Because Takakai and Goto Kazuri used the obsession to establish a temporary spiritual link, at this time, Kazuri could see Kita Ikuyo floating next to Takakai, and heard her softly comforting him. . It's just that although Yili himself is nodding, his body is still tense, and he doesn't seem to be relaxing.

Of course, Gao Hai also noticed the girl's emotional problems, but he didn't say anything. He just took out his phone and checked the time to confirm how long it would be before Shimiko would finish class.

There's probably still a little while, the last five minutes of the last class, but the teacher here shouldn't be dragging the class, right?

If he had to say something to comfort Yili, Gao Hai probably wouldn't be able to say anything. It's better to go up and check the situation early after Miko comes over, and see if we can find any clues to confirm the other party's safety.

With this thought, Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the apartment building behind him, and tried to sense it, but he couldn't feel any abnormal aura at all.

No matter how you look at it, it looks very ordinary. It can even be said to be a somewhat shabby old apartment.

Gee, it reminds me a little of Shirakawa Apartment, but I have never actually seen the outside of that apartment building. I only stayed in the apartment building for a few days from beginning to end. If this is a copy of a shabby old apartment that looks like the underworld... Bah, what kind of copy is not a copy? Don't think about it, don't set the flag.

He calmed down his mind again, and after waiting for a short while, with the mobilization of blessing power, Yotsuya Miko's figure appeared directly next to Gao Hai. Before she had time to change out of her school uniform, she first looked at Gao Hai, and then saw Goto Ichiri on the other side. After greeting the two of them politely, she stood next to Gao Hai on the other side, and Ichiri. It happened to surround Gao Hai on the left and right.

"Let's go, Yili, please lead the way."

Gao Hai didn't care about the details of the other party's performance, he just said to Goto Kazuri.

The three people quickly entered the apartment building. This old apartment has a history of more than 30 years. After entering through the rusty door, there have been many peelings and cracks on the exterior walls of the internal corridors and stairs, and they are still clear. There was a musty smell.

"Why did you choose such a shabby apartment?"

Gao Hai couldn't help but ask after walking in.

{Sister Qingshan is usually very frugal. She has paid three years' rent in advance for this apartment, so she is unwilling to move out. The same is true in daily life. Although Pochi-chan and I have tried to persuade her, she never spends much money. No matter what she does, she cares about the price...}

Kita Ikuyo explained the situation to Gao Hai in a low voice. Judging from her expression, it was obvious that she and Aoyama Nanami had had many quarrels over this matter.

If I remember correctly, Nanami in the original Sakurasou was a working soldier, and her life was very difficult. As a result, now that she has become a player, she has not been able to change her frugal habit. Will she still want to live in such a place?

Step - step -

Walking from the first floor to the second floor, Gao Hai saw an old man with gray hair sitting in the corridor on the second floor amid the crisp footsteps in the stairwell. He was slowly rocking in a rocking chair with his eyes closed as if he was asleep. .

Walking to the third floor, a clear sound of water flow sounded from a half-open door, and a young couple was shouting and quarreling. Then, before Gao Hai walked up to the fourth floor, another little boy who looked to be only five or six years old ran out of another door, holding an Ultraman toy and shouting "Scare, scare, scare!" Running through the hallways.

When he walked to the 4th floor, where Nanami rented a room, Gao Hai smelled a faint smell of oil smoke, as if someone was cooking.

Goto Kazuri, who was at the front, had clearly been here many times and walked very calmly. She walked in the narrow and dark corridor, quickly stopped in front of a room door, took out the key and opened it. .

At this time, Gao Hai, who was following behind, looked at the house number.


Suddenly I feel like the world is targeting me...

I felt a little unhappy, but neither I nor Jianzi felt any abnormal aura along the way. It was probably just a coincidence.

"excuse me."

{I'm in}

Yili entered the house first and whispered subconsciously. Following Kita Ikuyo, he floated in and muttered something in a low voice. He even subconsciously wanted to find his own slippers at the entrance to wear. Then he remembered that he was a spirit now and was stunned for a moment.

Gao Hai walked in without saying a word, took off his shoes and stepped on the floor with his socks on. At this time, he walked into the living room for a while before he remembered something and quickly turned back and found some slippers for Gao Hai and see him. Put on the clothes, and then continue walking inside.

This is a very small one-bedroom rental house with a living room and a simple kitchenette connected together. There is an even narrower toilet with only a shower head and a toilet. Judging from the bedding in the half-open large cabinet on one side of the living room, it seems that this living room also serves as a bedroom.

It's very similar to the rental house in Clannad that I watched in the old show, but smaller. Wouldn't it feel depressing after living in this kind of place for a long time?

"Can you feel anything? Can the power of blessing be activated?"

Gao Hai just looked at the room for a moment. When he saw that everything was tidied up and there was no unusual smell, he turned to look at Miko and asked.

He knew that the "Jonathan's Blessing" received by Mitsuko and Hayasaka was different from him, and had the function of "revealing the past scene of the scene when confirming the key scene of talking with the monster". If this function can work, then it means that there is a serious problem with Nanami's disappearance. If it was not activated, well, we can only say that something happened to her not in the house, but in that case her inexplicable disappearance in the rental house is still very suspicious, so we can only rule out one possibility.


Jianzi didn't speak, just closed his eyes and stood in the room, seeming to be sensing something.

{Every place in the house is neatly tidied. Maybe Sister Qingshan disappeared when she got up in the morning and was ready to go out? }

Because his spirit body can freely pass through walls, Kita Ikuyo has already walked around the room several times, muttering subconsciously in a low voice.

"I... didn't touch anything in the house. When I found out that Sister Qingshan was missing, what it was like when I came in here is what it is like now. Well... are there any clues?"

Goto Ichiri just stood next to Takahai and Miko, looking at Miko nervously.

A gust of cold wind blew in from outside the house, causing the curtains to sway.

Gao Hai looked at a small bookshelf on the side of the room, looking at a somewhat damaged book on it that seemed to have been read over and over again to the point of being torn, including "Key Techniques for Beginners to Voice Actors" and other basic books. Books also covered with signs of damage, and several notebooks placed together.

Although Nanami Aoyama of this world has many differences from the part-time warrior he knew, they seem to have the same dream only of becoming a voice actor.

However, it's really strange.

Although this girl Nanami Aoyama seems to be a little afraid of risks and likes to think about things in the worst possible way, she is generally a reliable teammate and does not seem to have made enemies with anyone. Why is she silent? What about disappearing into your room?

Could it be that the power of some high-difficulty copy is causing trouble again...

Thinking of this, Gao Hai glanced at Ichiri next to him. Today, Goto Ichiri still retains the guitar that can modify the past, but because it has changed from an obsession to a blessing prop, the guitar is now The restrictions are a little bigger than in the past. Under normal circumstances, the power of the guitar can only be used in the past 24 hours. However, when Ichiri discovered that Nanami was missing, it had already exceeded this time, so there was no way to directly retrieve Nanami with the power of the guitar.


Mianzi suddenly snorted and opened his bright golden eyes.

Gao Hai, Yili and Kita all looked at the girl immediately, waiting for her answer.

But the girl did not speak, but turned her head suddenly and looked at the door not far away.


And at this time, under Miko's gaze, the door handle of the door was gently pressed down.

Interlude 3-75: The Unable to Seek and the [Savior] Team Name and the Beginning of the Mission

The search for traces of Qingshan Nanhai ended in complete failure, and no clues could be found.

Although Mianzi tried hard to sense it several times, the power of blessing could not be mobilized, and the extraordinary perception did not bring any feedback. No matter how careful the investigation and research is, the final conclusion can only be said that Nanami Aoyama did indeed walk out of the room normally.

But if that's the case, there's no reason why everyone else in the apartment building wouldn't know Nanami was going out, unless Nanami used the power of her obsession when she went out. But why did she use the obsessive object when she was out of the house, and why couldn't she feel anything?

The answer to the question was unknown to the few people present. Although Xiaoheshu, after learning about this incident, said that the [Market] could help search for obsessive objects that can display images of the past, but unfortunately it will not be until this day passes, until the day comes. On the same day when I entered the dungeon, there was still no obsession that could be used in the [Market].

On the other hand, after [Moyu Gang] contacted Gao Hai to ask for help, a member of their team who had [Prophecy Blessing] helped Nanami Aoyama conduct a divination, and then gave the prediction [Nanami Aoyama will fall in the next period of time. Big bad luck will suffer a lot, but in the end nothing will happen and you will be able to survive] Such a result. Therefore, although it was not possible to find out where the other party had gone, at least his safety was confirmed.

"So Miss Qingshan just disappeared without a trace? I always feel that this matter is very strange."

Zhen Fei sat on the side of the sofa and said worriedly.

"It's a pity that there is no way to trace it now. Ah it really okay? No matter where Miss Qingshan is, she will definitely enter the dungeon world today, right? Can she really survive safely?"

Qianhua, who was standing nearby, was also very worried and hesitantly asked Gao Hai in a low voice.

Jianzi didn't say anything, but there was no concealment of the worry on his face. Although Kaguya and Hayasaka on the other side were taking stock of their equipment at the end, they were also paying attention to Gao Hai's topic.

As for Goto Kazuri sitting in the corner not far away, she did not, or did not hear what the people around her were saying at all. She just silently held her old guitar that had been transformed into a blessing prop. , just waiting silently for the copy to open.

Yes, when there was no way to find Nanami Aoyama and the time to open the dungeon was approaching, Ichiri Goto finally chose to go to the [market] to get a special prop that could be forced to join the dungeon, and decided to join Gao Hai’s team Act together. Although this one-time item used by Qianhua in the previous copy of [School Rumors] will bring bad luck to the user to a certain extent, considering that Kita Ikuyo has to follow Takami's team, Ichiri still does not hesitate used this prop.

Therefore, in this dungeon, the final participants in Gao Hai's team are Gao Hai himself, as well as Zhen Fei, Kaguya, Chika, Miko, Hayasaka and Ichiri, as well as the portable elf Kita in Gao Hai's head, a total of eight people.

Gao Hai estimated that the team he led only had this many people.

Maybe if he could find Nanami Aoyama, he would ask her if she would like to come with him, which meant that there would be a maximum of nine people, and no more would be added. I don’t know how far my team can go and what kind of ending it will usher in.

"Don't think too much about it now. Let's get over the current difficulty."

Gao Hai coughed slightly and interrupted the girls' words.

It has not been long since the dungeon was opened. In about ten minutes, they will disappear from the real world and enter a terrifying and strange alien space.

Although the time it takes for a player to enter and leave a dungeon in the real world is less than a second, even if he disappears in front of ordinary people, no one will notice anything unusual. But for everyone involved in this task, what happens next? How long and how many reincarnations will be spent in the dungeon is something that no one can predict in advance.

Jianzi took a sip of water, but the tension in his heart did not ease.

She looked at Gotou Kazuri sitting in the corner and wanted to say some comforting words, but she couldn't.

After all, the other party clearly had great expectations for her yesterday and had been waiting for her to find some clues. As a result, I tried hard for a while, but couldn't do anything. Although Yili was not blamed, seeing the disappointed look in the other person's eyes, the kind-hearted Mianzi still felt a little guilty.

And I always feel like... there's still something strange that I can't explain.

Jianzi couldn't help but think of the landlord of the apartment building who happened to push in the door at that time and asked what the people were doing here.

The landlord was a completely ordinary person, with nothing special about him, and no traces of the power of his obsession. In order to ensure that there was no problem, Gao Hai deliberately knocked out the almost sixty-year-old man and examined him very carefully, but still found no problem.

But now that Jianzi recalled the situation at that time, she still felt that something might be wrong.

Although she didn't feel anything at that time.

But at that moment, she couldn't explain why. The girl instinctively looked in the direction of the door.

Following the landlord, he opened the door and walked in. This coincidence made Miko feel deeply uneasy.

It was difficult for her to describe clearly what this feeling was like.

Maybe at that moment, before the door actually opened, the kind-hearted old landlord standing outside was not?

Or maybe, behind the peephole in the door, peeking into the room, is something else?

However, just being uneasy but unable to find valuable clues doesn't mean anything. Yesterday, Gao Hai almost turned the entire apartment upside down because of her uneasy mood, but still found nothing. If we continue this topic now, Miko can be sure that her senior will be on her side, but that will not help. She also had an instinctive feeling that no matter how many times she investigated that apartment building, the results would still be the same.

Any clue that it might have existed in that place must now be gone.

If you want to get the truth, if you want to find out what happened, if you want to find Qingshan Nanami who has disappeared, maybe you can only wait for the opportunity later.

No matter what, right now I can only focus on the upcoming dungeon mission.

I hope this time, I can pass smoothly.

In the end, Jianzi could only pray like this in the bottom of his heart.

While the girls on this side were waiting nervously, on the other side, in a cafe, several people were preparing.

"I think there is really no need to prepare something like the Headless Buddha. I am really afraid that this thing will get out of control in the dungeon. In that case, even if it is not dangerous, it will become dangerous."

Brother Cat patted his head and looked at the helpless expressions of his companions.

"No, this thing must be brought. The group of players selected by [Yingwei Village] is a mixed bag. There is a team of Red Moon-level players, and there are also a considerable number of dark night-level players who ran in to pick up the missed ones. If you don't do the best possible job, If you have bad plans, something might happen."

Xiong Mi, holding a cigarette butt in his mouth, dismissed Brother Cat's opinion very seriously, and Jianbing sitting beside him also nodded.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, I hope this thing doesn't really get out of control on me."

The reluctant Cat Brother sighed, and finally accepted his companion's kindness.

On the other hand, Guo Hang, who had just joined the Moyu Gang not long ago, walked nervously around the room for a few times. Then he noticed that his shoelaces had come loose, and he quickly squatted down to tie them.

The man called "Taoist" found a place, fiddling with something like a tortoise shell in his hand, muttering something in his mouth, as if he was calculating something.

There was also a man with a cold expression sitting a little further away, silently watching the five people not far away, without saying a word and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Taoist, how is the calculation?"

Brother Mao turned around and asked at this time.

"Very strange."

The Taoist hesitated for a long time, and finally frowned and said in confusion.

"Oh, if I don't say it this time, I will be unlucky again? When did you calculate the hexagram before that was not bad?"

Xiong Mi asked with a smile.

"This time it's different. I calculated all the hexagrams of death. I, Brother Mao and Xiao Guo, none of us can survive."

The Taoist shook his head and answered with a solemn face, which made the few people who were still laughing fall silent.

"Dead for sure?"

Brother Mao frowned. It was the first time he heard this player who joined later say such a thing.

"Well, there is no doubt that he will die, at least it looks like that."

"But I don't know why, no matter how I calculate, it's clear that he died, but then I calculate that all of us survived."

"Two completely contradictory results are presented at the same time, and both are presented in very clear pictures. This [prophecy] is really weird, I can't understand why such a result occurred."

But then, the words said by this fake Taoist priest stunned everyone present.

Of course, they knew that this young man named Li Nianyou, who was almost 30 years old, had an extremely rare and special blessing, namely [prophecy blessing]. Through the power of this blessing, this player can peek into some seemingly plausible [future picture residual images], which often have no way to interpret the specific content. Because to activate this blessing, you need to use something recognized as a "divination prop" as a carrier, plus some of the man's own experiences, the people of the [Moyu Gang] began to call him a Taoist priest.

However, as the Taoist priest himself said, the result of this blessing was really too strange.

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