opportunity, Kaguya swung her tail to get rid of Hayasaka, and then the black-haired girl got up from the sofa with tears in her eyes and ran away. But this time Hayasaka followed immediately and blocked Kaguya again in the corridor, preventing her from escaping completely.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to be a cat girl and a maid, Hayasaka, you have too many strange things in your mind, don't you?"

Kaguya showed her claws, and the ears on her head almost completely fell down and turned into airplane ears, which looked quite fierce.

"If you run away now, the eldest lady will miss a very crucial opportunity. You must know that the current eldest lady is twice as charming to the master. As your personal servant, I really cannot tolerate the eldest lady missing such a key opportunity. ”

Hayasaka refused to give in, and had the urge to fight with Kaguya directly.

"So I don't care about this kind of opportunity. Showing such a shameful side in front of Gao Jun is obviously the biggest torture for me, nya!"

Kaguya gritted her teeth, arched her body slightly and prepared to pounce.

"Then, I'm going to play the maid game with the master with my classmates, Zhenbi-san and Chika-san. Miss, you're watching from the side. Ah, no, you said you want to self-isolate, then just listen to the sound by the wall alright."

The next moment, it was Hayasaka's calm words and Kaguya's instantly distorted expression.

Kaguya Shinomiya has a personality trait that she rarely shows, that is, she is extremely possessive. If it weren't for the fact that she was not so good-natured when she first met Gao Hai, and the two of them couldn't develop feelings as quickly as Zhenfei, then Kaguya would definitely occupy Gao Hai and not give any woman the opportunity to approach him.

However, there is no point in talking about this impossible thing now. Even if she has to share Gao Hai with others, or even if she is a latecomer, Kaguya's possessiveness is still very strong.

Therefore, she absolutely can't stand the possibility that she is the only one excluded.

Therefore, she had to relax her posture and temporarily calm down from the strong urge to escape.

"Miss, do you know what men like?"

Hayasaka has already spoken with a serious expression.

"What, what?"

Kaguya, who was a little stunned by the other party's sudden serious aura, asked subconsciously.

"Men like darkness."

Hayasaka didn't keep it a secret, but gave the answer directly.


Kaguya was stunned.

"A black cat girl, with a black and white maid outfit, is very dark and can really touch a man's heart."

"So the current young lady actually has a huge advantage that is unique to her."

"This cat feature that will disappear at any time is precisely the most powerful weapon for you, the young lady who comes later, to leave a deeper impression on your master."

Hayasaka clenched her fist slightly, and the posture actually showed a sense of holiness.

And Kaguya herself, who was listening to this nonsense, was already a little confused and was about to faint on the spot.

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